Be Lonely with Me - Chapter 4 - FreshGrassAkiie (2024)

Chapter Text

The tree trunk gleamed with a constellation of delicate white scars, like whispered secrets etched into its surface. Adam traced them tenderly, his touch feather-light, yet each mark weighed heavily on his heart. Lucifer had once tried to soothe away the furrowed lines of Adam's anger, but the wounds remained, raw and unhealed.

Another year had slipped by since Lucifer relinquished his chance to escape Eden's confines. Adam couldn't help but wonder if it was a misstep, a tragic twist of fate. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to voice the question that lingered like a shadow between them. The silence between them spoke volumes, heavy with unspoken regrets and aching longing.

Charlie could be dead now…

Adam had searched for Thrones relentlessly, driven by a desperate impulse to seize control of their destiny, to wrench open the portal without the angel's consent. But Thrones remained elusive, a ghost in the shadows. The absence of the towering figure, always vigilant, now vanished, sent shivers down Adam's spine, a chilling reminder of the uncertain path ahead.

Lucifer's words, urging him to abandon the futile quest, echoed in Adam's mind, but he couldn't release his grip on hope. It clung to him like a stubborn vine, refusing to wither away. The weight of Lucifer's choice, to stay with him, bore down on Adam's soul with unbearable heaviness, a burden he couldn't shake.

As Adam traced his fingers over the fresh scar on the tree, a silent testament to the passage of time, a lump formed in his throat. Another year had slipped away, marking a decade since they arrived in Eden. A decade of solitude, bound together in a fragile dance of love and uncertainty. The thought of it overwhelmed him, the shifting sands of their relationship, the unspoken truths that hung between them like a veil of sorrow.

Time held no power over them; neither aged —they simply lived as one, talking, laughing, playing together, and having sex often. Lucifer had sworn to teach Adam everything he knew about sex and it showed, but for some reason, Adam still became embarrassed by the topic. It’s easier to pretend, to shoot off his mouth and say some outlandish things about sex, than actually doing those things.

Adam struggled with the weight of his own words, the boastful tales of his heavenly exploits now haunting him like spectres of his past self. The reality of facing those tasks he once claimed to master was far more daunting than he dared admit. Yet, in the midst of his uncertainty, Lucifer remained a beacon of kindness, his gentle demeanour a soothing balm to Adam's troubled soul.

But kindness could be a double-edged sword, blurring the harsh truths Adam sought to ignore. In moments of solace, he would allow himself to forget, to pretend they were back in the days of blissful ignorance, when Lucifer was his guiding light, his beloved Archangel. It was a fragile illusion, shattered with every reminder of their journey, of Lilith's existence, of Lucifer's true nature as the King of Hell.

The pain cut deep, a relentless ache that gnawed at Adam's core. To know he was not Lucifer's first choice, to play second fiddle to Lilith in the grand orchestra of fate—it was a bitter pill to swallow. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise, the truth lingered like a shadow, casting doubt upon his worth.

Adam pushed back against the tide of despair, refusing to succumb to the darkness threatening to consume him. But as the days passed, thoughts of Lilith haunted him more and more, a constant reminder of his own insignificance in the grand scheme of things. While Lilith was embraced by her kingdom, her husband, her daughter, Adam was left adrift, his own family torn asunder by the cruel hand of fate.

Eve's absence weighed heavily on his heart, her soul lost to the ether, her children scattered to the winds. The uncertainty of their fate gnawed at him, a gnawing ache that refused to be silenced. Cain's fate, Abel's tragedy, Seth's unknown whereabouts—all served as painful reminders of the fragility of life, of the cruel whims of destiny.

Adam felt the weight of their stares, the silent judgement that hung heavy in the air whenever he entered a room. He was a stranger in his own skin, an enigma that none could unravel. Eden was his sanctuary, his only refuge in a world that seemed intent on casting him adrift.

Eve's absence loomed large in Adam's heart, a gaping wound that would never fully heal. He longed to beg her forgiveness for his shortcomings, for failing her as a husband and a friend. The memories of them having sex, tainted by obligation rather than desire, haunted him like ghosts of his past sins.

The sex he had with Lucifer served as a stark contrast to the cold emptiness of his bond with Eve. They moved through the motions with mechanical precision, devoid of passion or pleasure. Adam's guilt festered beneath the surface, a poisonous seed planted deep within his soul.

Lucifer's attempts to broach the subject were met with icy silence, Adam's walls rising higher with each unspoken word. He resented the fallen angel for his kindness, for daring to care when Adam himself had long given up on feeling anything at all. Yet, in the quiet moments of the night, when the darkness threatened to consume him, Adam found solace in Lucifer's embrace, a fleeting comfort in a world devoid of warmth.

But even that moment was fleeting, Adam's demons too powerful to be vanquished by mere touch. There were nights when he pushed Lucifer away, unable to bear the weight of his own self-loathing. And in those moments of stillness, Adam was consumed by the overwhelming emptiness that threatened to swallow him whole.

As Adam surveyed the tree littered with memories, a strange sensation twisted in his stomach, unfamiliar and unsettling. He glanced around their campsite, now far from the barren landscape they first encountered.

Lucifer's newfound skills included fishing with a stick, a feat that filled him with pride. But it was the wooden ducks that truly marked the change. Surrounding their camp were mountains of intricately carved ducks, each one a testament to Lucifer's growing creativity and talent. From dragon ducks to dapper shopkeeper ducks, Lucifer poured his heart into each creation, his enthusiasm infectious.

Adam couldn't help but smile as he observed their makeshift shelf, crafted from a simple branch. It proudly displayed the drawing of Charlie and Lucifer's prized wooden duck collection, including the very first one Adam had gifted him. Among them was a charming duck resembling Charlie, complete with cherry-red cheeks and a jaunty red blazer. It was evident that Lucifer's passion for duck carving had blossomed into something truly special.

But it wasn't just whimsical ducks that adorned the shelf. There were ducks fashioned in Adam's likeness, one as he appeared now and another clad in his exorcist armour—a reminder of their shared past. Though Adam tried to discard the latter, it always found its way back.

After their first real night together, Adam had to remake new clothing out of nature itself, fashioned from leaves, grass, and delicate petals. It was a challenge with Lucifer's curious gaze lingering on him. Neither said it, but it was known that the fallen angel enjoyed ripping them apart during their passionate hours and he continued to do so. The few times Adam had let them go all the way, Lucifer tore the clothes off unshameful. Adam's cheeks burned under the intensity of that gaze, feeling as though Lucifer could see straight through him and was already imagining ripping the leaf-woven shirt from Adam’s body.

Thankfully, making clothing wasn’t left all up to Adam. While Adam had mastered the art of crafting clothing from the earth's embrace, Lucifer eagerly followed suit, mirroring his beloved's attire. They became a harmonious duo, draped in the vibrant hues of Eden's flora, refusing to harm the animals for their fur or skin.

Adam's expression twisted into a grimace as a wave of discomfort swept over him once more. A peculiar sensation churned in the depths of his stomach, growing more intense by the second. He squinted, his hand instinctively reaching to his temple as heat flushed his skin, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Initially, it was just a queasy feeling tightening its grip. Adam leaned against the sturdy trunk of their tree, inhaling the fragrant air of Eden in an attempt to soothe his roiling stomach. But as the nausea subsided, a bitter taste rose in his throat, and panic flickered in his eyes. He staggered behind the tree, doubling over as he retched, the remnants of morning fruit spilling from his lips.

His stomach burned, his body racked with coughs and sputters as the world around him spun. Adam's knees buckled, and he reached out to steady himself against the tree, the back of his hand pressed to his mouth in a feeble attempt to contain the sickness. A dull pain appeared deep in the pit of his stomach, it throbbed throughout his body and pinched directly between his legs. Adam pressed his thighs together with a wobbly frown. He swore for a second something was trickling down his thighs, but when he checked there was a single droplet of reddish liquid.

Adam raised his leg and sheepishly ran his hand along the flesh. He wiped the liquid and checked his hand, the reddish liquid was too little to truly see it. Adam pulled at the waistband of his shorts and dipped a hand between his legs, he found it dry and normal under his fingertips. Pulling his hand back out, he scanned his finger, nothing. Everything was fine, he didn’t know were that small water droplet came from, probably off a plant he brushed past.

"Am I sick?" he mused aloud, straightening up and drawing in a deep breath. “Maybe…I ate a mouldy mango…”

Surprisingly, Adam began to feel better after emptying his stomach. It was a strange relief, one he welcomed gratefully. Brushing his hair from his face, he glanced around the forest, half-expecting to find something watching him, but the woods remained empty.

Returning to their campsite, Adam frowned, feeling oddly refreshed despite his recent bout of sickness. He made his way to the coconut shell they used for drinking water, following the familiar path they had lovingly crafted to the riverbank. They had spent countless hours creating a charming trail with rocks and flowers, a labour of love in their secluded paradise. The two would spend most of their time on the riverbank.

As Adam reached the riverbank and knelt down, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, his limbs heavy with fatigue. He sat back on his ankles, gazing at the shimmering water, coconut shell in hand. It was a sudden weariness, despite having slept soundly the night before. It had been a night where Adam didn’t push Lucifer away and allowed the blonde to koala-hug him all night long. He wasn’t about to tell Lucifer the truth, he liked it when Lucifer hugged like that.

"Weird," he muttered, dipping the shell into the water.

But before he could take a sip, a hand grabbed his wrist, startling him. Lucifer's familiar grip brought a sense of calm, and Adam watched as his companion drank from the shell before pressing their lips together, sharing the water between them.

"Good morning," Lucifer purred with a smirk.

Adam wrinkled his nose. "That was gross."

"Nah, you loved it," teased the King of Hell, settling beside Adam and dipping his hooves into the cool water. "You slept in longer than usual. Are you feeling alright?"

Shifting to get comfortable, Adam stretched his legs out, sighing as the water cooled his feet. "Yeah, just feeling oddly exhausted today."

With a tender hum, Lucifer's lips curved into a sweet smile. He wrapped his arm around Adam's shoulders, guiding him gently to rest against his side, encouraging Adam to lay his head on his shoulder.

"You can rest," Lucifer murmured, his voice soft and soothing, as if he knew exactly what Adam needed. "We have nothing planned for today."

"But what about repainting that duck?" Adam protested weakly, struggling against the urge to succumb to sleep. His eyelids drooped, betraying his efforts to stay awake. "You said it looked off, wrong."

Leaning his head atop Adam's, Lucifer chuckled softly. "Don't worry about that. I'm just being overly critical. Trust me, I'm just stressing myself out over nothing."

Adam opened his mouth to argue, but the words dissolved as sleep claimed him once more. His breathing softened into a gentle rhythm as he drifted off, his features relaxed in peaceful slumber. Lucifer watched him with adoring eyes, his clawed hand tenderly stroking Adam's brown and red hair, his touch gentle and reassuring.

Turning his gaze back to the river, Lucifer smiled as he noticed more ducks gliding across the water. It was a sight that brought him immense joy, especially when shared with Adam. They would often spend hours by the riverbank, simply watching the ducks swim by. Lucifer took pride in caring for them, checking their soft feathers and guiding the little ones back to safety when they strayed too far. It was moments like these, surrounded by the beauty of Eden and the warmth of Adam's presence, that filled Lucifer's heart with contentment.

For ten years, it had been just the two of them in Eden. No one entered, and nobody left. The voice of God remained distant, and while Lucifer still hadn't fully regained his memories, his feelings were clearer than ever.

Lucifer's love for Adam was a force of nature, an unyielding tide that swept away all doubt and hesitation. What had begun as a fleeting infatuation had blossomed into a love that consumed him entirely. Adam was his anchor, his guiding light in a world of darkness, and Lucifer couldn't fathom a life without him.

But despite his unwavering devotion, Adam remained a prisoner of his own insecurities. Lucifer saw it in the flicker of doubt that clouded Adam's eyes whenever he professed his love, in the hesitant movements that betrayed his uncertainty. It tore at Lucifer's heart to witness Adam's struggle, to see him question the sincerity of his feelings.

Yet, even in the face of Adam's doubt, Lucifer couldn't silence the words that burned within him. He spoke them with a fervent hope, a desperate plea for Adam to see the truth in his words. For every " I love you " uttered was a small seed of hope planted in the barren soil of Adam's heart, a whisper of faith that someday, somehow, Adam would believe him.

‘More than anything~’

Lucifer's gaze wandered upwards, lost in the expanse of the endless blue sky. Ever since Thrones vanished the year prior, he found himself instinctively scanning the heavens, searching for the towering presence that had once loomed over him and Adam. But the grand angel remained elusive, leaving behind a void that gnawed at Lucifer's soul.

The ache was palpable, a constant reminder of the sacrifice he had made. He had forfeited the chance to reunite with Charlie, his precious daughter, choosing instead to remain by Adam's side. It was a decision made out of love, a love that transcended even the bonds of family. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Lucifer couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choice.

Deep in his heart, he felt a flicker of certainty, a whisper of reassurance that everything would be alright. Despite the looming spectre of war that hung over Hell, a war in which Charlie was destined to play a pivotal role, Lucifer found himself oddly calm. It wasn't that he didn't care—far from it. The thought of his daughter facing such adversity tore at his very being.

Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there lingered a glimmer of hope. It was a feeling he thought he had long since lost, buried beneath the weight of his past sins. But now, in the face of adversity, it resurfaced like a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding him forward with quiet determination.

Lucifer's hand rose to his chest, fingers trembling as they brushed against the fabric that covered the sacred symbol—the golden spark of the Morning Star. In his mind's eye, he could envision it, radiant and resplendent, a beacon of light amidst the darkness. It was more than just a symbol; it was a connection to his origins, to his mother, to the very essence of his being.

As an Archangel, the eye of the star had adorned his chest with pride, a testament to his divine heritage. But with his betrayal of Heaven, of Adam, the eye had closed, sealing away the heart of the Morning Star forever. Or so he had believed.

Yet now, against all odds, he felt it stir within him once more. The eye was open, its gaze piercing through the shadows that had clouded his soul for so long. It whispered to him, a voice as ancient as time itself, reassuring him that all would be well.

Lucifer couldn't ignore the Morning Star's guidance, not after what had happened the last time he had turned away. The memory of his fall, of losing everything he held dear, still haunted him to this day. But amidst the chaos of his past, there was one moment of clarity, one moment of pure magic—the birth of Adam's soul.

Standing in the heart of the Morning Star, cradling Adam's newborn essence in his hands, Lucifer had felt the divine presence surrounding him, guiding him with a gentle hand. It was a moment etched into his very being, a reminder of the power that flowed through him, even in his darkest hours.

Now, with the eye of his soul once again open to the heavens, Lucifer felt a surge of power coursing through him, a golden glow that illuminated the darkness. Though he may have lost his wings and halo, he knew that the Morning Star's essence still flowed within him, a source of strength and hope in the face of uncertainty.

This was why he was God’s favourite. He had been born from the Morning Star itself, a heart of light and dreams before it had taken on the form of a distant celestial star. It was a truth that set him apart from his siblings, a truth they could never fully comprehend.

From the moment of his creation, Lucifer had been bound to Adam, their destinies intertwined in ways even they could not fully grasp. He shuddered to think of what might have transpired had he retained his memories, his true nature as the Morning Star's chosen one. The thought of his own possessiveness and selfishness, amplified by the power he once wielded, sent a chill down his spine.

Lucifer’s chest held one eye of the star, he couldn't help but wonder if Adam carried the other. If sealed within Adam’s body was the other half of the Morning Star's essence, hidden beneath the guise of his human form. The gold of Adam's wings, the shimmering hue of his eyes—all spoke of a deeper connection to the Star, nobody but himself and Adam held the colour of gold as angels. Lucifer’s magic as a demon was gold, as an Archangel, when he used his full power, the blueness of his form would become gold.

There were no consequences; the scar of being stabbed had healed in the form of a star, Lucifer has not commented on it as Adam was still self conscious about it. But Lucifer knew the moment he saw it, they were always meant to find one another.

As he brushed his claws across Adam's chest, searching for that elusive spark of power, Lucifer couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Perhaps it was because Adam had returned to his human form, severed from the divine essence that once flowed through him. Or perhaps it was simply a sign of the complexities of their bond, of the mysteries that still lay hidden beneath the surface.

But despite the uncertainty, one thing remained clear—Adam was his, now and forever. Whether as an adorable human or a beautiful angel, Adam was the anchor that kept Lucifer tethered to the world, the beacon of light in his darkest hours. Lucifer wondered briefly what Adam would appear like as a demon?

Under the warm sun of Eden, Lucifer examined his healed hooves, a reminder of the trials they had overcome. His gaze travelled up his leg, tracing the scar that marked his flesh, a testament to his mortality. Cherubim had once tried to smite him, a folly that Adam had vehemently scolded him for. Lucifer snorted in amusem*nt, grateful for Adam's quick thinking and care.

Nuzzling into Adam's hair, Lucifer breathed in his earthy scent, pressing a tender kiss to the crown of his head.

"Weirdo," Adam murmured in his sleep. "Always sniffing me like a dog."

"You smell good," Lucifer chuckled, pulling Adam closer. "Can't resist a guy in love, can you?"

Peering up at Lucifer with sleepy eyes, Adam cupped his cheek and initiated a kiss, their lips meeting in a gentle caress. Lucifer sighed into the kiss, savouring the moment.

"Guess not," Adam smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer grinned mischievously. "Do I smell good too?"

"No," Adam teased, nuzzling into Lucifer's neck. "You don't smell good at all."

"Liar~" Lucifer playfully protested. "I know I smell delicious~"

"Your ego never fails to amaze me," Adam chuckled, pressing another kiss to his lover's throat. Lucifer shivered under his touch. "You should be careful, or your head might grow even bigger."

Adam shifted onto his knees, moving from beside Lucifer to straddle his lap. He wrapped his arms around Lucifer's shoulders, drawing him into a passionate kiss. Their lips melded together perfectly, igniting a familiar fire within Adam's body. Lucifer's claws curled around him, trailing teasingly along his spine.

Adam licked at Lucifer's bottom lip, a soft whine escaping when the angel refused to part his lips. He pulled back, panting slightly.

"You ass," he muttered, a playful scowl on his lips.

Lucifer's smirk widened, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Aw, don't be mad. Let me make it up to you~"

Cupping the back of Adam's head, Lucifer pulled him back into a deep, fervent kiss, determined to make amends for his teasing. This time, he parted his lips, allowing Adam to slip his tongue into his mouth. But he didn’t submit to the first human and immediately began to fight for dominance which he won effortlessly.

Lips still locked together, Adam pushed Lucifer down on the riverbank. His body pressing flush against the angel, Lucifer plugged his tongue into Adams with his claws trailing down Adam’s back to his thighs. He caressed them, fondling the sensitive flesh and making Adam shudder.

Adam leaned back, his breaths coming in quick gasps. Each time their lips met, it was as if the world paused, forgetting to remind him to breathe properly. Hovering above Lucifer, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him.

"Why did you stop?" Lucifer's voice held a hint of playful protest, his lips forming a pout.

Adam's gaze softened, a smile tugging at his lips. "I just... I can't help but get lost in how stunning you are."

Lucifer's cheeks flushed a rosy hue, his eyes wide with surprise. "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course," Adam murmured, his fingers tracing the lines of Lucifer's face. "Angels are like living poetry, each one more breathtaking than the last. Sometimes I forget to see myself amidst such radiance."

A giggle escaped Lucifer's lips as he reached up to cup Adam's face gently. "And yet, to me, you shine the brightest. You're the most beautiful soul I've ever known."

Adam pondered for a moment before a mischievous grin played on his lips. "You know, I recall Michael and Gabriel having this ethereal beauty too...I remember thinking Michael was one of the most gorgeous beings I had ever seen."

Jealousy flickered in Lucifer's eyes, but he quickly masked it with a playful smirk. "Most gorgeous?”

Adam chuckled, but before he could say more, he found himself pulled into another breathtaking kiss. As they parted, Lucifer's voice was laced with a hint of possessiveness.

"Let's keep our focus on us, shall we? No need to bring my brothers into this."

Adam's eyes widened in realisation, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, I didn't mean to make you jealous."

Lucifer's expression softened, pulling Adam close once more. "It's alright. Just remember, in my eyes, you're the only one who matters."

The two began to kiss again, Adam melted into the kiss as always. Lucifer curled his hand around the back of Adam’s head, preventing the human from running away again. Their tongues licked at one another, battling to dominate one another. Lucifer relaxed himself into the sand of the riverbank, his other hand returning to Adam’s thigh, rubbing it again. His lips curled into a pleased smirk when Adam moaned into his mouth.

It’s been two weeks since the last time Lucifer had the pleasure of touching Adam. He missed seeing the brunette coming undone underneath his fingertips, having Adam gasping and moaning. Lucifer wanted to watch Adam fall apart so easily underneath him, his soft body squirming, bouncing desperately on his co*ck. Lucifer drooled at the images that filled his skull. In one year, they’ve only had full sex a handful of times due to Adam still being anxious about it, but hey, they were getting there. Give it another year and Adam might just be living up to the big mouth he had as an Angel.

Lucifer’s hands curled further up Adam’s thick thighs, trailing his claws along the sensitive flesh and around to Adam’s backside. His hands caressed the tender flesh and purred as Adam jerked, jumping. He scraped his sharp teeth along Adam’s bottom lip and dragged his starving mouth down Adam’s throat, digging his teeth into the bite mark adoring the soft flesh.

A gasp escaped Adam, his head tilting to give the blonde more access. Lucifer groaned himself when Adam slipped a hand to the back of his head, running his quivering fingers through his soft blonde hair. Lucifer squeezed Adam’s backside as his mouth trailed further down Adam’s throat to the collar of the leaf-woven shirt. He bit into the middle of the collar, listening to the soft popping of the leaves made when his teeth pierced it.

“Oi, don’t do that,” Adam frowned, he didn’t push Lucifer away thought, “This is my favourite one.”

Lucifer’s eyes shined at the words, they raised to look into the first human’s delicious flushed face. His favourite? Hearing that made Lucifer want to rip it even more. Unlike the other clothes the two wore, it had more rose petals then the normal floral petals of pink and blue. Lucifer had collected the roses himself.

“I’ll make you another one,” Lucifer growled, ripping the line of leaves that circled the collar and began to lead down to Adam’s chest. He didn’t split it straight down the front like he would have normally done, instead the leaves came undone rather easily, opening up to show the star shaped scar.

Lucifer immediately planted his hot mouth onto the star scar, licking and sucking the tender flesh. A moan rumbled through Adam’s throat, his hands shaking cupping the back of Lucifer’s head, his fingers playing with the blonde hairs. He released a soft sigh, his eyes fluttering a little as Lucifer kissed the middle of the scar. Adam didn’t understand why Lucifer always touched the scar, but he didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop.

“Adam, can I taste you?” Lucifer cooed, running his claws flat up Adam’s back. The action sent a wave of prickles across the skin, “I’m on the verge of forgetting what you taste like~”

“Yeah right,” the brunette scoffed, “You…you know, used your tongue just the other day.”

Lucifer pouted, his long snake-like tongue slipping through his lips and disappearing into the split of Adam’s shirt. Adam yelped, jumping as the fork-tip tongue wrapped around his nipple, licking across the top repeatedly. Adam’s arms tightened around Lucifer’s head, which only made the King of Hell hungrier.

“That was two weeks ago,” the blonde chipped, following his tongue towards Adam’s chest and taking the nipple into his mouth. He suckled slowly and tenderly, his eyes gazing up at Adam’s face seductively, “I can’t wait to get my tongue wrapped around your co*ck again~”

Adam trembled, squirming on Lucifer’s lap. Lucifer’s claws continued to touch his back, running up and down along the curve of Adam’s back, caressing the soft flesh. His eyes, always staring too intensively.

“Someday, you’ll let lick your ass too~” Lucifer grinned, peppering kisses across Adam’s chest. His lips moved to the other side of Adam’s chest and sucked on the untouched nipple, “I can’t wait to have you on your hands and knees, ass up in the air, my perfect meal~ Ah, my tongue is so wet, I want to push it into your backside until you come undone~”

With a whimper, Adam had to cover Lucifer’s eyes so he couldn’t see how hot his face had become. A throb formed between his legs, making his toes curl. His breath hitched, gasping as one of Lucifer’s hands slipped down the curve of his back, slipping under the band of his shorts. Adam’s hips jerked, trembling as a finger slipped between his asscheeks, rubbing against his dry hole.

“W-Wait, I’m too dry,” he let out.

Lucifer snickered, biting at Adam’s nipple, “Then, maybeeee , you should let me have that ass today instead~”

No,” Adam grumbled, trying to pull back with his face scrunching up. Lucifer had bitten his chest too hard and it stung, “No, you’re not doing that.”

“Aw, party pooper~” Lucifer yanked Adam back into his lap, “Tangling my delirious forbidden fruit in my face~”

“Someday, this peach will be mine~” the King of Hell squeezed Adam’s backside.

Adam's thoughts raced as he struggled to quell the rising discomfort in his stomach. The forbidden fruit, a phrase so innocuous yet weighted with centuries of regret, echoed in his mind like a relentless drumbeat. He shifted uneasily, his hands seeking comfort in the warmth of Lucifer's shoulders, his gaze drawn upwards to the unfamiliar sight of a lone cloud drifting across the sky.

The ache in his stomach grew more pronounced, a gnawing sensation that refused to be ignored. It wasn't the pleasant ache of hunger or desire, but something altogether more ominous, more sinister. Adam's brows furrowed in confusion, his body tensing as the discomfort intensified.

A sudden wave of nausea washed over him, his breath hitching in his throat as he scrambled away from Lucifer's embrace. Panic seized him as he doubled over, his stomach convulsing with violent spasms. He retched, his body wracked with pain as he fought to expel whatever had taken hold of him.

"Adam, what's wrong?" Lucifer's voice was tinged with concern, his claws reaching out to steady him. But Adam could barely hear him over the roar of agony that echoed in his ears. He crawled towards the nearest tree, his movements clumsy and erratic, his vision swimming with tears.

As he clung to the tree for support, Adam's world tilted dangerously, spinning out of control. The pain in his stomach sharpened into a searing agony, tearing through him with merciless ferocity. His breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving as he fought to stay conscious.

"Adam, please," Lucifer's voice was a desperate plea, his claws gentle as they moved to support Adam's trembling form. "Breathe, my love. In and out, focus on my voice."

But the pain was overwhelming, a tidal wave threatening to engulf him entirely. Adam's vision blurred as darkness closed in around him, his last coherent thought a silent prayer for relief from the torment that gripped him.

As the wetness trickled down his thighs, Adam's panic surged, his legs instinctively pressing together as if to stem the flow. But the sensation only intensified, a relentless pressure building inside him with each passing moment. His teeth ground together, his entire body trembling with the effort to contain the overwhelming discomfort.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the sweat that beaded on his brow. The liquid running down his flesh was thicker than water, almost scalding to the touch—a stark reminder of the agony that consumed him from within. His breath hitched as he saw something between his legs split and with it, came even more agony. Something had left his body but he didn’t know what, it fell from between his legs and hit the sand, splattering the blood around his ankles.

Lucifer's reaction mirrored Adam's own horror, his claws tightening around the trembling form of his beloved. He pulled Adam closer, seeking to offer whatever comfort he could in the face of such unimaginable pain. But when Adam dared to look down, the sight that greeted him was enough to wrench a scream from his throat.

His knees buckled beneath him, his body convulsing with shock as the pain reached a fever pitch. He clung to Lucifer for support, his strength ebbing away with each passing second. And then, as if in slow motion, he felt himself falling, tumbling into the darkness that awaited below.

Lucifer's arms wrapped around him, a lifeline in the storm of agony that engulfed him. But even as he cradled Adam's limp form in his arms, his eyes remained fixed on the pool of crimson staining the sand. It was a sight that would haunt him for eternity, a reminder of the fragility of life and the merciless cruelty of fate. His red eyes staring at the tiny, barely bigger than the palm of his hand, clump of sickly crimson flesh. It laid in a pool of blood, blood so dark it might as well be black.

His clawed hand held Adam’s face to his throat. His eyes drifted down Adam’s body, watching as the same blood dripped down Adam’s legs, standing them blackish. The leaves of the shorts Adam had been wearing were stained red and black also. Even though Adam was now unconscious, the pain having become too much for him, his body twitched and jerked ever so often.

Lucifer buried his face into Adam’s brown hair, his hands tightening around the human.


He already knew what happened.

Lucifer stood in silence, the weight of his emotions heavy upon him. The chill of Eden's air sent shivers down his spine, but it was nothing compared to the icy grip around his heart. As the sun dipped low, painting the sky in hues of pink, orange, and yellow, Lucifer paid it no heed. Instead, he knelt by the riverbank, two coconut shells in hand.

With careful movements, he filled them with water, his fingers trembling slightly. Clutching the shells close, he made his way back to their shared sanctuary beneath the sleeping tree. Adam lay there, peaceful in slumber, yet tears streaked his cheeks, silent witnesses to the pain that still haunted his dreams.

Gently, Lucifer brushed aside strands of hair, his touch tender against Adam's skin. His own lips curved downward in sorrow as he wiped away the tears, wishing he could erase the ache from Adam's soul. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to Adam's forehead, a silent promise of love and solace.

But even in this tender moment, sadness lingered like a shadow. Adam slept, lost in dreams that held echoes of past hurts. Lucifer longed to chase away those nightmares, to shield Adam from any more pain, yet he knew some wounds run too deep.

A soft rustling drew his attention, and he turned to see their loyal companion, the spotted big cat, approaching with offerings of banana leaves and plantain leaves. With a weary smile, Lucifer accepted the leaves, the simple gesture a reminder of the bond they shared, a bond forged in the quiet moments of companionship amidst the trials of Eden.

Lucifer’s eyes swept across Adam’s body in concern, his claws carefully pinch the stained shorts Adam wore and gently pulled them down his blooded legs. Lucifer didn’t look at them as he threw them to the side, deciding he would deal with them later. With delicate hands, he used the leaves to begin cleaning the blood from Adam’s legs, wiping the leaves along the flesh. He wetted the leaves in the coconut and continued to clean Adam’s legs.

Breathing softly, Lucifer checked Adam’s face, his hand caressed Adam’s cheek before turning to gaze down at Adam’s legs again. As gentle as possible, Lucifer parted Asam’s thighs. He already knew what had happened but seeing it first hand was much worse than he was expecting. Lucifer tilted his head to check the area between Adam’s thighs, there was much blood and Lucifer immediately began to gently wash it.

"It's alright, my love," Lucifer whispered softly, his voice a gentle reassurance in the night. With tender care, he crumbled the blooded leaves, casting them into woven baskets nearby. Crawling towards Adam, he enveloped him in his arms, urging him to sit up. A kiss pressed to Adam's cheek was met with a whimper, drawing a pang of concern from Lucifer's heart.

"I know, my darling. Just bare with it," he murmured, his words a soothing melody against the backdrop of Adam's distress.

Slipping his hand beneath Adam's knees, Lucifer lifted him, a weight lighter with worry than he had anticipated. He cast a glance at the leopard, the silent companion offering comfort with a gentle brush against Lucifer's leg. With determined steps, Lucifer made his way to the river's edge, cradling Adam in his arms.

Adam drifted in and out of consciousness, caught in the tumult of his own anguish. Each time he stirred, Lucifer held him closer, offering what comfort he could, though it felt like grasping at shadows. As they reached the cool embrace of the river, moonlight casting a soft glow around them, Lucifer lowered them into the water, seating himself with Adam nestled between his legs.

With a tender touch, he let the water wash over them, cleansing away the traces of the blood etched upon Adam's skin. He gently spread Adam’s thighs, watching as the water darkened, becoming tinted with redness as the blood between Adam’s legs was washed away. He didn’t want to touch it as Lucifer was sure it would be very tender and probably still hurting, but he had to make sure it was clean. Lucifer had to make sure the blood that had come from there had been washed away probably, it was like a wound that if not tended too with care, could become dangerous for Adam. In that moment, beneath the watchful gaze of the rising moon, Lucifer held Adam close, silently praying for the dawn to bring relief and peace to the one he cherished above all else.

He used the banana leaves with crushed soapberries to make sure the tried up blood on Adam’s legs was gone. Lucifer used a clean leave between Adam’s legs, making sure not to use soapberries in that area. He gently stroked, washing the blood away while gazing at Adam’s face.

Tears mingled with the river's gentle flow, and Lucifer felt his heart ache at the sight of Adam's sorrow. With tender affection, he nuzzled against Adam's cheek, pressing kisses to each glistening tear.

Adam was crying again.

"Almost there, my love," he whispered, his voice a soft caress against the night. "Just a little longer, and the pain will ease. I love you, Adam, more than words can say. But..."

His voice faltered, heavy with the weight of guilt that hung between them. "I fear this burden falls upon me. Please, don't let my mistakes tarnish your heart with hate. This is all my fault…”

He continued to gently clean the area between Adam’s legs, until the water around them was crystal clear again. With a gentle sigh, Lucifer lifted Adam once more, cradling him in his arms with the same tender care as always. Bridal style, they made their way back up the riverbank, Lucifer's steps steady despite the weight of his beloved in his arms. Wet leaves clung to his woven clothes, but he paid them no mind, his sole focus on Adam's well-being.

Returning to their sanctuary beneath the sleeping tree, Lucifer laid Adam down with utmost gentleness. He brushed aside stray strands of hair, his touch reverent as he ensured Adam was comfortable. He hoped for a peaceful awakening, free from the pain that had plagued Adam's dreams. Only then could he allow himself to rest, knowing that his love was safe and cared for, even amidst the shadows that lingered in Eden's embrace.

Lucifer brushed his thumb along Adam’s cheek, leaning down and kiss Adam on the lips softly. He tilted his head downward, gazing down at Adam’s freshly clean thighs. He didn’t appear to be bleeding anymore, which was a good sign. Lucifer did not part his thighs again, he did not look, what he did do is take a palatin leave and carefully slip it between Adam’s legs. He isn’t sure if it’ll do anything to help Adam, but he could only hope.

As Lucifer stood, a familiar presence emerged from the shadows of the bush—a majestic big cat, a lion, whom he hadn't seen in some time. Memories flooded back as the lion approached, nuzzling Adam's head with a tenderness that spoke of a deep bond forged in the quiet moments of Eden's sanctuary. With a pang of recognition, Lucifer noticed the faint scar beneath the lion's fur, a silent testament to the trials they had endured together.

"Thank you," Lucifer murmured softly, his hand gently stroking the lion's mane. A deep rumble emanated from the lion in response, a comforting reassurance amidst the silent sorrow that lingered in the air.

With Adam now cared for, there remained one final task that Lucifer had been avoiding, a task that weighed heavy upon his heart. He turned towards the direction where Adam had gone through the most traumatic experience of his life, his steps heavy with reluctance yet determination. The pain of what lay ahead mirrored the ache in Adam's soul, but Lucifer knew it was a burden he must bear alone, shielding Adam from further anguish. He would never forgive himself if Adam woke up and saw it still there.

With a deep breath, Lucifer began the journey towards the reddened spot he had been avoiding, his resolve steeling against the tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. The leopard followed faithfully at his side as they descended once more to the riverbank, Lucifer's footsteps echoing the rhythm of his conflicted heart. Up the river's edge they walked, until they reached the spot where it lay waiting in the stained blooded sand.

Lucifer’s lips twisted as he approached it and crumbled to his knees. He didn’t think it was possible, but just looking at it made his stomach coi. Wetness was beginning to build within his eyes, but he blinked it away, he couldn’t cry yet. Lucifer wiped his eyes and breathed in deeply, shuffling closer. He used both of his hands to delicately lift the little thing up, it barely was anything within his hands, so much smaller than he originally thought. At first glance, Lucifer had thought it was just a clump of strange flesh, but now with a much closer look, he could clearly tell what it was.

With tender care, Lucifer brought it closer to his chest, cradling it delicately against his heart. A soft smile graced his lips as the leopard returned, bearing a piece of familiar fabric in its mouth. Recognition dawned as he took the offering, a fragment of his past woven into the fabric of his present.

Gently, he wrapped the small fetus in the piece of his white jacket and pressed a soft kiss on top of the folded piece of cloth. Holding it close, he breathed in the fragrant air of Eden, the scent mingling with the memories that lingered in the folds of fabric.

Despite the weakness that threatened to overtake him, Lucifer stood tall, his resolve unyielding against the tide of pain. He kissed the tiny bundle of fabric once more, hoping the unborn child knew how much it was loved already. It will break Adam too, once he discovers the truth. Lucifer’s heart broke all over again, he cuddled it to his chest and wandered back into the forest.

He had to bury their baby. Put them to rest somewhere beautiful and filled with love. Maybe he didn’t have the right to bury their unborn child by himself, but Lucifer couldn’t bare Adam’s face if he happened to see the baby fetus like Lucifer had. He had to protect Adam, just as he had to put the baby to rest. It truly broke him inside. He had only just been thinking about having a child with Adam and this happens?

“Is this your way of punishing us?” he whispered, staring up at the starry sky. He glared heatedly, dripping with hatred and anger. He stroked his thumb along the top of the bundle, it was small, barely bigger than his hand. Lucifer continued to hold it to his chest, hoping his heartbeat would be a good enough lullaby for their child.

Lucifer's voice quivered as he spoke, the weight of his words heavy with anguish and unanswered prayers. "Why, Father? Why do you continue to punish us?" His plea hung in the air, unanswered and unheard, swallowed by the vast emptiness of the heavens above.

Once, he had screamed his frustrations to the fiery skies, but now, there was only silence—a silence that gnawed at his soul, breeding bitterness and resentment within him. He had believed he was doing the right thing, offering humanity the gift of choice, but now he wondered if it had all been a mistake—a misguided act of pride and jealousy that had led to untold suffering.

Tears streamed down Lucifer's cheeks, his heart breaking with each unanswered question. "Why punish me still?" he whispered, his voice choked with sorrow. "I'm trying, Father. I'm trying so hard." But his cries fell on deaf ears, lost amidst the void that separated him from the divine.

The pain of loss tore through him as he remembered the child they had lost, the innocent life snuffed out before it had even begun. "You took my child," he lamented, his voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of his grief. "It's not fair. It's not fair..."

Lucifer's voice quivered with a mixture of sorrow and anger as he poured out his heart, his words echoing into the void of the night. "Maybe I deserve punishment," he murmured, his throat tight with emotion, "but Adam? Why punish him? What has he done to deserve this?"

But still, there was no answer, no solace to be found in the silence that enveloped him. Frustration boiled within him, his fists clenched in impotent rage. "Why take my memories?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word. "Why erase the love I had for Adam, the bond we shared? And then to send me back into the Garden, to face Lilith without even knowing who she truly was—how could you expect me to protect him?"

His cries grew louder, each accusation tearing at his soul. "Where were you when Lilith manipulated me, when she turned me against Adam?" he screamed, his chest heaving with the weight of his grief. Tears streamed down his cheeks, staining his delicate skin as he struggled to comprehend the cruelty of it all.

His demonic eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, their blue glow reflecting the tumult of emotions raging within him. "You knew everything," he whispered, his voice a hoarse whisper against the silence of the night. "You saw what she was doing, and yet you did nothing."

The pain of betrayal gnawed at him, consuming him from within. "I trusted you," he choked out, his voice barely audible above the storm of his own despair. "I believed in you. But where were you when I needed you most?"

"You're supposed to be my Father!" Lucifer's voice cracked, echoing through the desolate night. "You created me, you gave me purpose, you changed me from my spiritual form, you made me become an Archangel. You created Adam for me, from the Morning Star. We were meant to be together, destined to share our souls, our hearts, linked through the Morning Star!"

His anguish reached a crescendo as he cried out, his hooves transforming into familiar crystal star-dust feet, a physical manifestation of his anguish. "You said it was okay to love him! You said there was nothing wrong with our love! Why did you stay silent? When Michael punished me, when he forced Adam to live alone in Eden?"

"Why, Father?" His voice rose, a desperate plea tearing from his throat. "Why create Lilith when Adam had me? Why allow me to love her when she destroyed everything? Why let her harm Adam, why let me fall without warning?"

His accusations hung heavy in the air, unanswered and unheard. The silence that followed was suffocating, a crushing weight that pressed down on his already shattered heart. "I was your favourite Archangel," he cried, his voice breaking with the weight of his grief. "I came first, I did everything you wanted. I left the spiritual throne flames to fulfil your will as an Archangel. Why didn't you save me?"

But still, there was no response, only the echoing silence of the night. Lucifer's sobs wracked his body, his shoulders trembling as he clutched the tiny bundle closer to his chest. "I only had Adam," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the storm of his despair. "And you took him away. You took everything away from me."

The night seemed to weep alongside him, tears mingling with the rain that fell from the sky. But there was no comfort to be found in the gentle patter of the rain, only the cold reminder of his own profound loneliness. "I thought being in Eden again meant something," he choked out, his voice raw with pain. "I thought you were giving me a second chance. But I was wrong. I'm still being punished for my sins. You've taken my child."

The night fell into a hushed stillness, broken only by the crackling of lightning that tore through the sky. Lucifer's breath caught in his throat as he tilted his head back, his eyes wide with wonder. The heavens wept, droplets of rain falling like tears from unseen eyes, washing over Eden in a sorrowful cascade.

A single tear traced a path down Lucifer's cheek, mirroring the silent anguish that consumed him. With hesitant steps, he moved forward, guided by a sense of purpose that he couldn't quite comprehend. His feet led him back to their campsite, where Adam lay sleeping beneath the sheltering branches of their tree, oblivious to the storm that raged around them.

His gaze swept over the darkened campsite, the rain casting a shimmering veil over everything it touched. His eyes settled on the tree adorned with a portrait of Charlie and Emily, the memories of happier times a sharp contrast to the pain that now consumed him. With a choked sob, he reached out to touch Charlie's cheek, a silent apology whispered into the night.

"I'm sorry, Charlie," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the drumming of the rain. "You'll never meet your sibling." With trembling hands, he carefully placed the bundle to the side before beginning to dig, his fingers clawing into the earth with a desperate urgency.

He dug until his arms burned with exhaustion, his fingers bruised and bloodied from the effort. But still, he persisted, driven by a determination that bordered on madness. With a final, trembling breath, he lowered the bundle into the deep hole, his heart breaking with each shovelful of soil that covered it.

It was a crushing blow to leave their child alone in the dark earth, but Lucifer found solace in the knowledge that Charlie would keep them company. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he smiled through his pain, a bittersweet reminder of the love that had once filled their lives.

As he carefully refilled the hole, Lucifer released a soft broken whisper, his voice choking with emotion, “I love you, so much.”

And when at last the task was done, he bowed his head low, his tears mingling with the rain-soaked soil beneath him. In that moment of quiet despair, Lucifer found a semblance of peace, a fleeting respite from the storm that raged within him.

Lucifer's heart skipped a beat as delicate petals brushed against his cheeks, a gentle caress from the earth itself. He pulled back, his eyes widening in astonishment as white lilies and roses began to bloom from the soil, encircling the base of the tree in a halo of ethereal beauty. They framed the small grave of their lost child, a tender tribute to the innocence that had been stolen away too soon.

His emotions threatened to overwhelm him as he gazed upon the unexpected display, his expression crumbling with a mixture of sorrow and awe. Anger should have consumed him—anger at the cruel twist of fate that had torn their child from them—but all he felt was a profound sense of loss.

Tears streamed down his cheeks unabated, mingling with the rain that continued to fall from the heavens above. With trembling hands, he wiped them away, his breath hitching in his chest as he struggled to find the words to express the depth of his love.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of the storm. "We both love you. Your parents, Mama and Papa." The words spilled from his lips, a desperate plea for their child to know that they were loved, even in death.

He reached out to touch the spot where their child lay buried, his fingers tracing the damp earth with a tender reverence.

"We love you so much.”


The rain continued unabated for a full week, its fury matched only by the storm raging within Lucifer's heart. He felt the curse creep back into his body, the familiar claws and hooves replacing the stardust hands and feet he had briefly known. His cheeks burned red once more, his eyes reverting to their demonic gaze. But he hardly noticed. He was numb, consumed by a despair that seemed to have no end.

For three days, Adam slept, lost in a deep slumber that offered him respite from the pain that wracked his body. Lucifer remained by his side throughout, holding him close as he slept. The fallen angel hardly slept himself, his own exhaustion forgotten in his desperate need to watch over Adam. He pressed himself against Adam's back, his arms wrapped tightly around him in a protective embrace. But even in his sleep, Adam stirred and whimpered, the sound enough to jolt Lucifer awake, his heart pounding in fear.

When Adam finally woke, Lucifer was there, his tear-streaked face hovering anxiously above him. Relief flooded through him at the sight of Adam's green eyes blinking back at him, and he couldn't help but sob with the sheer intensity of his emotions. He cupped Adam's cheeks in his hands, pressing kisses to his face in a frenzy of relief.

"Adam, Adam," he whispered brokenly between sobs, "I thought...I thought I had lost you. I was so scared."

Adam's confusion was evident as he hugged Lucifer close, trying to soothe the trembling blonde. "Hey, don't cry," he murmured softly, his hand gently stroking Lucifer's back. "What's wrong?"

But Lucifer's anguish spilled forth like a floodgate opening, his words tumbling out in a torrent of despair. He clung to Adam desperately, his claws digging into Adam's shirt as he poured out his heartache.

"I'm sorry," he cried, his voice choking with emotion. "Please don't hate me."

Adam's comforting embrace tightened, his heart breaking at the sight of Lucifer in such pain. "Hate you?" he echoed, his voice filled with confusion and concern. "Why would I hate you?"

But Lucifer couldn't be comforted, his self-loathing consuming him completely. He shook his head, his tears flowing freely as he confessed his deepest fears.

"It's all my fault," he whispered hoarsely. "I'm cursed, Adam. Everything I touch turns to ruin. I can't do anything right, even when I try. I'm...I'm just bad."

Adam's heart ached at the sight of Lucifer's anguish, his own pain momentarily forgotten as he held the fallen angel close. This was not the Lucifer he had known, the proud and confident being who had once ruled over Hell or the kind, wise and sweet Archangel that had spent hours with him in Eden. This was a broken soul, lost in a sea of despair. Adam didn’t know what had happened when he was asleep, he tried to move but as he shifted his legs, a sharp stinging pain came from between his legs. He hissed, his face scrunching up briefly, it wasn’t the same sort of pain he was used too, the pain that came after Lucifer had f*cked him a little long and had been a little too rough. It was a different sort of pain.

Despite the pain, Adam forced the two to sit up. His back had begun to cramp up from laying down too long. He winced, his legs throbbing too.

Lucifer froze momentarily, his eyes drifting downward anxiously. He pulled back to give Adam space, grabbing Adam’s hand when he moved it towards his crotch. However, when Lucifer saw no blood, nothing but Adam’s soft thighs, he threw himself back at the brunette. Adam yelped, catching the slightly shorter man and wincing in pain again.

As Adam surveyed the scene around them, confusion knitted his brows together. The storm raging above seemed to mirror the turmoil in his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled deep within him. The animals of Eden, usually calm and serene, now huddled together as if seeking solace from the relentless downpour.

He turned his gaze back to Lucifer, who clung to him with a desperation that tore at Adam's heart. The fallen angel's tears mingled with the rain, their collective sorrow blending into the melancholy atmosphere surrounding them. Adam's own pain pulsed through his body, a constant reminder of the ordeal he had endured.

But amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of something else – a haunting beauty in the delicate white flowers that surrounded the tree adorned with paintings of Emily and Charlie. Lilies and roses, symbols of purity and love, seemed to spring forth from the earth itself, their petals a stark contrast against the dark sky above.

Adam's fingers traced soothing circles on Lucifer's back, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the events leading up to this moment. His memories were fragmented, distorted by pain and fever, but he grasped at them desperately, searching for clarity in the haze of his mind.

There had been blood, he remembered that much. Pain so intense it felt like his very bones were being torn apart. And through it all, Lucifer had been there, a constant presence at his side, offering comfort in the face of unimaginable suffering…then it all went black.

As Adam struggled to make sense of it all, a sense of urgency washed over him. There was something he needed to understand, something vital that eluded him in his fevered state. But try as he might, the memories remain elusive, slipping through his grasp like water through clenched fists.

“It’s raining,” Adam remarked softly, his voice thick with nerves and awkwardness as his hands gently moved across Lucifer’s back, trying to offer some semblance of comfort. “I don’t think I’ve seen it rain here in ten years.”

Lucifer nestled even closer, as if trying to merge their very beings, his arms wrapping tightly around Adam’s waist, seeking comfort in his embrace. He buried his face into Adam’s chest, the rhythmic beating of Adam’s heart serving as the only balm to his fractured spirit. Though his sobs had quieted, tears continued to trace paths down his flushed cheeks, his lips trembling with the weight of his unvoiced despair.

Adam’s hand rose to tenderly stroke the back of Lucifer's head, his fingers threading through the soft, neglected blonde curls. He could feel the grime of several days’ absence of care, a stark contrast to Lucifer’s usual fastidious grooming. Lucifer, who once revealed in daily rituals of cleanliness, now bore the signs of profound inner turmoil. The realisation hit Adam like a dagger to the heart—something was terribly, irrevocably wrong.

Adam sighed to himself, the silence between them growing heavier with each passing moment. Lucifer remained motionless, not even glancing up. Adam’s eyes wandered around their campsite, where rivulets of rainwater meandered like tiny streams. He couldn’t see the river from where he sat, but he wondered if it was swelling with the rain. Mist began to creep in, almost sentient in its ethereal approach.

His gaze landed on a cluster of white lilies and roses, their beauty incongruous in the bleak setting. He tilted his head, raising an eyebrow in puzzlement. How could such an array of freshly bloomed flowers appear overnight? It seemed impossible.

Turning his attention to the animals huddled beneath another tree just outside the campsite, he noticed the odd assembly—a leopard standing guard, with a panther and tiger nestled together, their tails protectively encircling a mother duck and her ducklings. Even a chicken had joined the mix, an unfamiliar sight in Eden. But most striking was the lion, the same one he remembered from the beginning, now sitting close to him and Lucifer. Adam stared into its warm honey eyes before reaching out to stroke its fur.

A sharp sting made Adam squirm, the pressure in his lower gut becoming unbearable. His apple-green eyes flicked down to Lucifer, and he chewed the inside of his mouth, knowing the fallen angel wasn’t about to move.

“Um…” he exhaled, attempting to gently shift Lucifer off him. But as soon as Lucifer sensed his intent, he clung even tighter.

“Lucifer,” Adam muttered, reaching behind to pry Lucifer’s fingers away, “Come on. Seriously. You’ve got to move.”

“No,” Lucifer hissed, his grip unyielding as he dug his fingers into Adam’s shirt.

“Don’t be so childish,” Adam huffed, grabbing Lucifer’s hips and trying to push him off. “Let go.”

“I said no!” Lucifer growled fiercely.

Adam frowned deeply, frustration mounting. “Stop, I need to f*cking pee!”

That had Lucifer pausing momentarily. His eyes widened at the exclamation, he shifted on Adam’s lap, leaning back to peek downward only to look back up at Adam’s face, “You can’t.”

“Excuse me?” Adam gawked, “The f*ck you mean I can’t?”

Lucifer panicked, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that you can’t, I meant - well I did mean-”

With a hard shove to the chest, Lucifer fell back, freeing the brunette. Adam’s eyes scanned along his legs, his eyebrows raising to his hairline. His shorts were missing, there was nothing protecting his private areas but a couple palatin leaves. Weird.

He carefully peeled the leaves off and noticed how pale Lucifer had become, watching him do it. There was no desire or seduction on Lucifer’s face, only worry and concern. It confused Adam as when he lifted the leaves, it appeared normal to him. His penis and balls looked fine.

Adam shrugged and bent his legs, attempting to stand, but a sudden, sharp pain surged through him. He gasped, nearly collapsing back to the ground. Lucifer instantly leaped to his side, supporting him before he fell.

“What the f*ck happened?” Adam groaned, his knees buckling under the pain. “God, this hurts.”

Lucifer held onto Adam tightly, his eyes welling up with fresh tears. “I’m so sorry, Adam. This is all my fault.”

“What’s your fault?” Adam asked, curiosity piqued. But as he shifted his weight, a new wave of pain tore through him. “You know what, hold that thought. I need to take a leak really badly. Let me empty my bladder, then you can tell me what the hell happened and why it feels like my muscles are being ripped apart with every step I take!”

Grimacing, Lucifer anxiously wiped his face and helped Adam move. His eyes grew more dilated the longer Adam stayed on his feet, refusing to let go even when Adam gestured for some privacy. Instead, Lucifer clung to him, shaking his head stubbornly.

“I don’t want you to collapse,” Lucifer whimpered, pressing his face into Adam’s shoulder. “Go on, I don’t care. We both pee the same way anyway.”

Adam was too exhausted to argue. If Lucifer wanted to stay and watch, then so be it. Besides, the pain was excruciating, and having Lucifer there might actually be a good thing in case he needed more support. With a resigned shrug, he accepted Lucifer's presence, feeling a strange mix of frustration and comfort in the fallen angel’s unwavering hold.

So, Adam peed. He let go of the pressure in his gut and just let it out. It was normal. He peed normally and Lucifer dared a look, releasing a sigh of relief. Adam didn’t understand what the big deal was. Maybe they did f*ck too hard and Adam just doesn’t remember it?

“Does…it hurt to pee?” Lucifer asked quietly, worried to hear Adam’s answer.

“Er, compared to the other pain? No, not really. It stings but that’s it,” Adam clicked his tongue, gazing down at his wee. He was peeing much longer than normally. His cheeks flushed a little considering he was peeing in front of Lucifer, nobody, not even Eve or his sons had seen him pee like this before. Adam wanted to close his eyes and pretend he wasn’t being held up by the fallen angel, “ Hmm, even the pain’s beginning to become bearable.”

Lucifer seriously appeared relieved. He cuddled into Adam, pushing his face into the human’s throat, “Adam, you have no idea how terrifying these past days have been.”

“I can imagine,” Adam muttered, glancing off to the side at the storm. The rain continued to thunder and claw at the ground of Eden, “f*ck me, I’m in so much pain and I’m still f*cking peeing!”

A soft snort came from Lucifer, not quite a laugh, but a broken chuckle. He pressed a soft kiss to Adam’s cheek, before his eyes flickered back down, double checking Adam’s body.

Immediately Adam made a strangled sound and tried to twist his hips away, “Oi, quit staring so much.”

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” Lucifer sniffed, “I’m just - Adam, it was awful and I couldn’t do anything to help you.”

Help him? Help him with what? Adam’s own eyes drifted downward, staring at his penis with his eyebrows creased. Has something happened to his private area? Is that why Lucifer was so emotional? Adam remembered blood, lots of blood, running down his legs. It was so painful, he thought he was going to die again. Slowly, Adam’s face paled as his memory began to fill in the blanks. Even when he finally finished peeing, he continued to stare at his penis. It appeared as normal as always, but slightly redder than he recalled. His balls were still there, still in the same place they always were, but even Adam had to admit they appeared smaller than normal.

“Adam,” Lucifer gasped, grabbing his wrist, “Don’t do that.”

Adam made a face, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the blonde, “Something happened to me, didn’t it. I know something did. I remember the pain, the blood, it came from there. It came from between my f*cking legs, something’s changed and I need to know what.”

“But…” the blonde bit his bottom lip, appearing to be on the verge of crying again, “But Adam…”

“It’ll be fine,” Adam said, parting his thighs and moving his wandering fingers.

He screamed when he felt it.

It wasn’t fine at all.


As the eldest Archangel, Lucifer held a unique status among his celestial siblings, reigning supreme over them all. Even when his actions raised eyebrows or stirred trouble, it wasn't his siblings who dealt with it directly. Instead, they had to bring their concerns to the Divine, leaving it to God to gently guide Lucifer back onto the righteous path.

Michael, second in line and born a considerable distance from the Morningstar's radiant glow, was the lone Archangel daring enough to challenge this protocol. While the others held their tongues and shot disapproving glances, Michael stood apart. It wasn't just Lucifer's seniority that kept them quiet; their Father's favouritism towards the eldest only added to the tension. Yet, while the others seethed in silence, Michael freely voiced his dissent.

At first, Lucifer shrugged off Michael's outspokenness, dismissing it with childish antics. But as his siblings began to simply ignore him, the sting of exclusion pricked Lucifer's pride. He tried to mend fences, not relishing the solitude he often found himself in after causing cosmic disturbances.

In Michael's view, his approach yielded results. Lucifer fell into line, and his siblings welcomed him back into their celestial fold. But then Lucifer pushed too far. Instead of sulking on a distant star, he vanished for an extended period, returning only after a tête-à-tête with Father. Even then, Michael detected a chill in his brother's demeanour.

Despite outward appearances, Michael sensed a change in Lucifer, a subtle shift in his demeanour. While he continued to challenge the status quo and champion his lofty ideals, Lucifer no longer sought his siblings' approval. It seemed Michael was the only one who noticed this subtle alteration.

The bond between the brothers began to fray long before the arrival of the first human, Adam. Michael observed Lucifer's growing disdain, not just for humanity, but for himself as well. The rupture between them deepened when Adam was placed under Lucifer's care.

Jealousy gnawed at Michael's heart. Why was Lucifer favoured over him time and time again? Why did their Father entrust Lucifer with such responsibility? Michael couldn't help but feel that he could have handled Adam just as capably, if not better, and without succumbing to obsession.

Gabriel sat with beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, his emerald wings tightly folded around him, betraying his inner turmoil. Kneeling, he kept his head bowed, hands clutching his knees, cheeks flushed with a misty green hue – the Archangel Kisses.

“I expected better from you, Gabriel,” Michael’s voice cut through the tense air, its softness belying its sharp edge. “I believed you had outgrown such behaviour, especially with the weight of Father’s wisdom on your shoulders. Was I mistaken?”

Gabriel winced, his apology laden with regret. “I am sorry, brother... I... I lapsed in judgement.”

“Perhaps I should discuss your duties with Father,” Michael suggested, his sigh heavy with disappointment, momentarily closing his piercing blue eyes.

“No, please, brother,” Gabriel pleaded, eyes widening in fear. “It won’t happen again, I swear.”

“You are not a child anymore, Gabriel,” Michael reminded him sternly. “We cannot overlook your actions as we once did. Consider this a warning, but do not let it happen again.”

Gabriel nodded eagerly, relieved at the reprieve. “Yes, of course. Thank you, brother.”

“I apologise for my harshness,” Michael softened his tone, crouching beside Gabriel. His wings, a mix of blue and white, fluttered gently as he spoke. “Rules exist for a reason, Gabriel. I do not wish to see you suffer the consequences of defying Father’s will. Understand, it is out of concern for your well-being.”

Gabriel nodded, the tension in his features easing slightly. “I understand, brother. You’re looking out for me.”

“Yes,” Michael smiled, helping Gabriel to his feet. “Now, return to your duties.”

“I’m not going to be punished?” Gabriel’s meek voice betrayed his astonishment.

“No,” Michael assured him, patting his shoulder reassuringly. “Consider this a lesson learned, but do not forget it.”

As Gabriel hurried out, another figure in the hall drew Michael’s attention, his expression turning stern. “As the eldest Archangel, you are meant to set an example, not lead Gabriel astray,” Michael reprimanded Lucifer, his tone sharp.

Lucifer scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. “Oh, come on. It was just a bit of fun. No harm done.”

“That’s not the point,” Michael countered firmly. “Gabriel looks up to you too much, perhaps because you coddled him excessively in his infancy. All his progress could unravel in mere minutes.”

Lucifer bristled defensively. “What do you mean? Of course I care for Gabriel. Do you think I’d let him come to harm?”

Of course, Lucifer had a soft spot for Gabriel. The young Archangel, once the baby of the family, had clung to Lucifer from the start, seeking refuge within his wings. Lucifer couldn’t ignore the responsibility he felt for the young angel’s well-being.

“Well, your actions suggest otherwise,” Michael retorted, frustration evident in his voice. “Since your assignment to Eden, you’ve been absent. Gabriel struggled in your absence, only to regress when you returned.”

Lucifer turned away, guilt gnawing at him. “I thought he would be fine. Father had entrusted him with the pillars.”

“He might have been, if you had been there for him,” Michael pointed out. “Uriel believes his time without you taught him patience and strengthened his devotion to Father. But the moment you returned, Gabriel lost his way.”

“Stop speaking of Gabriel as if he’s a mere object,” Lucifer snapped, feeling the weight of his neglect. “We hardly did anything to warrant such disapproval.”

"Lucifer, that's beside the point. As the eldest among us, you're supposed to set an example. Gabriel may have lived for over a thousand years, but he's still young at heart," Michael's words carried an implicit accusation, blaming Lucifer for Gabriel's innocence. Yet, Lucifer met his gaze squarely, unmoved. "Since you were relieved of your duty as Eden's guardian, you've been nothing but disrespectful and argumentative. I can't even trust you to guide Sera without fearing another altercation."

"She's always the one to start it," Lucifer replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

Michael shook his head in exasperation. "Lucifer, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Your behaviour makes our siblings uncomfortable, and our responsibilities become increasingly difficult because of your obstinacy."

"Then let me return to my true duties," Lucifer hissed, his eyes narrowed into slits. "If I'm such a nuisance, then let me go back to Eden. That's where I was supposed to be anyway."

Michael's wings bristled at the suggestion. "You know why we can't allow that. You'll only further confuse the first human."

"Oh, and how do you know I'll only confuse him?" Lucifer retorted, ready to unleash his frustration and anger. But then, he paused. A different look flickered in his eyes as he composed himself, quelling the fire in his chest. "You gave Gabriel a slap on the hand for his mistake, but you won't treat me the same way? How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes?"

Michael crossed his arms, his eyes half-lidded. "I'm not as naive as our kin. I know you through and through. We both know that if you're allowed back into Eden, you'll become even more persistent in whatever you're striving for. It's like you're hunting, brother, and I don't like the look in your eyes when you speak of Adam."

A shiver ran down Lucifer's spine at the mention of his human. His gut clenched, and anger surged through him once more. He growled, grinding his teeth together. "You can't keep me from him, Michael. Father hasn't reassigned me."

"Not yet," Michael clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "And that's precisely the problem. Listen to yourself. You sound possessive of him. He's not a toy, Lucifer. He's the father of humanity. Father expects much from him."

Lucifer frowned deeply, the blue of his cheeks throbbing with intensity. His wings itched to stretch out, a silent threat. "And you have the nerve to accuse me of treating Adam like a toy? Really, Michael? You're the ones expecting him to be something he knows nothing about. You're treating him more like a caged animal than a living being. It's not fair."

"Fair?" Michael's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Look, I've come to understand how much you care for Adam, but don't confuse your morals and thoughts with Adam's purpose. He's doing as Father expects. You can't interfere with that. He knows nothing else but Father’s voice."

Lucifer's anger flared at the mention of Adam's lack of free will. He had been furious when he overheard Uriel mention she had to use an order to make Adam perform as she expected. How could they expect Adam to do anything when he hasn’t been taught? Lucifer had always been there and gently taught him everything he needed to know. Even when his siblings entered the garden, Adam had needed Lucifer to help him perform as the other Angels wanted.

"None of you know how to care for him," he spat. "He needs me. He's not thriving, is he? He's running away, hiding from you. He won't listen to you either. I've heard our brothers talk, even when they think I can't hear. I know you're not working well with Adam. It's only a matter of time before Father intervenes."

"Lucifer," Michael's tone was stern. "No matter what you say, you won't be going back to Eden. You'll never be so directly involved in Adam's development."

"We'll see!" Lucifer snapped, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I bet I'll be with Adam again soon! And this time, I won't let you use Father's words to manipulate him!"

Michael's eyes widened at the threat, his brow furrowing. "Lucifer, do you even realise what you're suggesting? You sound delusional."

"Delusional?I'm the oldest for a reason. I know better than you," Lucifer shot back, his frustration palpable. "I know what Adam needs better than you ever will. I'll be waiting for you when you come to me to fix what you've done. It's only a matter of time before Adam reacts even more and truly withdraws from you."

Michael grimaced. "You're too’ve become too unwell…”

“It’s called love,” Lucifer huffed, “Something you know nothing about.”

“Love?” Michael repeated.

But before he could ask more, Lucifer turned away, his wings flaring in agitation. However, just as Lucifer was about to stomp away, his rage brewing even more, a voice called to them down the hallway.

"Michael," Uriel's calm voice floated through the air, her pink feathers glowing beautifully. "The first woman's body is completed."

"That is excellent news, Uriel," Michael said, visibly relaxing. Softness softened his features as he glanced toward Lucifer. "Why don't you come see her progress, Lucifer? If you know Adam better than us, perhaps you can tell Uriel if Adam would approve."

Lucifer's face soured further, his features scrunching up at the thought of the first woman. She had been crafted to be Adam's partner, the mother of humanity. It left a repulsive, vile sensation in his chest. This first woman would never truly be Adam's partner because that place belonged to Lucifer. Adam was his, and while he was on the verge of claiming the first human, Lucifer wasn't about to let anyone else take what rightfully belonged to him.

Yet, the curiosity he had felt on the eve of Adam's creation returned. While he had been delighted in touching the core of Adam's soul as Father created it, Lucifer hadn't witnessed the first woman's soul being formed, nor did he want to. No human could match Adam's beauty, and they both were made from the same star, ensuring no one would ever have the same connection Lucifer had to Adam. Adam practically belonged to him.

"Lucifer?" Michael's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Lucifer frowned, narrowing his eyes at Uriel, who met his gaze indifferently. "Fine, let me witness this supposed woman who's meant to be Adam's partner."

Michael sighed, and Uriel raised an eyebrow. Michael shook his head and silently mouthed, 'Don't bother,' when she tilted her head. Uriel shrugged and turned, stepping back into a room.

"Behave, Lucifer," Michael warned as they followed Uriel. "Don't even think about overstepping again. You may have been at the forefront during Adam's creation, but with the first woman, you will not meddle."

Lucifer rolled his eyes but remained silent. If he had his way, her progress would have been deleted. Nonetheless, the two Archangels moved down the hall toward the archway leading into the room that contained the first woman.

"Amazing," Michael breathed out. "She has a face now."

Uriel smiled with pride. "Yes, I worked hard on forming her face."

Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer stepped into the room. His wings flared with annoyance as he looked toward the slim woman lying on a white table. Her eyes were closed, her chest unmoving, indicating her soul hadn't been created yet. Only the shell had been completed.

The first woman was beautiful, but nowhere near Adam's level. Her skin was paler than Adam's soft olive complexion. Her arms and legs were much longer, and as Lucifer approached, he realised she would tower over Adam at this rate.

"She's too tall," he remarked blankly. "Adam isn't this tall. I only reach his shoulder when standing next to him."

Uriel hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose I could make her shorter."

"Would that be a problem?" Michael questioned.

"Not at all. It shouldn't take any time," she replied, already forming glowing pink orbs around the woman's body. "What else do you think I should change, Lucifer? What would Adam like in a partner?"

Lucifer's lips tightened, wanting to make a range of ridiculous demands, but Michael shot him a warning look. Still, he disliked the woman intensely. Her face was sharp, her skin appeared flawless, and her midnight black hair was long, reaching her ankles. Lucifer glared down at her, finding her unremarkable compared to himself. When Lucifer returned to Eden, he'd ensure Adam wouldn't be drawn to this dull woman.

"I think she's fine," he grumbled bitterly. "She's very beautiful."

But she looked nothing like him. When Lucifer returned to Eden, he'd make sure Adam would only have eyes for him – will only like blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sharp grin. The women had silk black hair, brown eyes, and probably a strange crooked smile. There was a line of freckles dusting over her cheeks and her nose was rather pointed too. Adam wouldn't be drawn to this woman once Lucifer was done.

Uriel appeared genuinely surprised. "I'm glad you think she's perfect too."


Lucifer almost snorted. He wasn't worried about her. Adam preferred Lucifer anyway, and from the looks of it, Adam wasn't doing well without him. This only meant Adam was most likely thinking of him, dreaming of Lucifer - the Archangel on Adam’s mind.

Perfectly timed, Lucifer supposed.

"You should make her blonde," Michael suddenly said.

Lucifer's eyes widened as he turned to Michael in surprise. However he glared and bared his teeth when he found Michael staring at him calculatingly. It was as if Michael was reading his mind and agreeing that if Lucifer found his way back into Eden, Adam might be turned off by how different the woman appeared compared to Lucifer.

"Make the first woman blonde, blue-eyed with no freckles. Make her in Lucifer’s image.”

f*cking asshole!


The storm had cleared up after another week. The rain grows lighter and lighter every passing day. The sky hadn’t cleared fully yet, the sun not quite out, it was still cloudy and dark. But it matched Adam’s mood. The winds had settled, becoming more of an icy breeze then a howling scream. The animals had finally begun to come out of their hiding place and Adam had noticed they had lost quite a few of the wooden ducks Lucifer had made.

Lucifer was so upset over the loss of the Adam Exorcist duck that had been washed away. Adam didn’t know if he should be happy about it or not, he hated that duck. It always brought back bad memories when he did see it, but for some reason Lucifer loved it. The duck was painted to have the stupid mask Sera had given him with the horns and the ridiculously but comfortable oversized robe that Adam used to hide within.

Adam laid on his back, the soil of Eden slowly growing warmer and warmer every night. Adam was relieved as Eden ever-so-slowly returned to what it was before this whole experience. He was dressed comfortably once more, with a newly leaf-woven shirt and shorts double layered now to protect his sensitive body.

Adam hadn’t explored it since…last week. He didn’t have the heart too, already terrified from what he already found. While Lucifer hadn't given him a full rundown on what had happened, choosing to keep most of the details to himself, Adam could only go off what he remembered. He didn’t know how or even why, but something between his legs had changed, or well added.

He touched it once, realised the f*ck it was and never put his hand between his legs again. Adam had stopped everything. He no longer undressed in front of Lucifer, never let him close and most of all, made sure his legs were always pressed together. The horror he felt of discovering it burned into his brain and had him throwing up for hours afterward. Lucifer had tried to help him, gently rubbing his back as Adam hacked up what little was left in his stomach. His touch was soothing, he was silent, not speaking at all as he tended to the human.

Lucifer really thought this was his fault and Adam didn’t know if he disagreed yet.

“It’s simple,” Adam said emptily. “I still pee out my dick, I still take sh*ts out my ass, this… thing is useless. I don’t use it for anything, as long as I don’t touch it, you don’t touch it, I’ll be fine! Just fine!

Lucifer made a soft hum as he lay on his back next to Adam, their fingers tightly interlaced. The two of them watched the grey clouds drift above, an empty sky devoid of birds. After Adam had uncovered the painful truth, all Lucifer wanted was to hold him, to be his anchor in the storm. It hurt when Adam pushed him away, the sting of rejection sharp and cold. Yet, Adam still allowed Lucifer to hold his hand, a small but significant connection that Lucifer cherished deeply.

Lucifer longed to hold him closer, to stroke his hair and whisper sweet comforts, but he knew Adam was fragile, needing space to process his grief. Reluctantly, Lucifer respected this need, staying close enough to offer silent support without overwhelming him.

The white lilies and roses that adorned their child's grave were ever-present, a poignant reminder of their loss. Adam hadn’t asked, but Lucifer suspected he already knew the meaning behind the flowers. After the discovery, Adam had been sick, then silently stared at the blooms before lying down and retreating into sleep.

Lucifer felt like a coward for not voicing his thoughts, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask if Adam understood. Instead, he chose to comfort Adam in silence, sensing that this quiet presence was what Adam needed most. It seemed Adam appreciated this gentle approach, finding a fragile peace in their shared stillness.

"This is where you're supposed to tell me it's not so bad," Adam suddenly said, turning his head to the blonde beside him. "This is where you're supposed to tell me it'll be fine and okay, that I will feel better soon."

Lucifer blinked in surprise and turned his head to meet Adam's eyes. "It's not so bad. It will be fine and okay. You'll feel better soon, Adam."

"Hmm," Adam sighed deeply, biting down on his bottom lip. "This is messed up. You'd think God has screwed with my life enough already. Doing this to me is a new low, even for him."

Lucifer gave Adam's hand a gentle squeeze, pulling it to rest on his stomach. He used his other hand to tenderly caress the top of Adam's hand. "It will get better, I promise it will."

"I don't know if it will," Adam said quietly and brokenly. "It still hurts, you know."

"What?" Lucifer gasped, his eyes widening in concern and horror. "But you said the pain went away!"

"It has," Adam replied with an empty chuckle. "It still stings. I feel it the most when I get up and walk around. I don't know how women are able to deal with this. It makes me respect them even more than before. Hats off to them, I guess."

"Eve went through this, well, maybe not exactly this. But she's gone through something similar, and human women in general go through this on a daily basis," Adam spoke quietly, his voice devoid of emotion. Lucifer couldn't tell if Adam was speaking to him or to himself. "Oh God, I wonder if I'll have to go through all the other things too? I put Eve through so much without even thinking. She must have felt the same pain or something similar. No wonder she hated me in the end. And Lilith—did Lilith go through this too? How did either of them cope and—"

"Adam?" Lucifer called softly, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on his elbow. "Adam, it's not the same thing. You need to remember that."

Adam frowned. "What do you mean it isn't the same thing? I know that. But it's similar, and women in general have to live through similar things all the time. But mostly—"

"No," Lucifer interrupted gently, raising a hand to touch Adam's cheek. The touch silenced Adam, a soft spark appearing in his apple-green eyes. "Adam, it's important to appreciate what women go through on a daily basis. Even I won't downplay it, because it truly is amazing what women endure. Their bodies go through so much change..."

Lucifer caressed Adam's cheek, his eyes softening with love and gentleness. "But those changes happen over time, over years. Women are born with their organs. They're taught how to handle them, how to keep themselves healthy. Adam, you weren't born with it, you weren’t created with it. Yours just happened in a split second. It's not the same. You went through everything they go through in minutes. In less than five minutes."

Adam sucked in deeply, feeling the sweet air of Eden against his skin. He squeezed his legs together, trying to push aside the thoughts that made him feel similar to women. Adam blinked the tears away, crushing his thighs together in hopes of forgetting what’s between them.

"And I'm so sorry," Lucifer sniffed, his eyes beginning to water. "This is all my fault. You only have me to help you through it, and I'm useless. I may have been an Archangel once, I am the King of Hell now, but I am a man. I have always been a man, and I know sh*t about being a woman. I can't... I can't be what you need right now. There's no female here to talk to you, to help you through this sudden change."

"I'm so sorry you only have me," he added brokenly.

Adam turned to look at Lucifer, his gaze softening. "Lucifer, you being here means everything to me. I don't need you to have all the answers. I just need you to be with me, to hold my hand, to remind me that I'm not alone in this. That's enough."

Adam shifted gently, his movements as graceful as a dancer, and curled closer to Lucifer, his touch tender as he cupped Lucifer's face in his hands. Soft caresses traced the cute redness of Lucifer's cheeks, eliciting a blissful sigh from his lips as he leaned into the warmth of Adam's touch. In response, Lucifer's claws delicately enveloped Adam's hands, a silent declaration of reciprocated affection.

"Lucifer, I know this is a sudden and scary change," Adam said quietly, "But thank you for taking care of me after it happened. It means a lot to me, and to be honest, I'm glad it's you with me and not somebody else."

Nestling into Adam's hands, Lucifer's heart overflowed with love. "I love you, Adam. More than anything. I'll support you through anything... I'll always be here for you because... I'm yours, Adam. I belong to you, no matter what happens."

"Even if Lilith comes back?" Adam couldn't help but ask. The moment the words echoed between them, he wished he could take them back. But he spoke even more. "Would you still be mine if she came back? Let's say we go back to the outside world and I decide to come to Hell with you, and Lilith decides she wants her husband back. She wants her life back—"

"She doesn’t get her f*cking life back, she f*cking aboundoned Charlie, me, everything. She doesn’t get anything from us," Lucifer growled sharply. He hadn't meant to sound so aggressive, but it came out anyway. He had to pause and breathe in deeply to calm himself, "I mean, no, Adam. I wouldn't leave you if Lilith came back. I still belong to you. I will always belong to you, no matter if she decides to return to Hell."

Adam went to move his hands, but Lucifer didn't let him. He held Adam's hands to his cheeks. "Lilith doesn't get to come back and demand anything, least of all her ex-husband. She's not my queen. Hell doesn't bend to her anymore. If Lilith came back, I would turn her away. I’d f*cking slam the door in her f*cking stuck up face."

These weren't empty words; they were a promise. The conviction in Lucifer's voice sent a chill down Adam's spine. He wondered if Lucifer really would turn Lilith away if she decided to return. Would he really close the door in her face? Lilith had been the love of his life, hadn't she? Lucifer had chosen Lilith over him, over Eden.

Adam couldn't understand—he felt he wasn't worth anything. Compared to Lilith, Adam was nothing special. Even with this new development, Lilith was always superior. In a way, she should have been created first. She should have been the first human. Lilith would have owned that title. Humanity would have bowed to her. Adam felt like a screw-up in every way.

"Adam, I love you,” Lucifer said sternly. "I really do. When will you believe me? If Lilith did come back tomorrow, if she appeared in Eden again, I wouldn't leave your side for a second. I'm yours. I belong to you. Please, Adam..."

Adam looked deeply into Lucifer's eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or insincerity, but found none. The love and devotion he saw there made his heart ache. Slowly, he nodded, letting the warmth of Lucifer's words wash over him, wanting to believe, to find trust in this love that seemed unwavering.

Lucifer's breath caught in his throat at the mere notion of Adam joining him in Hell. The idea of sharing every moment, every breath with Adam, filled his heart with an inexplicable joy that reverberated through his entire being. Adam, the first human, his beloved, held the key to his happiness like no other. The thought that Adam had even entertained the idea of staying in Hell with him ignited a spark of hope within him, a flame that danced with newfound brightness.

Adam let out a soft sigh, his eyelids fluttering shut for a brief moment. He yearned to trust Lucifer completely, his feelings for the blonde running deep. Yet, the mention of Lilith stirred a twinge of jealousy within him, a feeling he couldn't shake off no matter how hard he tried.

Carefully withdrawing his hands from Lucifer's grasp, Adam saw the disappointment flicker in the fallen angel's eyes, but he pressed on, needing space to clear his thoughts. With a slight grimace, he rose to his knees and then to his feet, stretching his back with a satisfying crackle that echoed through the serene surroundings.

"I need to pee again," Adam grumbled, tugging at the hem of his leaf-woven shirt. "Feels like I'm making this trip every f*cking hour."

Lucifer sat up, guilt evident in his expression, but before he could utter an apology, Adam raised a hand to halt him. "And another thing, no more apologies," he insisted, his tone firm yet gentle. "You know I hate that word. I don't want to hear it."

"Okay," Lucifer sighed, a hint of regret lacing his words as he chewed on his bottom lip.

He longed to apologise again but swallowed the urge, opting instead to fidget with the grass as Adam disappeared into the forest to relieve himself. Afterall it was his fault. He was the only one who had talked Adam into having sex with him. Lucifer’s eyes drifted back to the white lilies and roses, his lips wobbling with sadness taking over him.

This was his fault too…

Adam was a human. He wasn't an Angel or demon, he wasn't a Winner or Sinner, he was just a human. Lucifer didn’t know why God had reanimated him into a human body again, but he had. Adam was a fragile human. Lucifer didn’t think anything bad would happen when they made love. He never thought anything like this could happen. The truth was, Adam was created as a man and men weren’t supposed to have children. That’s why Lilith was created in the first place - Lucifer briefly wondered what would have happened if God did decide men could have children, would Lilith still have been created?

A lost opportunity, he guessed. Lucifer shook his head just as the thought passed through because if Lilith hadn’t been created, he wouldn’t have Charlie but still, the disgust he felt for the first women was overwhelming.

Adam suddenly having a virgina was all Lucifer's fault. The pain and blood that came with it forming was Lucifer’s fault. Lucifer was the Demon King, the King of Hell and the first spirit to leave flames of God’s throne. He was one of the most powerful beings in the world. He was God’s favourite.

He was the only Archangel born from the seven spirits.

There are seven spirits before the throne of God, with The Seriphium being the closest, then The Cherubimon, The Thrones and then the fourth spirit is known as The Dominion . To rule. To have dominion. The Dominion is supposed to be made out of authority and governance over the cosmos and divine plans. They are thought to be responsible for carrying out God's will and maintaining order in the universe.

Sera was created in The Seriphium’s image. Made to be the first Seriphium Archangel and is supposed to worship The Seriphium. Lucifer out ranked her, he out ranked all his Archangel brothers and sisters, because he was The Dominion. The fourth spirit closest to God’s throne, born from the Morning Star itself, the only spirit who had willingly stepped forward and allowed God to morph them into something more.

Lucifer’s punishment had been severe because he was The Dominion of God’s throne and the first Archangel.

He had been much more than an Angel. He had been God’s favourite because he had taken on a heart and soul. He marked the beginning of Archangels and Angels in general when he became much more than just the fourth spirit of God.

It’s been centuries since he had used his true title. Nobody even knew he was The Dominion. Michael didn’t know, Gabriel didn’t know, Sera didn’t know, not even Lilith knew. Lucifer hadn’t used the power or title of his spirit placement since he took on the form of an Archangel. Since he became hopes and dreams.

The change that happened to Adam proved it was true love. His Dominion powers had leaked out without him even knowing. When Lucifer fell, God had blocked The Dominion within him, forcing the Morning Star Eye to close.

Now the Morning Star Eye was open and his Dominion powers stirred. The Cherubim and Thrones being in Eden was no coincidence. They were here to punish him, to punish their younger spirit sibling who had foiled everything without a second thought. To judge him throughout it all.

Lucifer covered his face in silent whimper. It was all his fault, whether Adam knew it or not. It’s always Lucifer’s fault.

It was just as Adam said. Everything Lucifer held turned to tarnish. He couldn’t succeed in anything.

He failed as the fourth spirit. He failed as the first Archangel. He failed as a friend. He failed as the King of Hell. He failed as a husband. He failed as a father.

Would he fail as a soulmate too?


Adam shifted uneasily, his gaze tracing patterns in the rich soil of Eden as if searching for answers. Two months had passed since everything had shifted, and yet, he found himself resisting, reluctant to acknowledge the changes.

The vibrant campsite around him, adorned with delicate white lilies and roses, served as constant reminders of what had transpired. But Adam couldn't bring himself to linger on them for too long; each bloom seemed to stir a dull ache in his chest, a reminder of what he was trying to ignore. So he turned away, his senses shutting out the world whenever possible, seeking comfort in denial.

Adam peeked around trees, making sure he was alone and Lucifer had gone for his morning bath. They used to bath together, but Adam hadn’t been able to get naked in front of the blonde since it had happened. Lucifer was saddened by the development, Adam saw the disappointment in his eyes everytime Adam had turned the offer now. But Adam just wasn’t ready. He had even fully comprehended the change to his body yet.

Adam found a secluded spot behind a towering tree, ensuring he was alone in his moment of solitude. Leaning against the rough bark, he closed his eyes, savouring the gentle caress of the sun on his skin and the playful dance of the breeze. His senses came alive, every sensation heightened as he let himself sink into the silliness of the moment. His fingers traced the intricate weave of his shirt, a testament to the countless hours he had spent crafting clothes to occupy his mind. But he couldn't bring himself to use the pure white petals of the lilies and roses; they remained untouched, a symbol of something he couldn't yet face.

It was hard. It was always there, in the back of his head. It never went away. It never gave him a moment of peace.

Adam inhaled sharply through his nose and dropped his emerald eyes, looking at his thighs. His lips twitched downward as he traced his shaky fingers across the soft flesh. Adam thought his thighs had gotten wider, but Lucifer had denied the claim. Lucifer claimed Adam was still short and thin, he didn’t know if the blonde was teasing him as his change was a sour spot for him. But Adam just felt chubbier then he had been two months ago, wider and softer, easier to bruise. He frowned as he pinched the soft flesh, hissing from how much it hurt.

Inhaling deeply once more, Adam squirmed his hips, lifting himself to remove his shorts. He had been avoiding this for two f*cking months. He might as well get it over with and yet, Adam sat still. His hands crossing over his stomach again, the hairs of his legs stood up on end after he placed the shorts delicately next to himself.

He was nervous. The f*ck did he have to be nervous about? Adam was anxious. He clenched his eyes shut and grinded his teeth together, his nails scratching at his stomach. His toes curled meekly, pressing them even more into the soil. He can do this. He can do this. It’s his body, isn’t it? It belonged to him. He’s been living with it for two whole months and women had it since the moment they were born! It shouldn’t be so daunting!

This one belonged to him. It was on his body.

Peeling his green eyes open, Adam opened his thighs and shuttered when he felt the cool air. He hadn’t opened his thighs in two months, he had kept them shut, only opening them an inch to clean himself down there in the lake. Adam hunched his shoulder and tilted his head, looking down between his legs again. While he couldn’t really see it, he knew it was there. The first thing he saw was his penis, which Adam f*cking knew had gotten smaller but he wasn’t about to go ask Lucifer to check that.

Adam traced the tiny blue veins of his thighs, trembling as his hand began to move down the skin. Delicately, he slipped his hand between his legs, his eyebrows knitted together in focus. He touched his penis, it felt normal, it worked normal, he could pee with it just fine. Adam swallowed thickly, his hand falling further and touching his balls. When his fingers sank even further, he felt it. Adam immediately froze, stiffening up in horror as he felt the sensitive folds hidden delicately between his legs.

Holy sh*t. He really did have one, didn’t he?

Adam grimaced, a sickle sensation twisting in the pit of stomach. He pulled his hand back and breathed sharply, his chest heaving. Adam stared ahead of himself, gazing out into the forest of Eden while chewing the inside of his mouth. He calmed himself, waiting until that sickness in his stomach had melted away before slipping his fingers back between his thighs. He knew where it was this time and allowed his fingers to go find it. Adam’s touch was delicate and gentle, as soft as possible with the fear that if he did anything wrong, he would hurt himself.

To think that women had to go through this, had to deal with this fear made Adam respect them even more. The guilt inside him grew, he hadn’t been this gentle with Eve when he should have. He might not have known what he was doing, that didn’t know how to handle one, but he should have still noticed how sensitive they are. Adam hoped Eve would forgive him, wherever she was. No wonder she never wanted to have sex after their duties were done.

Whether Eve was a terrible person or not, if she was like Lilith at all, didn’t mean Adam couldn’t have tried to be gentlier. He should have been a better partner. He didn’t know how to take care of one, but he should have shown Eve he was willing to learn…maybe she could have loved him, maybe he could have loved her…

Adam closed his eyes tightly until it hurt, his fingertips brushing along the sensitive folds. He caressed it with two fingers, trying to see if maybe he had one for pleasure? Adam didn’t pee from it, didn’t poop from it, why did he even have it? Surely Adam didn’t have one just for pain? Right?

Suddenly an odd ache formed in the pit of Adam’s body. He paused and blinked his eyes open, glancing around himself and then down between his legs. There was no pleasure. Just an ache that slowly increased as the second passed on by. Wetness suddenly coated Adam’s fingers and he wearily pulled his hand away. The moment he did, Adam wished he hadn’t. His jaw became slack and an ear-pitching screech ripped from his throat.

“Adam?!” Lucifer called, rushing towards him, “What’s wrong? Why did you scream like that? Are you hurt?”

Face flushing, Adam shut to his feet and pressed his thighs together. He grabbed at the hem of his shirt and tugged it down as Lucifer came into view. The angel looked as if he had just finished bathing himself, his hair was still wet and dripping down his neck, wetting the leaves of his shirt.

Lucifer came to a stop in front of him, his eyes dropping to look at Adam’s flushed legs, “Are…you okay?”

“Yup!” Adam squealed. He coughed to clear his throat and weakly smiled, trying to shuffle away from the King of Hell, “It’s just…you know, it’s just started is all. I, er, I have one of those now too.”

Moving closer, Lucifer tilted his head in concern, “You have a what? What’s wrong Adam? Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No - no, it’s fine! Really, it’s okay!” the human gasped, stumbling back into the tree, “It’s really fine!”

“You look pale,” Lucifer frowned, he tried to keep his eyes level with Adam’s but they drifted downward briefly, “It’s not fine. What do you have now?”

Adam grinded his teeth, a bead of sweat dripped down his brow, “My f*cking period! I have a f*cking period, Lucifer!”

“A what?” Lucifer gawked in disbelief.

A f*cking period!


Adam's new change also included irregular periods. They came every two - four months, Adam tried to keep track due to the special leaves he would need to collect for them, the same ones Eve had shown him before, but they never came as regular as they were supposed to. But boy, when they did come, they came with a fiery vengeance. His stomach would cramp for a full week, he’d feel weak and his legs always felt strain. It was worse now that even f*cking Lucifer knew about them and tried to be extra sweet when they came.

Since that day last year, Adam hadn’t dared try to touch it again. He kept his hand well away from it. It seemed he got an answer for why he suddenly had one. He really did have it for pain and blood, nothing else. Adam’s body worked pretty much the same except for when those horrible periods came. When he had a period, his whole body felt so tender all over, no matter what he did to try and gain a little comfort, meant nothing. He was uncomfortable all the time.

His relationship with Lucifer had greatly suffered too. Adam just couldn’t do contact. Ever since it had appeared between his legs, Adam had not been able to touch the blonde, let alone kiss him.

Adam observed the profound impact his rejections had left on Lucifer, the fallen angel struggling to conceal the pain behind a facade of indifference. But Adam couldn't help but notice the sorrow lurking in those eyes, a silent plea for understanding that echoed in every rejected offer.

“I didn’t mean to,” Adam murmured softly, perched on the riverbank with his feet dangling in the cool water. Each refusal weighed heavy on his heart, a consequence of the monumental shift he had undergone in the past year. Adjusting to the changes had been a journey, one filled with uncertainty and hesitance, leaving Adam grappling with emotions he hadn't quite learned to navigate.

With each fleeting moment of stillness, Adam couldn't escape the haunting image of Lucifer's wounded heart. Gone were the nights when they would entwine in each other's embrace; now, the intimacy they shared had dwindled to mere hand-holding, a gesture that paled in comparison to what once was. Adam's reluctance left Lucifer yearning for the closeness they once shared, his eyes betraying a longing that pierced Adam's conscience with every hesitant refusal.

Lucifer's unwavering affection, despite Adam's repeated rejections, spoke volumes of his deep love and genuine care. Even in the face of disappointment, he remained a pillar of tenderness and understanding, his devotion never faltering. Each gentle touch and affectionate glance served as a poignant reminder of the depth of his feelings, leaving Adam torn between his own reservations and the undeniable affection that bound them together.

The gentle rustle of footsteps drew Adam's attention, and he lifted his head to find Lucifer emerging from the bushes, a faint surprise flickering across his features as their gazes locked in a silent exchange.

"Adam," Lucifer breathed, a tender smile gracing his lips. His claws were wrapped around a small basket, "Good morning."

Adam's response was hesitant, his eyes briefly darting towards the river before returning to meet Lucifer's gaze. "Are you heading for your morning bath?" he inquired softly.

"Uh, yes," replied the King of Hell, his demeanour slightly uncertain as he shifted towards the water's edge, a hint of hesitation in his movements. He carefully placed the basket down and crossed his arms behind his back, he seemed lost in contemplation. A subtle tension lingering in the air. Then, with a nervous bite to his bottom lip, Lucifer glanced back at Adam. "Would... would you like to join me?"

There was a clear lack of expectation in Lucifer's voice, an echo of the countless rejections he had endured over the past year. It struck Adam with a pang of guilt, reminiscent of his own mantra: 'if you don't expect anything, you won't be disappointed.' The weight of remorse settled heavy in his chest as he realised the toll his hesitance had taken on their relationship.

"Okay," Adam said, summoning his courage.

"That's alright, maybe next week..." Lucifer's voice trailed off in resigned acceptance, but before his words fully settled, Adam's response registered. His eyes widened in disbelief, his breath catching in his throat.

“What did you say?" he gasped, disbelief colouring his tone.

Rising to his feet, Adam approached Lucifer, his movements hesitant yet determined. Taking the fallen angel's hands in his own, he met Lucifer's gaze with a mixture of sincerity and affection. With a gentle squeeze, Adam's lips curled into a tender smile.

"I'd like that," he confessed, his voice soft yet resolute. "I know I haven't been the most welcoming this past year. I've been... keeping you at a distance. But you've shown nothing but patience and kindness towards me, and I truly appreciate it, Lucifer."

Lucifer's breath hitched, his grip tightening around Adam's hands as emotion swelled within him. Tears glistened in his eyes, a testament to the depth of his feelings. Adam, noticing the trembling of Lucifer's shoulders, offered a comforting chuckle.

"Hey, don't cry," he murmured, gently wiping away a tear with his thumb. "I don't remember you being such a crybaby, Lucifer."

A soft sniffle escaped Lucifer as he attempted to compose himself. "I just missed you so much, Adam," he confessed, his voice wavering. "You have no idea. I thought... I thought you..I just missed you…a lot.."

Leaning in, Adam pressed a fleeting kiss to Lucifer's lips, eliciting a gasp of surprise. Pulling back slightly, he met Lucifer's gaze with sincerity. "I know. I like you a lot, Lucifer," he reassured him. "I just needed time to wrap my head around everything. But your patience and unwavering support mean the world to me. Thank you, truly, thank you, Lucifer."

A genuine smile spread across Lucifer's face, his eyes sparkling with joy and relief. It was a smile Adam realised he hadn't seen in far too long. Without hesitation, he welcomed Lucifer's returning kiss, savouring the sweetness of the moment as they embraced the newfound connection between them.

A soft flush appeared across Adam’s cheeks as Lucifer pulled his leaf-woven shirt straight over his head, revealing the familiar soft pale flesh with a feather-dusting of the curse. Lucifer hummed quietly as he carefully folded the shirt up and placed it to the side. Adam’s hands twitched with the urge to touch the skin, it reminded him he hadn’t touched Lucifer’s skin in over a year.

“Are you alright?” Lucifer asked, lifting his gaze to meet Adam’s, “If you’re still uncomfortable, it’s okay. You don’t have to take a bath with me.”

Adam blinked a few times and pulled his own shirt over his head. He held it between his hands, lowering his eyes. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, Lucifer had seen him shirt-less a number of times by now. Folding the shirt, Adam placed it down with Lucifer’s.

“I’m good, really,” he flashed a grin.

Lucifer's gaze lingered on Adam, his eyes catching the sunlight in a mesmerising display of radiance. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he regarded Adam with an expression that seemed to hold a universe of emotion within its depths. He pinched his claws to the waist-band of his shorts, with one flick, he kicked them off. Adam let out a sheepish laugh, and moved to copy the King of Hell. The moment his fingers curled around the waist-band of his own shorts, he paused.

Adam felt his heart lurch violently in his chest, a sudden surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. His face paled slightly under Lucifer's unwavering gaze, his breath catching in his throat. As their eyes locked, Adam could feel the intensity of Lucifer's stare, sending a shiver down his spine and setting his skin ablaze with anticipation.

A tingling sensation danced across his skin, the flush of warmth spreading from his cheeks down to his chest. It felt as though every nerve in his body was electrified, the sensation prickling along his spine and causing a blush to creep up to the tips of his ears.

Under Lucifer's penetrating gaze, Adam felt exposed yet strangely exhilarated, the unspoken connection between them pulsating with undeniable energy. It was a moment suspended in time, charged with a palpable tension that left Adam breathless and utterly captivated.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Lucifer took a delicate step closer, his movements exuding a tender sweetness that enveloped Adam in a warm embrace.

"I..." Adam's voice trailed off, a nervous energy coursing through him as he shifted uneasily on the balls of his feet. He felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him, but deep down, he knew he didn't want to shy away from this moment. Adam yearned to cast aside his insecurities, to find the courage to embrace his true self and bask in the comfort of his own skin.

He wanted to be able to have sex with Lucifer again!

“I have a virgina.”

Lucifer blinked in surprise, caught off guard by Adam's sudden outburst. The blush on his cheeks deepened at Adam's words, his heart fluttering with a mixture of emotions as he tentatively closed the distance between them. His hands reached out, gentle and reassuring as they found their place intertwined with Adam's once more. With a tender touch, he traced soft circles on the back of Adam's hands with his thumbs, a silent gesture of comfort and understanding.

"Yes, you do," Lucifer whispered softly, his voice barely above a breath as he leaned in, his lips brushing against the tip of Adam's nose in a tender kiss.

Adam twisted his lips into a thin line, a hint of self-doubt clouding his expression. "It's probably ugly," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Doubtful," Lucifer countered with a reassuring smile, his forehead coming to rest gently against Adam's. "I bet your virgina beautiful. Just like the rest of you."

"Yeah, right’” Adam scoffed, his scepticism evident in his tone. "It's most likely the grossest one in the world. I'm that unlucky; it would be just my luck to have the most vile one."

The frown that creased Lucifer's brow silenced Adam's words, a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience. "That's not true, Adam," Lucifer insisted softly. "You're gorgeous in all ways."

Rolling his eyes, Adam pulled back slightly, though he didn't release Lucifer's hands. A soft laugh escaped him, the tension dissipating as he teased, "You have to say that. You're my... anyway, you have to say nice things like that."

"I'm not just saying that," Lucifer protested, his lips forming a pout as he lifted Adam's hand to his mouth. He peppered feather-light kisses across Adam's knuckles, the gesture filled with genuine affection. The almost slip of a term of endearment from Adam had Lucifer's heart soaring with joy. "I mean it, truly."

"Sure you do," Adam sighed, a hint of disbelief lingering in his gaze, though he couldn't help but smile. "Trust me, if you saw it, you'd think it was ugly and disgusting too. I’m a man, I was created as the first man, I’m not supposed to have a virgina…”

Lucifer's eyes glowed with an intensity that seemed to pierce through Adam's very soul, their brilliance both captivating and overwhelming. As the moments stretched on, Adam felt a rising sense of shyness creeping over him, a blush tinting his cheeks under the weight of Lucifer's unwavering gaze. It was as if Lucifer's eyes held a power he couldn't resist, and the longer they stared, the more Adam's bashfulness grew, urging him to look away.

"Then show me it," Lucifer finally spoke, his voice soft yet carrying a determined undertone.

"W-What?" Adam stammered, taken aback by the unexpected request.

"That's right," Lucifer nodded, his gaze half-lidded, the vibrant purple hues around his eyes seeming to glow with an otherworldly allure. "Let me look. I promise it isn't as bad as you think it is."

Adam's mouth opened and closed wordlessly, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. Lucifer's earnestness only served to heighten his embarrassment, a tremor of uncertainty coursing through him as he searched for any hint of jest in Lucifer's expression.

"I'm being serious," Lucifer affirmed, squeezing Adam's hands gently. "Let me see your virginia, and I will tell you it’s not ugly.”

Adam wanted to point out that Lucifer has only seen two virginas in his life. Lilith and Eve. Adam didn’t really want to be compared to them, to be frank. The last thing he wanted to hear is something along the lines of his ugly virgina being anything like theirs.

"Trust me," Lucifer pleaded, lifting both of Adam's hands to his lips and pressing gentle kisses against them. "Please, trust me, Adam."

It was a difficult request to fulfil, to trust Lucifer after all they had been through. But as Adam reflected on their eleven years together in Eden, just the two of them, he realised how much their relationship had evolved. Perhaps it was time for Adam to start opening his heart to trust again, to let go of the walls he had built around himself for so long. Lucifer had been relentless in his efforts to prove his sincerity, to show Adam that he was different now, that he belonged to Adam in a way no one else ever could.

"Adam?" Lucifer's touch was gentle as he cupped Adam's cheek, his smile tender and reassuring. "It's fine. If you're not comfortable, that's okay. Let's forget it, put a pin in can wear your shorts while we bathe, that’s fine."

Adam blinked in amazement at Lucifer's selflessness. Even at this moment, Lucifer was putting Adam's feelings above his own. It warmed Adam's heart in ways he couldn't explain.

"No," Adam mumbled shyly, covering Lucifer's hand with his own. "No. I want to... I... I trust you, Lucifer. So don't break it this time."

The expression on Lucifer's face was one of pure gratitude and adoration. His eyes widened, cheeks flushing deeper, his lips trembling with emotion as he broke into a loving smile that melted Adam's resolve.

Adam had made his decision. He was finally giving Lucifer the second chance he had been longing for.

"I won't," Lucifer vowed, enfolding Adam in a warm embrace. "I won't hurt you, I won't break your trust ever again. I promise. I’ll never leave you, I’ll never walk away from your side, ever again. I’m yours. I belong to you."

Their lips met in a sweet kiss, sealing Adam's decision with a sense of rightness and peace. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realised he had made the right choice in trusting Lucifer once more. He was trusting him as his... as his...

Lucifer's grin widened as Adam stumbled over his words, his arms tightening around him protectively. He peppered kisses across Adam's cheeks, finally capturing his lips in another tender kiss.

"There's no pressure," Lucifer whispered against Adam's lips. "We're just being together, that's all. No need to put a label on it."

"Yeah," Adam agreed, his heart overflowing with gratitude and affection for the King of Hell who held his heart in his hands. “We don’t need to put a label on it.”

Lucifer wrestled with a desire he dared not voice aloud, a longing to fully claim Adam as his own. Every fibre of his being yearned to declare to the world that Adam belonged to him, to hang a sign over the brunette that read 'Lucifer's lover, hands off!'. He craved the intimacy of labels – lover, partner, boyfriend, husband, mate – each one a testament to the depth of their connection.

But Lucifer knew that voicing such desires would only frighten Adam, pushing him away instead of drawing him closer. So he buried those selfish yearnings deep within himself, forcing them away in favour of Adam's comfort and peace of mind.

Still, the longing lingered, a silent ache in Lucifer's heart as he gazed upon the man he loved more than anything in this world. He may not speak the words aloud, but in his heart, Adam was all those labels and more – a cherished treasure he would protect with every ounce of his being.

“Are you sure you want to…see my virginia,” Adam grimace, even saying it out loud grossed him out, “You might regret it.”

“Adam,” Lucifer let out a soft sigh, a warm smile gracing his lips as his eyes continued to shine with adoration, fixed unwaveringly on Adam. His blackened claws gently rose to rest on Adam's hips, eliciting a shudder from the human as a rush of tingling sensation coursed through him.

“Adam, the truth is, I’d f*cking love to see your gorgeous virgina.”

Adam couldn't help but bury his face in his hand, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Why are you like this? Why are you so embarrassing?"

"It's my specialty," Lucifer purred, a mischievous grin spreading across his face like a Cheshire cat's. "In fact, I'm pretty sure Father created me with the ability to embarrass the one I love in mind~"

Adam let out a snort of laughter, shaking his head in amusem*nt. "You're so cheesy, too."

"Be that as it may, I made you laugh, so I call that a win!" Lucifer quipped, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

Lucifer’s touch was soft and tender, caressing Adam’s hips. His sharp clawed fingertip traced the leaves lining the waistband and without breaking eye contact, he snapped the top vein. Immediately the leaves fell down Adam’s long legs, bundling around his ankles. It left Adam standing completely naked in front of Lucifer, both of them standing in the nude under the warm shining sun of Eden.

“You alright?” he whispered, his fingers caressing the tender skin of Adam’s hips still, “I can turn away if you change your mind.”

Slipping his arms around Lucifer’s shoulders, Adam pressed their lips together. He sighed, not realising he had missed being able to kiss the blonde. Adam had been so freaked out in his own skin, he didn’t notice how much he missed being with Lucifer.

“I’m alright,” he murmured against Lucifer’s lips, “I…I missed you too.”

Lucifer immediately preened. He stepped forward, pressing his body into Adam’s. He pressed their bodies together, the two finding themselves cuddling to one another, the warmth that swirled between them linked them together. Lucifer’s claws slipped up Adam’s back, pressing him closer into the huge.

There was nothing between them. Skin on skin. There was no sexural desire, just the realisation the two missed one another. Missed being able to touch, hug and kiss. Adam’s own had run up Lucifer’s back, cupping his shoulders as he returned the hug.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful for you being short now,” Lucifer teased, grinning when Adam bristled, insulted by the comment.

“Someday I will tower over you again!” Adam huffed. Despite feeling sour about his sudden lack of height, even if it had been eleven years now, Adam didn’t push Lucifer away. He hugged the blonde just as tightly, “You’ll be pintsized to me again soon enough!”

Laughter bubbled out of Lucifer, and he buried his face into Adam’s warm shoulder. He breathed in softly, nuzzling the soft flesh. He stroked his hands flatly further up Adam’s back, touching the familiar skin.

“I really missed you,” he mumbled, pressing soft kisses across Adam’s shoulder, “I really missed being able to hold you.”

Adam sighed. It was odd to him. He never liked being touched. He would have avoided contact with everyone.

As he navigated the responsibilities of caring for his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and Eve herself during his mortal life, Lucifer had developed a deep-seated aversion to romantic affection. This disdain only intensified upon his transformation into an angel after his death. He draped himself in layers of emotional armour, burying his true self beneath a monstrous mask gifted to him, its presence mandated by higher powers. Yet, in truth, Adam found solace in the anonymity provided by masks, relishing the ability to shield his face from prying eyes.

…and yet he didn’t mind it so much when Lucifer touched him. Didn’t mind it when Lucifer held him. Adam hated when people touched him, hated it when they tried to hug him, hold him, but ironically he didn’t mind it so much since it was Lucifer.

“Let’s wash ourselves first,” Lucifer's grin widened as he leaned back, capturing Adam's lips in another kiss. "Let me wash your hair~" he suggested with playful enthusiasm.

Chuckling, Adam used both hands to tousle Lucifer's blonde locks, relishing in the delightful yelp and squirming of his partner. "Gone are the days when this mop was perfectly styled and primed," Adam reminisced, amusem*nt dancing in his eyes. "I remember how you had it gelled back under that top hat of yours~"

"Gelled? Hey, that was all natural, baby," Lucifer protested with a playful pout, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "And if you haven't noticed, nobody is around for me to pretty myself up for."

"Oh! So you don't think I'm worth the effort?" Adam teased, poking Lucifer in the side.

Lucifer's gaze softened, his expression growing tender once more. "It's the opposite actually," he confessed softly, taking Adam's hands in his own. Bringing them up to his head, he held them against his hair. "I don't need to pretend in front of you. I can look like a mess, and you don't care. You don't even bat an eyelid. That means everything to me."

Blinking in surprise, Adam co*cked his head, intrigued. "Is looks that important in Hell?"

"Of course," Lucifer nodded, nuzzling his face into Adam's hands. "You don't earn respect by looking like a mess. It's the same in Heaven too. When I was an Archangel, I had to be clean and presentable. The only real difference was the modesty requirement. Nowadays, it's a bit more relaxed, but there's still judgement behind fake smiles."

"In Hell, it's looser. You can dress as extreme as you want, but you'll be called every name under the sun. If you dress modestly, it's pretty much the same," Lucifer explained, opening his eyes to steal another soft kiss. "But if you present yourself with a mixture of both and own it, you'll earn more respect that way."

"Really?" Adam frowned, finding the whole ordeal rather irritating.

Lucifer laughed, squeezing Adam tightly. "It sure is annoying as f*ck. That's why I love being here, with you. We don't have to pretend. We can be as dirty, as lazy as we want, wear whatever we want, and neither of us are judging. We can walk around naked! And we won’t call each other anything but sexy and hot!"

"Well..." Adam hummed teasingly, "I'm definitely judging you now, mister 'I need to wash my hair every morning'!"

Lucifer grinned even wider. "Well, I do still have some standards for myself~ Besides, I know you love how soft my hair is!"

"Yeah," Adam agreed with a smile. "I do."

"I like your hair too," Lucifer chimed in, his hand gliding through Adam's locks. His fingers danced over the soft curls, a gentle touch that elicited a contented sigh from Adam. "Though it could benefit from washing every day too. We should bathe together more often."

The water of Eden enveloped them in its embrace, a soothing balm for their weary souls. Never too cold, never too hot, it was always just right, catering to their every whim. Adam sat in the centre of the lake, the water rising around them after last year's rainstorm. No longer ankle-deep, it now reached their knees, a comforting embrace that whispered tales of peacefulness.

Lucifer sat before Adam, a happy smile adorning his lips as Adam lathered soapberries into his golden locks. Adam hummed to himself, relishing in the simple pleasure of tending to his partner's hair. With each gentle stroke, he massaged Lucifer's scalp, the sensation sending waves of relaxation coursing through them both. Even when wet, Lucifer's hair shone like pure gold, a testament to his celestial nature.

Lucifer also had a sweet scent, a lovely fragrance that drifted around Adam, tantalising his senses and playfully kissing his nose. It was like the sweetest apples glazed in honey, topped off with delicate lavender flowers. Adam squinted as the aroma grew stronger, enveloping him in a way he hadn't felt in centuries.

“What’s wrong?” Lucifer asked softly, tilting his head back when he noticed Adam's sudden stillness. Lucifer blinked up at him before turning around on his knees, leaning closer. The white soap bubbles around his face made him look like the angel he once was. “Hey, what’s the matter, Adam?”

Adam's apple-green eyes blinked as his lips twitched and he inhaled deeply. The nearer Lucifer came, the stronger the scent became. Adam tried to lean back, but Lucifer gently cupped his cheek with concern.

"Adam, is something wrong? Please tell me," he asked tenderly.

"Um, can... can you move back a little?" Adam asked sheepishly, glancing to the side.

A look of surprise crossed Lucifer's face. "Do I smell bad?"

"No," Adam exclaimed, his cheeks growing redder. "I mean, you don't smell bad. You smell good, really good. It's nice."

"Oh," Lucifer co*cked his head, bringing his hands to his face, trying to detect the scent Adam mentioned. "Do you not like it, then?"

"It's..." Adam trailed off, lowering his head and hunching his shoulders. He quickly became shy and bashful with his next words. "It's the same scent you had... back in Eden..."

"When I was an Archangel?" Lucifer asked, his eyes widening and eyebrows raising. When Adam gave a small nod, Lucifer appeared even more shocked. "But I lost that divine scent when I fell. I should, technically, smell like a bonfire."

"What?" Adam raised an eyebrow, biting back a laugh. "A bonfire? Who said you smelled like a bonfire?"

Lucifer shrugged. "It's better than saying garbage on fire."

"I'm—excuse me?" Adam wheezed, unsure whether to laugh. He thought Lucifer was joking, but the King of Hell didn't smile or laugh to show it was a joke. His expression was deadly serious. "You've never smelled like that, Lucifer. Really, who told you that?"

"A couple of people, they're not very important," Lucifer hummed, washing his blackened claws in the lake. His lips eventually pulled into a warm smile as he processed what Adam had said. It was strange that he had regained the scent of an Archangel after losing it, but Adam liked it, and that's what mattered.

The people who told Lucifer he smelled unpleasant, like garbage on fire or rotting in the sun, no longer mattered. Their cruel words had been one reason he kept himself so clean and presentable in Hell. In hindsight, if he had known what he knows now, it wouldn't have affected him so much.

Adam reached forward to caress Lucifer's cheek, making the blond smile wider and lean into the touch. "Anyway, yeah, you smell like you did back then. It's a lot stronger too."

"Hm, that's strange," Lucifer mused, trying to catch a whiff of himself but failing. "Maybe it's the Garden of Eden itself?"

Breathing in softly, Adam's nose twitched—he'd get used to it. The scent was lovely, just strong. He would adapt. He gazed at Lucifer thoughtfully, moving his hand up to the soap bubbles and began to form the demonic horns he knew Lucifer once had. What had happened to them? For eleven years, Lucifer hadn't had his wings, horns, powers—nothing. He was practically human like Adam, except for the cursed goat legs and claws.

Lucifer let out an adorable laugh as he noticed what Adam was doing. He shifted, splashing the water around them. "My turn. Turn around, let me wash your hair."

"Okay," Adam hummed, turning around without another thought. He bit back a laugh at the irony. Just eleven years ago, they were at each other's throats, and now they were washing each other's hair and sharing kisses.

Even though he sensed Lucifer's presence behind him, Adam still jolted when Lucifer's fingers brushed his hair. Lucifer's touch was gentle, his hands weaving through Adam's honey brown and apricot locks, tenderly massaging the soapberries. Each caress was deliberate, ensuring no strand was missed.

Adam's cheeks warmed with a flush. He realised it was the first time anyone had ever taken the care to wash his hair. Even he and Eve had never shared such an intimate moment. Washing each other's hair seemed too personal for them, which now felt absurd considering how deeply connected he was with Lucifer.

"Are you okay?" Lucifer's voice was a soft murmur as he leaned in to press a delicate kiss to Adam's shoulder. "You're fidgeting."

Tilting his head back, Adam met Lucifer's kind, warm eyes and admitted, "You're the first person to wash my hair."

Lucifer looked momentarily surprised, though he really shouldn't have been. By now, nothing about Adam's past should have surprised him. He knew Adam had been neglected in many ways, touched-starved and fearful of even the gentlest gestures. That was why Lucifer always made sure to touch him—holding his hand, kissing his cheek, and more.

With careful hands, Lucifer massaged the soap into the back of Adam's head, planting a kiss on his forehead despite a bit of soap slipping into his mouth. "Well, if you bathe with me every morning like I want, I'll wash your hair every morning too."

Adam laughed softly, "Blackmail," he teased, but his smile was genuine. "Fine, fine. If it makes you happy."

Lucifer's grin widened as he played with the soapy bubbles, shaping little horns that mimicked Adam's mask. But his smile faded when he saw the dim look in Adam's eyes as he caught his reflection.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" Lucifer's voice was tender, each word steeped in concern. He reached out, searching Adam's face for a clue, a hint of where he had gone wrong. Adam, ever stoic, kept his mask firmly in place.

Biting his bottom lip, Adam spoke softly, "The horns... they remind me of the mask."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lucifer asked, his voice a gentle whisper. "I thought you liked your mask."

Adam pressed his lips into a thin line, his gaze fixed on his reflection. The soapy horns, mimicking those of his mask, arched back over his head. They were just as large but weightless, unlike the suffocating burden he remembered. With trembling hands, he smoothed the horns away, erasing them.

"It’s complicated," he admitted, voice barely above a whisper. "I hate it so much. It felt like an iron cage strapped to my face. I was trapped, unable to scream, to cry, to breathe. I was suffocating."

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock. He had always believed Adam cherished that mask. Adam wore it during exterminations, during meetings, even in Heaven. It was a part of him.

"It was a relief to wear it during the exterminations," Adam continued, his voice breaking. "The sinners didn't know it was me. But I never wore it by choice. I wore it because I had to, because there was no other option. It became a shield, something to hide behind."

Lucifer's frown deepened, his eyes narrowing. "You were ordered to, weren't you?"

Adam nodded, a soft sniffle escaping him. "I wasn’t allowed to take it off. I tried. Sera used the Word of God to keep it on. It was only removed when I stopped fighting, when I gave up."

Flinching, Lucifer turned away, his stomach churning. He had been the one to finally remove the mask during their fateful battle. The thought made him sick with guilt and anger at Heaven and the angels he once called family. How had he not seen Adam's suffering?

"Please don't do that," Adam mumbled, shame colouring his voice. He cupped his hands over his head, the memory of the mask's weight unbearable. He didn't want to feel that suffocating presence ever again.

Inhaling deeply, Adam submerged himself fully in the river's crystal-clear waters. His skin tingled as the clean, refreshing currents of Eden washed away the soap suds. He lingered beneath the sparkling surface for a few precious moments, savouring the sensation, before breaking through into the open air. Without hesitation, he made his way back to the sandy riverbank, huddling on the warm sand with his knees drawn close to his chest.

Lucifer watched him, a storm of sadness and anger churning within. The sadness was for Adam's unbearable situation, and the anger was a self-directed fury at himself and Heaven. With a frustrated sigh, he mimicked Adam's actions, plunging his head under the water to rinse away the soap. Emerging quickly, he hurried to follow Adam, anxiety gnawing at him. He couldn't bear the thought of Adam retreating into himself again, not when they had finally bridged the distance between them.

"Adam, I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable," Lucifer whispered, moving closer. He crawled behind Adam and slipped his arms around Adam's shoulders, hugging him tightly. "I'm such a lousy guardian angel. I left you with wolves. I'm so sorry."

Adam blinked in surprise. The warmth of Lucifer's embrace melted some of his tension, and he smiled softly, his fingers brushing through Lucifer's blonde hair.

"It's not your fault, Lucifer. No one knew. That's how they wanted it. Not even Lute or Emily knew the truth," he sighed. He was certain if they had known, they would have fought for him. The thought of Emily's reaction to Sera's actions made him grimace.

Lucifer held him even tighter. "The moment I made the wrong choice, you've known nothing but pain and suffering. It could have been so different if I had protected you better, if I had chosen you."

Adam shuddered at the words. "But you didn't, and this is our reality. There's no point in fighting it."

"Adam," he called softly, his heart heavy. "I'm here . I'm not leaving you again."

Adam turned to him, eyes shimmering with unshed tears. The vulnerability in his gaze tugged at Lucifer's heart. He reached out, hesitantly brushing a strand of wet hair from Adam's forehead.

"We'll get through this," Lucifer whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I promise, we'll find a way. Just please, don’t lock me out again. I’m here with you, I’m here for you.”

“You’re right, this is our reality,” Lucifer pressed his full body against Adam’s body. The sensation of having the blonde’s soft flesh kissing his, had Adam trembling. Lucifer tilted his head, pressing his mouth to Adam’s throat, kissing the bite mark, “Our reality is here, right now. We’re both in Eden together and I have a second chance to make the correct decision. I won’t ever f*ck up again.”

A soft moan slipped between Adam’s lips. Lucifer’s touch was so gentle, like the tips of feathers, caressing his body in ways it had never been before. Adam tilted his head more, giving Lucifer more access. He couldn’t help but cup the back of Lucifer’s head, and heat washed straight over him when Lucifer groaned himself.

The warmth squirmed within him. Adam fidgetted, unsure where this sudden pool of lava came from and why it felt so different to all the other times he felt arousal. Squeezing his thighs together, Adam’s eyebrows furrowed as Lucifer placed pepper kisses down his neck.

“You know,” Lucifer cooed, slipping a hand down Adam’s front. His fingers caressing the soft flesh until he slipped across Adam’s thigh, “I think it’s time for you to show me your pretty puss*~”

Adam gasped, his eyes widening as he immediately clawed out of Lucifer’s arms. He flopped over and glared, “Do not ever use that word again.”

“Hmm? Does it make you embarrassed?” Lucifer purred, seductively sliding his arms out and crawling after Adam.

He moved himself above Adam, preening at the expression on his human lover’s face. Lucifer slipped his long serpent tongue along Adam’s cheek, making the brunette gasp. He laid a clawed hand onto Adam’s left knee, gently pushing it aside, parting Adam’s thighs.

“Show me your beautiful virginia,” he whispered sensitively, watching in delight as Adam’s face darkened. His fork-tipped tongue swishing across Adam’s lips teasingly, “I bet it’s glittering deliciously , I bet it’ll taste devine~”

“Lucifer, don’t, you’re being too embarrassing again,” Adam whimpered. He bit down on his bottom lip as a pulse swam through him. It had his toes wiggling and his knees bending.

Lucifer moved closer and pecked Adam on the lips, his eyes sparkling so beautifully that Adam could quite easily become lost in them. Lucifer shifted on his knees, shuffling backward so he was more comfortable. He held both of Adam’s knees, massaging the tender flesh without breaking eye-contact. Lucifer pressed a gentle kiss to the curve of Adam’s right knee.

“Open them for me,” he whispered, pecking his lips across both knees and even his thighs, “Part your thighs for me. Let me see your virgina.”

Adam’s breath hitched, it was quite attractive to him. Lucifer spoke to him in such a way that Adam was all too happy to follow. His fingers sunk into the soil of Eden and finally, he parted his thighs, Lucifer guided them open with tender hands. His eyes frantically darting away, only to return to Lucifer every time.


“Shhh,” Lucifer pressed a finger to Adam’s lips, “Shh, don’t say anything. Let me see for myself.”

Eyes becoming wide, Adam wanted to crawl away but Lucifer’s hands continued to rub his thighs, parting them further. He winced, having never opened them this much since his virgina had first appeared. Adam tried to look away, fearful of actually seeing the expression of vile and disgust on Lucifer’s face. He believes it will truly crush him this time. Lucifer’s seen two virginas in his lifetime, Lilith and Eve, Adam’s sure they both had perfect ones. Adam’s will probably so ugly compared to theirs…

He bit back a groan, closing his eyes tightly - he was comparing virginas. What’s wrong with him? Like, what the f*ck was wrong with him?

The urge to just slam his thighs back together again was strong, but when Adam dared to peek, he realised that would be foolish. Lucifer was between them now. The sight was horrifying.

Lucifer’s clawed fingers caressed Adam’s inner-thigh, he pressed a soft kiss on the flesh, making Adam gasp. He purred, pleased that Adam was trusting him enough to show him. Lucifer lowered himself further and finally saw what caused Adam so much anguish and sickly fear. It truly was not as bad as Adam thought.

The penis was still there, in the exact same place where Lucifer had sucked it. He smiled a little as he scanned the tender area. It looked very normal from what Lucifer knew about private body parts humans had, he may have only seen a few select people naked in his lifetime, but he had read books in Hell. Depression and boredom made him do many things, including reading text books just to fill the time.

Adam definitely had a virgina now. It was easily missable if one wasn’t looking for it. It was hidden underneath Adam’s balls and wasn't very big, it was about the same size as the palm of his hand. The virginia was surrounded by honey brown hair, and appeared to be normal from what Lucifer knew about virginas. He wasn’t able to see if Adam had a cl*tor*s but there’s no reason to assume he didn’t.

“Adam, you’re beautiful,” he cooed, raising his eyes to meet the brunette’s. He purred, smiling warmly, “It’s gorgeous, just as I said it would be.”

Adam stared at him as if he had grown another head. He raised an eyebrow, “You’re f*cking lying.”

“Nope~” Lucifer purred, “It’s so pretty.”

Squirming anxiously, Adam’s eyes darted around them. His hands pressed nervously in the sand, “Um, L-Luci, you’re - you’re getting too close. Maybe, er, back up a little?”

A hum escaped the blonde, Lucifer tilted his head as he suddenly laid on his stomach and moved himself even closer, “Let me lick it.”

“W-What!” Adam squealed, “ What ?”

“Let me lick it,” the fallen angel repeated, “Please Adam? Let me make you feel good again. Let me show you why you shouldn’t hate it. Remember how much pleasure my tongue gave you before.”

Mouth opening and shutting like a fish out of water, Adam’s whole skin prickled all over. The urge to just slam his legs shut was back and stronger than ever, uncaring if he caught Lucifer’s head between them too. However, the look in Lucifer’s eyes pinned Adam, leaving him unable to move or come up with any reasonable answer.

Let me lick it ,” Lucifer whispered, lowering his voice into a seductive rumble, “Let me taste your puss*, Adam~

A strong shiver ran down Adam’s spine. His breath hitched when Lucifer suddenly pursed his lips and blew warm breath over his virginia. A strangled cry escaped Adam and he tried to push his hip away, but found himself unable too. Lucifer’s hands had locked themselves around Adam’s thighs, practically chaining him to the sand.

“K-Keep your teeth away from it,” Adam warned, his nose flaring as he caught sight of those sharp teeth.

“Don’t worry, my teeth won’t be involved at all. My tongue will be doing all the work,” Lucifer deliciously groaned, leaning his head against Adam’s left thigh as his eyes finally returned to, “f*ck Adam, it’s more then beautiful. It’s alluring, bewitching, irresistible ~”

He couldn’t focus. Adam couldn’t settle his beating heart, he was just waiting. Waiting for Lucifer to touch him already. That’s what Lucifer wanted to do, isn’t it? He wanted to…to use his tongue between his legs. Lucifer wanted to taste his virgina, just as he had wanted to taste Adam’s co*ck and ass, not that he had been able to taste Adam’s ass, but it seemed to be on Lucifer’s hit list. f*ck sake.

“Hey,” Lucifer cooed, pressing another kiss to Adam’s inner-thigh, “It’s okay. I promise it’ll feel good.”

Adam chewed his bottom lip, “You don’t know that. The only thing I’ve ever got from it is pain and blood. I don’t even know what it’s for.”

“It’s for pleasure ,” the blonde purred, swiftly leaning forward and brushing his lips against the virgina lips. He eyed Adam’s reaction to the action and bit back a grin when Adam gasped, his eyes becoming glassy.

The sight gave Lucifer the courage he needed to do it again. This time, he held his lips sweetly to the folds, kissing it gently. Lucifer puffed his warm breath across it, he held his mouth to Adam’s virginia, gently rolling his tongue across the slit, not quite deeping past them. His eyes glued to Adam’s face, watching every twitch and shudder he made. As long as there was no pain, it meant he was on the right track.

Biting his bottom lip, Adam’s head lured to the side as tiny sparkes of something began to spread out from the very same area Lucifer was working over with his lips. Adam tried not to think too much on what Lucifer was playing, and instead tried to focus on the sparks of pleasure. Well, he didn’t know if it was pleasure, but it was nice, that’s all that matters.

Lucifer pulled his lips back and allowed his snake-like tongue to slither out from between his soft lips. He flicked it along the folds as delicately as possible, watching as Adam jerked, his thighs shaking on either side of Lucifer’s head. His claws caressed the tender flesh of his thighs as he licked as slowly and carefully as possible.

“How does it feel?” Lucifer asked quietly, pulling his tongue back, “It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

Adam flushed heatedly. He felt wet. Why was he wet? He didn’t get it. He squirmed, wiggling on the sand as he lowered his eyes to meet Lucifer’s again. The moment he did, Adam felt his insides jump.

“No…it doesn’t hurt,” Adam admitted bashfully, “But I wouldn’t say it feels good. It’s just…weird. It feels strange to me, not uncomfortable but not yet comfortable…if that makes sense.”

Humming at the words, Lucifer tilted his mouth forward again, “Then we’ll just have to fix that~”

“Wait - what-” Adam’s voice was cut off when he felt Lucifer’s serpent tongue again. It had skin prickling, all the hair on his body standing up. He bent his knees and gasped, his lips trembling and chest heaving. “sh*t!”

A chuckle rumbled down Lucifer’s tongue as he wiggled it, slowly pushing the tip of his tongue past the folds. Not too much, just enough to part the virgina folds, like tiny curtains. He groaned deeply from the heat that raised from Adam’s puss*, the wetness that seeped along the tip of his tongue. Lucifer’s mouth followed his tongue, cupping over the puss* and sucking delicately.

“W-Wait, what are you doing, that - that’s too much,” Adam gasped, his toes beginning to curl. His eyes grow wider with every tiny flicker of the tongue, that weird wetness between his legs increased, growing rather sticky. Adam tried to squirm but Lucifer’s gentle claws held him still, “It feels too weird!”

With a rumble of comfort, Lucifer rubbed soft circles across Adam’s thigh. His ruby and golden eyes half-lidded with a warm dazed look in his eyes, as if the fallen angel was in a world of his own, only focusing on the taste of Adam.

When Adam dared another peek between his legs, he wished he didn’t, Lucifer appeared to be generally enjoying eating him out. It was too much and Adam had to cover his eyes. With every soft lick of the tongue and murmur of kisses, a pulse began to appear within his gut. A sort of pulse Adam’s certain he didn’t have before, it was directly in his gut and under his stomach, everytime the pulse fluttered through him, Adam’s legs almost closed and the hairs on his skin stood up on end. His fingers and toes clawed at the sand of the riverbank, his eyes screwed shut tightly and his teeth clenching, not from pain, but from this new pulsing. Like a heartbeat was rushing through his veins, beginning at the centre of his gut and spreading out.

Lucifer moaned himself, perching his lips and kissing the tender flesh as gentle as possible. His tongue sneaked further into the hot coven, gently inching through into Adam while his fingers continued to stroke the trembling thighs. Lucifer tilted his head as Adam’s breath hitched, he slithered his tongue back out of Adam’s puss* and closed his lips around it, sucking harshly. Adam immediately let out yelp and a hand flowed down, grasping at Lucifer’s messy blonde hair.

“sh*t - Luci!” Adam whined, trying to pull himself away from the offending mouth, “Don’t do that! That’s too - Ah!”

Lips curling into a wide grin, Lucifer sucked again, enjoying the way Adam trembled and jerked underneath his mouth. It was exactly like the first time he had played with Adam’s co*ck. It was so good. Lucifer groaned as he gazed up at Adam, watching his face grow redder and redder.

Adam was trying to speak, but he couldn’t. Lucifer purposely licked along the middle of the puss*, his wet tongue mapping out the new territory. Memorising every little hidden between Adam’s thighs, so he would never forget how beautiful the first human was.

“f*ck,” Lucifer growled, plunging his tongue deep into Adam new hole, “You taste so f*cking good, Adam.”

His whole body jerked from the sudden action, Adam’s face flushed red and his fingers clenched even tighter around Lucifer’s hair. Adam’s sight was beginning to sparkle with stars, that pulsing within him had quickly become so deliciously good, to the point that he thought he’d die if the pulsing stopped.

“Y-You’re lying,” he groaned, biting down on his bottom lip until it hurt, “It’s disgusting and - ah, hm…”

Lucifer devoured Adam’s puss*, his greedy mouth sucking up everything it could, his tongue marking everything little thing as his. Lucifer was going to make sure Adam wouldn’t ever forget how good it was to have his tongue in his puss*.

“Delicious,” the King cooed, slipping his tongue out. His lips were shiny and his eyes, god, his eyes had Adam trying to crawl backward, “Adam, you’re f*cking addictive. Holy f*ck. It’s mine. All mine. I’m not sharing this puss* with anyone.”

Adam’s eyes widened in disbelief. He didn’t realise he was wheezing, his chest was heaving or how much his body was quivering. The pulsing dancing through his body, slipping out from his puss*, had Adam’s knees pressing together.

“Oh, um, ha, ha,” he awkwardly laughed, forcefully looking away from Lucifer. He inched himself further away, his heart pounding in his chest and lightheadedness becoming thick. The thought that Lucifer liked the…new part of him, made Adam’s heart leap into his throat and a small warm buzz to appearing in his chest, “I-I think that’s enough, um, I mean I liked it, I think but I-”

“f*ck no!” Lucifer huffed, crawling after Adam, “We’re not done. I didn’t make you come on my tongue yet.”

Adam gawked in disbelief. His heart skipped a beat, at the thought of Lucifer licking his puss* until he came had Adam pressing his thighs together. A new wetness began to drip down them, the fact he could feel it made him squirm in even more embarrassment. A more intense pulse ran through his gut at Lucifer’s words.

“I…” he fidgeted again, “You…like it that much…?”

The King of Hell paused in front of Adam, his eyes widening as if he couldn’t believe Adam still was doubting him. Lucifer clocked his head and placed a clawed hand to Adam’s cheek, “Yes. I f*cking like it that much. You taste so good, Adam. I want to make you come undone. I want you to love my tongue, just as much as I love your virgina. Like f*ck, Adam, if you give me permission, I’ll f*cking devour you every morning, afternoon and evening. I’ll lick your puss* all night long if you let me.”

He spoke so seriously that Adam’s breath hitched and a chill ran down his spine. Adam bit his bottom lip, trying to hide his wet virgina from Lucifer’s eyes. They weren’t just words, weren’t just a request or a promise, it was a vow.

“Um, well…” Adam struggled to form words, “Surely you wouldn’t be able to…do that all night long…and…”

A dark snicker came from the blonde, Lucifer slid his hand delicately down Adam’s throat and to Adam’s chest. He leant in close, leering hungrily into Adam’s face. His long, serpent-like tongue slithered out, licking along Adam’s cheek and down to Adam’s chest, swirling around his nipple sensitivity.

“How…” Lucifer began, his voice lowering into a seductive purr, “...about I show…you~”

A yelp escaped Adam when Lucifer effortlessly pushed him back down with a flicker of his fingers. His claws clenched around Adam’s thighs, dragging him closer, and folding Adam over. Lucifer shuffled himself as close as possible, his knees becoming a pillow for Adam’s head and hooking Adam’s legs over his shoulders. One of Lucifer’s claws caressed Adam’s stomach, sliding down to the human’s chest and playing with a nipple, before returning to the brunette’s stomach. Lucifer’s other claw curled around Adam’s front, his fingers cradling Adam’s co*ck.

“L-Lucifer!” Adam shouted in embarrassment. He squirmed, trying to unhook himself from the fallen angel but failed. He didn’t know how Lucifer was able to secure him so quickly, Adam felt useless, “T-This position is too much!”

Purring, Lucifer pulled Adam’s right thigh further down his shoulder, parting Adam’s delicious puss*. He immediately groaned at the sight of it, brushing his thumb along the fold and grinning when Adam’s breath hitched again.

“Aw, but you look f*cking devine right now. The perfect meal for me to rip apart with my tongue,” he growled, slipping his long tongue out again, “Hmm, I can’t wait to have you coming on my tongue. I want you to soak it.”

Adam’s head fell back, his apple green eyes widening so much as he felt the serpent tongue lick him in a way he hadn’t before. His toes curled and his legs stiffened up, as Lucifer began to lick his puss* again. This time, holding Adam in a way that wouldn’t allow the first human to even tilt away.

“That’s it baby,” Lucifer began to thrust his tongue deeper into Adam’s puss*. His head burying between Adam’s thighs as his fingers began to caress Adam’s co*ck, playing with the sensitive head, “You like it. I know you do. Just give into it, stop fighting it, give into the pleasure of having your puss* eaten~”

His serpent tongue slithered in and out of Adam’s hole, Lucifer groaned as the taste of Adam filled his mouth. His fingers caressed Adam’s co*ck, sliding his hand up and down the flushed and hot penis, matching his hand movements with his hungry tongue.

The pulsing rumble grows deep inside Adam’s body once more. Adam’s green eyes widened so much that it hurt, his neck aching as he was forced to support his whole body weight on his neck and shoulders. Adam tried to wiggle out from Lucifer’s claws, but failed.

“Bad boy,” Lucifer moaned, delivering a smack to Adam’s ass and making the brunette moan, “Such a bad boy, don’t you want to be a good boy?”

Adam wiggled his legs a little as Lucifer pushed his tongue deeper into his puss* again. He began to lick at Adam’s virgina more vicious than before, digging the tip of his serpent tongue into the wet hole.

Adam practically fell against Lucifer’s front as the pulsing increased, growing even stronger with every thrust of the tongue. Lucifer stretched it fully, unrolling his tongue and pushing it as deep into Adam’s puss* as possible. A scream erupted from Adam’s throat, his eyes rolling into his skull and hands blindly flying upward to grasp Lucifer’s soft blonde curls again.

“F-f*ck,” Adam sobbed, his tongue poking out.

Purring, Lucifer continued to tongue f*ck Adam, both clawed hands holding Adam up as he thrusted his tongue. His eyes gazed down at Adam’s face, becoming hungrier and greedier with every passing second because, f*ck, Adam looked like he was finally enjoying it. By the time Lucifer’s finished with Adam and his devine virginia, Adam shouldn’t hate it so much.

A strong shudder ran through Adam, so powerful that his shoulders hunched and his body stiffened up. He swore for a split second he blackened out there. His heart leaped into his throat and waves of heat washed over his twitching skin. Deep inside his virginia came a building pressure, it pierced up through to the pit of his stomach and tangled itself up into a knot.

Sensitivity increased, spreading throughout the area between his legs. Lucifer’s long tongue was reaching places that weren't meant to be touched. Adam whimpered, his fingers tugging at the blonde hair, pushing Lucifers further down between his legs, despite the fact Lucifer’s mouth was fully sealed to his puss* at this point.

Then, in the next moment, Adam felt wetness rush through him, squirting out from between his legs. He let out a startled scream as his sight became lost to whiteness and sparkling tears. His mouth became too dry and something deep within him was trembling uncontrollably. Adam was shaking uncontrollably as Lucifer continued to slide his tongue in and out, forcing the human to ride out the first org*sm he had from his virgina. His hands caressed Adam’s tender skin, his eyes fluttering shut as he savoured the taste of Adam.

“Was that good, baby?” Lucifer grinned when Adam’s hands became limp. He slipped his long snake-like tongue from Adam’s puss*, wetness soaking the muscle as Lucifer pulled back and delicately began to unhook Adam’s legs, “Did you like that? It felt good, didn’t it?”

Releasing a shaky breath, it took Adam a few minutes to calm himself. He groaned loudly and allowed his head to flop against Lucifer’s shoulder after the King of Hell crawled up his body, “Holy f*ck. You really are the King of Hell, aren’t you?”

“So I’ve been told,” Lucifer teased, his eyes twinkling “I wouldn’t do anything you don’t like. I promised.”

Adam whined deeply, his face so hot and red that he felt like he was about to faint. His thighs were shaky and his virginia was wet. Adam pressed them together with a quiet moan, he slipped a hand down there to touch the area. It was even more wet than he thought, it was soaked. Even more wetness was squirting out from between the folds.

“So?” Lucifer cooed, nuzzling into Adam’s throat and nipping at the bite bark on the skin, “How was it? It wasn’t bad, was it?”

A twitchy smile spread across Adam’s lips, he tilted his head and gave the blonde more access to his throat, “It wasn’t…as bad as I thought it would be.”

Adam was cut off when Lucifer slipped his claw between his thigh, relishing in the body fluids that coated his thighs. Lucifer ran his sharp teeth along the flesh, biting down on the same bite mark again, “f*ck, you’re still squirting.”

“Don’t say that,” Adam huffed, cupping the back of Lucifer’s head, “It was okay.”

Snorting, Lucifer tilted his head up to peer into Adam’s face. A sweet smile spread across his lips as he began to caress the folds of Adam’s virginia, drawing out more of the fluids, “Did you like my tongue?”

“Yeah,” Adam sighed, deciding there was no use in lying, “It was really good. Especially when it’s fully extended. I didn’t realise you could extend it that much, a bit impressive honestly.”

Adam let out a soft moan as Lucifer’s fingers continued to play with him between his thighs. However, when Lucifer suddenly pulled his hand away and he heard a sharp intake of his breath, Adam turned towards Lucifer in concern.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyebrows creased and he frowned.

Blinking once, Lucifer’s eyes shined and he cupped Adam’s face, “Really? You really don’t mind my tongue? At all?”

“Um, no?” Adam raised an eyebrow, his own hands holding the back of Lucifer’s, “I think it’s, um, attractive honestly.”

Really ?!” Lucifer practically screamed, his face grew red and eyes beginning to mist over, “You don’t find it disgusting?”

Adam scoffed, “Of course not. Why would you think otherwise? You’ve used your tongue on me before, remember?”

“Yes, but that was different,” the blonde shook his head and began pressing repeated kisses to Adam’s lips. His claws cradled Adam’s cheeks, pulling him closer as their lips moulded together perfectly, “I’ve never fully extended it before. Never. I was always told to only extend it a little because it was vile. It was too…snake-like, and just unnatural.”

Rolling the two over so Adam was on top, he shifted himself to sit over Lucifer’s hips. His eyes glanced down at Lucifer’s flushed, hard co*ck, “Vile, huh? Luci, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect and stunning. Whoever said you were unnatural was lying. You’re one, if not, the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen.”

Lucifer gazed at Adam, his claws caressing Adam’s thighs as the human began to rock his hips, making their co*cks rub together. Lucifer moaned, arching his back and rocking his co*ck back up against Adams before the brunette leant down to kiss him again. Lucifer didn’t hold back and pushed his tongue fully into Adam’s back - this time it didn’t hurt, Adam moaned at the sensation of it slipping between his lips.

“You really think that?” Lucifer whispered shyly.

Adam bit at his bottom lip, “Yes, Lucifer. You’re magnificent.”

“I want you to be mine forever,” Lucifer sighed as Adam began to kiss his way down his body. He rolled his head to the side with a moan, “I love you Adam. I love you so much.”

Humming, Adam settled between Lucifer’s legs. He licked at Lucifer’s co*ck, leaving gentle kisses along the base of the penis and up to the tip. Adam didn’t need to ask to know who told Lucifer his body after the curse was disgusting, he had a feeling it was the same person to attack his lovely goat legs. Adam caressed the soft black fur-lined thigh as he gently took the tip of the co*ck between his lips. He had a horrible hunch that the same person had also attacked Lucifer’s claws.

Adam adored them. He found Lucifer beautiful in either form. As an Archangel or the King of Hell. Lucifer was still appealing. Adam didn’t care if he had goat hooves, claws or a serpent tongue, Lucifer was gorgeous. Only a fool wouldn’t think so. Maybe it was a good thing Lilith f*cked off after all. Lucifer deserves somebody who thought he was beautiful no matter what.

A gentle hand ran through Adam’s hair, pushing it back off his face. Lucifer gazed down at him warmly, filled with love, longing and affection. Adam leant into the touch as he began to bob his head, sliding his tongue across the head of Lucifer’s co*ck tenderly.

“I love you Adam, more than anything.”


Lucifer's six feathered wings slouched in a desolate droop, embodying his frustration and longing. He huffed, sulking deeper into the edge of the grand hall. His knees jutted awkwardly into his chest, elbows perched upon them as his hand cradled his chin. His other hand, tangled in his meticulously kept blonde hair, twitched with agitation. The blasted top hat, a creation of Michael's handiwork, sat mockingly beside him. He had half a mind to hurl it into oblivion, yet the memory of Adam's gift stayed in his mind.

Lucifer's gaze was empty, staring blankly out at the vast, untouched expanse of the universe from his perch on the row of pearly steps leading to one of the countless balconies. His eyes weren't focused on anything specific; there was nothing here to see. This part of the universe remained unformed, a testament to a creation process that had inexplicably halted. Not that it mattered to Lucifer – he wasn’t involved in the grand creation anyway, so why waste his energy pondering it?

His thoughts incessantly circled back to Adam. His Adam. Stuck in Eden, with no one but the flora and fauna for company. The first woman should have been completed by now, yet Adam remained alone, a puppet dancing to another's tune. The thought gnawed at Lucifer, a mix of love and seething anger churning within him. Adam, controlled and devoid of free will, left Lucifer torn between the ache of missing him and the fury of seeing him so constrained.

Adam was trapped.

Adam was a puppet, a being devoid of free will, and Lucifer’s mind churned relentlessly since Michael's cruel intervention. Michael had ripped them apart, forcing Adam to forget Lucifer’s heartfelt confession. The memory of it made Lucifer’s stomach knot with anger. What right did Michael have to interfere? Yet, despite his rage, Lucifer couldn't ignore that Michael had a point, one Lucifer hated to admit.

If Adam couldn’t choose for himself, couldn’t see the world through his own eyes, what would be the point of remembering? He wouldn't truly grasp Lucifer’s words. Adam, constrained by divine decree, couldn't reciprocate love unless commanded. He couldn’t feel anything unless told to. Trapped in Eden, a gilded cage, Adam was like a bird with clipped wings, and it drove Lucifer to the brink of madness. There had to be a way to free him, to awaken Adam’s mind to its true potential.

Lucifer longed for Adam to see him with understanding, to speak and feel independently, free from divine dictation. He yearned for Adam to love him back, to comprehend love as Lucifer did, and to see through the deceit of God and the angels. Lucifer wished for Adam to have the choice: to be humanity’s father or something else, something unbound by rules.

It must be terrifying, Lucifer mused, to be created from nothing, burdened with rules and expectations. He was certain Adam felt anxious and nervous about his role, though Adam himself was oblivious. Adam knew no fear, no anxiety, because he was programmed to feel only the joy dictated by God.

If Adam truly understood the weight of his existence, the manipulation by the angels, the true nature of Eden, he would be terrified. Lucifer wanted him to feel that terror, to feel something beyond the hollow joy imposed upon him. Lucifer loved Adam more than anything and desperately wanted him to have the opportunity to be something more.

To Lucifer, Eden was nothing but Adam's gilded cage. Adam's love for it was a commandment, instilled by God on the day of his creation. God had dictated that Eden was Adam's home, and so Adam adored it. Lucifer scoffed at the thought. Adam should have the freedom to choose if he loved Eden or not; if Eden was his home, Adam should be able to decide his own fate.

Lucifer's wings ruffled, flapping angrily behind him. He glared ahead, his lips twisting into a sharp frown. He alone truly understood Adam, the depths of the first human's soul. It wasn’t fair. There had to be a way to fix this, to make it right. To give Adam the chance to write his own destiny if he chose.

"And if Adam decides he wants to stay in Eden, stay on the path Father designed..." Lucifer trailed off, his sharp teeth grinding with a low growl. He would accept it—what a lie, but a necessary one, he supposed. It was hypocritical, Lucifer knew that, but he didn’t care.

He wanted Adam to choose him. That was fine to want. Lucifer wanted Adam. That was fine too. If Adam chose Eden, it would break Lucifer's heart, but he wouldn’t hold on—he would let Adam do as he pleased. He just needed Adam to have the opportunity to make that choice.

There had to be a way. Somewhere, there was something that would open Adam’s soul fully to the universe. Lucifer would find it.

The thought brightened him. He would find a way to give Adam freedom, then confess his feelings again. Lucifer would make Adam understand their love. The roses in his chest, he would share them with the first human, and then they would be together. Michael wouldn’t come between them this time. Adam would choose for himself.

“Yeah,” he cooed, smiling to himself, lost in his fantasy.

“Lucifer,” a voice cut through his dreams, and Lucifer's face soured. A shadow fell across his face as his own mirror image approached from above. “Lucifer, there you are. I have been looking all over for you.”

Lucifer raised his sparkling gold eyes, glaring as Michael landed next to him, his own six wings fluttering before settling perfectly. Michael tilted forward, his head co*cked with fascination.

“Lucifer, you’ve become gold,” he gasped.

Lucifer blinked, squinting in confusion. “What?”

“You’re not blue anymore,” Michael said, flopping down next to him. He took his elder brother by surprise and pinched his chin, forcing Lucifer to look at him fully. “Yes. You’ve become fully gold, like the morning star.”

“Well, I was born from the morning star,” scoffed Lucifer, slapping Michael's hand away. He turned his head to the side, his gold eyes dropping to scan his robes. Just as Michael had pointed out, the blue of his feathers and robes had transformed into a sparkling gold hue. Lucifer lightly touched the gold feathers in awe.

“I bet Father will be pleased!” Michael grinned, patting Lucifer on the shoulder. “This proves you’ve reached the next level! Well done, Lucifer! You’ve finally matured enough!”

Lucifer’s eyebrows creased as he glanced awkwardly at Michael, not truly understanding what his brother was getting at. Still, he raised his hands, staring down at the crystal stardust of his skin. A gentle golden hue shimmered over them.

“Well?” Michael nudged his shoulder. “How do you feel?”

“How do I feel?” Lucifer blinked, looking at his younger brother in confusion.

Michael chuckled. “Your morning star eye—it’s open. You must feel something at least.”

His morning star eye? Lucifer’s head dropped, his chin smacking against his chest. True to Michael’s words, the eye on his chest was open. Immediately, all six of his wings erupted, flapping wildly, making Michael laugh.

“Oh my—” Lucifer caught himself, but Michael only appeared amused. “I’ve opened the Morning Star eye! I haven’t been able to do that for centuries!”

Michael’s sea-blue eyes sparkled, crinkling around the edges as he smiled. He reached forward and pinched the soft yellow hue of Lucifer’s cheeks. “I told you you’d be able to do it; you just had to get out of your head. Father will be so pleased!”

“Yeah!” Lucifer curled his white and gold wings around himself, his arms folding up close to the opened eye on his chest. A warmth ran through him.

This change—it was Adam. He had been thinking of Adam. Lucifer was so in love. He wanted Adam to feel his love too.

“You’re like a newborn,” Michael teased. “You’re practically glowing. Wait until our brothers and sisters hear about this. Uriel will be pleased. She thought you were stuck.”

Lucifer would have scoffed, because of course she did. But he didn’t react to the comment. The stream of sparkling warmth continued to run through him, growing even brighter and sweeter the longer he thought of Adam.

His human.

“Well?” Michael pressed, nudging Lucifer’s shimmering gold and white wings. “Do you feel any wiser?”

“Wiser?” Lucifer laughed, spreading his wings once more before folding them back against his spine. He squirmed on the step, trying to get comfortable. “I guess so. I understand Father’s will more clearly now.”

“That’s great!” Michael chimed. “You’ve come so far, Lucifer, since your disappointment. Father’s pleased with your progress, and we’re all amazed by the reports Gabriel has been submitting.”

Lucifer fought the urge to roll his eyes. It wasn’t that he enjoyed these new duties; he simply found it easier to perform as expected to gain access to Eden again. He longed to return to the garden and see Adam. It had been too long since they were separated. He missed him fiercely.

“That’s good,” he said instead, his tone restrained.

Michael settled next to him, his demeanour calm and collected. It had been some time since Lucifer had caused trouble. In fact, his elder brother had quieted down after witnessing the creation of the first woman, remade in Lucifer’s image. Perhaps Lucifer had finally accepted that Adam belonged to her. Michael might never fully grasp what Lucifer was experiencing, but he did sympathise with his brother.

Maybe it was enough for Lucifer to see Adam with someone resembling him. Michael might not understand Lucifer’s mind, but if it yielded these results, who was he to complain?

“Father believes you may be ready to rejoin the creation of the universe,” Michael stated calmly. “We’re about to lay the foundations of Earth. Father wants you to be part of it.”

Lucifer tensed on the step, his golden eyes widening, lips parting in surprise. “But I was removed?”

“That was before,” Michael said softly. “Father says you’ve matured enough to adhere to the threads laid out for us. Even I agree you’ve changed from how you were back then. Even Sera has seen the end results and is pleased.”

At the mention of Sera, Lucifer’s expression soured. Michael noticed and chuckled, ruffling Lucifer’s perfectly styled blonde hair.

“I don’t know what your deal is with Sera, but please, learn to get along?” he said, amusem*nt sparkling in his blue eyes.

Lucifer’s lips twisted into a crooked smile. “It’s not me who needs to learn. Sera’s the one always looking for a fight. Nothing I do is good enough for her perfectionism.”

“She means well,” Michael said gently. “If you can tolerate Uriel, you can tolerate Sera, Lucifer. She simply wants what’s best for everyone.”

Lucifer snorted, rolling his eyes. Sure, Michael thought that. Sera was nothing but kind, patient, and sweet with Michael. He didn’t see what Lucifer saw. Sera was stuck up.

“Besides, Father wants you and Sera to be paired up during Earth’s creation,” Michael added.

Lucifer gawked. “What? Why? Why can’t I pair up with you or even Gabriel? Why her?”

“I can’t answer that. You’ll need to ask Father,” Michael hummed. He had asked the same question, but God’s answer had been cryptic. Sometimes, not even Michael understood their father.

Grumbling, Lucifer’s lips pinched into a firm line. Of course, he’d have to ask Father. But being paired up with Sera of all beings felt like an insult. The Seraphim Archangel hated him and never let him forget how much better she was than him.

A gentle silence fell over the two eldest Archangels. Both sat quietly, watching as the vast emptiness of the universe drifted past. Michael sighed, his wings drooping. His blue eyes flickered, glancing at Lucifer with each passing second until Lucifer grew annoyed and finally nudged him with his golden wings.

"What is it?" he asked at last. "Surely you didn’t come all this way just to inform me that Father has decided to rejoin my essence to the universe’s creation? Father would have told me himself during my next appraisal."

Michael flinched, looking slightly hurt by Lucifer's coldness. He squirmed next to him and sighed again. “Honestly, I didn’t come looking for you just to say that. It’s true, your next appraisal is due at the next star glimpse. Father would have told you himself…”

“Then what do you want?” Lucifer demanded, his tone sharp.

He didn’t mean to be so aggressive, but their relationship had become practically nonexistent since Michael's actions. They had been close once. Lucifer had been close to all his brothers and sisters before Michael had him punished. He had purposely distanced himself from them. Gabriel had been the hardest to pull away from, due to still being so attached to Lucifer, but out of all his siblings, Lucifer had the best relationship with Gabriel since he was placed under Gabriel’s care.

“Lucifer,” Michael frowned, shaking his head, appearing less confident. “I just wanted to…um, well, you know. We’ve become quite distant. We used to spend so much time together.”

“Well, whose fault is that?” the golden angel sneered, shooting a harsh glare at Michael. “You intervened when you weren’t needed.”

“Lucifer,” Michael lowered his voice in a warning tone.

“Stop,” Lucifer interrupted sharply, turning his head away. “I’m not stupid. I have accepted it. Don’t worry, I have learned to let go of Adam and let him be with the first woman. But I’m allowed to be hurt. I’m allowed to be angry. Father said it was okay to feel this way.”

Michael looked genuinely surprised. He blinked a few times, letting the words sink in.

“I know you don’t understand what I feel,” Lucifer softened his voice, a small frown tugging at his lips. “While I won’t interfere anymore with Father’s grand plan, I will never forgive any of you. I’m angry and I’m hurt because I love Adam. I am entitled to my feelings, no matter if you agree with them or not.”

A lie but a pretty lie. Lucifer would never give up on Adam. He’d never step back and watch as Adam was controlled, as Adam was forced to become the father of humanity. The moment Lucifer could reach out and caress those rosy cheeks again, he was going to hold on and never let go. The first chance he got, Lucifer would make Adam his. No punishment would deter him from claiming what was rightfully his.

"Lucifer," Michael rose gracefully to his feet, his beautiful white and blue wings stretching out on either side of him. His feathers sparkled as he straightened his back. "Come with me. There's something I want to show you."

Lucifer blinked, breaking out of his thoughts and slowly standing up. He raised an eyebrow, staring at his brother awkwardly. "Why would I do that?"

"Please, there is something I want to show you," Michael said quietly, beginning to descend the steps. "It is important, trust me. Once you see it, you will understand why it is so vital for the balance that Adam stays on his destined path."

"Does it have something to do with Adam?" Lucifer wondered, following after Michael. He found it strange they were walking further down the pearly steps to the edge of the heavenly platform.

Michael didn't look back, only nodding. "That's correct. Father needs the humans to bond. Adam needs to stay on the course destined by Father. There are many reasons for this."

Lucifer snorted. "Father only wants to control Adam. He has no free will. He has no choice but to follow what Father wants. It's cruel."

"You speak as if you believe Adam will choose you," Michael stated blankly, his voice turning cold. "Father intends for Adam to have free will in time. Just not now—he is not ready for that."

"Father has a way to give Adam free will?" Lucifer asked, trying to keep the excitement and hope out of his voice. He worked to maintain a calm, steady tone. He chose to ignore Michael’s comment on Adam picking him and to listen to the important information. Lucifer needs to learn more about this.


Shrugging, Michael stepped to the very edge of the heavenly plane. "Father will be creating something that Adam and the first woman can consume to open the eye on their foreheads."

"It's not created yet?" Lucifer sorted the information away, finding it useful for when the time came.

"Not yet," Michael said. "It's not formed quite yet. It appears to be something called an apple, though I do not know what an apple is yet. But Gabriel and Raphael have a sort of bet going on to see what an apple is. We know it will be a fruit, so as not to frighten the humans."

An apple? Will an apple be the tool to grant Adam free will? The key to Eden's cage?

Lucifer's wings trembled at the thought. His chest throbbed with the urge to find this apple, despite it not even existing yet. He wanted to find the fruit and lovingly feed it to Adam, kissing his lips every time he swallowed a piece of it.

Michael fell silent, his gaze piercing through the void as he unfurled all six of his wings with a deliberate grace. Each feather seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly luminescence as he stepped off the precipice of light and descended into the abyss below.

Lucifer hesitated at the edge, a sense of foreboding gripping his heart as he peered into the yawning chasm. There, amidst the emptiness, he spotted Michael, a solitary figure in the desolate expanse. With a resigned sigh, the ancient Archangel reluctantly summoned his worn top hat with a snap of his fingers, placing it atop his head with a grumble before following Michael's descent.

As he plummeted through the mist-shrouded darkness, Lucifer couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and unease. This universe, once envisioned as a grand creation, now lay before him as a barren wasteland. His wings stretched out, their immense span providing the only solace in the void as he effortlessly navigated the fall towards Michael.

"What have you all been doing?" Lucifer demanded, gesturing to the desolation around them as they descended. "After casting me out, I expected more than this barren nothingness."

Michael's gaze remained cool and detached as he surveyed their surroundings. "Since the foundation of Eden, they have tampered with the layers of Earth," he explained. "Raphael and Uriel were dispatched to cleanse the terrain."

Lucifer scoffed incredulously, jabbing a finger into Michael's chest. "That hardly justifies the emptiness of this universe. It is as vacant as it was before my exile."

Michael's expression faltered briefly before he turned away, his wings shimmering ominously in the darkness. "Follow me," he said cryptically. "I will show you."

A sense of dread coiled in Lucifer's gut as he trailed after his brother. What could possibly terrify their kin to such an extent that Earth lay in disarray? It was a thought that both troubled and intrigued him, fueling his determination to uncover the truth.

As they reached their destination—a desolate expanse littered with grey and black rocks—Lucifer's frustration mounted. "This is what you brought me to see?" he growled, his eyes scanning the bleak landscape.

But Michael merely gestured ahead, leading them to the edge of a gaping pit. Dread clenched Lucifer's heart as he peered into its depths, a cold chill running down his spine.

Lucifer tiptoed to the edge of the gaping hole, an abyss so vast and unexpected that it seemed to consume everything around it. Michael’s firm grip on his arm was the only thing that prevented him from plummeting into the void. A chill of dread coiled in Lucifer’s stomach as his golden eyes widened in disbelief.

Before them swirled a pit of pure darkness, intermittently flashing with sickly red hues and emitting eerie, inhuman sounds. A deep, primal fear washed over Lucifer, his hair standing on end. His six wings felt heavy, burdened by an unfamiliar sensation. Sweat began to bead on his brow.

“What... what is this?” he breathed, stepping back. The mere sight of the pit was overwhelming. His feathered wings instinctively curled around him, seeking to shield him from the terror that lay within.

“The centre of the universe,” Michael said bitterly, his face contorted as another harrowing scream echoed from the abyss. “We do not know why Father chose this place to build Earth upon.”

Lucifer turned his gaze away from the pit, his feathers twitching as he felt a dangerous heat emanating from it, spreading across the ground. “Why the hell did Father create this?” he demanded, his voice trembling with anger and fear.

Michael shot him a disapproving look at the curse, crossing his arms tightly. “Father didn’t.”

“What?” Lucifer’s disbelief was palpable. “Father created everything.”

“Not this,” Michael murmured, lowering his gaze to the lifeless ground. “The pit was already here. It has been here since the beginning of time. None of the seven divine spirits of Father’s throne are felt here either. It’s like light itself doesn’t reach the pit.”

Lucifer’s lips pressed tightly together, twisting into a lopsided frown. He edged closer to the pit, peering into its depths. His golden eyes narrowed as he tried to penetrate the black and red flames that lined it. Smoke billowed out, and those unnatural, inhuman screams continued to assault his ears. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand to block out the musky scent rising from the depths.

“What’s down there?” he asked, his voice hollow.

Michael shifted uneasily beside him. “We don’t really know. Father simply wants us to prevent anything from crawling out.”

“Crawling out , huh?” Lucifer muttered thoughtfully. He couldn’t see anything within the pit, only darkness and those terrifying flames. “Like what , exactly?”

“They’re... hard to describe,” Michael admitted quietly, a shiver running through him as he stared into the unknown.

“The heart of evil is imprisoned there.”


The pure white flowers were breathtaking, Adam had to admit. Their petals gleamed like soft whispers under the gentle caress of the morning sunlight. Each day, the first thing Adam saw upon waking were the lilies and roses, their serene beauty a constant companion.

Adam rubbed the sleep from his eyes and tried to turn away from the flowers. Something deep inside warned him not to question their presence. As he attempted to slip out of Lucifer's embrace, he was gently pulled back.

Cuddling his beloved, Lucifer drew Adam closer to the warm, fragrant soil of Eden. He nestled his face into Adam's neck and murmured, "Good morning."

"I don't see how it's good already," Adam mumbled, though a sweet smile began to form on his lips.

Lucifer hummed, then leaned in to press a loving kiss to Adam's lips. "Well, I believe it's always a good morning whenever I wake up to you."

"So corny," Adam snorted, but he kissed Lucifer back. "But sure, it's a good morning. Only in Eden."

Lucifer paused at those words. It wasn't just Eden that made mornings good. Any place where they woke up together, even Hell, would be just as wonderful. Though he kept those thoughts to himself, he kissed Adam once more.

"It's a good morning as long as we're together," he murmured.

Adam clicked his tongue, sitting up fully this time. Lucifer let him go, watching as Adam stood and stretched, a faint groan escaping his lips. Deep in the pit of his stomach came a familiar ache that had him feeling sickly. Adam’s knees buckled as he straightened himself and laid a hand to his stomach, his lips twisted downward.

"What's wrong?" Lucifer asked softly, following after him and gently touching Adam's cheek.

Blushing, Adam turned away and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Nothing, nothing. It's just... um... that time, I guess."

"Ah," Lucifer glanced down briefly. "Do you need anything? I can get it for you."

Adam shook his head and stepped back. "No, no, I've got it covered."

He hated periods. Adam understood why women hated them so much now, why it was a delicate time of the month and that women just needed a break. He never truly got it until now. It was horrible, it felt like his organs were crushing themselves and was coming out from between his legs. It was terrible. Adam vowed to never think or say another bad word about women ever again. They had so much to deal with.

Shyly, Adam shuffled away from Lucifer’s unwavering gaze. He never quite understood why Lucifer enjoyed staring at him so much. It was so embarrassing that sometimes Adam wished Lucifer would find something else fascinating to look at.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Lucifer called, his voice gentle.

Adam sheepishly waved him off, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. Lucifer hummed in amusem*nt. He never understood why Adam always pulled away when his period came. It didn’t bother the King of Hell in the slightest; in fact, he found it endearing. Oh well. Lucifer shrugged to himself and glanced toward the white flowers that marked their child's grave.

Lucifer's eyebrows creased with anxiety. He had yet to tell Adam the true meaning behind those flowers. Maybe Adam already knew, but there was always a chance he didn't. It was Lucifer’s responsibility to tell him, even if it caused more pain. Keeping it a secret would only make things worse if Adam found out later.

It had been two years since he buried their child.

Lucifer rubbed his face with his claws, feeling the weight of those years. Adam would be upset about the secrecy; maybe Lucifer had already messed up. Sighing, he scanned the camp. Twelve years had passed since they arrived in Eden, and three years since he gave up the opportunity to return to Hell. Lucifer had no idea what had happened to his daughter, his kingdom, or the outcome of Heaven. He was trusting his instincts, hoping they would guide him. Some might say he was trusting God, for he knew God was watching them. The white flowers were proof of this, but Lucifer wasn’t sure.

One thing he knew for certain: he refused to leave Adam again.

Approaching the white flowers, Lucifer stood over them, watching the delicate petals. The roses and lilies were lovely, even he had to admit. The way they framed the painted tree softened Lucifer's gaze.

He knew he needed to share the truth with Adam, but for now, he allowed himself a moment to simply admire the beauty before him, hoping that love and time would heal the wounds they both carried.

Lucifer folded his legs and sat back on his ankles, his eyes tracing the delicate white flowers. His claws settled into his lap, as his gaze lingered on the roses and lilies. Two years had passed since they lost the baby, before either Adam or Lucifer knew of its existence. His chest tightened with a familiar ache as he looked down at the blossoms.

He had never considered having another child. His mind had always been occupied with thoughts of Charlie, his daughter, and the regret of not being there for her, not being the father she deserved. He would never forget the day he held her for the first time, so soon after her birth. Charlie was so tiny, her fragile weight a poignant memory in his arms. He remembered cradling her close to his chest, overwhelmed with love and responsibility.

Lucifer had tried to share that moment with Lilith, inching closer to show his ex-wife their child. But Lilith had turned her face away, claiming exhaustion. He hadn’t thought much of it then; childbirth was taxing. With a loving kiss to her cheek, he left the room, taking Charlie with him as Lilith requested. He wanted her to rest, to recover her strength, believing that bonding time would come later.

But guilt twisted within him. He hadn't realised then that Lilith didn’t want to see their newborn, didn’t want to touch or hold her. Even as Charlie grew older, Lucifer missed how cold and harsh Lilith could be towards her. He had failed Charlie more than he had realised.

The idea of another child had never crossed his mind. Lilith had shown no signs of wanting more children, and Lucifer had never thought to give Charlie siblings. She had never asked for a little brother or sister.

"I never thought I could have another child," Lucifer finally admitted, his eyes still fixed on the flowers. The weight of the truth made him feel light-headed. "...I never wanted to bring another child into the messed-up life I created with Lilith in Hell."

The truth was overwhelming. It burned inside him, practically shattering him. It wasn’t that he didn’t want another child, but he couldn’t bear the thought of bringing one into the harsh reality of Hell, especially with Lilith. Subconsciously, he had known this all along, but now, faced with the stark reality, it hurt deeply.

He hadn't realised he could have a child with Adam. It wasn’t something he had thought possible. While he had fantasised about Adam giving him more children or, in another world, being Charlie’s mother, he had dismissed it as an impossible dream. Now, knowing it was possible and realising they had already lost their child, was crushing.

The pain of losing another child, this time with Adam, was almost too much to bear. The grief and regret weighed heavily on him, yet it also brought a profound realisation of his love for Adam and the family they could have had. As he sat there, surrounded by the beauty of the flowers and the bittersweet memories they evoked, Lucifer felt the full impact of his loss and the depth of his love.

"We weren't great parents," Lucifer admitted, shifting on his knees and leaning forward. His eyes began to mist up, tears slowly forming. "Lilith and I were terrible parents. We both let Charlie down in so many ways. Lilith... I don't know what she wanted or if she even loved Charlie or me, but she kept Charlie away from me while at the same time, ignored her..."

Tears began to roll down Lucifer's red cheeks, dripping off his chin. The droplets touched the petals of the flowers, adding a shimmer to their pristine beauty. "How... how could I have another child when I wasn't even a good father to begin with? But I wanted you. I didn't know you existed, but I did want you, and I still want you."

He laid his hand among the flowers, gently touching the lilies and roses. "I wanted to be your father, even if I messed up again..."

Lucifer closed his eyes tightly, the possibility of having another child, more children, filling him with a new sense of purpose. It was a familiar feeling, one he remembered from when Lilith was pregnant with Charlie. He breathed in deeply, the thought of new life making him feel giddy yet broken-hearted. He had another child, a sibling for Charlie, an heir to Hell who never had a chance.

Lucifer's eyes opened when a droplet of cold water hit the tip of his nose. The fallen angel blinked and raised his head, looking up at the sky. It wasn't blue anymore; clouds had gathered, turning the sky a gentle grey. Rain sprinkled from the clouds, but it was nothing like the thundering storm from two years ago. This was a gentle rain.

Lucifer scoffed, feeling a bittersweet pang. God was pitying him again.

"It's raining," Adam gasped, returning to the campsite and holding out his hand. "It's really raining."

Lucifer glanced down at the grave before climbing to his feet and moving out from under the tree. He tilted his head upward, feeling the cool rain touch his heated skin.

"It's raining in Eden again," Adam mumbled thoughtfully. "Whoa..."

Lucifer swallowed thickly and bit down on his bottom lip, coming to the realisation that it never rained for no reason in Eden. The storm from two years ago was from the loss of their child, and now, this gentle rain was from his current emotions. He stressfully ran a hand through his hair and forced a small smile, approaching Adam.

"It's so beautiful," Adam whispered, tilting his head back to let the raindrops kiss his skin. The rain wasn't dreadful at all; it felt like a gentle embrace from the heavens. He sighed softly, savoring the sensation as the water traced paths down his face and through his hair.

Lucifer's eyes lingered on Adam, watching the man he loved delight in the rain. It shattered his heart. He wanted to swallow the truth, to bury it deep and continue the lie that had stretched for two years. Another two couldn't hurt, could they?

Yes, they could. They would.

"Rain in Eden is so different from the rain on Earth," Adam laughed, but the sound died in his throat when he saw the pain etched on Lucifer's face. His laughter faltered, replaced by a nervous, tentative silence. "What... what's wrong?"

Lucifer stepped closer, taking Adam's hands in his, his claws curling gently around them. He squeezed softly, his eyes fixed on their intertwined fingers. The ache in his chest grew unbearable, threatening to suffocate him. He closed his eyes tightly, summoning the courage to break Adam's heart once more. He wished more than anything to turn back time, to undo the tragedy of two years past. He couldn't bear to see Adam suffer again.

"Lucifer?" Adam's voice was soft, his head tilted as he sought Lucifer's gaze. He smiled slightly, trying to dispel the heavy tension between them.

"Cause I'm lonely, I'm so lonely, if you hold me, I'll be your only," Lucifer murmured, the words of an old song slipping from his lips. It was the song he had sung when he first confessed his love, a time when they were both so achingly lonely.

Adam hummed softly, his eyes darting around the camp. He didn't understand what Lucifer was trying to say. He thought their relationship had grown stronger since they had reconnected. Had he unknowingly done something wrong? His gaze drifted to the tree with the lilies and roses, realization dawning. Lucifer had been sitting by the flowers when Adam returned, hadn't he? And his eyes... they were red from crying.

With gentle care, Adam freed his right hand and touched Lucifer's cheek, brushing away the redness with his thumb. Lucifer leaned into the touch, his eyes fluttering shut at the tender caress.

"Is it raining because you're crying?" Adam asked softly, his smile warm and understanding. "I've always known you were Eden's Angel. This just proves it."

Lucifer leaned in, pressing his lips to Adam's in a desperate, selfish kiss. He needed to feel Adam, to chase away the cold gnawing at his heart. His left claw tightened around Adam's hand as he nuzzled into the touch on his cheek.

"Yeah," he admitted, "I don't know why, and it doesn't happen all the time. But when I cry... it rains."

Adam returned the kiss, his apple-green eyes half-lidded. "Why are you crying?"

"Adam, there's something I should have told you," Lucifer breathed deeply, lowering his head. He considered taking the coward's way out, but then he steeled himself and met Adam's eyes again, a strained smile on his lips. "Something I should have told you two years ago."

"Two years ago?" Adam echoed, his brow furrowing in thought. His gaze shifted back to the tree with the lilies and roses.

He couldn't bear to look at it for long, but he had noticed Lucifer spending time around the flowers. He had seen Lucifer's efforts to avoid them when they were together. Adam wasn't oblivious. Sometimes, in the dead of night, he would wake to find Lucifer by the flowers instead of lying next to him. Adam never let on that he was awake; he would watch in silence until sleep reclaimed him.

Now, those nights and the weight of unspoken truths hung between them like the rain-soaked air, heavy and unavoidable.

"You mean from when I..." Adam's voice faltered, the words hanging heavy in the air. His stomach twisted with the familiar, dreadful knot he had spent countless hours trying to ignore. Every time the ache in his body flared and the horrific tightness seized his chest, he would shut down, turn off the lights in his mind, and pretend the elephant in the garden wasn’t real.

Lucifer's face was a portrait of anguish. His grip tightened around Adam's hand, as if holding on could keep the past at bay. "That's right. Back when... when your virgina first appeared..."

"I don’t want to talk about this," Adam said, trying to pull his hand free and retreat into the safety of avoidance. But Lucifer wouldn’t let him. The Fallen Angel followed him, his claw unyielding.

"Adam, please," Lucifer whispered, his voice as tender as a lover's caress. He cupped Adam's cheek, gently forcing him to face the truth. "What do you remember from that night, when your virgina was created?"

Adam's face contorted with the effort of suppressing memories. His eyebrows knitted into a firm arch, a futile barrier against the flood of pain. What did he remember from that time? Pain. An unbearable agony that felt like his body was being split in two. Even though he hadn't felt that pain since, nothing could ever erase the memory of it. It was horrible, terrifying—a sensation of being ripped apart and stitched back together, leaving him with sleepless nights and a mind stained with blood.

"Nothing," he lied sharply, trying to break free again.

Lucifer frowned, seeing through the falsehood in Adam's apple-green eyes. He stroked Adam's cheek with his thumb, threading their fingers together with his other hand. "You can only distract yourself for so long, Adam. It's okay."

"I'm not—" Adam stopped, staring back at Lucifer. His eyes widened, and his heart pounded fiercely. "You want to know what I remember? I remember it f*cking hurt. I remember the pain, like I was dying all over again. I remember the blood, so much blood. I remember—I remember...bleeding between my legs! I remember looking down as I saw my legs being painted red! I remember my skin being ripped apart!"

Before he could continue, Lucifer pulled him into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around Adam like a protective cage. Adam's body tensed at first, but then he melted into the hug, the warmth of Lucifer's embrace a stark contrast to the cold memories flooding his mind.

"I’m sorry," Lucifer murmured into his hair, holding him as if he could shield him from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of the future. "I’m so sorry."

Lucifer drew closer to Adam, his claws gripping the brunette tightly, desperation seeping from his every pore. The ordeal had driven a wedge between them, and Adam had withdrawn, needing time to collect the shattered pieces of himself before they could reconnect. Lucifer had shown Adam the beauty of his new form, and though Adam still loathed parts of himself, it was progress. Their bond had grown stronger, yet Lucifer feared this revelation might shatter them once more. But Adam needed to know the truth about that night.

"Do you remember anything else?" Lucifer whispered, his claws tenderly stroking Adam's back. He pulled away just enough to cup Adam's face, pressing his forehead against his. "I know it’s hard, but please try. Think back to that night. It’s okay, I’m here. You’re not alone."

We're not lonely anymore. We're together.

Did he remember anything else? Other than the excruciating pain and the blood? Adam frowned deeply, his entire body tensing.

"Why?" he asked, voice barely a whisper.

Lucifer opened his mouth but then closed it again, his expression twisting with sorrow and heartbreak. "...Adam, do you remember waking up afterward? Did you notice anything different about our home?"

Home. The word stirred a fleeting warmth in Adam’s heart, which he quickly smothered. His eyes flickered to the lilies and roses.

"The flowers," he murmured, "they weren’t there before."

Lucifer winced and glanced back at the white lilies and roses, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He turned back to Adam, lips parting to speak, only to be silenced by Adam’s finger.

Sadness clouded Adam's emerald eyes. His face was soft, gentle, devoid of anger or hatred. "I already know."

"You know?" Lucifer gasped, his eyes widening. "But..."

"It’s... hard to explain," Adam admitted sheepishly, inching backward. "I... I mean, I don’t know for sure, but I think I already know. I just..."

Adam struggled to find the words. His face flushed, burning with a familiar, painful sensation. His heart felt like it was being ripped apart, betraying him all over again. He turned away before he broke down, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes, willing the tears to vanish, because it didn’t matter.

"Adam," Lucifer swallowed, stepping forward to hold him again. "Adam... Adam, you... you know or—"

"It doesn’t matter," Adam cut him off sharply, a wide smile stretching across his face. It was an easy mask to wear, just like the extermination horned mask he had been forced to wear in Heaven. Adam was so used to hiding behind layers: the heavenly robes, the mask, his golden wings, in Eden and out of Eden. He had learned to conceal himself so well after his first betrayal of Lilith and Lucifer.

Lucifer gasped, pain lancing through him. His heart shattered, and his stomach churned with nausea. "It doesn’t matter?"

"That's right," Adam chimed, his demeanour suddenly light, as if the conversation meant nothing to him. As if their child, who had never lived, never mattered. "It doesn’t matter at all, so let’s not dwell on it. I already know, and I appreciate it when you pretend nothing happened."

"Pretend nothing happened..." Lucifer echoed weakly. He felt useless, weak, powerless. His hooves buckled, and he swayed as he continued to stare at Adam.

Nodding, Adam stepped around Lucifer. His green eyes lifted to the sky, and he clicked his tongue. "Oh, it looks like it’s about to stop raining. That’s great. I think I want more pineapple."

"Pineapple?" Lucifer stared in disbelief. They were supposed to be talking about their child. Adam was supposed to be crying, hurt and broken. Lucifer was supposed to be there for him. Why was Adam talking about a mere piece of fruit and not their baby?

"Hmm," Adam cupped his chin thoughtfully, purposefully avoiding the white flowers. "Pineapples are only in Eden’s rainforest. I guess I could go for another trip so soon. Do you want to come too?"

Lucifer struggled to process Adam’s reaction. His eyes bore into the first human’s body, unblinking. Adam was emotional, sensitive, tender. Lucifer had held him every time he broke down. This... this was not Adam. Adam wouldn’t act so carelessly about something like this. It was almost as if Lucifer didn’t recognize the person in front of him.

"Luci?" Adam called, waving a hand in front of him.

Lucifer blinked rapidly and straightened up. "I—um—what? What did you say? Sorry, I—I..."

"Pineapple," Adam stated blankly. "I’m going to get more."

"Oh, right, pineapple..." Lucifer mumbled.

Adam co*cked his head. "Well? Do you want to come with me or not?"

"Oh, um... I..." the fallen angel stammered, scratching his head. "I... think..."

"You stay here," Adam said quickly, moving across the camp. Lucifer watched blankly, feeling numb and confused as Adam gathered the leaf-woven basket and fruit-gathering nets they had created. "You stay here, Luci. I think you might be tired. Try to sleep and rest up, okay? I’ll bring back some dragon fruit for you too."

Lucifer could only nod. He remained standing still in the middle of the camp, long after Adam ran off. He awkwardly shifted from one hoof to the other. His wide, golden, and ruby eyes scanned the camp, as if searching for someone else who had witnessed what he had just seen. Until his gaze settled on the painted tree, the two painted faces on the bark, the white petals of the lilies and roses making the paint glow.

"He’s not grieving," he finally understood. "Adam’s not grieving. He isn’t accepting it..."

He’s pretending it never happened.

The smiles of Charlie and Emily seemed saddened by his words.


The following months were far more difficult than Lucifer had anticipated. Adam was a whirlwind of activity, constantly on the move, always busy, and never pausing long enough for Lucifer to approach him. It reached the point where Adam began to skip meals just to keep himself occupied. Lucifer knew he wasn't being avoided entirely, as Adam did occasionally stop to spend fleeting moments with him. But it was never enough. Adam was off again before Lucifer could utter a word.

The frustration was unbearable. Lucifer could see Adam was struggling, unable to cope with their loss. Adam hadn't grieved for their child at all. The fact that Adam knew about the miscarriage and chose to remain silent, pretending it had never happened, was heartbreaking.

Why? Did he not trust Lucifer? No, that couldn't be it. Adam didn't trust Lucifer fully, but surely he trusted him enough to grieve with him, right?

Lucifer frowned, his sharp teeth clinking together as he twirled a jagged rock between his claws. In his other hand, he held a piece of wood, slowly taking the form of a duck adorned with delicate flowers. This image had haunted his mind for a while, and now he was finally trying to give it form. A duck with white flowers sprouting from it. It was beautiful but painful. Lucifer's eyes drifted to the lilies and roses, his lips twitching in sadness.

After Charlie... Lucifer never expected to have another child. To have another and then lose them so quickly was unbearable. He sighed deeply, closing his eyes and turning away from the flowers. The loss cut him deeply, but he couldn't imagine what Adam was going through. With Lilith, they never tried for a child. She was barren, cursed never to bear a child, so they never tried or gave themselves false hope. Charlie was a miracle, a sudden blessing that left them both in awe.

In hindsight, Lucifer realised Lilith had never been happy about the pregnancy. He hadn't noticed back then, too overjoyed himself to see the despair on her face. She had been quite content with her barrenness, hadn't she? Lucifer never understood that Lilith didn't just reject the role of the mother of humanity; she didn't want to be a mother at all...

Lucifer ran a hand across his face, wiping the sweat from his brow. Adam was an incredible father, wasn't he? Lucifer had never heard any Sinners speak ill of Adam's parenting. Granted, he hadn’t met any of Adam's children personally. If Cain had ended up in Hell, Lucifer certainly hadn't encountered him. Yet the whispers of Adam's grandchildren reached his ears through Hell's corridors. Curiosity had gnawed at him, driving him to uncover what had become of Adam after he left Eden. To learn about Adam and Eve, Lucifer had obsessed over every detail when the first Sinners began to appear in Hell.

Lilith had ventured out to meet them while Lucifer stayed back in their mansion. He hadn’t realised it at the time, but while Lilith blossomed as the Queen of Hell, he sank into a deep, sickly depression. A darkness had begun to fester within him, remnants of memories that had been stripped away. It was a shadow Lucifer had carried since he first entered Eden, one he had ignored until it grew into a consuming sickness. If only he had paid attention to the aching in his heart, he might have realised something was amiss, that something vital had been stolen from him.

If Lucifer had investigated the sudden pain in his chest upon his return to Eden, he would have discovered the truth of his love for Adam and how Heaven had cruelly taken those memories from him. While Lilith thrived, Lucifer plunged deeper into despair.

The pain lessened slightly when he re-encountered the humans. Lucifer didn’t know if it was because of Adam specifically; he just felt better being around them. So he spent all his time with them. That was when Lilith began to use the information she had gathered from Adam to draw his attention. Unconsciously, Lucifer recognized her words and actions, which soothed him. Lilith mimicked his first love so perfectly that Lucifer fell for her completely.

But the relief was fleeting. The pain flared up again when he saw Adam's expression after the first human caught him and Lilith. Lilith was furious, not because of the interruption, but because Adam was no longer her plaything once he discovered the betrayal. From then on, the pain never subsided, consuming Lucifer just as it had when he first returned to the garden.

Lilith had tried to cheer him up, doing everything she could. Back then, Lucifer thought she acted out of love and affection, but now he realised she was merely trying to keep him under her control. She wanted to use him, exploit his power. Lucifer, unaware of her true intentions, allowed it. But even in his ignorance, he couldn’t truly find solace. The pain in his chest never went away; it only grew more intense with each passing day. He had tried reaching out to God, his Father, but the moment Adam was hurt, God abandoned him too.

When Lucifer betrayed Adam, God shut him out completely. He never heard His voice again after that day.

The pain utterly consumed him when he fell, when he was cast into Hell. He hid himself away from the Hellborn in what would become the Ring of Pride. Lilith took control of everything, not out of understanding or love, but because she craved power. She adored being a Queen and having subjects. Her pregnancy only shackled her, breeding resentment. When Charlie was born, Lucifer felt a flicker of warmth. He cared for their daughter until she was a toddler, then Lilith took her away.

Lucifer understood why now.

As a newborn, as a baby, Charlotte was of no use to Lilith. She took care of Charlie when necessary but left most of it to Lucifer until Charlie was old enough to be manipulated. The moment Lilith could exert control over their daughter, she shut Lucifer out, disguising her actions under a veneer of motherly love and a desire to develop a strong relationship with her. She severed Lucifer's bond with their daughter.

"Because I was easier to control when I was depressed and pathetic," Lucifer muttered bitterly. Eating the apple of knowledge had truly opened his eyes in ways he never thought possible.

But still, the fact remained: Adam had been a great father and grandfather. The whispers and rumors carried no hint of neglect or malice in his treatment of them. Eve, on the other hand, seemed nonexistent in their lives, hardly paying attention to their children. Adam, however, had been a doting father and grandfather, beloved by his grandchildren. Lucifer remembered the times he would transform into tiny animals—rats, snakes, birds—anything to remain unseen as he snuck out of the mansion to eavesdrop on the new Sinners' conversations. He recalled sitting behind rocks or hiding in the red grass, just listening to their stories.

Lilith had often been involved in those conversations. Her expression, mostly void of anger, was not quite happy but tinged with a slight fondness as she learned about Adam. She seemed more pleased to hear that Eve was considered a terrible mother and grandmother. Back then, Lucifer hadn't understood her grudge against Eve, but after consuming the apple, he saw it clearly: it all boiled down to Eve being Lilith's replacement. He understood now. Lucifer would be furious if he were replaced too—which, in a way, he was, though he refused to entertain that thought.

Lilith rarely spoke during those conversations with her new subjects. She stood coolly, listening as they shared their fondest memories, most of which centred around their parents and grandpa. She only interjected when the conversations began to fizzle out, keeping them going to learn as much about the surface as possible.

Even now, Lucifer didn't know what Lilith truly thought of Adam. Her hatred for Eve was obvious, but Adam? That was less clear. In the garden, she had claimed Adam was controlling and demanding, wanting to dominate her. Yet the moment they left Eden, Lucifer realised with a sickly twist in his stomach that Lilith never mentioned Adam being either of those things again. She had used those accusations to keep Lucifer to herself, to access his divine power. Whether she truly despised Adam as much as Lucifer had originally thought was left in the air.

Lilith wanted more than Eden. She wanted to leave, to gain more power, and she used any means necessary to achieve her goals, even if it meant hurting Adam in the process. Lucifer wondered if she considered him merely collateral damage. What Lilith's true goal was beyond him remained a mystery.

Shaking off these thoughts, Lucifer looked towards the white lilies and roses again. Adam was an amazing father; he would have been an amazing mother too, Lucifer was sure of it. If only Adam had been given the chance to be one...

In the next breath, Adam burst into the camp, looking slightly dishevelled. With a concerned gaze, Lucifer regarded Adam's attire, watching as the brunette threw himself down across from him and began to unwind the thick, leaf-woven, boot-like shoes. They weren't as perfectly made as boots but were layered with thicker leaves and tied with plant fibres, nut shells lining the bottoms for added protection.

Adam hummed contentedly as he freed his feet from the makeshift boots, wiggling his toes in the air. He had spent all week weaving those boots, perfect for exploring the freezing mountain terrain. Once he was free from them, he pulled off his coat, crafted similarly with layers of leaves and grass lining the inside.

Lucifer watched silently, his face pinched with annoyance. The moment Adam was free from the heavier attire, he began to unload the items he had harvested from the mountains. He didn’t even stop to admire his findings as he normally would. The first human was already preparing for another adventure.

"You're leaving again?" Lucifer asked, placing the wooden duck down and rising to his feet. He trailed behind Adam and crossed his arms, leaning against a palm tree near the riverbank. "You've been gone all morning, Adam. The sun is about to set. Shouldn't you think about eating and resting before heading out again?"

Adam hummed absently as he sorted through his harvesting tools. Without looking up, he replied, "It's okay. I've eaten a couple of pears already."

"When?" Lucifer hissed, his claws digging into his arms. "I don't recall seeing you eat."

Adam held up a bamboo stick, examining it. "Hm, I should visit that bamboo grove again. We could use more bamboo, and I'd love to see the pandas again. Maybe even scratch the belly of the red pandas."

Lucifer's eyebrows twitched in frustration at being blatantly ignored. His lips twisted together, and his eyes narrowed. Finally, he stepped forward and snatched the bamboo stick from Adam's grasp, startling him.

"Lucifer!" Adam exclaimed, whipping his head around to face the blonde with a frown. "Why did you do that?"

Lucifer grabbed Adam by the chin, forcing the human to look him in the eye. "You're not going out again tonight."

"What? I'm not a child, Lucifer. You can't tell me what I can and can't do," Adam grunted, trying to pry Lucifer's hold off and failing. "I'll be fine! I'll be back before sundown. Stop worrying so much. You'll gain wrinkles."

Adam's eyes blazed as he tightened his grip on Lucifer's wrist. With a futile attempt, he tried once more to free his chin from Lucifer's unyielding claws, but the hold remained steadfast.

"Let go," he growled, a storm brewing in his voice.

Lucifer's own gaze hardened, a fiery defiance in his eyes as he leaned closer to Adam's face. "No, you're not going anywhere tonight. You can go exploring again in the morning."

"You don't get to tell me what to do," Adam retorted, his hair bristling like a cornered cat. "You have no right."

"No right?" Lucifer echoed, his eyes widening in incredulous disbelief. "Of course I have the right. I'm not trying to control you, Adam, but I'm worried about you. You haven't stopped for months."

"So?" Adam muttered, the fire in his voice dimming. Lucifer was just worried about him. Of course he was.

Lucifer sighed deeply, sinking to his knees. His grip on Adam's chin softened, becoming a gentle caress against his cheek. "You've lost weight. You hardly eat, you don't sleep like you used to, and you're always away from the camp, doing who knows what. You don't even carve ducks with me anymore..."

Adam's mouth opened and closed, words dying on his lips. His brows knitted together, and a weary frown tugged at his lips. Guilt churned in his stomach, making him feel dizzy and light-headed. His emerald eyes darted away awkwardly.

"I'm fine. You're worrying for nothing," Adam said softly, laying his hand over Lucifer's. A faint smile appeared, and his eyes met Lucifer's again. "Really, I'm just trying to be more active. I was getting too lazy, that's all."

Lucifer continued to gaze at the human he loved more than anything. His eyes narrowed briefly before softening. He didn't believe Adam at all, but he knew he couldn't force him. "Adam, you can't just ignore—"

Adam moved forward suddenly, silencing the fallen angel with a kiss. Their lips pressed together, and for a few moments, Lucifer was at a loss. Pushing Adam away would hurt him, but pulling him closer might hurt him more. Adam wasn't in the right headspace for intimacy.

"I'm fine," Adam repeated, breaking the kiss and sparing Lucifer the decision. His apple-green eyes, normally so vibrant, looked glassy and distant. "Don't worry, I'm just fine. It doesn't bother me."

Lucifer swallowed down the words that threatened to escape. Adam wasn't fine. He was far from okay, and it clearly did bother him. Adam wasn't grieving. He wasn't facing what had happened to him that night two years ago. But Lucifer wanted to hold him, comfort him, promise him he wasn't alone. Seeing Adam hurt himself like this was unbearable. Was this what Adam did when something pained him? Did he pretend it wasn't a bother? Adam had to be strong for humanity, for Eve, for their children and grandchildren. Lucifer could see now how that responsibility had scarred Adam's heart. Always busy, always moving, never stopping to let the truth consume him.

"Please stay tonight," Lucifer whispered, taking Adam's right hand in his own. He squeezed it tightly and cradled it to his chest. "Please stay with me tonight."

It was as if a switch had flipped in Adam's mind. Suddenly, he couldn't remember why he had wanted to leave. His eyes flickered up to the sky, now painted with the pink and orange hues of the setting sun. Lucifer was right; it was too late to go back out. What had he been thinking? Without his big cats to guide him, he could get lost or hurt.

The look in Lucifer's eyes made Adam's chest twist. He looked so desperate, so sad. Lucifer squeezed his hand again.

"Please?" he whispered once more.

Adam slowly nodded, shifting on his knees and allowing the King of Hell to lead him back to their tree. His eyes lowered to his feet, and he bit his bottom lip awkwardly.

"Okay," he said softly. "Sorry, I didn't realise how late it was..."

Lucifer's face lit up with a sweet smile, relief washing over him. At least Adam wasn't going to put himself in further danger by wandering around in the dark. The moonlight in Eden was beautiful and bright, casting a magical glow over the forest, but it wasn't enough to keep everything well-lit. Even Lucifer sometimes got turned around when he wandered away from the camp at night. He couldn't bear the thought of Adam getting lost and hurt. Lucifer wouldn't let that happen if he could help it.

Under the embrace of their shared sleeping tree, Adam and Lucifer watched as the gorgeous pastels of pink, yellow, and orange danced across the soil of Eden. The sun shimmered above them, kissing the horizon as it began to set. Adam's eyes followed the cascade of colours splashing across the river, painting the sand, transforming the soil, and finally caressing the plants and flowers. His gaze lingered on the white lilies and roses, now bathed in soft hues of pink and gold. His heart skipped a beat, then plummeted like a rock into the pit of his stomach.

Lucifer observed the torrent of emotions on Adam's face, memorising every flicker and twitch. He noticed Adam had unwittingly focused on the flowers adorning their child's grave. A shadow of pain crossed Adam's features, and Lucifer felt a strange relief—it meant Adam still felt something. Gently, he placed a clawed hand on Adam's cheek. When Adam turned to him, Lucifer leaned in and brushed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Let's sleep. We can talk in the morning," Lucifer suggested warmly.

Adam blinked, wide-eyed, and nodded silently. He lay down on the warm soil of Eden. Lucifer hovered for a moment before joining him, curling up beside Adam like a tiny koala.

"It'll be alright," Lucifer whispered, his voice a soothing lullaby as he continued to stroke Adam's cheek. The two lay facing each other on their sides. "It hurts now, but it will get better with time. I'm here."

"But why are you here?" Adam asked, his voice a fragile whisper.

Lucifer smiled and kissed him on the forehead again. "I love you."

Adam sighed deeply, his eyelids growing heavy. "Hm, as you keep saying."

"And I will never stop saying it," Lucifer spoke softly, his words a gentle promise. "I love you and I hope, with time, you will love me too."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, its final rays casting a golden glow over the garden, Adam closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of Lucifer's embrace. Maybe when the time comes, he will…

…or maybe he won’t.

Lucifer hardly slept that night, his eyes fluttering open and closed, waiting to catch Adam in another great escape. For weeks now, Adam had risen at dawn, slipping out of the camp before Lucifer could stir. Lucifer had given him space, thinking he needed it, but now he realised it had become unhealthy. Adam was running himself ragged, and Lucifer feared he’d make himself sick.

As the first light of dawn crept into the sky, Lucifer felt Adam stir beside him. Instantly, he was wide awake. Normally, Lucifer cherished his sleep, needing time in the morning to fully wake up. But when it came to Adam, he could do anything. The moment Adam began to sit up, Lucifer sprang up as well, startling the brunette.

"Holy sh*t!" Adam yelped, staring at Lucifer in shock. "Since when were you an early riser?"

Lucifer shrugged, stretching his arms above his head. "Since recently~"

"Hmm," Adam squinted his eyes suspiciously. "You never get up this early..."

"What? A guy can't decide to watch the sunrise?" Lucifer retorted, rolling onto his hooves and twisting his spine with a satisfying crack. His blonde hair was a mess, sticking up adorably, with golden curls forming his demonic horns. Adam resisted the urge to play with them.

"Besides," Lucifer added slyly, leaning down to peer into Adam’s eyes, his lips curling into a wicked smirk that revealed his sharp teeth. "You were never a morning person until recently either~"

Adam flushed, anxiously looking away. He felt caught, as if he’d been cheating. Twisting his hands in his lap, he scratched at his cheek and carefully stood up, his legs stretching with a series of cracks. Avoiding Lucifer's gaze, Adam already knew he had lost this round, and Lucifer was revelling in his victory.

Lucifer's smirk widened, his triumph clear. "Great," he clapped his hands, perhaps too joyfully. "Then let's bathe and get ready. Where are we going today? To get more bamboo?"

Adam picked at the grass, chewing the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. Lucifer coming with him meant more time together, like before. But it also made Adam anxious, worried something inside him would break. "Well, we know the mountains are to the north and the rainforest to the south. I'm curious about what's west of here. I think the sakura blooms and bamboo forest are in the east, but we haven’t explored there yet," Adam mumbled, fiddling with a stick. "I just feel like there's so much more to Eden, and I want to see what else is new."

Lucifer hummed, rubbing his chin. "You have a point. Eden's much bigger now. From the mountain, we saw places that weren’t part of Eden before. It might be fun to discover what else it has to offer."

"Really?" Adam gasped, finally looking up at the King of Hell.

"Why wouldn’t I be?" Lucifer asked curiously.

Adam’s lips twisted as if struggling for the right words. Seeing the conflict on his lover’s face, Lucifer turned to him fully. "Adam?" he called tenderly.

Adam returned to playing with the stick. "It's just, you know, you hated Eden back then. Both you and... Lilith hated Eden. To you, it was my prison, and to Lilith, it was a birdcage. Right?"

Lucifer's eyes widened in surprise, amazed that Adam understood. Blinking, he moved closer, gently holding Adam’s hands and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. "Well, yeah..." Lucifer began, his eyes growing sorrowful. "I loved Eden at first too. When it was just us and Eden was still growing, it was wonderful. But then I saw it was designed to keep you inside. It became your prison, though it was also your home. I wanted you to see the universe, to experience everything you were missing..."

"It wasn’t nice. I wasn’t missing anything outside Eden," Adam said quietly, looking down at their hands. "It was hard out there. It was horrible, and all I wanted was to come back home to Eden."

Lucifer flinched, realising how blind his pride had made him. He had been selfish. The horrible truth is that Lucifer only really cares about his mistakes because Adam cared. If he never ate the apple, he would still believe he didn’t do anything particularly wrong. He is the Sin of Pride after all. It only really mattered because of Adam, he only saw his actions were wrong in the end because of Adam and the apple. But even with the apple, Lucifer could quite easily ignore the disgusting truth, close his eyes and turn away - but he couldn’t due to Adam and how much he loved him.

"I know. I took that away from you. But I want to see what’s new in Eden because you do. I love Eden because you love Eden. I’m here in Eden because you’re here."

"Why?" Adam frowned, his eyebrows raising. "You can't possibly be happy."

"I'm happy if you're happy, Adam. That’s what love is. That’s what being in a relationship means. It means being willing to sacrifice things and learning to enjoy other things that we’d normally hate.” Lucifer spoke earnestly, his face softening into a loving expression. His eyes grew soft and tender, filled with longing and fondness.

Adam's mouth went dry as he considered those words. Being willing to give up what's most important to you to make your partner happy? Adam's eyes trailed around the forest of Eden, and he found himself wondering: Would he be able to give up Eden for Lucifer's happiness?

Was it love if he could?

Is that why Lucifer was able to give up returning to Hell to see Charlie? Adam just didn't understand. He couldn't see it like how Lucifer wanted him to. But yet, something sparked in his chest.

"Um..." He pulled away from Lucifer and stood up. "Urm, we should—you know, get going now and..."

Lucifer simply smiled. He could already see it in Adam's eyes.

"Yeah, let's get going. I want us to be back by dinner," he said sternly. His voice became harsh, cold, and commanding. Adam immediately felt small under his gaze. "Speaking of food, we're having breakfast before we leave too."

"Ah..." Adam could only nod like a child being scolded.

"And, you're having a bath too!" Lucifer added, grabbing Adam by the wrist and practically dragging him towards the river. "Don't think I haven't noticed you neglecting washing yourself, because I definitely have! And I'll wash you myself if I have to!"

Adam's eyes widened, a mix of embarrassment and amusem*nt flashing across his face. "Lucifer, I'm not a kid—"

"Then stop acting like one," Lucifer retorted, a playful glint in his eyes despite the stern tone. He paused and turned back to Adam, his expression softening once more. "I just want to take care of you."

Adam sighed, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely."

Lucifer chuckled, the sound both comforting and mischievous. "That's the spirit."

As they made their way to the river, the tension between them eased, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and an unspoken promise to navigate their love together, sacrifices and all.


Returning to the sakura tree park was like reopening an old wound for Adam. He almost lagged behind Lucifer as they approached, his eyes downcast, watching the familiar forest floor transition into a lush carpet of green grass dotted with small pink flowers. Each step brought him closer to the park and deeper into a well of melancholy. The bamboo forest stood just behind the park, a sentinel to memories he wished to escape. With every footfall, his heart grew heavier, weighed down by an old, familiar sadness.

"Adam?" Lucifer's voice was a gentle call, pulling Adam from his thoughts. Adam barely stopped in time to avoid walking into Lucifer's back. Lucifer turned, his eyes tender, "Hey, what's the matter? I thought you liked the cherry blossoms? Remember how much you love the pandas here?"

Adam swallowed hard, nodding slowly. He did love the pandas, those gentle creatures who had always felt like kindred spirits to him. He remembered sneaking away to nap among them, finding comfort in their warmth. But they never strayed from the cherry blossom park, never ventured far from the bamboo clusters. It took him a while to understand that bamboo was their food source, their lifeline.

"It's just... hard to be here," Adam admitted softly, his gaze falling again. "Eve loved the cherry blossoms. She found them so beautiful. She adored the pink flowers."

"Oh," Lucifer's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn’t known that. He never realized Eve had cherished anything in Eden. It was a poignant reminder that, despite everything, Adam had cared deeply for her. This truth stung, but Lucifer accepted it with a bitter resignation.

"It'll be okay," Lucifer murmured, taking Adam's hand in his own. His claws curled gently around Adam's fingers, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of his hand. "You're not alone. I'm here with you."

Adam squeezed Lucifer's hand, managing a fleeting smile that quickly faded as memories of Eve resurfaced, clouding his mind. The park was a nexus of painful memories, many of them centred around Eve. Perhaps that was why she had loved it so much.

"Hey, we're in this together, remember?" Lucifer's voice was sweet, filled with love. Adam couldn't help but believe him.

"Yeah, you're right," Adam replied, looking up shyly. "It shouldn't be this hard. I've been here before. I don't know why it's so difficult now."

"You're probably just overthinking it," Lucifer said, threading their fingers together and leading Adam further into Eden, towards the cherry blossom park.

As they neared the park, something felt off. At first, both of them thought it was just a trick of the eye. The sun in Eden was so bright, its rays sometimes made colours seem different. But this time, the colours didn't return to normal.

Adam stared in disbelief, his jaw nearly dropping. He inhaled sharply, "There's no way..."

Lucifer's mouth opened and shut, words failing him. His eyes darted anxiously between Adam and the cherry blossoms, concerned etching deeper into his features. He tightened his grip on Adam's hand, trying to keep him calm.

"What is this?" Adam's voice cracked, "What's happened to the cherry blossoms?"

Lucifer swallowed hard, looking back at the park. It was still beautiful, with delicate petals shimmering in the sunlight. The grass was lush and green, the trees' bark healthy and brown. But the sakura blossoms themselves had changed. They were no longer the vibrant pink he remembered; instead, they were a pristine snow-white. The trees' branches arched gracefully downwards, their white blossoms creating an elegant, albeit mournful, spectacle.

Staring at the transformed park, Lucifer felt a crushing sensation in his chest. He had a dreadful inkling of why the sakura blossoms had changed.

"Adam, it's—it's okay," Lucifer whispered, reaching up with his other hand to cup Adam's cheek, forcing him to meet his gaze. He caressed Adam's cheek, "Breathe, baby. It's alright. The park's just changed. Eden isn’t the same as we remember."

Adam whimpered, closing his eyes tightly, "No, no. The cherry blossoms were the same when we came back to Eden. Don't you remember? We walked through the park before!"

"That was more than ten years ago," Lucifer reminded him gently. "Things change."

"I went through the park a few years ago!" Adam cried out, "And the cherry blossoms were still there! Not these—weeping cherries! Why? Why would they change to weeping cherries? That's not fair!"

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock. Weeping cherries? Of course. That confirmed his suspicion. God must have changed the sakura blossoms after they lost their child two years ago. Damn it. This was a direct, painful reminder to Adam, a cruel act from God. Lucifer cursed inwardly. sh*t. Okay, f*ck. This wasn’t how he wanted Adam to confront his grief and transformation.

"Hey, hey, it's alright," Lucifer continued, his voice soft and soothing. "Breathe, baby. They're just flowers. Remember? They're just flowers. They're not important."

They stood there, surrounded by the ethereal beauty of the weeping cherry trees, both knew it wasn’t just about the flowers. It was about the memories, the loss, and the bittersweet reminder of what had once been.

Adam nodded slowly, the sharp pain within him dulling to a more bearable ache. He squinted his eyes, forcing himself to breathe deeply, just as Lucifer urged. His mouth felt dry, his tongue awkwardly large, but he concentrated on calming down. His free hand rose to cover the one Lucifer had placed on his cheek.

"Right, they're just flowers. They don't mean anything," Adam murmured weakly.

Lucifer mirrored his nod, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on the tip of Adam's nose. He didn't need to say anything further. Stepping back, their hands remained intertwined as they finally entered the cherry blossom park. Lucifer's gaze wandered upwards to the weeping cherry trees, their petals resembling delicate teardrops. The ground was blanketed in white petals, as if the trees had been endlessly shedding tears. Lucifer shook his head, dispelling the morose thoughts, and turned his attention forward. But not before casting another worried glance at Adam. The glassy look in Adam's green eyes had returned, indicating he was withdrawing from the painful reality.

At least Lucifer knew Adam was still feeling something. The brunette hadn't numbed himself completely, which was a small comfort.

"The bamboo is this way," Adam said blankly, picking up his pace and forcing Lucifer to match it. "The pandas should be somewhere up here too."

"Right," Lucifer responded quietly, his heart aching for Adam.

The park was a delightful symphony of contrasts: the haunting beauty of white petals swirling in the air and the vibrant life of the pandas they were about to meet. Lucifer squeezed Adam's hand gently, a silent promise that he would be there through every step, every memory, every tear. As they walked, the sound of rustling bamboo and distant panda calls grew closer, blending with the bittersweet scent of the weeping cherry blossoms.

To be completely honest, it was Lucifer's first time seeing a panda. Given how animated and excited Adam was when talking about these creatures, Lucifer had expected something more... dangerous? With claws and fangs, something threatening. Instead, he found a large black and white puffball that seemed to struggle just to walk upright.

Lucifer blinked in surprise as a panda lost its footing and rolled past them, tumbling down the hill of petals like a fluffy snowball. He stared after it, puzzled, especially when he saw another bear-like puffball sitting on a tree stump, only to fall backward with a soft, toy-like squeal. It lay there, seemingly content, until another panda waddled over and flopped on top of it, cuddling into the fallen one. Nearby, another panda was slowly chewing on a bamboo stick, but soon gave up and flopped back against the bamboo, utterly exhausted.

"So, these are the pandas?" Lucifer finally asked.

Adam grinned widely. "Yep. Aren't they adorable? They remind me of myself—lazy, chubby, and with hardly any energy!"

"I sort of see the resemblance," Lucifer mumbled, tilting his head as he looked at a panda in front of him. The longer he stared, the more he realised Adam was quite like these pandas, at least as an angel.

A laugh escaped Adam when a panda tried to approach him, only to lose energy and slump down like a lost puppy. The panda raised its paws toward Adam before giving up, appearing too tired to try anymore. Eventually, Adam delicately released Lucifer's hand and approached the panda, which immediately perked up when it noticed Adam coming closer.

"Aw, you poor pookie-fluff," Adam cooed. The panda raised its paws like a child, and Adam effortlessly lifted the black and white bear as if it weighed nothing. It was impressive since the panda was bigger than Adam.

Lucifer blinked in surprise, especially when he felt a little something cuddling his leg. Peering down, he found an adorable, roly-poly panda cub wrapping its tiny paws around his leg. Lucifer stared in astonishment as the cub's big, innocent eyes gazed up at him, its fluffy body starting to climb up his leg—who knew pandas could climb?

"Uh, Adam?" he called out, raising his leg gently as the panda cub clung on rather helplessly. But before Lucifer could gather his wits, he was suddenly surrounded by a whole parade of baby pandas. Even as he tried to step back, the fluffy little critters followed him like a fuzzy, determined army.

Lucifer gasped as more cubs latched onto his other leg. "Adam?" he called again, his voice tinged with desperation.

Adam's laugh rang out, and Lucifer dared to glance over at his human companion. The sight was enough to warm even the coldest heart. Adam was no longer standing but sitting, practically submerged in a sea of lazily moving pandas, their round, furry bodies forming a living blanket.

"Adam, you okay?" Lucifer asked, his worry evident.

A hand emerged from the mass of black and white fluff. "I'm good!" Adam replied, his voice filled with amusem*nt.

"Oh, that's good," Lucifer muttered, feeling a warm glow at hearing Adam's laughter.

It had been so long since he'd heard Adam laugh. He smiled, pleased to see his friend happy. However, his attention quickly returned to the panda cubs when one climbed up to the top of his head and perched there like a fluffy hat. Another clung to his back like a living backpack, and yet another was scaling his chest. Lucifer's eyes narrowed in mock irritation. When did he become the babysitter for baby pandas?

Glancing at Adam again, Lucifer decided to follow his lead and sit down. In hindsight, it might have been one of the worst decisions he'd ever made. The moment his backside touched the ground, he was swarmed by the baby pandas. Their combined weight made him topple over with a soft 'oof', and soon they were all trying to flop over his face.

At least their fur was soft and plush. It wasn't so bad, he supposed. The pandas were incredibly cuddly, and he could see why Adam liked them so much. Plus, he could hear Adam laughing again, chatting happily with the lazy bears—something Lucifer hadn't heard in months. It stung a bit, realising that the animals could cheer Adam up in a way he couldn't. First, it was the big jungle cats, now these black and white bundles of joy. What would be next? Hedgehogs?

...Then again, Lucifer thought, seeing the ducks always cheered him up. It made sense that Adam would have a sweet connection with animals. Lucifer had his own bond with ducks, after all.

Sighing dramatically, Lucifer blew a rogue strand of golden hair out of his face. Honestly, it wasn’t so terrible—these pandas were warm, fuzzy bundles of pure adorableness. Nestled in the middle of a cuddly baby panda tower, he could easily drift off into dreamland. But just as his eyelids fluttered shut, a slightly heftier weight plopped onto his chest, snapping him back to reality.

A red and white face stared back at him, its bead-like nose practically booping him right in the eye. A chorus of soft chips and clicks came from the fuzzy critter as it tilted its head, clearly trying to decipher what sort of strange creature Lucifer was.

Lucifer’s eyes widened as he took in the sight. This little guy was bigger than the panda cubs and way bushier. Its tail was long and puffy, resembling a feather duster, while its fur was a beautiful mix of red, orange, white, and black, almost like a raccoon’s.

But wait, was this a bear? It looked like some adorable mashup of a fox, a raccoon, and a bear, all bundled in one cute package. The red creature seemed incredibly curious about Lucifer, pressing its front paws harder into his chest. He grunted, his face contorting as the little red fluff leaned in closer, its nose twitching as it sniffed him.

Suddenly, it froze, its golden eyes darkening and its fluffy white ears flattening backward. Lucifer stared, completely baffled, wondering what on Earth (or Hell) it was doing. Then, as if on cue, the creature reared back and let out a powerful sneeze right into the King of Hell’s face. Not once, but twice! Its fuzzy tail whipped around behind it, adding dramatic flair to the whole sneeze attack.

"Ew," Lucifer groaned, turning his head away in disgust.

Once it finished its sneeze-fest, the red panda stared at Lucifer for a moment longer. Then, with an unmistakably grossed-out expression, it twisted its paws into Lucifer's chest and bounced off. As soon as the red panda vacated, the baby pandas followed suit, rolling off him as if he had suddenly turned into a skunk.

"Oi, what the f*ck does that mean?" he grumbled, sitting up and sniffing his armpits. "I don't smell, do I?"

The little red panda glanced back at him briefly, its long tail flicking smugly behind it as it casually strolled away. Lucifer watched it in disbelief.

"The f*ck is that?!" he exclaimed, scrambling to his hooves and grumbling as he tried to steady himself.

Adam glanced over at him, an eyebrow raised. "It's just a red panda."

Lucifer grumbled under his breath, feeling the sting of embarrassment as he wiped his face, his expression a mix of irritation and disbelief. The audacity of that red panda to laugh at him! With narrowed eyes, he shot a glare towards the fluffy troublemaker, which only seemed to amuse it further.

"They're definitely cut from the same cloth," he muttered to himself, shooting a glance in Adam's direction. However, his annoyance melted away as he saw Adam's pure joy with the furry companions. Lucifer let out a melodramatic sigh, crossing his arms and closing his eyes, unsure of where to position himself in this chaotic scene. This might just be what Adam needed before facing the harsh realities awaiting him. Lucifer winced at the thought, determined to keep that smile on Adam's face and the beautiful laughter ringing in his ears. This time, he vowed, Adam wouldn't face it alone.

Suddenly, a growl disrupted his thoughts, causing Lucifer to jump and frantically scan his surroundings. But the source of the sound became apparent when he felt a strange sensation near his hoof. Glancing down, he was greeted by the comical sight of the small red panda attempting to launch an attack on his leg. It was utterly ridiculous, reminiscent of Charlie's antics as a toddler discovering the wonders of her feet.

With a snort of amusem*nt, Lucifer stepped back, watching as the red panda vented its frustration and then attempted to follow him, albeit with little success. He reached down and scooped up the feisty creature, holding it at arm's length as it struggled in his grasp, much like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"What's your deal? Hungry, perhaps?" he asked with a hint of amusem*nt.

As expected, the red panda's energy quickly dissipated, leaving it limp in Lucifer's grasp, its ears drooping and tail hanging limply. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle.

"You remind me of my daughter in her toddler days, throwing fits left and right," he remarked, tilting his head. "I would calm her down with a hug. Do you want a hug?"

At the mention of a hug, the red panda's demeanour softened, and it tentatively leaned into Lucifer's embrace. With a rumbling purr, it surrendered to the comfort of the gesture, much to Lucifer's amusem*nt.

With a low rumble, the red panda's elongated tail swayed hypnotically as it pressed its furry cheek against Lucifer's. It was a curious shift from the moments prior when the panda seemed poised for conflict, now exuding an almost disarmingly cute demeanour. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, reminiscing about Charlie's toddler antics during her terrible twos. Back then, it had just been Lucifer and Charlie, navigating the vast expanse of Eden on their own. Before Lilith intervened, that is, spiriting Charlie away from him.

The red panda's presence stirred memories of Charlie's infancy, a time Lucifer yearned to revisit, aching for the chance to relive those early moments. He could almost feel the weight of missed opportunities pressing against his chest. But fate had other plans, and Lucifer found himself trapped in the remorseful grip of what could have been.

A soft clicking-hum broke the silence, drawing Lucifer's attention back to the present. The panda leaned back in his arms, its honeyed gaze meeting his own with an uncanny depth. Though incapable of comprehending Lucifer's inner turmoil, the creature conveyed a silent understanding, its fluffy ears folding inquisitively.

Startled, Lucifer recoiled as the red panda suddenly wriggled free from his grasp, employing its lower paws to push against his chest. An indignant grumble escaped Lucifer's lips as he nursed his offended pride, watching the red bear with a mixture of amusem*nt and frustration.

"Seems our bond was short-lived," he muttered, sulking.

As the red panda began to amble away, it paused, casting a meaningful glance back at Lucifer. Their gazes locked in a silent exchange, pregnant with unspoken significance. Finally, Lucifer relented, arms outstretched in reluctant acquiescence.

"Why must Eden's creatures always lead me somewhere?" he sighed, resignation tainting his voice.

A huffing sound emanated from the panda, prompting Lucifer to suspect a hint of exasperation. Undeterred, he indulged in a childish display, sticking out his tongue in playful defiance. The panda responded in kind, albeit clumsily, eliciting a laugh from Lucifer.

Steeling himself, Lucifer hesitated, torn between duty and desire. Adam's radiant joy tugged at his heartstrings, a poignant reminder of what could be. With a wistful smile, he glanced back at his human companion, momentarily captivated by the scene before him.

He hesitated, anxiety gripping him. He didn’t want to leave Adam alone, especially after the difficulties of the past few days. Tilting his head towards his human, a warm smile took hold as he saw Adam, engrossed in playing with the larger pandas. Even the cubs, who had been using Lucifer as a jungle gym, had moved on to climb over Adam.

Adam beamed, giggling and playing with the black and white pandas. It was a beautiful sight. Lucifer wished he could freeze this moment, lock it away forever. Adam had never looked so carefree, untouched by pain and suffering. Lucifer longed for Adam to always be this free from agony...

But a gentle tug on his goat leg snapped him back to reality. The red panda regarded him with a reassuring gaze, its silent message clear: Adam would be fine. Yet, Lucifer couldn't shake the gnawing uncertainty that clung to his gut. Despite Adam's apparent happiness, Lucifer grappled with a pang of jealousy, longing to be the source of such unbridled joy.

Running his dark claw through his messy blonde hair, Lucifer turned to follow the red panda. His eyes drifted upward, catching the delicate, tear-shaped white petals drifting down. He caught one between his fingers, his lips twisting sternly as he narrowed his eyes at it. The symbolism was clear, and it gnawed at him. Shaking his head, he released the petal, watching it flutter down to join the others blanketing the ground like snowflakes. He grunted, raising his hooves to find several petals stuck to them.

Lucifer turned his gaze back to the red panda, frowning deeply. This was the third time an animal had led him through Eden. Before, it had been his leopard, not a red panda that eerily mirrored Charlie's personality at two years old. The panda continued its unhurried stroll, not even checking to ensure he followed. Lucifer suspected it knew he would.

The Weeping Cherries stood in perfect rows, reminiscent of a park. Though Lucifer had never visited a cherry blossom park on Earth, he had heard of their beauty. Adam knew more about them, but even Lucifer had to admit this place was enchanting. He understood why humans loved it, why it was Eve’s favorite spot.

Adam had always seemed uncomfortable here, long before they even reached the Weeping Cherries. It struck Lucifer now as odd, realizing Adam’s visits might have been solely for the panda. His thoughts swirled as he rounded a tree, only to freeze in his tracks.

His eyes widened until they burned, his chest tightening, his stomach churning. His knees buckled, and he blinked rapidly, questioning the reality of what lay before him.


Blood-red petals scattered across the ground directly in front of him. They looked bizarre, out of place amidst the pristine white of the Weeping Cherries. The tree they surrounded bore no red blossoms, nor white. It stood bare, devoid of leaves or flowers. The bark was pitch black, as if it had been scorched.

Lucifer's mind raced, the scene before him clashing violently with the serene beauty of the park. Something was terribly wrong, and the sense of foreboding grew with every breath he took.

It was as if Eden had a gaping wound, perpetually bleeding. The blood-red petals lay thickly upon the ground, their centre darkening to near-black, like a festering sore. Lucifer inhaled sharply, his lips twitching and compressing. This wasn't right. Covering his mouth with the back of his hand, he stumbled backward, a wave of nausea threatening to overwhelm him.

"What...what is this?" he wheezed, his throat burning, a sickly heat creeping up the back of his neck.

The red panda slowed its pace, entering the sea of crimson. Its tail dragged behind it, white-tipped ears folding as it struggled to reach the darker centre. There, it began to dig, flinging red petals aside in a frenzied search.

"Why did you come over here?" Adam's voice suddenly called from behind him.

Lucifer's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to the brunette. Adam approached the red petals cautiously, stopping just before them. His face twisted with various emotions, his bottom lip quivering, and his emerald eyes losing their light, becoming misty and glazed as if recalling something horrific.

"A-Adam?" Lucifer began tenderly, reaching out. But Adam pulled away, curling his hand around his arm. Lucifer's expression pinched with pain. "Adam, what is this place?"

Adam shook his head, unable to speak, and turned his gaze to the white petals instead. The sense of dread within Lucifer intensified, as if he already knew the answer, already understood the implication.

" this why you don't like coming here?" he asked weakly, wishing he could embrace Adam, stroke his hair, whisper sweet reassurances. The look on Adam's face was unbearable. "Have these petals always been here?"

Adam nodded mutely, and Lucifer's heart sank. He covered his mouth again, fighting the urge to vomit.

…No….No f*cking way.

The red panda's sudden sound drew their attention. It swam through the red petals, its tail sticking up as it emerged. It bolted toward Lucifer, something clutched in its mouth. Lucifer, trembling, lowered himself to one knee, extending a shaky black claw to receive the item.

Adam's breath hitched, his face paling. He swayed, light-headed.

Lucifer lowered his gaze, watching as the panda placed something into the palm of his hand. It was long and curved, looping almost around his entire hand. His hand trembled as he stared at it, the colour draining from his face. The object was stained reddish, and the longer he stared at it, the louder the agonised screams became.

Phantom wails echoed through his ears, and his eyes filled with tears he could not suppress. The cries of torment were deafening, each one a knife twisting in his heart. He could almost feel the pain radiating from the object, the sorrow and suffering it carried. The reality of the moment crashed down upon him, heavy and suffocating.

Lucifer's knees buckled, and he clutched the object tighter, as if trying to draw strength from it. The red panda sat at his feet, its eyes wide with concern, as if it understood the weight of the memories that were flooding back to him. The air grew thick with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the haunting echoes of past agonies.

"What have you brought me?" Lucifer whispered, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. He looked at the red panda, seeking answers in its soft honeyed eyes, but finding none.

“That…that’s not - no - that can’t be…” Adam stuttered. He paled further, and swayed on his feet as he stared at the object in Lucifer’s hand. Before his legs abruptly folded underneath him. Adam’s green eyes fell shut as he fainted from the weight of the situation.

"Adam... Adam !" Lucifer shouted, leaping up to catch him. He wrapped his arms around Adam, holding him close as they sank to the ground. His watery eyes frantically scanned Adam from head to toe.

“Adam! Hey, baby, come on now, wake up for me! Adam!”

The red panda whined again, a sound of sympathy and regret, as if apologising for the pain it had unearthed. Lucifer closed his eyes, letting the tears fall freely now, feeling the weight of countless tragedies pressing down on him. The petals beneath him, red and white, seemed to swirl together in a macabre dance, a visual representation of the torment within his soul.

Lucifer would never forget the blood curdling scream he heard that night centuries ago…


It hurt .

The horror was unrelenting. Agony wrapped itself around him, a sinister phantom stalking his every waking moment and tormenting his dreams. Adam’s existence was a tapestry of pain, a ceaseless ache gnawing at his very bones, even in the fleeting moments of calm. He could still recall the silent obedience, the desperate struggle to be a "good boy." Those moments were the worst, a feeling like his ribs were being wrenched apart from the inside out. Silent screams echoed in his mind, scenes of past horrors replaying with vivid clarity—his frantic running, futile hiding, and desperate pleading. None of it had mattered.

"Adam?" Sera's sweet, motherly voice called out, laced with an urgency that broke Adam's heart. "Adam, please. We do not mean to hurt you."

Adam squeezed himself against the rough bark of the tree, trying to disappear. His once vibrant apple green eyes were now dulled with sorrow. His left leg throbbed from the brutal encounter with the Archangels just the day before. Pulling his knees closer to his chest, he looked up at the delicate pink petals of the only two sakura trees left in Eden.

"Adam, it's okay. There is no need to fear," Sera's voice echoed through the garden, gentle yet filled with a desperation that made Adam's heart clench.

He liked Sera. She had been a beacon of kindness amidst his suffering. After Lucifer's return and Lilith's betrayal, Sera had been there for him, offering warmth and comfort. She had become the mother he never had. But Lucifer's scornful words about her echoed in his mind: a mere " wannabe ."

Pain clouded his vision as he rubbed his aching leg, the memory of their brutality still fresh. Why did they hurt him so? He had never thought the Angels could harbour such malice.

"I understand your weariness," Sera's voice floated on the breeze, her six wings rustling as she searched for him among Eden's trees. "I understand we frightened you. That was never our intention. Please believe me. I didn't want you to be hurt."

Adam swallowed hard, the pain and confusion almost unbearable. Why was he punished for the defiance of Lucifer and Lilith? Why did they try to take a bone from his leg? He had done nothing wrong. During the confrontation, he had stayed silent, standing by Sera's side as accusations flew.

Lucifer had tried to speak to him, but Sera had shielded him with her wings. Despite Lucifer's betrayal, Adam had trusted Sera. But now? Maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Yes, it had to be. Michael had said it was an accident. They had comforted him after his screams, hadn't they? Sera would never harm him deliberately. If she had wanted to, she could have used the Word of God.

"Adam, please come out. I just want to speak with you," Sera's voice broke with sadness.

Hearing the pain in her voice, Adam's resolve crumbled. He couldn't bear to upset her. Crawling at first, his left leg burning with every movement, he dragged himself through the falling petals. The starry sky above Eden shimmered without a moon to cast its light.

"S-Sera?" he called out meekly, struggling to his feet and limping toward her.

Sera turned immediately, her eyes softening with relief. She placed a hand on her chest, her wings fluttering as she moved to him.

"Oh Adam, there you are," she said, her voice like a soothing melody. "I was beginning to worry."

Adam hung his head in shame. He had disobeyed again. Was this why he was punished? Had he not listened hard enough? He had made Sera worry after all she had done for him, after Lilith had hurt him and taken Lucifer away.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "But my leg hurts."

Sera knelt on the soft soil of Eden and gently touched his cheek, her touch tender and motherly. "Yes, I understand," she said softly. “It must have been very…frightening.”

“Hmm,” Adam bobbed his head like an innocent child, “But why? Why did you want my leg?”

A tender expression softened Sera’s face. Though she stood much taller than Adam, her presence made him feel safe, protected, as if no one could harm him the way Lilith and Lucifer had. Despite not knowing her as well as the other Angels, Adam found himself clinging to her.

“With Lilith abandoning humanity as she has, we’re in a dire situation,” Sera explained calmly, her voice measured and soothing, like she was speaking to a toddler. “Father is not aware of the situation yet. We fear what He will do once He discovers what we have allowed to happen. How we have failed Him and how His grand scheme of the universe is doomed to fail before it has taken flight. I understand you may not fully grasp what I’m saying and are confused, but please, in time, you will see why this is important.”

Adam blinked owlishly, his heart pounding as a familiar sense of dread began to sink in, reminiscent of the fear he felt when the Angels came for his leg. He instinctively took a step back, but a sudden flash of bright light burned his eyes.

A cry escaped his throat as he fell back, covering his eyes and scrunching them closed tightly. When he opened them again, he found himself surrounded by the very Archangels God had promised would protect him. His heart leaped into his throat as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing. They looked different, more eyes and odd shapes floating around them, with strange lights lining many of their heads.

What is she doing? Adam's confusion and fear swelled within him, the sense of betrayal cutting deep. Why did they want his leg? What grand scheme required such a sacrifice? The pain, the confusion, and the heartbreak of being caught between those he trusted and the enigmatic plans of beings far beyond his understanding tore at his soul.

Sera then turned a harsh glare on the Archangel behind Adam. “Raphael! We agreed not to frighten him this time!”

Raphael's cold gaze was unyielding. “It is necessary, Sera. A new mother of humanity is needed. We do not have time to dilly-dally.”

“Yes, we do not have much time,” Uriel agreed, his voice as icy as Raphael's. “We must replace Lilith as soon as possible, before Father checks in on Eden again. A new mother of humanity, one who wouldn’t defy the Word of God. We need to make a good girl like Adam.”

Adam's eyes widened, his whole being freezing in a way it hadn’t before. Fear took hold of him, though he didn’t recognize it as such. He couldn’t move. His legs refused to support him. His breath was trapped in his throat, and a powerful thudding, like a heartbeat, echoed through his skull. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes—he wanted Lucifer, but his Archangel was nowhere in sight. Lucifer had abandoned him just a week ago.

The realisation of his abandonment crashed over him, intensifying his dread. The angels who once promised protection now spoke coldly of replacing humanity's mother, as if he were nothing more than a piece in their grand scheme.

“Sera?” he whimpered, his voice barely audible.

Sera’s eyes softened with sorrow, but her resolve was firm. “Do not fear, Adam. Everything will be fine.”

But Adam couldn't believe her. The betrayal was too deep, the fear too overwhelming. The very beings who were meant to shield him were now the source of his terror. The comforting presence of Sera now felt like a cruel mockery, her earlier words of reassurance nothing but hollow echoes.

It was exactly the same things the Angels had said before, when they pursued him, hunted him down to fulfil their twisted plan. Terror gripped him as he remembered the previous attempt, the searing pain of a leg bone being taken, his screams driving most of the Angels away. Only Michael and Sera remained, their attempts to comfort him meaningless against the agony.

The pain was indescribable. Why was he condemned for the sins of Lucifer and Lilith? Why did he have to suffer for their defiance? Adam bore the unbearable weight of humanity’s punishment. Why was it always Adam that had to suffer? He was good and always followed the rules, always listened to the orders.

Adam didn't know what to do as he found himself the centre of all the Archangels' attention. His whole body trembled as Michael approached. The Archangel knelt next to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“Adam, you are performing a great service for God,” Michael said softly, his tired blue eyes reflecting the weight of his burden. Michael, after all, was the only Archangel capable of confronting Lucifer. “It will be fine. In a few seconds, it will be over, and you will not be alone in Eden.”

Adam's face paled, and he slowly shook his head. His green eyes darted from Michael to Sera. “But you said—I didn’t have to have a new wife yet! T-That God was going to—fix everything!”

Fix everything. Well, not everything. But God was supposed to listen to him! God always spoke to Adam, reaching out to his first perfect creation. When Adam felt lonely or sad, God sent him a new animal. Adam was sure that if he told God he didn’t want another partner yet, that he wasn’t ready and there was too much pain in his chest, God would take mercy on him. God always said to place trust in the divine heavens.

“And God is fixing everything,” Sera said quickly, her eyebrows creasing with worry. “We’re fixing everything. We’re going to create a new mother of humanity, for you, Adam. So you will not have to deal with these mischiefs any longer.”

Adam’s mouth opened and shut, his instincts screaming at him to back away as the Archangels closed in on him. He wanted to turn around and run, to scream, but Michael's hold kept him still.

He didn't want a new wife. He didn't want a wife at all. Adam just wanted to be alone, to make sense of his thoughts. Why was God doing this to him?

"Hurry up," Raphael hissed, his wings ruffling as his eyes flickered up to the dark skies. "Father will check Eden any minute now. We're running out of time."

"Patience," Michael snapped. "This is a delicate procedure."

Gabriel shifted uncomfortably. "Why can't Uriel just create another woman?"

"Because we cannot guarantee another woman won't abandon her purpose," Uriel stated sternly, her voice devoid of any emotion. "Adam has been the perfect first human. He has never defied Father or our commands. He is the perfect beacon to take from."

Take from? Take what?

His leg? They had tried to take the bone from his leg before! Adam whined, trying to fold in on himself to protect his bones from the Archangels.

Tears streamed down his face as he felt the walls of trust crumble around him. The beings he had trusted implicitly were now the source of his terror. The ache in his leg was nothing compared to the anguish in his heart. He wanted Lucifer, the only one who had ever shown him true defiance against these cruel plans, but Lucifer had abandoned him.

"Sera, please," he begged, his voice trembling. "I don't want this. I don't want a new wife. Please don't do this."

Sera's face was stricken with sadness, but her resolve remained firm. "Do not fear, Adam. Everything will be fine."

Fear . Is that what he was feeling? Fear?

Fine? Nothing felt fine. The betrayal, the fear, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness tore at his soul. He was trapped, unable to escape the fate these Angels had chosen for him. The Archangels loomed closer, their intentions clear, and Adam's cries for mercy seemed to fall on deaf ears.

The creation of Eve was a nightmare of excruciating pain. Adam’s memory of that torment and the Angels’ horrified faces as he bled out was indelible. They fumbled, lost and unsure, despite being divine beings.

They took his rib bone.

A blood-curdling scream ripped from Adam's throat the moment they did. The Archangels froze, their faces etched with shock and confusion as his agonised cry echoed through Eden. They hadn't anticipated Adam feeling such pain . They hadn't expected the torrent of red liquid to pour from his body immediately afterward.

There was so much blood. So much pain. Adam lay frozen on the soil of Eden, his thoughts scattered and fragmented. Sera was by his side, her hands glowing as she desperately tried to heal the wound. Her wings tensing with every passing second, her face growing more twisted with worry.

"Why isn't it working?" hissed Raphael. "It should be working !"

Sera bristled, sending a sharp glare at the other Angel. "Because we do not have the grace of Father! I knew this was a bad idea!"

“And yet you never said a thing against it,” snapped Raphael in return.

Michael held the bloodied rib between his hands, his own wings appearing more frazzled and unkempt. "No, no, keep trying, Sera. This will work. It has to."

Adam wheezed, his chest heaving heavily as tears blurred his vision. His skin prickled all over with terrible sensations he had never felt before. It hurt . It hurt so much, and he just wanted Lucifer to make it stop. His lips parted, as if to call for his Archangel, but nothing came out but a sobbing gurgle with more blood spilling out from his mouth. The Archangels had taken his rib bone, not his leg, but his rib bone and something was wrong.

He just didn’t understand ! Why was his body consorting! Why couldn't he breathe! Why was the red liquid racing with urgency to leave him!

Adam didn’t even know he was dying at the time - nobody did. Death wasn’t a concept yet. The Archangels weren’t even aware of it. They didn’t know Adam could quite easily die in the Garden of Eden.

The betrayal cut deeper than the physical wound. He had trusted them, believed their assurances. Now, all he felt was searing pain and an overwhelming sense of abandonment. Sera's frantic attempts to heal him only emphasised the hopelessness of the situation.

Adam's world was collapsing. The sky of Eden, once a comforting canopy of stars, seemed to close in on him. He wanted to scream for Lucifer, for the one who had defied these cruel plans, but his voice was lost in a choking blooded sob. The Archangels, who were supposed to protect him, had become his tormentors. His own Archangel had abandoned him in a blink of an eye and condemned him to such feelings.

Sera's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she worked, her own heart breaking at the sight of Adam's suffering. "Adam, please," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Stay with us. It will be okay."

But Adam knew it wasn't okay. Nothing would ever be okay again. The betrayal, the pain, and the loss were too much to bear. He closed his eyes, wishing for an end to the agony, praying for a miracle that seemed more and more out of reach with each passing second.

On the brink of death, Adam saw Gabriel’s terror, Raphael and Uriel’s frantic attempts to act, and Sera’s desperate consolations. Michael sated, dumbfounded as Adam continued to bleed out, his breathing becoming more and more shallow. Adam’s screams faded as darkness closed in. His senses dulled, and weariness consumed him.

He screamed until he couldn’t. He stared until he couldn’t. He felt until he couldn’t. He cried until he couldn’t. Darkness was taking hold of him quickly.

Pain was a cruel, unfamiliar beast. He was the first human in Eden to endure such agony. Neither Lilith nor Eve would know this suffering, not even the Angels.

Why? Why was everything becoming so dark? Adam wondered as Eden felt alien and cold, a sensation he had never experienced. Sera’s futile attempts to heal him only amplified her fear.

As he gazed at the darkening sky, profound sadness enveloped him. He was leaving without seeing Lucifer one last time. Even in his agony, he longed for one final glimpse of Lucifer. The Archangels’ frantic attempts to save him were in vain. Darkness claimed his vision, and his eyelids grew heavy.

Just as he was about to truly die, Adam prayed to God. It was quiet, barely anything really. But it was more than enough to gain God’s attention and everything in Eden changed forever.

Sera’s scream shattered the silence. Everything unravelled. Adam’s memory was a blur, but God’s intervention was a storm of fury. The Archangels were punished for their disobedience, though Adam never learned their fates. Visits from the Archangels became a grim routine, God’s watchful eye never leaving him or them for that matter.

Adam awoke fully healed to find a strange woman with long curls of red beside him— Eve , he learned.

The Eve of a new Spring.

His blood had soaked into Eden’s soil, a stain God decreed would never fade. The Cherry Blossom park bore crimson petals, a macabre reminder of his suffering. The sight made Adam physically ill, a constant reminder of his torment transformed into petals.

It was Eve’s favourite place to be… her birth place.

Adam wouldn't grasp the full extent of what had transpired until centuries had slipped away. It wasn't until he stumbled upon the crimson petals once more and saw a rib bone being unearthed that the truth struck him with brutal clarity. The Archangels, in their frantic desperation to correct a fellow angel's grave error, had nearly killed him. Their actions, driven by fear of their Father's wrath, had brought him to the brink of death. It wasn't God who cursed Lilith, but Michael. And God remained blissfully ignorant of Lucifer's treachery until Adam lay on the cusp of death.

From that fateful moment, the Archangels bore a heavy burden of shame.

Death —a concept that sent shivers down the spine. In the sanctuary of the Garden of Eden, Adam had narrowly escaped its icy grasp. But his beloved son, Abel, wasn't as fortunate. Claimed far too soon, Abel became the first human to truly die, encountering Death—a shadowy companion to his father. The loss of Abel marked a profound sorrow, etching a heartbreaking chapter in the annals of human existence.

With Abel’s passing, Death became a reality.


The moment Adam fainted, Lucifer caught him tenderly, his heart heavy with worry. His eyes, filled with a blend of fear and affection, scanned Adam’s form for any signs of illness or injury. For hours, Lucifer held him close, his own heart beating wildly, until it finally began to calm. Only then did he gently lay Adam beneath a Weeping Cherry tree, its delicate branches barely shedding any petals.

With a touch as gentle as a whisper, Lucifer brushed the thick brown and red strands of hair from Adam's forehead, his expression brimming with concern. Adam seemed mostly fine, yet there was a shadow haunting his dreams. Lucifer stayed by his side, his heart aching as Adam whimpered and sobbed, caught in the throes of nightmares. Words spilled from Adam’s lips, so faint they were almost inaudible. Lucifer leaned in, desperate to catch their meaning, to understand the burdens tormenting his beloved, but Adam’s voice was just too soft, too elusive.

When a sudden scream ripped free from Adam’s throat, Lucifer’s black claws instinctively grasped his hand, his heart leaping to his throat. He knelt closer, his thumbs tracing soothing circles on the back of Adam’s hand.

“Adam, Adam, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispered urgently, his voice a balm against the darkness. “It’s just a nightmare. It’s just a dream, it’s not real. It’s alright.”

Adam whined but did not fully wake. He stirred occasionally, on the brink of breaking free from sleep’s grasp, only to slip back into its hold. Lucifer stayed beside him, his presence a silent comfort through the tumult of Adam’s nightmares. His chest tightened with a deep, aching sorrow, wishing he could do more. The helplessness gnawed at him, a frustrating reminder of his limits. All he could offer was his unwavering presence and his whispered reassurances, hoping they could somehow reach Adam in his troubled dreams.

Lucifer’s stomach churned again and his throat burned with the urge to throw up again. The screams Adam was letting out in his sleep were becoming more and more frantic and terrified. Eerily similar to the blood curdling scream that haunted him from Eden.

Sniffling, Lucifer blinked away his watery eyes and wiped a few tears when he noticed a large panda waddling towards them. At first, he hissed, his protective instincts flaring up, not wanting anything near Adam. The urge to shield his beloved clawed at his insides, but the panda appeared unfazed. It continued its approach, eventually flopping onto its backside like an oversized toddler. The bear and the King of Hell stared at one another; Lucifer frowned while the panda co*cked its fuzzy head.

“What do you want?” Lucifer sneered protectively. “ Go away .”

The panda snorted in response, as if dismissing Lucifer's seriousness. The big, puffy bear rolled onto its side, grabbing its lower paws and turning around playfully. Lucifer watched in bewilderment, his eyebrows raising to his hairline, as the panda finally settled down next to Adam, releasing a soft, rumbling purr. Adam’s expression immediately relaxed, as if taking comfort in the panda’s presence.

Lucifer sighed deeply, closing his red-rimmed eyes. Of course, an animal’s presence would soothe Adam, even in sleep. A small bubble of jealousy formed in Lucifer’s heart, but he chose to ignore it, his love and concern for Adam outweighing any other feeling.

"Fine then, ignore me," he muttered to the panda, his frustration evident, before stealing another glance at Adam.

Lucifer leaned in, his touch as soft as a whisper, to caress Adam's cheek before bestowing a tender kiss upon his forehead. Another grunt from the panda earned it a sharp glare from Lucifer. Was it mocking him? Lucifer couldn't be sure, but it stung nonetheless.

Casting a lingering look over his shoulder, Lucifer's narrowed eyes met the unwavering gaze of the red panda. Its small, bead-like eyes seemed to hold a silent conversation with him as its tail swirled in a playful dance. With a heavy sigh, Lucifer tore his gaze away, his thoughts returning to Adam. He squeezed Adam's hand gently, laying it delicately on his stomach.

"I'll be back soon," he whispered softly, his voice laced with sadness. "Once you wake up, we'll leave. You'll never have to return here again. I'll be the one to gather bamboo from now on."

The panda grumbled in protest, but Lucifer paid it no heed. Pressing a tender kiss to Adam's cheek, he finally turned his attention back to the crimson petals and the mischievous red panda. With a weary sigh, Lucifer raked a hand through his tousled blonde hair, steeling himself as he approached the chaotic scene before him.

The crimson petals danced in the gentle breeze, their vibrant hues catching the golden rays of Eden’s sun, casting a spellbinding glow. Lucifer couldn’t help but marvel at their beauty, though a twinge of sadness tugged at his heart. Gazing at the sea of red and black petals, he felt a pang of melancholy.

A small red panda caught his eye, its gaze fixed upon him with a mixture of curiosity and innocence. With a soft sigh, it nestled back onto its paws before darting around Lucifer's feet.

Kneeling down, Lucifer delicately plucked a ruby petal from the cluster, cradling it in his palm. As he held it up to the sunlight, its brilliance seemed to illuminate the darkness within him. But beneath its lustre, he sensed an underlying warmth, a dampness that hinted at tears shed in silence.

“What is this?” he whispered, his voice barely audible amidst the quiet of the garden.

It was no ordinary petal, that much was clear. And the tree from which it fell, charred and lifeless, stood as a silent witness to the tragedy that had befallen this once vibrant sanctuary.

“It’s my blood.”

Lucifer turned calmly to face Adam, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the first human. A faint smile tugged at his lips, a silent acknowledgment of Adam’s return to consciousness. But as he took in Adam’s weary form, a pang of sorrow gripped Lucifer’s chest.

Adam appeared drained, his once bright eyes dulled with exhaustion. His gaze wandered aimlessly, his hand nervously clutching at his left arm. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, and Lucifer’s brow furrowed in concern.

A surge of emotion coursed through Lucifer as he stepped closer to Adam, his instinct urging him to embrace him tightly, to offer solace in his arms. But he held back, recognizing the gravity of the moment. Instead, he approached with measured steps, a silent presence offering support in the face of Adam’s burden.

“Your blood ?” he asked as calmly as possible.

Adam shifted uncomfortably, his gaze flickering briefly towards Lucifer before hastily turning away. Lucifer noticed the subtle tension in Adam's body, realising belatedly the source of his discomfort. Without hesitation, he moved to reposition himself, offering Adam a reprieve from the unsettling sight of the crimson petals.

"Yeah," as Adam spoke, his voice trembled with weariness, his words weighed down by the heavy burden of truth. His shoulders slumped, and his nails traced anxious patterns on his arms, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

"It's... it's always been here," he admitted, his admission hanging in the air like a heavy fog. His lips pressed into a thin line, and he chewed nervously on his bottom lip, a futile attempt to suppress the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"God transformed it into petals," he continued, his voice laced with resignation. "And... well, it can never be moved. Never cleaned away."

"Sera tried hundreds of times before," he added softly, his voice heavy with the weight of unspoken grief, "but the petals always found their way back to this spot. It was their reminder, I guess.”

Lucifer's sharp teeth ground together as that familiar, twisting punch clenched in the pit of his stomach. It was a feeling he thought he had buried—a feeling that had coiled through him when he fell from grace, slithered through his veins when Heaven rejected his redemption plan before Charlie was born, and now resurfaced as he stood in Eden once more, realising how much had been taken from him.

He knew. Lucifer just knew without Adam needing to say it. His eyes screwed shut as a vile, itchy-burning sensation washed over his spine, giving him the impression his throat was closing in on itself.

"This is..." he breathed out shakily, “The place .”

Adam hummed in acknowledgment, lowering his eyes to the ground. His shoulders sagged helplessly. "Where Eve was born, yeah . The Angels... were very surprised by the amount of blood... and... um, I guess they never thought I would have been in pain during it."

"I was told you felt nothing," Lucifer breathed out through clenched teeth, anger beginning to pulse through him. He threw an arm out, gesturing to the red petals. "Michael said it was harmless! You were asleep when they took your rib bone to create Eve! He promised me you didn't feel any pain!"

“They lied, I guess,” Adam said blankly.

Adam swallowed as he finally looked Lucifer in the eye. In that moment, Lucifer's anger drained away, leaving him hollow. His own shoulders slumped as he moved closer to Adam, carefully taking Adam's hands into his claws. He glanced at the angry red scratches Adam had made on his arms and shook his head.

"I'm sorry," he said earnestly. "I'm so sorry, Adam."

Adam blinked and let out a sad laugh. "What? Why are you apologising? You weren't even there when it happened."

Lucifer flinched. That's right. He wasn't there when it happened. He should have been. He should have been there to protect him. "I'm still an Archangel, even if I have fallen. I know I failed you so much, but I had no idea how much you've suffered. How much you went through. Why didn't you tell me? "

" Tell you?" Adam repeated quietly, blinking his glassy eyes. The green of his eyes dimmed. "Lucifer, would you honestly have believed me if I did come to you and tell you what was going on? Not just with the creation of Eve, but with everything?"

"Of course I would have!" Lucifer gasped.

Adam smiled weakly, his head tilting to the side. "I don't think you would have. You trusted your siblings too much, you loved them, right? Even after Michael punished you and Lilith. You still cared for them, greatly. I know you did."

"But that wouldn't have stopped me from—" Lucifer tried to speak, but Adam covered his mouth.

"It was horrible. All of it. In Eden, on Earth, in Heaven, in Hell... it was terrible..." Adam sagged, his eyes beginning to tear up. "I loved Eden, but I was too trusting. I thought I was able to believe in God's words, and put faith in the Angels that were supposed to take care of me. When you returned to the Gardens and ignored me..."

Lucifer opened his mouth again, a protest on the tip of his tongue—he didn't ignore Adam! Of course, he wouldn't have! He loved Adam; he just didn't remember loving Adam! He didn't ignore Adam, did he?

...Did he?

"It was Sera who comforted me," Adam sniffled, tears beginning to run over his rosy cheeks. "Sera spent time with me, cheered me up, she was so kind and caring. I thought it wasn't so bad that you no longer liked me. Sera told me it would be fine..."

Lucifer's chest soured at the words. While he knew he deserved it, it still stung and made him so jealous. Adam cared about Sera, held her in higher regard than him. He hated Sera; they never got along. The fact she had hurt Adam only made him even more bitter towards her—he should have known she was nothing good back then. He should have listened to his gut and not allowed Michael to talk him around to her.

"Sera lured me out from where I was hiding. I was hiding here," Adam said bravely, turning to face the red petals again. "I was hiding behind that tree. God set it on fire after they discovered what the Archangels had done to me. I trusted Sera so much that I never thought she would have tried to hurt me."

“I’m sorry,” Lucifer said again.

Adam's bitter laughter harshly echoed through the silence. "You weren't there . You were never there when I needed you . You weren’t ever there for me ."

Lucifer recoiled, the weight of his absence crushing him. He should have been there, should have protected Adam from the horrors inflicted upon him. "I failed you," he repeated, the words heavy with regret.

Lucifer's heart ached at the truth in Adam's words. He had been blinded by his loyalty to his siblings, his trust in their assurances. But now, faced with Adam's pain, he could no longer deny the depth of his own failures.

Lucifer's chest tightened at the admission. He had abandoned Adam, left him to suffer in silence while he remained oblivious to his pain.

"Sera..." Adam's voice faltered, tears staining his cheeks. "She promised me it would be fine. I believed her."

"I trusted her," Adam continued, his voice breaking. “And it cost me my rib bone. I almost died , Lucifer. That’s what these petals really mean. That is when everything changed. Pain wasn’t a concept in Eden, death wasn’t a known thing, Lilith and I - Eve and I, death wasn’t real to us. It wasn’t around yet. But that night, when I was abandoned by everyone and even the Archangels hunted me down for my bones, I practically died .”

And God was so furious…

Lucifer's fists clenched at his sides, a surge of anger and grief coursing through him. He had failed Adam in the worst possible way, leaving him vulnerable to the cruelty of those he had once trusted. And now, as he stood in the ruins of Eden, he knew that he could never forgive himself for the pain he had caused.

"Why is it always me?"

Adam's voice cracked, the anguish in his words echoing through the silent garden. He staggered forward, his eyes blazing with a mix of fury and despair, his chest constricting with each laboured breath. "Why does Heaven always strip me bare? What have I done to deserve this endless torment? Why is everyone always taking things from me? Why is God always ripping things away? What did I do to make them hate me so much? "

" Nothing ! You did nothing! I'm so sorry," Lucifer's voice trembled, his heart shattering with each tear that fell from his eyes. He lunged forward, his claws gripping Adam's trembling shoulders, his gaze filled with raw desperation. "I failed you, Adam. But I'm here now. I'll never leave you again. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, Adam! I’m so sorry I f*cked up so badly, but I’m here for you now! I’m here, and I’m never going away again!”

Adam's features contorted with a mixture of rage and sorrow, tears mingling with the dirt on his cheeks. "I have nothing left, Lucifer. I'm hollow inside. I don’t have anything worth fighting for, Lucifer! I’m not anything special! I’m empty inside!”

"That's not true," Lucifer's grip tightened, his voice pleading. "You're everything. You're worth fighting for."

Adam shook his head, the weight of his losses crushing him. "Heaven has taken everything from me. My freedom, my choices, my children ..."

Lucifer's breath caught in his throat at the mention of their lost child, his heart breaking anew at the reminder of their shared grief. Without hesitation, he closed the distance between them, his lips seeking solace in a desperate kiss.

As their mouths met, the floodgates opened, their sobs mingling in the air like a lament for all they had lost.

"I'm sorry," Adam's voice was muffled against Lucifer's shoulder, his words a broken mantra of remorse. "I should have told you. It's my fault..."

Lucifer held him tighter, his claws digging into Adam's skin as if trying to anchor them both to reality. "It's not your fault," he whispered, his own tears mingling with Adam's. "It's not anyone's fault. It's just... life."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Adam sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you, I should have warned you! I'm just an omen, it's all my fault our child died."

Lucifer’s claws embraced him even tighter, crushing their bodies together. "That's not true. You're not an omen, Adam. Things just happen. Our baby just wasn’t meant to make it. That's neither of our faults."

Their heart-wrenching sobs echoed through Eden, two broken hearts connected in their shared anguish, tearing apart and mending together in a painful, cathartic embrace.

"My baby ," Adam cried harder, his voice choking with anguish, "Why did my baby die? What did it ever do to deserve such a fate? Why, Lucifer, tell me why?"

Lucifer's hands tightened around Adam, his heart breaking with every sob that tore through his lover's fragile frame. He had no words to offer, no solace to give. All he could do was hold Adam as he unravelled, as the weight of their loss pressed down upon them like a crushing wave.

"I'm not worthy to be a parent again," Adam's voice cracked, the words heavy with self-condemnation. "When will my punishment be over? How long must I suffer? Do I deserve this? Is this the result of all my sins, of my actions in Heaven? Even if I did it to protect myself, I was still cruel to the Winners, wasn't I?"

"You're not being punished," Lucifer insisted, his voice strained with emotion as he ran his claws through Adam's hair. "This isn't your fault. You're not being punished, Adam. You've done nothing to deserve this. Please believe me, Adam. It's not your fault."

Adam's breath hitched, his chest heaving with sobs. Tears continued to stream down his cheeks as he struggled to find air amidst the overwhelming grief. "I led an army to kill my descendants. How many of my grandchildren and their grandchildren ended up in Hell? How many had to die again?"

"No, no, no," Lucifer's voice was sharp, cutting through the despair. "That wasn't your fault. You had no choice. You were ordered to do it. You're not being punished, Adam. Our baby not surviving... It's not anyone's fault. Please, believe me."

“It isn’t... it isn’t anybody's fault,” Lucifer swallowed hard, burying his face into Adam’s shoulder. He breathed in Adam’s familiar scent, seeking comfort in it. “Nobody’s fault. It just happened. Some things, no matter how much we hate them and how much they hurt us, have to happen. We may never know why, but it was meant to be.”

Adam tensed up but didn’t pull away. “I want my baby,” he whispered, his voice breaking.

“Me too,” Lucifer agreed, his own heart shattering with the admission. “I want our baby too. I’m so sorry, Adam. I’m so, so sorry.”


The lilies and roses were pristine, their snow-white petals imbued with a sorrowful sheen. Adam sat before them, truly seeing them for the first time. He had always understood the significance of these flowers and the mysterious way they had appeared overnight. Lucifer's presence by them confirmed Adam's worst fears: the nightmare was real.

His hand rested gently on the warm soil where his baby lay buried. Adam's eyes, red-rimmed and sore, bore the evidence of weeks of relentless tears. The harsh truth he had fought so hard to suppress had finally emerged, and with it, a deluge of grief. He had given birth, only to lose the baby to a cruel miscarriage before it could even take form. The pain was a cold that seeped into his bones, a dull ache that pulsed in his head, urging more tears.

In the days that followed that fateful night, his memories were hazy. But gradually, they returned, bringing with them a series of relentless nightmares. He tried to dismiss them, to feign normalcy, to convince himself that he was fine. He was anything but. The truth was stark and brutal: he had been shattered once more. God and Heaven had torn him apart and crudely pieced him back together, leaving him broken. His baby had been taken from him, and the emptiness left behind was unbearable.

Of course he would have been f*cked over again. Adam always was.

He was humanity's scapegoat, burdened with the blame for countless sins and failings. Adam, the cause of so many woes, bore this weight alone. He closed his eyes, fighting the urge to cry once more. It was too much to accept, to process, to face. Adam, the first human, the first man, the father of humanity, had been crafted as male . He was never meant to bring children into the world, to endure that agony. But in an instant, his body was rewritten, and suddenly, he had a womb . The sheer enormity of it overwhelmed him, so he did what he knew best: he ignored it, pretended it never happened, because that was easier.

Despite Lucifer's reassurances, Adam was convinced this was his punishment for all he had said and done. He had made himself a pariah in Heaven, spewing vile and hateful words to keep the Winners and Heavenborn at bay. He had crafted a loathsome persona to hide behind, a mask that made him seem monstrous. He hurled sexist comments left and right, even though he found them as abhorrent as anyone else. But he said them anyway.

This, he believed, was his retribution. For speaking those words, for embodying a lie. Nobody in Heaven truly knew him. Perhaps Emily had glimpsed his true self, during the rare times he had cared for her—she reminded him of his daughters, after all. She might have seen a fragment of the real Adam, but even that was sacred, something he couldn’t allow to be fully exposed.

Adam’s heart was heavy with the weight of his grief and the burden of his self-imposed exile. His soul was tired, worn thin by the endless pretending, the constant hiding. He was a man undone, broken by his own duplicity and the cruel twist of fate that had taken his child from him. The emptiness inside him was a cavernous void, a hollow echo of what might have been.

He wanted to go home but he didn’t know where home was anymore.

With a tender hum, Adam shifted on the grass, feeling the weight of Lucifer's concerned gaze upon him. The fallen angel had taken to watching him even more closely now. Adam moved over slightly, making room for the blonde to sit beside him.

A gentle silence enveloped them. Lucifer absently picked at the grass, his eyes, usually vibrant with purple highlights, now dimmed. His cheeks, often rosy, looked faded and pale, like a mood-ring dulled by sorrow. Adam glanced at him from the corner of his eye, guilt seeping in. He wasn't the only one who had lost the baby—they both had. The baby wasn’t Adam’s alone. It belonged to both of them, and Lucifer had been patient, never pushing, always comforting Adam.

Adam had failed to reciprocate that comfort. The realisation made him feel awful. Lucifer was grieving just as much.



They both paused, a quiet chuckle escaping their lips. The awkwardness between them was palpable. Yet, amidst the sadness, they shared a sweet, tender smile.

"You go first," Adam suggested meekly. "You're always taking care of me. It's time I take care of you. I’m always doing all the talking…"

Lucifer remained silent, his gaze fixed on Adam. Emotions flickered in his eyes, and after a long, silent five minutes, a strained laugh bubbled up from his throat. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Er, well, I was going to ask if you wanted to talk about it now."

"Oh," Adam blinked, once again Lucifer was enduring care for him.

Their grief hung heavy in the air, unspoken yet deeply felt. Lucifer had always been there, a steady presence in Adam's life, especially now. Adam's heart ached with the knowledge that he hadn’t been able to support Lucifer in the same way. He reached out, placing a hand on Lucifer's, the gesture small but significant.

"Let's talk," Adam said softly, his voice trembling with the weight of their shared loss. "I want to hear how you feel. I need to know, um…this isn’t just about me. The baby…they belonged to both of us…"

And Lucifer had to deal with it all by himself. He had buried their child. He had taken care of Adam. Lucifer had to grieve by himself.

Lucifer's eyes softened, and for a moment, the grief seemed to lift, replaced by a fragile hope. Together, they faced the enormity of their loss, the silence between them no longer awkward but filled with a tender understanding.

“I... I never thought I would be able to have another child,” Lucifer whispered, his voice trembling as his gaze lingered on the tree adorned with white florals. His eyes softened when they fell upon the painting of Charlie, his daughter. A faint smile tugged at his lips, but it couldn't mask the sorrow etched in his features. “After Charlie, it just wasn’t an option. I had one baby, and I figured that was enough.”

Adam followed Lucifer’s gaze to Charlie’s portrait. The longer he stared, the more he noticed how much Charlie resembled both Lucifer and Lilith. He wondered if her eyes would have been the same piercing ice-blue as Lilith’s if she were fully human. Her blonde hair was similar, yet not quite the same shade.

“... she didn’t want to have another baby?” Adam asked, his voice strained as he avoided mentioning Lilith's name. He drew his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly as his eyes drifted across to Emily’s painting.

“No, she didn’t want one. She was shocked by the pregnancy with Charlie,” Lucifer admitted bitterly, his voice heavy with the weight of old wounds. “Michael had cursed her to be barren, and she never expected to have children. We didn’t even try for children—she made sure to never even mention the possibility. It made sense to me back then; she was stunned to find herself pregnant... but she was never happy...” His words trailed off, the bitterness in his tone only hinting at the deeper sorrow and exhaustion that lay beneath.

Lucifer grimaced as memories he once cherished resurfaced, now seen in a harsher light. He began to truly understand Lilith’s feelings, deciphering the hidden meanings behind her expressions.

“She hated it. I’m sure she hated being pregnant... I thought she was just being sensitive and delicate, but looking back, it’s clear she was disgusted by it. She loathed being bedridden, unable to lead the Sinners as their Queen. Initially, it didn’t hinder her much; I begged her to take it easy, but she always brushed me off,” Lucifer swallowed thickly, blinking away the mist in his eyes. “I was terrified we’d lose Charlie because she wasn’t taking the pregnancy seriously. She only began to relax after I asked if she even cared…”

He flinched, resting his elbow on his thigh, his clawed fingers curling over his lips. “She didn’t care, but she didn’t want me to know that. So she did what I begged her to do, to keep me under her thumb. I would have left her if she’d purposely lost Charlie... and she knew that too.”

Lilith loved power. She revelled in her role as Queen of Hell, gaining the favour of new Sinners. When she saw that power slipping away, she reluctantly conformed to the role Lucifer needed her to be.

“I don’t know if she ever wanted Charlie. When Charlie was born, she didn’t want to hold her, look at her, or even sing to her. She stuck around to care for her, for my sake, I guess. But once Charlie didn’t need her anymore, she was off again, back to running Hell and building the Ring of Pride,” Lucifer explained dryly, his claws digging into the tender flesh around his mouth. “I took care of Charlie by myself for her first few years... Lilith would pop in and out, reminding me she was my wife and Charlie’s mother, but she never stayed long.”

Later, Charlie accused Lilith of prioritising the Ring of Pride over them. Lucifer had thought Charlie was overreacting because he believed Lilith loved them—they were her family. But now, he realised Charlie had been absolutely right. Lilith had her hooks in deep and could sweet-talk Charlie around. During her ‘emo phase,’ which clearly stemmed from Lilith’s neglect, Lilith saw her control slipping and pretended to be the doting mother and wife again. Charlie moved out of her emo phase quickly after that, likely because Lilith didn’t want her to challenge her authority again.

“The moment Charlie was old enough to be of use, to parade as the ‘ Princess of Hell ’ and could extend Lilith’s influence, she came skipping back,” Lucifer hissed bitterly.

Why didn’t he notice it? Why didn’t he see it? Why did he so willingly let Lilith take Charlie away? Lilith had returned on Charlie’s fifth birthday. For all previous birthdays, she had always claimed to be too busy, but for the fifth, she made a point of being there. From that moment on, Lilith and Charlie were inseparable. She would take Charlie everywhere, leaving Lucifer behind in the palace, parading her daughter like a prized doll before the Sinners.

When they returned, Charlie was always too exhausted, too drained. She was so tiny and weak, with no energy to smile or laugh when Lucifer tried to engage her. Eventually, Lilith would return to the palace with Charlie already asleep, a little puppet with no strings left to pull.

Lucifer remembered one night when Charlie was six. Against all odds, she had woken up and sought him out, sneaking into his workshop. Seeing his little girl, wide-eyed and full of wonder, had been a rare moment of joy. They played with his magic, creating beautiful golden ducks in the air with flaming wings and winking stars, her laughter echoing in the room—until Lilith found them and snatched Charlie away. She sternly told him never to use his magic around Charlie again, claiming it was too dangerous and could hurt her.

Only now did Lucifer realise that Lilith’s warning was a manipulation. She feared Charlie would become enchanted with his magic, choosing to spend more time with him instead of being the ‘ Princess of Hell Doll ’ Lilith wanted. Lilith feared Charlie standing up for herself, demanding her own identity. And Lucifer had done nothing to stop it. He had let Lilith control their lives, blinded by a love that was never real. He hadn’t protected Charlie like he should have... he had failed her.

Anger and regret gnawed at him. He had been too blind to see through Lilith’s schemes, too weak to stand up to her, too complacent to save his own daughter. And now, the weight of his failure was almost too much to bear.

“I’m such a sh*t father, Adam. I couldn’t even see how much damage Lilith was doing to our daughter,” Lucifer growled, his voice thick with self-loathing. “She only wanted to be a mother when it benefited her, when it boosted her reputation, her image as the Queen of Hell. She treated Charlie like a doll, parading her around and dressing her up.”

His claws dug into his skin, the pain a sharp reminder of his anger and guilt. The flesh around his mouth and chin burned, pierced by his own fury as it continued to simmer, boiling over. “It was just Charlie and me until she was five years old. Lilith always claimed she was too busy with the Ring of Pride to be a mother, to be there for Charlie. But the moment Charlie was old enough to serve her purposes, to be a tool, Lilith was back, ready to play happy families! And—f*ck! I didn’t even notice what she was doing! I let her do all that!”

Adam watched Lucifer, torn between stepping in and keeping his distance. For a moment, he saw demonic horns beginning to sprout from Lucifer’s head, a ghost of his former power. Determined, Adam moved closer, gently prying Lucifer’s clawed hand from his face. His eyes softened, eyebrows creased with worry as he saw the marks Lucifer’s claws had left behind.

“Lucifer,” Adam said softly, his voice a calming anchor in the storm of Lucifer’s emotions. “You didn’t fail Charlie. You loved her. You still do. You were deceived by someone you trusted. That doesn’t make you a bad father. It makes you…human.”

With a gentle hand, Adam caressed the markings on Lucifer's skin, feeling the tiny beads of redness beginning to form where his claws had pierced.

f*ck ,” Lucifer breathed deeply, turning towards Adam. His eyes, wide and dazed, held a mix of terror and heartbreak. “I was such a terrible dad, but f*ck, I wanted this child. I wanted it so badly. But at the same time, I knew I would just screw up again. I failed with Charlie. I didn’t even see her struggling. How could I even think about having another kid? When I wasn’t there for her, I wasn’t there for you, I wasn’t there for anyone !”

Adam listened, his heart aching for the pain Lucifer carried. He brushed his thumb across Lucifer;s chin, wiping the blood away and leaning forward to pressing a soft kiss to the spot. He licked the droplets of blood away and leant back, a shiver ran down his spine upon seeing the change in Lucifer’s eyes.

"Lucifer," Adam began softly, his voice a gentle balm, "it’s okay to admit that you wanted our baby. It doesn’t make you an awful person because you want another child. And as far as I’m concerned, you’ve been a wonderful dad."

Lucifer's eyes misted over, his shoulders slumping as his spine stiffened. "No, you don’t understand. You’re only saying that. I’m a terrible father. My relationship with Charlie is practically nonexistent!"

"Because of Lilith," Adam interjected, his voice firm but tender. He placed a warm hand on Lucifer's cheek, looking him in the eye. "Think about it, Lucifer. All your special moments with Charlie, the time you had with her—they were all good, weren’t they? There isn’t a bad memory, right?"

Lucifer opened his mouth to protest, but his tongue felt too big, and his lips quivered. He began to spin the precious memories he held of his little girl. There was no fighting, no tears, no anger or hatred. Only laughter, bright smiles, giggles, and rainbows.

He remembered toddler Charlie racing through the palace, covered in flour after escaping during their duck-shaped cookie-making. He had chased her through the hallways, choosing not to teleport and catch her, revelling in her glee, her infectious joy as flour flew everywhere.

He recalled how proud she was of her masterpiece, scribbled with red and purple crayons on the corridor walls. He had framed it, proudly displaying her art.

Charlie always seemed to escape during bath time and bedtime, leading to playful chases. She never cried when he caught her, just giggled and smiled up at him as he brought her back to bed.

Lucifer remembered how excited she was in the palace courtyards. It wasn’t as grand as Eden—Lilith hadn't allowed him to make it too beautiful—but Charlie cooed in awe, reaching for leaves and petals, her delight pure and unfiltered.

She tried to touch the magic he released from his hands, giggling and clapping every time he created ducks for her. There was no hatred or anger, only smiles and laughter. He loved his daughter fiercely and did his best to care for her, figuring it all out on his own.

He hadn’t realised it until now, but he had raised Charlie by himself, keeping her happy, safe, and healthy. He had been a great father before Lilith intervened. He was still a good father. Charlie hadn't turned him away when he finally emerged from his isolation. She was always so forgiving and accepting.

Lucifer wondered if perhaps Charlie also knew what her mother had done, but wasn’t able to confront it yet. The thought tugged at his heart, mixing sweetness with sorrow as he remembered the love and laughter they had shared.

Charlie was never angry at him. She never screamed, never cried because of him… she had just been lonely without him.

“I love her so much,” Lucifer murmured, squeezing his eyes shut. His clawed hand rose to cup the back of Adam’s hand on his cheek, leaning into the touch with a soft, contented sigh. “Charlie’s my little girl. My daughter. I never thought I would ever be allowed to have another child. I never thought it was possible, but I was happy with just Charlie. I was content with her. I thought I didn’t need anybody else but her…”

Lucifer's eyes slid open again, now calmer. “But when I realised what happened, when I finally understood what… what he did to you, what your body is now, and that we had a child. We had a child, Adam. We did, together. I was so happy. I’m so—I'm so excited. We can start a family together!”

His expression lit up with warmth and happiness, but just as quickly, it crumbled again. Lucifer turned to the white lilies and roses, his claws gently reaching out to touch the snow-white petals. “But we lost them. We lost them before we even knew about them. Charlie had a younger sibling, a little brother or sister, but she lost them too. She’ll never get to know them, and I… I had to bury them. And, Adam, they don’t even know how much we wanted them.”

Adam swallowed thickly, biting down on his bottom lip as his eyes welled with tears. His nose flared, and he sniffed deeply, a redness spreading across his nose and cheeks. He was unsure what to say; the thought of starting a family with Lucifer had never crossed his mind before. How could it? He couldn't even confront the reality of losing their baby. But a warm, tingling sensation ran through him at the realisation of being able to start a family with Lucifer, of having Lucifer's babies—he immediately shook the thoughts away. They were too embarrassing.

"Adam," Lucifer said, using his other claw to hold Adam's cheek, "I wanted our baby. I wanted to start a family with you. I want to have children with you. I want you pregnant with my baby."

Inhaling deeply, Adam straightened his back, his eyes growing wide. Lucifer’s words were baffling to him. His lips twitched and his eyebrow raised, unable to comprehend.

“B-But…” he stammered, his voice suddenly so quiet and timid, “But…I’m—I mean…I’m bad luck. I’m a burden, an omen. Our baby died because of me. Because I’m not—I'm not meant to have them. My own children disappeared and…”

Lucifer leaned in, brushing his lips against Adam’s with sweet gentleness. “You’re wrong. You’re so wrong, Adam. You’re not any of those things. It’s not your fault our baby didn’t make it.”

Adam released a shaky breath as their foreheads rested together again, their breaths mingling. “You don’t mean that…my body just wasn’t meant to nurture a baby.”

“Adam, you gave a soul a chance. You offered them a life, even if you didn’t realize it at the time. You opened yourself up to them. They just…changed their mind,” Lucifer whispered, kissing him even more tenderly than before. “Things happen. Life dies without reason sometimes, but nature always finds a way.”

“We don’t even know if another baby would survive,” Adam said, and Lucifer’s breath hitched at the thought of having another child together. Adam’s hands twitched as he glanced towards the white lilies and roses again. “My body might…kill them again.”

“Adam…” Lucifer whispered, sliding his claws around him and pulling him into a tight embrace, “We don’t know that. Just because we lost this baby doesn’t mean that someday, when we’re ready to try again, we’ll lose another…”

Adam hummed quietly, his eyes dropping to the grass between them. He wasn’t ready to try for another child. It would break him if he had another miscarriage so soon…Adam’s heart broke at the thought of it. But on the edge of his mind was the possibility of something new. Having another baby…with Lucifer?

His eyes raised to look at the paintings on the tree. He gazed at Charlie meekly and wondered what she would say about this, about him having a child with her father. She probably wouldn’t like it…would she be supportive?

Emily would. Emily would definitely encourage him.

Adam gazed at Emily. He missed her a lot, he realized. He didn’t know when she had become like a daughter to him, when she had wormed her way past his barriers and into his heart, but she had. Adam bit down on his bottom lip, wondering what she would say if she knew Adam could possibly have a baby with the devil himself.

“Who is she?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head as he followed Adam’s gaze to the tree. “I know she’s an angel, but you hardly speak about her. You’ve only told me she was a close friend of yours in Heaven, the only one who didn’t know about the Word of God. Another Archangel Seraphim.”

Another wannabe, right? Lucifer bit back the sourness of it. Emily reminded him of Charlie, and from the way Adam was looking at her, it was obvious they didn’t have any sort of relationship to be jealous of. But still, Lucifer couldn’t help but hold onto Adam possessively—Adam was his, after all.

“I think you said her name was Emma? Or Elly?” he asked quietly, leaning his head against Adam’s.

Adam’s lips twitched in amusem*nt. He could almost hear Emily’s excited exclamation of “My name is Emily! It’s wonderful to meet you, Adam!” when they first met. He was already in Heaven when she was born, and Sera had brought her over to meet him.

“Her name is Emily,” he said softly, fondly. “And she was like my daughter, in Heaven.”

That had Lucifer preening with curiosity. Like a daughter? An angel, an Archangel Seraphim, became like a daughter to Adam? Lucifer's replacement in the archangel hierarchy. Sera had been so gleeful about the baby Seraphim born out of the blue. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together—this Emily was the new Archangel Seraphim Sera had been talking about during one of their countless meetings between Heaven and Hell. It pissed Lucifer off so righteously. How could they replace him?

Emily’s smile was so sweet and kind, so like Charlie’s. It was a little unnerving, honestly. Made Lucifer feel a little uncomfortable. Even the shape of her eyes was like Charlie’s, her face cherry-shaped, and her hair falling around her face similarly. It was pretty obvious she was created in Lucifer’s likeness, to take over as his replacement. His lips twisted into a frown, but he couldn’t bring himself to hate her. Adam clearly cared a lot for her. Weirdly, the little white freckles on her face reminded him of the three freckles on Adam’s cheeks.

"Your daughter?" Lucifer asked. "You miss her?"

Adam nodded. "Yeah. I do. I miss her a lot. Emily was the only one in Heaven who ever treated me with genuine kindness. There were no strings attached to her kindness; she didn't expect anything from me. She was just happy to spend time with me..."

"Oh," Lucifer blinked in surprise—okay, maybe he shouldn’t be so cold towards this Emily, then, if she really made Adam happy. "What was she like?"

"A Disney princess ," Adam said dryly, and the King of Hell snorted in amusem*nt. "She liked to sing about her emotions, about Heaven. She liked to dance, paint, everything you would expect in a Disney princess. She saw the good in everything. It was no surprise she wanted to help Charlie when she entered Heaven for the meeting."

Damn. So even Charlie liked this little Seraphim wannabe too? Lucifer really wasn’t allowed to be anything but nice to her, huh?

“She even sang with Charlie and defied the odds. It was truly enchanting how courageous she was, how courageous both of them were,” Adam beamed with pride like a father, his eyes twinkling as he recalled Emily standing up to Sera, leaving her bewildered. It was a side of Emily he had never seen before; she had always been the epitome of joy, sweetness, and gentleness.

Lucifer’s expression softened, his eyes brimming with tenderness as he continued to gaze at Adam’s face. His heart fluttered with longing. Perhaps he shouldn't judge this Emily before meeting her, especially if she could make Adam glow with such joy.

It only made Lucifer want to knock Adam up even more. Wishing to see that expression directed at their child then some mini Sera - wannabe Seraphim Angel.

Okay, so it might take him a while to be nicer….but it will take a lot for Lucifer to ever trust the other Archangels again. Especially a Seraphim Archangel. Not after the sh*t Sera has pulled over Adam.

How could Michael let Adam suffer so badly?

‘It will be alright, Lucifer. Please, trust me, not as an Archangel but as your brother. Adam will be okay, I will make sure he will be safe and happy.’

To think Lucifer actually trusted the bastard.


The gates of Heaven shimmered like tears in the eyes of angels, casting a soft glow upon Adam as he wandered through its celestial expanse. Each twinkling star seemed to whisper secrets to him, their gentle light beckoning him to stay. Since arriving in Heaven, it felt as though the very essence of paradise was determined to hold him captive, never allowing him to look away.

Adam, once God's favoured child, now found himself lost in the ethereal beauty surrounding him. His eyes, the colour of fresh apples, followed a passing star with wonder until he was interrupted by hushed voices nearby. Turning his head, he caught the shy glances of the Heavenborns, their laughter like distant echoes of forgotten joy. Adam's heart sank, wishing they would leave him be. Conversing with them always felt like navigating a maze of expectations, as if they saw right through him, expecting him to perform on cue.

It was as if he were perpetually on a stage, his every move scrutinised by the divine audience above.

With a melancholic sigh, Adam drew his snowy wings closer, the feathers soft beneath his touch. Wings had always held a special fascination for him, a reminder of a time when even Lucifer, his former mentor, had shared his secrets with him. The memory of those moments stung like a distant ache, a reminder of a paradise lost before Lilith's arrival. Yet, it was thanks to those memories that Adam knew how to care for his wings, sparing him the humiliation of seeking help from the distant Archangels.

Adam leaned against the pearly gates of Heaven, feeling the weight of his past mistakes press heavily upon him. The Ring of Humility stood before him, its seven gates a reminder of the boundaries he dared not cross. The memory of his punishment for disobeying still lingered, the echo of Sera's authoritative voice using the Word of God to restrain him.

"Adam," Sera's voice pierced through his thoughts, causing him to startle. He turned to face the angel, a nervous flutter in his chest. Straightening his spine and adjusting his wings, he greeted her with a mixture of apprehension and relief. "S-Sera! I haven't crossed the gates, I promise!"

"I know, Adam," Sera replied gently, her eyes softening with concern. She crouched down to his level, her smile tender and reassuring. "You've been waiting here all morning. You need to rest and take care of yourself."

Adam's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He hadn't meant to worry Sera. "I'm fine, really. I-I can wait. Eve will come soon, I'm sure..."

The thought of Eve's impending arrival weighed heavily on his mind. Surely, she would join him in Heaven soon, wouldn't she?

"Adam," Sera's voice held a note of pity before she composed herself. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, she urged him gently away from the gates. "I understand your pain over Abel's absence, but you must remember to care for yourself."

Adam nodded meekly, grateful for Sera's concern. She was always so caring, wasn't she? "I know, Sera. I'll rest soon, I promise. I just want to wait a little longer... I'm sure Eve will be here any minute now..."

"We've discussed this, Adam," Sera reminded him, her wings fluttering as she guided him away. "Eve can only enter Heaven once she has atoned for her sins on Earth. Souls must be judged for their actions before they can be welcomed here."

Adam's throat felt tight as he swallowed the harsh reality. His children's fate rested on their choices in life, a truth that weighed heavily on his heart.

"But Eve..." he trailed off, his voice barely a whisper. "You don't think she's... in Hell, do you?"

Sera's touch was gentle as she reassured him, her words a balm to his troubled soul. "I would know if she were in Hell. The traitor would have delighted in telling me. But it's silent from there, which tells me everything. However, if you wish, I can check."

Adam shook his head quickly. "I trust you, Sera."

Her smile was warm as she nodded. "That pleases me, Adam."

Adam leaned against the pearl gates once more, a pang of longing tugging at his heart. He hoped Eve was safe, wherever she may be. He had promised her he would wait, whether in Heaven or Hell, they would be together in death, just as she had quietly requested.

"I just..." Adam's voice trailed off, his lip caught between his teeth as he fought back the ache of loneliness. "I miss Eve. We may not have been a perfect couple, but she was my friend, wasn't she?"

Sera's gaze softened, understanding the depth of Adam's sorrow. "Why not spend time with the Heavenborns?" she suggested gently.

Adam glanced towards the nearby Heavenborns, his smile faltering as he looked away. "It's not the same. I feel like they don't really see me, but rather what they expect me to be, based on Gabriel's stories."

Sera sighed softly, a hint of frustration flickering across her features. She had warned Gabriel not to embellish the tales of Adam's glory. "I'm afraid everyone is occupied with important matters, Adam. Including myself, with the newborn."

"Newborn?" Adam's curiosity piqued, momentarily forgetting his disappointment at not being able to spend more time with Sera.

Sera nodded, a mixture of weariness and affection in her expression. "An Archangel, born from Humanity itself. They have been quite a handful."

Adam's eyes widened in awe. "An Archangel born from death?"

"Yes," Sera confirmed, her voice tinged with exasperation. "They have yet to choose a name and have been avoiding Heaven, which is causing quite a stir among the Archangels."

Adam chuckled softly, finding solace in Sera's company and the intrigue of this mysterious newborn Archangel. "They sound like quite the character."

Sera smiled, grateful for Adam's understanding. "I'm sure they will visit soon. There is much to discuss."

As Adam gently patted Sera's shoulder, a bond of mutual comfort passed between them. "I'm sure a new Archangel, perhaps a Seraphim, will be born next," he mused knowingly.

Sera's eyes lit up at the prospect, a glimmer of hope in her weary expression. Adam knew how much she longed for another angel like herself. Despite the ache of loneliness in his heart, Adam couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth knowing that, in this vast expanse of Heaven, there was always room for new beginnings.

“Yes,” Sera spoke wistfully, “I surely hope so.”

Eventually, Sera sent him off to rest. Adam, unable to resist her gentle insistence, obeyed and returned to his small home nestled deep within Heaven. It never crossed his mind that his home was placed at the heart of the Ring to keep him safe, to ensure no one could kidnap or whisk him away. When Adam first arrived in Heaven, Sera had offered him a grand, snow-white mansion, but it felt too vast and lonely for just one person. Instead, Adam requested a smaller home with a garden, and Sera had happily granted his wish. Now, he adored his little abode. It wasn't Eden, but it was pleasant enough—better than Earth. Though his kitchen was always stocked with food, Adam couldn't bring himself to eat anything. Instead, he subsisted on smoothies, a fact Sera had yet to notice.

Adam lay on his bed for hours, trying to calm his restless thoughts. The bed was much too soft, a far cry from the earthy warmth of Eden's soil and grass. He rolled over, curling up tightly and pulling the soft white quilts over his head. The loneliness weighed heavily on him.

Though Eve's heart had never beat for him, her presence had always been a comfort. They were friends, if not lovers. Sometimes, they would stay up all night talking—not about their children, their roles as humanity's parents, or the pains of Eden, Lilith, or Lucifer—but about flowers, animals, and dreams. Eve listened to his nightmares and shared her odd dreams. She was there, even if she never held him, touched him, or kissed him. She made him feel less alone.

"I'm so lonely," he mumbled into the quilt. "I'm so lonely without you, Eve..."

Sleep eluded him. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the woman with blood-red curls and agonized brown eyes. It happened every night since he entered Heaven. If it wasn't Eve, it was his children—Abel and Cain. And then, there was Lucifer. When he did dream, it was of Eden. Always Eden. He missed it even more than he missed Eve. He missed the safety he felt there, a feeling he had only ever felt again with Sera.

Dreams of Eden and Lucifer haunted him, leaving him with tear-filled eyes every time he woke. He could still feel the softness of Lucifer's feathers, hear his Archangel's voice whispering sweet lies that broke his heart.

With a sigh, Adam sat up, his wings stretching out on either side of him. It was dark outside, dimly lit, as if Heaven itself had dimmed its lights. Despite knowing Sera would be displeased, Adam left his home. He stepped into the vast, empty town of Humility, marveling at its beauty. The town was a dream of white, pink, and blue, yet it lacked the green of nature. There were no trees, flowers, or grass—no Eden.

Adam walked barefoot, his slim body hidden beneath a simple white tunic. His fingers fidgeted as he moved, feeling neither too hot nor too cold in Heaven's perfect climate. Exhaustion weighed heavily on him, but he couldn't sleep. His feet led him back to the spot where he spent most of his time, near the first gate of Heaven. He prayed with all his soul that he would see Eve.

His breath hitched as he saw a figure at the gates. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to believe it was Eve. But as he moved closer, it became painfully obvious it wasn't. The figure was taller, with a more masculine appearance. Adam's heart pounded with fear as he stopped and stared at the newcomer.

"Um..." he whispered, fear slipping free from his lips.

The figure turned towards him, calm and collected, yet surprised to see someone. Dark eyes blinked once before widening. "Adam?"

"Er," Adam swallowed hard, "Yes?"

"The first human?" The angel asked, turning fully towards him. Their eyes were pure black with tiny white specks. "Father of humanity?"

Adam nodded slowly, wary as he stepped back. This angel was unlike any he had seen before. Sera, Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael all wore hues of pure white with touches of colour. This angel was cloaked in black. Their wings were pitch black, sleek feathers with no other colours, and their skin was glittering white like Lucifer's had once been in Eden. Their faces was round and pointed, with black circles imprinted on their cheeks. They wore black robes, and what caught Adam's breath was the angel's thick black hair. Not blonde like the Archangels or purple like Sera's—just completely black.

"Hi," the angel began, pausing as they glanced at the sharp scythe in their hand. Adam gulped as the tip nearly caught his nose. The angel quickly made the scythe disappear. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm not used to seeing anyone at this time. Everyone is usually resting or in meetings in the higher Rings."

"Right," Adam replied awkwardly, nodding.

"God mentioned you'd be here," the angel continued, their voice softer. "I'm somewhat new here. Still getting used to everything."

Adam managed a small, uneasy smile. "Welcome to Heaven, then. As you know, I’m Adam….the first man…and…what’s your name?”

The Angel of Darkness stretched their six black wings out, the feathers appearing rather unkempt. As Adam drew closer, he realised the angel seemed younger, more like a teenager than an adult. It unsettled Adam—why was this young angel alone, without Sera or perhaps Gabriel?

"Oh! I don't have a name," the angel remarked, amusem*nt twinkling in their dark eyes as Adam ducked underneath their wings. "I don't typically come up here. The Seraphim are a bit... much... if you know what I mean."

"Yeah," Adam chuckled, "Sera can be a bit rigid at first, but she'll warm up to you soon."

The angel shrugged and folded their wings again. "Well, I'm not really looking to warm up to her. We've had a less than stellar first impression, if you catch my drift. She wasn't exactly the warmest when I was born."

"Really?" Adam asked, surprised. Sera had always been warm and kind to him. She had never shown any cruelty or coldness in his presence.

"I wouldn't expect you to know what she's really like," the black angel clicked their tongue, a hint of malice in their tone. Yet, they seemed relaxed in Adam's company, unlike some of the other Archangels.

Realisation dawned on Adam, and he gasped. His wings fluttered as he moved closer to the angel. "Oh, I get it now! You're the new Archangel Sera was talking about, aren't you? The Archangel born from..."

"Humanity's death," the Archangel confirmed softly, their black eyes flickering thoughtfully. "I was born from your death."

"You were?" Adam gawked. "Mine? But I'm not the first human to die..."

Cain killed Abel, after all...

The Archangel offered a crooked smile and shrugged once more. "God works in mysterious ways, or at least, that's what the Seraphim claim. I don't know, I can't tell you. I only know of human souls after I was born, not before."

"You wouldn't know about Abel, then...?" Adam's shoulders sagged.

"I'm sorry," the Archangel said quietly. "Souls that were around before I was born aren't linked to me. Only the souls are still on Earth's plane. But to ease your mind, nobody has died since you."

Adam's eyes brightened. "Eve's still alive?"

"Yes, the mother of humanity is still alive," the Archangel confirmed quickly, and Adam felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"That's good," Adam breathed out, a smile spreading across his face. Eve was still alive. He felt a sense of peace settle over him.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, Adam raised his green eyes to meet the new Archangel's gaze. A warm smile spread across his lips. "You said you had no name yet? Right? Would you like one? Naming is one of my purposes."

"I wouldn't say it's your purpose," the Archangel responded softly, a peculiar look shimmering in their black eyes. They blinked it away and turned fully towards Adam. "Sure, I'd like that. Please give me a name, Adam, Father of Humanity and the First Man."

Adam blinked, taken aback. It was the first time anyone had used such a formal title for him. It made him squirm uncomfortably. He didn't feel he deserved such reverence.

"Um," Adam weakly smiled and tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Archangel of Death and New Beginnings, from this moment on, you will be known as Azrael."

The Archangel continued to gaze at Adam, their black lips curving into a large, sharp grin. The sight sent a shudder through Adam, eerily reminiscent of Lucifer's smile. The sharp teeth, the predatory gleam—it was uncanny. Among all the Archangels he had met, only Lucifer had possessed such sharp teeth, and yet here was Azrael, with the same unsettling trait.

Adam gulped, an instinctive urge to run bubbling within him.

"Azrael. I like it," the Archangel declared, their voice smooth and approving.

Adam nodded, trying to mask his unease with a polite smile. "I'm glad you do."

Azrael's dark eyes studied him intently, as if peeling back layers to uncover his soul. "Thank you, Adam," they said, their tone unexpectedly gentle. "You've given me a gift."

"You're welcome," Adam replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "It's an honour to name you."

Azrael's grin softened, becoming less intimidating and more sincere. "I hope we can become friends, Adam. Heaven can be a lonely place."

Adam's heart warmed at the sentiment, despite his lingering apprehension. "I'd like that," he said softly. "I'd really like that."


The guitar sat before him, a silent testament to unfulfilled potential. Adam had never played it, though he had often cradled it tenderly, even snuggling with it once or twice in his sleep. There was a mystery to it, a significance that kept him from strumming its strings. It was as if playing it would unlock something profound.

Lucifer had poured his heart into crafting this guitar for him. Adam really should play it at least once, right? Just once. He had touched thousands of guitars before, mastering them with the ease that came naturally to God's first and finest creation. Many believed Adam's primary role was to name things, but that wasn't entirely true. Adam was innately creative. He had a knack for anything born of imagination and artistry. With dedication, he could excel at any craft.

Adam loved music. He loved creating it, listening to it, losing himself in it.

He brushed his fingertips along the intricate carvings, marvelling at the effort Lucifer had invested. Ducks framed the bottom edge, plants representing Eden, flowers, and leaves woven into the design. With a wistful sigh, he tilted his head and, with a shaky hand, plucked one of the strings. The note resonated through the guitar's body, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Adam?" Lucifer's voice startled him.

Adam turned towards the blonde, his hands twitching, growing clammy. He nervously set the guitar aside and offered a weak smile. "Oh, um, hey! You're back!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." Lucifer's gaze shifted to the guitar, his eyebrows knitting together. "Were you about to play something? I'd love to hear it!"

Lucifer had been eagerly waiting to hear Adam play.

He had been dying to hear Adam play. However, Lucifer had never managed to catch him in the act. Whenever he found Adam, it always looked like Adam had just finished playing the guitar, and Lucifer would simply tell himself, "next time."

"Oh, um..." Adam fidgeted sheepishly, "Well, no...I mean..."

Lucifer hummed quietly, trying not to show his disappointment. Adam had used a guitar to fight as an Angel, and Charlie had mentioned how talented he was. Apparently, Adam had tried to intimidate Charlie during their first meeting by playing his guitar, and Charlie was impressed with his skills. Lucifer longed to hear what Adam could do.

"Ah, I've been hoping to hear you play it for so long now, Adam. You wouldn't mind playing another song for me, would you?" Lucifer asked hopefully, settling himself down across from the brunette. He sat with his legs crossed and arms folded between them, looking like an eager puppy. "Please? You have an amazing voice, and I've heard you're skillful with the guitar too!"

Adam winced and glanced away, scratching at the side of his face. "Um, yeah, well...I mean, I'm not that good—I wouldn't say I'm skillful or that I have a good voice."

"What are you talking about?" Lucifer grinned in amusem*nt. "You sang for me before, remember? You're amazing! I love your voice, and I'd love to hear you play the guitar too!"

"Um..." Adam slowly nodded, biting his bottom lip. "O-Okay, yeah, okay. I can do that and..."

Awkwardly, Adam reached for the guitar again. His fingers trembled as he brought it back into his arms. He held it gently and inhaled deeply, his shoulders hunching.

Lucifer shivered with excitement. He couldn't wait to hear him. Lucifer's red and yellow eyes twinkled as he continued to gaze wistfully at Adam. He hummed with eagerness, but as the seconds passed and Adam continued to hold the guitar, not looking like he was about to play, Lucifer's excitement turned to concern.

"Adam," he began, swallowing thickly, " you not like it?"

"What? No, no, of course I do!" Adam gasped, clenching it tightly.

Lucifer frowned and tilted his head thoughtfully. "Then, if you do like it..."

Adam lowered his head, avoiding Lucifer's eyes. Slowly, Lucifer began to piece together the puzzle. His eyes widened and his eyebrows knitted as he leaned forward to brush his claws across Adam's shoulder. Lucifer gently touched Adam's cheek, regaining the first human's attention.

"You've never played it, have you?" he asked softly, watching Adam's expression closely.

Shame tried to worm its way in, but Lucifer wasn't letting Adam get away. The brunette couldn't avert his gaze.

"No," Adam finally admitted, a soft blush spreading across his cheeks. "No, I haven't played it."

"Why? Is there something wrong with it?" Lucifer asked as tenderly as possible. He realised quickly this wasn't just a matter of "I don't like it"; there was something deeper. Still, as the Sin of Pride and Archangel of Dreams, Lucifer felt a bit stung. Had he messed up the guitar?

Adam fidgeted again. "No, nothing's wrong with it. It's perfect, it's lovely. I like it so much. Thank you."

"But?" Lucifer sensed the hesitation. He inched closer, his thumb brushing soft circles across Adam's cheek. "There's a but, isn't there?"

Adam sniffled quietly. "'s...Lucifer, you're the first person to give me anything..."

"What?" Lucifer gasped, his eyes widening in surprise. "What do you mean? The first person to give you anything?"

Sighing, Adam shook his head and tried to pull away from the fallen angel. However, Lucifer followed closely. It made Adam's heart leap into his throat. "'s just...I've never been given anything before. N-Nobody has given me a gift before and..."

Oh !


Lucifer's eyes narrowed, a pang of sadness and anger rushing through him. What did he mean, nobody had given him a gift before? Adam had never received a gift? Never?

"Not in Eden, not on Earth, not in Heaven," Adam admitted meekly, appearing even more shy under Lucifer's scrutinising eyes. "It was my responsibility to give gifts, to find the best flowers, stones, rocks, make clothes, make toys, and take care of my family. My children, my grandchildren, and so on. We didn't celebrate birthdays or anything like that. So I never had a gift..."

Lucifer's sharp teeth ground together with restrained anger. The realisation that Adam had never been given a gift, never been truly appreciated or loved, made Lucifer seethe. He closed his eyes briefly, inhaling deeply to quell the rage. He didn't want to scare Adam. The human was, once again, opening himself up to him. Giving Lucifer another part of himself. Lucifer already felt special, but with another piece of Adam's heart, he felt even more cherished.

Loved .

Lucifer felt loved. Even if Adam hadn’t said it yet. He felt loved.

"It's my first present," Adam sighed, hugging the guitar close to his chest. "It's my first gift. I don't want to break it. I don't want to lose it. I don't want...i-it means so much to me already, Lucifer. It’’s so important to me…”

Lucifer's heart warmed. His eyes grew soft and tender, filled with love and longing. He leaned closer to Adam, brushing their lips together in a loving kiss. His claws gently ran through Adam's brown and red hair.

"I can't, Lucifer," Adam breathed in deeply, "I can't play it, I just can't. I can't risk the chance of damaging it and...losing it. I don't want to lose it, ever."

"Oh Adam," Lucifer whispered, "You're so gorgeous."

Adam flushed, quickly becoming embarrassed again. Why was Lucifer always able to make him feel like this?

"You're so sweet and beautiful," Lucifer sighed, repeatedly pecking Adam on the lips. "I promise, I'll give you so many gifts. I'll shower you in them."

Adam covered Lucifer's mouth bashfully. "No, I mean, I don't need that. I don't need to be showered with gifts or anything like that. I don't want gifts, I just mean...the guitar is everything to me already and...thank you."

Licking at the palm of Adam's hand, Lucifer pressed soft kisses and pulled back. He smiled warmly. Adam was quickly becoming everything to him. Finally, after centuries, Lucifer was seeing who Adam really was. Witnessing the truth of Adam's soul and he was falling harder and harder in love.

"I love you," he said seriously, and held a finger up when Adam went to speak. "You don't have to say anything in return to that. I just want you to know, I love you, I adore you. You make me so many gifts, you show me how much you care about me, I know you do it not to get anything in return, but that doesn't matter to me. I don't care about that, because it means so much to me too."

"I want to share this feeling with you," Lucifer added gently. "I'll make you gifts in return. I won't stop just with this guitar. I'll make you so many things too, and if you can't bring yourself to play the guitar, that's okay. That's more than fine, because that makes me happy too."

Adam sighed with a tiny smile. "Are you're okay with me never playing it? After how hard you worked on it?"

Lucifer smiled so warmly and tenderly, so full of love and affection. "I'm perfectly fine with it. You'll play for me someday, and until then, I can wait."

His heart skipped a beat at the words, Adam's chest swelling with warmth and his stomach fluttering in a way it hadn't before. Shyness began to creep over him. It was so strange. He had never felt this way before, not even with Eve.


Adam shook the thoughts away. He didn't want to think about Eve, not when Lucifer was kissing him again, causing him to melt into the sensation. His arms instinctively slipped around Lucifer's neck. Just being close to Lucifer made Adam's heart race faster, and it felt rather dramatic to him.

"Are you alright?" Lucifer whispered against his mouth, "You're turning so red again~"

"Shut up, I'm not," Adam pouted, though he knew it was the truth.

The grin on Lucifer's face transformed into a smug smirk as he pinched Adam's flushed cheeks. "You're so adorable.”

Adam didn’t know why he was still so shy and timid whenever he returned the affection Lucifer liked to give him. Still, his heart skipped a beat as he leaned forward, kissing Lucifer in return.

"Um..." Lucifer began softly, his body tensing up as his fingers toyed the leaves of Adam’s t-shirt. " you want your..."

The blonde trailed off with a wince, realising this wasn't the graceful approach he had envisioned. He wanted this moment to be tender and delicate, not to add any more stress to Adam's plate. Adam had fainted the last time he saw it, after so long. Lucifer's hand hovered over the rib bone tucked in the waistband of his shorts, uncertain of what to do with it. After the red panda had unearthed it from the crimson petals and Adam had fainted at the sight, Lucifer had wrestled with whether to bury it again or keep it with them. Ultimately, he had chosen the latter...but now he wasn't so sure.

"Adam," he breathed deeply, carefully extracting the rib bone and cradling it between his palms, "...I..."

Adam's vibrant green eyes dimmed instantly, his smile fading as soon as he laid eyes on the bone. His shoulders slumped, and he nervously chewed his bottom lip. "Oh, bone..."

"I...I didn't, I mean I thought..." Lucifer winced at the sound of his own voice. Come on! He had rehearsed this! Lucifer had stared at his reflection in the river, practising his words, his speech. Now it all sounded so feeble to his ears. It reminded him of the times when he had to address all seven Rings of Hell as their King.

He was the Sin of Pride and the King of Hell. He should be able to handle this.

Summoning his courage, Lucifer attempted to rise to his knees with dignity, but it was more clumsy than graceful. Lucifer nearly stumbled a couple of times, and Adam had to steady him by the shoulders.

A hint of amusem*nt flickered in Adam's emerald eyes as he watched Lucifer, now kneeling before him, holding the rib bone as if it were the most precious treasure in the world.

"Adam, my brethren hurt you. The Archangels took your rib bone without your consent, causing you pain, horror, and suffering. They nearly brought death upon Eden," Lucifer spoke with a stern tone, asserting the authority of the King he truly was, causing Adam's eyes to widen.

There was a shift in Lucifer's gaze, his eyes darkening almost to pure black. His expression became stern, and he edged closer to Adam, who fought the instinct to retreat.

"It's only right that an Archangel returns the rib bone they stole," Lucifer's voice deepened, his tone resolute. "With a sincere apology. We, the Archangels, are profoundly sorry for taking it."

Adam blinked once at Lucifer's face, his heart skipping a beat. He could vividly picture what form Lucifer would take if he still wielded his powers—the demonic visage of the King of Hell, complete with horns, fire, wings, and an even broader, more menacing grin. A shiver ran down his spine as he realised he was facing the Demon King, not the familiar Lucifer he knew. Well, it was still Lucifer, but it felt different.

His gaze dropped to the rib bone, the very source of so much turmoil in his life. It was the object that had caused the Archangels to betray him, hunt him down for it, and nearly bring death upon Eden. It was the bone that had incurred God's righteous wrath, the bone from which the second woman and mother of humanity had been formed.

The rib bone that had unleashed sin upon humanity...

It all stemmed from him, didn't it? Eve may have made the fateful decision without full comprehension, but she was created from him. She was crafted from his pain, his screams, and his blood. Humanity's burden lay upon his shoulders...

"What if I don't want it?" Adam murmured softly.

The Demon King merely inclined his head and replied confidently, "Then we will destroy it."

How would they accomplish that? Adam almost asked, but he held his tongue. Instead, he reached out a trembling hand and accepted the rib bone from Lucifer's claws. It felt cold and weathered in his fingers, a tangible reminder of his past. But the longer he held it, the more his hands began to shake and a familiar feminine voice whispered through his ears.

Hair made from blood. Eyes forming from the horrified screams. Freckles representing the sensation of agony.

This was Eve...

His Eve. His best friend. They weren't suited as a couple, but she was his closest companion. And now she is gone. Eve had become nothing but a bone, stripped of her humanity. She wasn't meant to be anything more. When she died, her responsibilities ended, and God returned her to her original form— the rib bone . Adam's face contorted with emotion as he stared at it, his grip tightening.

Eve's laughter echoed in his ears, her warm smile etched into his memory. She was his friend, his sister, his confidante. They didn’t love each other as husband and wife , but they did love each other in their own way. Eve loved him but she knew she wasn’t able to be the partner he needed, the person who was allowed to stay at his side. She had left him alone, not by choice...

"She knew ," he gasped, tears welling in his eyes. " Eve knew. She knew what awaited her in death. That's why she changed. That's what the apple of knowledge revealed to her!"

Tears streamed down his cheeks as understanding dawned upon him. Eve had anticipated her fate, embracing her transformation into nothing more than a rib bone.

" Eve is truly gone... "

"I'm so sorry, Adam," Lucifer whispered, enfolding him in a tight embrace.

Eve wouldn’t be back.


Since the moment Michael had revealed the pit on Earth, Lucifer's thoughts had been consumed by it. What was God's design? Did He create the desolate Earth only to neglect it until the pit emerged? Or did He return, only to find these entities running rampant, casting them into the abyss in a fit of divine dismay?

Michael insisted the pit had existed since the dawn of time, claiming its inhabitants had roamed Earth long before the Angels' descent. Earth had been their domain first, until God's command forced the Angels to intervene.

Lucifer sighed deeply, reclining on his circular bed. His six feathered wings fluttered softly, the golden and white plumes shimmering at the edge of his vision. His memories before ascending to Archangel were hazy; as the fourth spirit of God's throne, those times were a blur. Yet he was certain there had been no mention of this pit or the malevolent forces within. The concept of Evil had not even existed until he acquired a soul as a living Archangel. Even now, Evil was not quite the tangible force it would become in the centuries ahead.

Michael's designation of the pit as the 'Heart of Evil' baffled Lucifer. How could there be a Heart of Evil when Evil itself had yet to be defined?

Lucifer wrapped his arms around himself, his wings shimmering with a melancholy glow as they folded around his slender form. He missed Adam profoundly. The void of his absence gnawed at him, a loneliness that few could fathom. Ducks, he mused, die from loneliness too.

His head drooped, eyes half-lidded, lips curving downward in sorrow. He shifted restlessly on his round, white silk bed, the ever-present chill seeping into his flesh. He longed for Adam’s warmth, the living radiator who had been his solace. In Eden, he had loved to cocoon Adam in his snow-white wings, drifting into tranquil slumber. Since his banishment from the Garden, sleep had eluded him, and peace had become a distant memory.

At some point, Lucifer dozed off, only to be jolted awake almost immediately. His eyes snapped open, and he bolted upright, golden hair bristling. Like a curious duck, he poked his head out from his feathered cocoon, scanning the room. The blinding light outside pierced his eyes, a far cry from the dimness that would one day envelop his future.

Initially, he couldn't pinpoint what had roused him so abruptly. His skin tingles and his mouth goes dry. Forcing himself to swallow, Lucifer cautiously unfolded his six majestic wings and slid off the bed, stretching awkwardly to survey the circular room again.

He tiptoed to the archway, peering up and down the corridor. Perhaps one of the other Archangels had disturbed him. Raphael, known for his insomnia unless utterly exhausted, had often roamed the hallways at night.

But this time, the corridors were eerily empty. Not even a stray orb of light to bump into. Frowning, Lucifer lifted his wings to avoid dragging them along the floor and slipped through the archway. He began his cautious walk down the corridor, golden eyes scanning every nook and cranny.

Unusually, he found no one. Michael, who often perched on the balcony outside the grand hall, was conspicuously absent. Lucifer halted at the balcony, arms dropping to his sides, eyebrows raised in surprise. The Morningstar's eye on his chest stared into the void.

"Of course," he muttered, "they're either resting in their chambers or, more likely, they've left me behind to fulfil another universal task. Again! So much for rejoining the creation of the universe."

Lucifer huffed, descending the pearly steps. Reaching the last step, he collapsed, sitting sullenly. His wings spread around him like an umbrella, offering a semblance of shelter.

Elbows on his knees, he cradled his face in his hands, staring into the emptiness. His lips twisted with longing. He missed Adam terribly. Life had never been dull with him. Together, they had filled the silence effortlessly. Lucifer yearned to lean into Adam, envelop him in his wings, and shower him with soft kisses.

Ah, yes, that’s what they would be doing now.

That’s what they could be doing about now~

Lucifer’s eyes fluttered shut, his lips pulling into a dreamy grin. He could imagine Adam sitting before him, staring at the Angel with shy apple-green eyes and a meek smile on his own lips. Lucifer would kiss him, gently slide his hands along Adam’s form, mapping at the human’s body.

His greedy mouth would taste Adam completely, kissing down Adam’s chest, his soft tongue trapping Adam’s adorable nipples. Lucifer’s soft fingers would caress Adam’s flesh, sinking down the brunette’s body further, hands smoothly sliding down Adam’s torsal. Down Adam’s stomach and along his thighs, delicately parting them to hungrily gaze at the human’s co*ck. Lucifer’s mouth waters as he slips his fingers around the penis, teaching Adam how to feel good, watching as the pleasure takes hold of the first human.

He’d greedily teach Adam that this part of him belonged to the Archangel. Nobody else was allowed to see it, touch it or taste it. Lucifer would claim Adam in ways nobody would ever be able to and when that stupid first woman is allowed into the garden, Adam wouldn’t let her anywhere close to him.

Lucifer’s eyes flew open, a jolt of awareness coursing through him. He sat up abruptly, feathers ruffling in agitation. His face felt unusually hot, and his heart skipped a beat. Wildly, he glanced around, confusion clouding his gaze. His mind had never conjured up that before. He had never thought about touching Adam that way before. Lucifer squirmed, a stiffness beginning to grow between his legs and a pool of acid-heat developing in the pit of his stomach.

His hands swiped across his face as he stood, knees buckling beneath him. Lucifer gulped sheepishly, his wings feeling strangely warm. He glanced around, biting down on his bottom lip. Something in the air had him on edge. It wasn’t just the sudden, unsettling thoughts from his recent dream—so vivid and unusual, yet fascinating.

Shaking his head furiously, his halo sparkled, growing even more golden. He rubbed his eyes and shuffled forward. “What…” he muttered.

Lucifer .”

He froze, parting his fingers to peer through them. His eyebrows furrowed as he glared into the darkness. What was this? Some sort of twisted joke? Was one of his brothers playing a cruel prank on him?

“This isn’t funny,” he growled. “Don’t use Adam’s voice!”

His voice echoed into the emptiness, leaving him standing alone on Heaven’s balcony. As his anger began to fade, doubt crept in. Maybe it wasn't his siblings messing with him—why would they? They were Archangels of God. What would be the point of mimicking Adam’s voice to torment him?

Luci ?”

Lucifer jumped, inching closer to the edge of the balcony. “Adam?”

Was he going mad? Had he been thinking about his human too much? Of course he had—Adam was his. Naturally, Lucifer would think of his beloved human. But to hear Adam’s voice in Heaven? That was unsettling.

His six gold and white wings stretched out as far as they could. Glancing down at his feet, he wondered if he could even fly. He was clipped, grounded. Michael had grounded him to Heaven as punishment, ensuring he couldn’t sneak into Eden. The bastard. Lucifer was older; Michael had no right to clip his wings. But God hadn’t unclipped them, so what could he do? Lucifer had asked, but his father hadn’t answered.

The urge to fly became overwhelming. He glanced over the edge of the balcony. The last time he had flown was with Michael, who had 'given him permission' to leave Heaven, only to show him the pit. It was laughable.

The pit…

Suddenly, all Lucifer could think about was the pit. His heart pounded, and his wings beat against Heaven’s floor, lifting him into the air. He flew from the balcony, tracing the same path to Earth’s dry surface.

How he was able to leave Heaven didn’t make sense to Lucifer. But he couldn’t think about that. It was like he was in a trance. His wings stretched wide, feathers savouring the sensation of flight.

Before Lucifer realised it, he found himself delicately touching the barren ground of Earth. He blinked in surprise and awe, glancing around. Earth was just as empty and desolate as when Michael had brought him here. How had he managed to return to the pit on his own, to fly and leave Heaven without God's or Michael's permission? He simply found himself standing before the pit once more.


He shivered in realisation, hearing Adam's voice emanating from the pit. His face twisted in disgust as understanding dawned. It was a trick. His hands balled into fists, nails digging into his palms, wings flaring in anger. Lucifer sneered, stomping to the edge of the pit and dropping to his knees, peering into the darkness below.

It had used Adam's voice to lure him here. How foolish he had been to believe he was truly hearing Adam—his Adam.

Despite knowing it was a deception, Lucifer called out, his voice tinged with desperation, "Adam?" He snorted, rolling his eyes at his own pathetic hope.

It was just a trick. All fake. Adam wasn't really here. He should return to Heaven quickly before something else got in the way. Closing his eyes tightly for a few moments, Lucifer leaned back, settling on his ankles. His wings shuddered and folded delicately against his back. Just as he began to turn away, he gasped, freezing as he saw a familiar face gazing down at him.

"Adam?!" he exclaimed.

Standing over him was Adam in all his glory. The brunette leaned forward, arms folded behind him, head tilted. Golden eyes gazed down at the Archangel sweetly, lips curved into a small smile.

Lucifer stared, mouth opening and closing, "Adam? Adam, is—are—you here?"

Adam made no sound, didn't respond, only smiled, shifting on his bare feet. Lucifer shot to his feet, spinning toward Adam, hands tentatively raising to grasp his shoulders, only to halt halfway.

"Wait..." Lucifer's eyebrows furrowed. "You're not—"

Adam placed a finger to Lucifer's lips, his smile so sweet and loving. Lucifer stared back, feeling no fear, no anger or hatred—only warmth, love, and affection. It was everything to Lucifer’s chest tightened, and his heart beat in a way it hadn’t before. It was a new, intoxicating sensation that Lucifer never wanted to lose. He laid his hands upon Adam, fingers softly touching Adam’s warm flesh. His whole body trembled, a tingling chill licking up his spine.

Adam's presence was overwhelming, filling Lucifer with a profound sense of warmth and belonging. Adam was just as naked as he was in Eden, nothing covered his beautiful body. Adam's skin held a soft gold glow, a telltale sign that this wasn't truly him. Yet Lucifer couldn't pull himself away. The mere thought of turning away filled him with panic, as if he might never see Adam again if he rejected this ethereal version of him.

Desperation surged within him, and he yanked Adam closer, his voice trembling as he chanted, "Adam, Adam, I love you. I miss you. I never wanted to leave you."

Every touch, every glance, seemed to bind them closer, dispelling the loneliness that had plagued him. Lucifer’s wings fluttered slightly, wrapping around them both, cocooning them in a protective embrace.

In that moment, everything else faded away—the pit, the uncertainty, the deception. All that remained was the pure, unadulterated connection between them. Lucifer gazed into Adam’s golden eyes, feeling a surge of emotions he had never experienced before.

"Adam," he whispered, voice trembling. "I missed you so much."

Adam's smile widened, and though he remained silent, his eyes spoke volumes. The love and affection radiating from him were undeniable, washing over Lucifer like a soothing balm.

Lucifer's resolve strengthened. No matter the cost, no matter the obstacles, he would hold onto this feeling, this connection. He would defy Heaven and Earth to protect it. In Adam’s presence, he found not just solace, but a purpose, a reason to fight against the encroaching darkness.

Drawing Adam closer, Lucifer felt the world shift around them. The boundaries of Heaven and Earth, the chains of duty and punishment, seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of them in an eternal embrace. And in that timeless moment, Lucifer vowed to cherish this bond, to never let go, and to fight for the love that had reignited his soul.

Tears welled up in Lucifer's eyes, his emotions a chaotic swirl of love, longing, and heartache. His hands clutched Adam's warm flesh, afraid to let go, afraid to lose this moment. The golden light enveloped them both, casting an otherworldly glow around their entwined forms.

Adam's silence was haunting, his smile unwavering. Lucifer's heart pounded, each beat echoing his yearning and sorrow. He pressed his forehead against Adam's, closing his eyes to savour the fleeting connection.

"I love you," he whispered again, his voice breaking. "I miss you so much."

In that moment, reality and illusion blurred, leaving only the raw intensity of Lucifer's emotions. He knew this wasn't truly Adam, yet he clung to the hope, the semblance of his beloved, seeking solace in the warmth and the semblance of love. His wings wrapped tighter around them, shielding this fragile, golden moment from the encroaching darkness.

Lucifer's breath hitched as he held Adam close, fearing the inevitable end of this encounter. But for now, he allowed himself to drown in the bittersweet embrace, cherishing the fleeting presence of the one he loved more than anything.

Adam moved forward, pressing their lips together and Lucifer melted into the kiss. Their lips rubbing together perfectly as if they were created to be sealed together. Adam’s hands tracing up Lucifer’s body, fingers tugging at the robes. He pinched at the ribbons that held Lucifer’s heavenly white and gold robes together. With one gentle tug, the robes immediately unravelled, leaving him in the nude.

Stepping back, Lucifer’s breath hitched. His own gold eyes were large and wide, glancing down at the pool of his robes. His wings fluttered, trying to shield his sudden naked body. Lucifer trembled, his fingers grabbing onto the wing that moved to cover his private parts. His face darkened as Adam simply smiled at him, stepping closer to the Angel.

“A-Adam?” he let out shyly, his skin prickling. But he wasn’t afraid or angry, no, Lucifer was bashful…he was excited.

Excitement like he had never experienced before shot through him.

“I know…” Lucifer said quietly, his face flushing even hotter when Adam moved closer. His soft hands caressing Lucifer’s bottom wing, the one the Archangel was clutching onto for dear life, “I don’t know who you are or what…but…I….”

He trembled as Adam’s fingers caressed his feathers just like he does back in Eden. Lucifer’s eyes fluttered shut, shuddering in pleasure from the small action. A gasp escaped Lucifer’s lips when Adam laid a hand to his cheek, his thumb creating smoothing circle-motions across the gold flush on Lucifer’s cheek.

“Adam,” he whispered, his wings uncovering himself to Adam. Lucifer’s hands cradling Adam’s hand on his cheek and nuzzled into the touch, “I missed you so much Adam. I’m craving to feel you, to touch you…I don’t understand how but…”

Lucifer paused, his golden eyes opening again. He met Adam’s own gold eyes and spoke in a low, soft voice, “You’ll teach me how, won’t you?”

The smile on Adam’s face didn’t falter. It didn’t fade, it stayed as sweet as before. Even more enchanting. Adam moved closer until their bodies were fully touching, their skin kissing and with a small rock of his hips, Lucifer found himself gasping in a way he hadn’t before.

“I can pretend,” Lucifer whispered, slipping his arms around Adam’s neck, “Teach me this.”

Their mouths made contact again. Their lips pressing, touching again and sending brand new sparkes of excitement down Lucifer’s spine. Adam released a soft puff of breath through his nose and Lucifer felt it across his face, one of his hands running up to the back of Adam’s head, pressing him closer.

Teach me how to make Adam feel good…

Adam parted his lips and his tongue slithered out, licking at Lucifer’s bottom lip. Lucifer gasped, his mouth immediately opening to let Adam’s tongue in. It was similar to how Lucifer had kissed Adam before Michael had interrupted them, but yet not. Their tongues touched, beginning to wrap together. It was a new sensation. Especially as Adam rocked their hips together, their co*cks making contact. Their penis touching, beginning to slip and slide together, sending sensations Lucifer hadn’t felt before up his spine.

Separating their lips, Adam kissed Lucifer's chin and began to nip at his neck. Lucifer’s head tilted all the way back, his golden curls falling off his face like a waterfall. His expression clouded with pleasure and his fingers combed through Adam’s thick brown hair. Adam rocked his hips faster, rubbing his co*ck against the Archangels with more purpose.

A dreamy smile spread across Lucifer’s lips, his eyes rolling back into his skull with a moan escaping his lips. He had one hand on the back of Adam’s head while his other slipped under Adam’s arm and around to press down on his lower back. Between his legs came that familiar sensation he had earlier, a stiffness biting into him and dripping down his legs. Lucifer’s toes curled with another moan bubbling free.

Adam’s hands danced across Lucifer’s flawless crystal stardust skin, dragging his nails deliciously and holding Lucifer’s back with a single hand. Adam began to work his way down the Archangel, his lips kissing the skin slowly but with enough pressure to have the blonde Angel tremble. His lips made contact with Lucifer’s nipple, kissing the nipple sweetly while he rubbed the other nipple in time with his tongue. Adam parted his lips and flicked his tongue over the nipple, licking it delicately.

His heart skipped a beat at the action, and frog-leaped into his throat, Lucifer whimpered. Adam rolled the nipple between his teeth, forcing Lucifer to hiss but still enjoy it nonetheless. All six of his wings trembled, trying to open up again but Lucifer refused to let them. He kept them folded against his back.

A cry escaped Lucifer’s lip when Adam’s hand had slipped away from his nipple and trailed his fingers over Lucifer’s flat stomach to his hard co*ck. Lucifer’s gold eyes widened and he tilted his head, watching as Adam’s hand brushed his fingertips along Lucifer’s penis.

Adam closed his hand fully around Lucifer’s co*ck, making the Archangel jump in surprise. Lucifer’s nails pierced into Adam’s flesh, but the brunette didn’t appear fazed. Adam sucked on Lucifer’s nipple as he tenderly rolled his fingers against the sensitive spots Lucifer didn’t know he had.

A whimper escaped Lucifer’s lip, “Adam, you’re so amazing.”

No sound escaped Adam as his hand danced delicately, rubbing his fingertips skillfully, dragging them up and down. His tongue circled Lucifer’s lip and even bit the nipple again. Just as he slid his hand all the way up to the tip of the penis and back down repeatedly.

Lucifer gasped, his body beginning to tremble. His hips jerked forward, rocking in time with Adam’s hand. His hands shook around Adam, desperately pulling him closer. Lucifer couldn’t close his eyes as the golden stars began to take over his sight.

“Oh sh*t,” Lucifer let out, his tongue poking out his mouth, “This feels so amazing! Adam, Adam, teach me more! I want to learn everything!”

The burning look within Adam’s gold eyes had Lucifer sobbing. Especially when Adam purposely sped up his finger movements. He dragged his hand up and down Adam’s penis at a quicker pace, Lucifer’s golden eyes glazed over fully.

Something inside him was building, growing and sending electricity sparkes throughout him. But just as it was about to over boil, Adam’s delicious touch disappeared. Lucifer gasped, clinging to Adam and gulping, struggling to find the words.

“A-Adam, why -” he panted.

Adam’s mouth moved downward further. He pressed wet kisses across Lucifer’s flat stomach, sinking down Lucifer’s body. The Archangel’s eyes widened further as Adam sunk to his knees, his warm hands caging around Lucifer’s hips.

Lucifer stared in awe, seeing Adam’s face-to-face to his private area. Nobody had ever seen that part of Lucifer before, nobody. He never let anybody see him nude. Even if he didn’t wear his robes, his wings would shield him. However, seeing Adam crouched before him, holding his hips close and Lucifer hard co*ck flushed, begging for the release in front of the brunette’s lips had the Archangel whimpering.

The golden gaze between the two was overwhelming and when Adam parted his lips, his tongue slithering out to touch Lucifer’s co*ck. The effect was immediate. Lucifer let out a cry and his hips wanted to arch forward, but Adam’s hands kept them still. Adam licked his tongue along the head of Lucifer’s penis, rubbing the tip of his tongue across the small slit.

“Adam, Adam,” he let out, his head flopping back with another whining moan. His fingers tightened around Adam’s brown curls, his legs buckling as Adam took his co*ck into his mouth, “Adam! It’s so good!”

Taking Lucifer’s flushed co*ck into his mouth, Adam sucked on the tip. He rolled his lips along the sensitive flesh, flickering his tongue back and forth across the head. Adam tilted his head forward, sinking his mouth further down Lucifer’s penis, taking it fully into his mouth. Adam held Lucifer’s penis in his mouth for a few seconds, his gold eyes glowing as they stared up at the Archangel before he finally began to bob his head.

The sight of Adam before him, on his knees with Lucifer’s co*ck deep inside his mouth, had Lucifer groaning. It was so attractive. It was crazy he never imagined the sight before. Lucifer brushed Adam’s brown hair out of his face, wanting to see Adam’s pretty gold eyes clearly.

“Adam, sh*t, it’s so sexy,” he grunted, “You look so good right now~”

Wordlessly, Adam bobbed his head. His lips dragging back and forth along the hot flesh of the co*ck, everytime his lips touched the head, he sucked. Each action had Lucifer tremble and whimpering, begging to thrust his hips in timing with the mouth but Adam’s hands were like steel, holding him still.

Suddenly, Adam shifted, pulling Lucifer’s leg up over his shoulder. The Archangel released a cry of surprise, jumping on the tip of toes as Adam’s nose nuzzled into Lucifer’s soft blonde hair covering his manhood.

“Adam, sh*t, sh*t,” he let out. In the pit of his stomach was that pressure, it was increasing every passing second. Growing even harsher with every suck or lick Adam gave him, “f*ck! Adam! I think I’m about - I’m about to - something’s coming!”

Lucifer’s toes curled, his fingers tightening and his eyes watering. Deep inside him, something erupted and his skin prickled full with heat. Lucifer his back arched, a strangled scream was ripped from his throat as he released something from deep inside him.

Adam held Lucifer inside his mouth, waiting until the Archangel had ridden out his very first org*sm. The bitter thick liquid filling his throat that he easily swallowed. His hands were wrapped around the Angel’s hips, holding Lucifer to his mouth until Lucifer was limp and wheezing. Only then, did he slip Lucifer from his mouth and drop his hands, letting Lucifer crumble to his knees.

“Holy sh*t,” Lucifer panted, struggling to catch his breath. His face a beautiful shade of red that stretched down his neck to his chest, “F-f*ck. That was…amazing. I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

Lucifer raised his eyes to look at Adam, finding the brunette still smiling at him and not a single word escaping him. With a hum, Lucifer immediately cupped his face and greedily yanked him into a kiss, Lucifer’s tongue thrusting into Adam’s mouth. A groan echoed through his throat from the bitter taste on Adam’s tongue.

He sighed in content. It was so liberating to kiss Adam, to have Adam’s tongue in his mouth, just touching Adam was everything to him. Lucifer pressed himself fully against Adam’s front, his arms chaining around Adam’s neck. It was new, exciting and Lucifer wanted more. No, he needed more. He needed to learn everything, he needed to know more about pleasure.

Lucifer’s six golden and white feathered wings immediately unravelled. They stretched out on either side of him, and with a powerful shove to the chest, Lucifer pushed Adam down onto his back. His own gold eyes growing dark and harsh, Lucifer crawled on top of Adam, his lips pulling into a wide sharp grin.

“Don’t forget ,” he purred, pinching Adam’s chin with his fingers. Lucifer squished Adam’s cheeks between his fingers with ease, his wings arching out on either side of himself intimatingly, “Don’t you forget, you started this!”

Since the first time Lucifer had seen Adam and his blank expression, something flickered through his gold eyes and it only made Lucifer’s grin widened. The Angel immediately descended upon Adam, his mouth crashing onto Adam’s, his tongue ripping into Adam’s mouth. Lucifer dropped his hips, rocking his co*ck against Adam’s abruptly until he gleefully felt Adam quaver underneath him.

“Aw, do you like that?” he cooed, cradling Adam’s blank face. His sharp teeth nipped at Adam’s bottom lip, “After you had your way with me just now, it’s only fair I get to have my way with you, right?”

Lucifer traced his sharp teeth further down Adam’s throat, digging them into the soft flesh. He purred from the soft gold glow that was rising from Adam’s skin. It was lovely. Lucifer rubbed himself against Adam, biting into Adam’s throat, ripping his sharp teeth into the flesh. Adam didn’t react in the slightest and honestly, it was a bit annoying.

He stared down at the bite mark on Adam’s throat and he released a growl. Lucifer liked the sight of it. He liked it a lot. Lucifer licked his soft lips, he couldn’t wait to be able to mark Adam for real. He licked the bite mark, growling possessively, his wet tongue traced further down the flesh. Just as Adam had done to him, Lucifer licked his perky nipples, his lips closing around one nipple. Lucifer suckled it, tracing it with the tip of his tongue and kissing it.

His wings shimmered, sparkling and lighting up the empty landscape of Earth. Lucifer fluttered them gently as he continued his way down Adam’s body, his tongue licking at the soft strip of flesh covering Adam’s slim stomach. Lucifer moaned, nuzzling his cheek against Adam’s stomach.

Ah. He was so warm. Just as Adam was in Eden. Lucifer missed feeling his body heat, missed being able to curl against him and drain his body heat. Lucifer hoped that someday he could be just as warm and make Adam feel just as cosy.

Lucifer crawled further down Adam’s body, settling between Adam’s legs. His hands caressing the brunette’s hips and without another thought, he licked Adam hard co*ck. Lucifer’s eyes watched Adam’s face, trying to detect any emotion as he licked Adam’s penis, running his tongue across the head. He kissed the tip, digging his soft tongue into the slit and soon taking it into his mouth like Adam had before.

He waited to see if Adam would react, but alas, he did not. So Lucifer closed his mouth as tightly as possible around Adam’s co*ck and sucked. He began to bob his head, just as Adam had done, sliding his lips up and down his hard penis. Lucifer groaned from the bitter taste of Adam on his tongue, finding that he actually liked the taste. Lucifer sunk his mouth as far down as possible, until he felt the head of Adam’s penis hit the back of his throat. His nails dug into the soft flesh of Adam’s hips as he began to slide the co*ck in and out of his mouth, sliding his lips up and down along the sensitive flesh.

There was no gasp or whimper, not even a moan from Adam. It had Lucifer pulling back, slipping the co*ck from his lips. Lucifer sat up, he gazed up into Adam’s face, his lips twisting crookedly.

“So you’re just going to be quiet during all of this?” he asked sourly, “Adam wouldn’t be quiet. He would be gasping and moaning at every touch…”

His wings began to sag with a sprinkle of sadness, he wanted Adam. He would his Adam, his human. He wanted to touch his Adam, he wanted to run his hands down his Adam’s body, and caress Adam’s chest. Lucifer wanted to lick, suck, taste his Adam. His Adam is still locked away in Eden.

Lucifer grumbled stubbornly, both hands sliding up Adam’s front. His fingers spread wide as they cupped Adam’s chest, rubbing his thumbs over Adam’s nipples. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed dangerously down at the golden eyed brunette.

“Adam?” he purred, “Who or whatever you are-”

“Lucifer?” slipped freely from Adam’s lips. He sounded so like Adam, his voice pitching innocently and naively. It had Lucifer’s eyes widening and body shuddering with want, “Luci? What’s going on? W-What are you doing?”

Lucifer groaned deeply, his head flopping forward, “sh*t. You’re so like my Adam.”

“Just keep talking like that for me,” he cooed, cupping Adam’s face again and kissing him. He crushed his lips harshly on Adam’s, plunging his tongue into his mouth again, “f*ck, stay so sweet and innoncet for me.”

“Luci,” whimpered Adam and Lucifer practically preened at the word.

However, before Lucifer could even react, Adam grabbed him by the hips and guided him upward. Lucifer’s gold eyes widened in surprise and confusion, especially as Adam directed him to knee over Adam’s face. Lucifer clocked his head in bewilderment, his wings fluttering as Adam’s gentle hands held him by the hips.

“What are you - Ah!” Lucifer yelped.

Adam guided Lucifer down upon his face, his tongue slithering out to brush across his hole. Lucifer’s body jumped, feeling Adam’s tongue. His back arching as Adam licked his backside, wiggling the tip of his tongue into the hole. Lucifer’s toes curled and he gasped, whimpering, practically collapsing onto Adam’s mouth.

“Holy f*ck!” he moaned, his head flopping backward in pleasure.

Lucifer arched his hips, trying to brace himself as Adam’s tongue continued to dig into his backside, sending intense ecstasy throughout him. His thighs spreading, his chest wheezing harshly and his bottom lip trembling. Lucifer’s golden eyes rolled back in his skull, his hands trembling, unsure of where to put them. Eventually, he hunched his shoulders, grabbing onto Adam’s hair again.

“f*ck, it’s so good,” he moaned, pushing his backside further against Adam’s mouth, “Your tongues so good, Adam! It’s so f*cking good!”

Adam’s tongue stretched as far as possible into Lucifer’s backside, making the blonde whimper and moan. Rocking himself on the tongue, his fingers jerking. His feathers trembled as heat began to twist in the pit of his stomach, intensifying with every wiggle of the tongue, every flicker and swirl. Lucifer was on the verge of losing it again, his own tongue poked out between his lips and his eyes became glassy with unleashed tears.

“I’m - it’s happening again!” Lucifer cried, his whole body heating up and forcing him to jerk uncontrollably.

Lucifer's body tensed up as he hit his second org*sm. His eyes blurred and his body shuddered, crumbling down onto Earth's surface. He whimpered as his limps shook, forcing himself move off Adam's face. God. f*ck. That was good. He couldn't wait to do that to Adam in Eden, he's sure his human would tremble and whimper under his tongue.

Lucifer licked his lips and turned towards Adam with a suggestive smirk.

Oh, he's going to have so much fun. Later he would wake up in his circle-shaped bed, feeling extremly satisfied.

Be Lonely with Me - Chapter 4 - FreshGrassAkiie (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.