District Census Handbook, Hardoi, Part-XIIA, Series-25, Uttar Pradesh (2024)

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There has been a ,tradition of collecting and publishing village level data at each Census. In 1941 viII age level statistics were published in separate volumes under the title "DISTRICT CENSUS STATISTICS". In 1951 the District Census Handbook was brought out for the first time with enlarged tabulation plan containing general population tables, economic tables, household and age tables, social and cultural tables and data relating to vital statistics, agricultural statistics, livestock, agricultural machinery and implements and primary schools. Besides, a separate publication was Mso brought out under the title DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS having only population figures at village level for rural areas and at townlwardlmohalla level for urban areas. Thus the series of DCH publication which started in 1951 continued to be published in each consecutive Census thereafter. In 1961, DCH was published in a single volume containing 3 parts viz. Part A, Band C. Part A contained Census tables, part B related to official statistics and in part C ViIIage Directory data was presented. Thus both content and coverage of data in DCH publication has been changing from time to time according to requirements of the data users. In 1971 it was published in two separate volumes viz., part A and B, Part A volume contained Village and Town directories while in part B volume Primary Census Abstract was presented. This pattern was followed in 1981 as well. Like wise in 1991 also DCHs are being published in two separate volumes viz., Part A and B. Part A volume contains mainly non-census data on basic amenities available in villages/towns. Village level data alongwith land use statistics have been aggregated at community development block level while for urban areas only town level data have been presented. The tables containing village level data is called Village Directory and the tables containing town level data is called town directory. The non-census data which relate to year 1989-9011990-91 are almost synchronous with 1991 population census. Part B volume contains Primary Census Abstract (PCA) for each village and town alongwith their wards. The PCA gives sex wise total population as returned by population census of 1991 with sex-wise details in respect of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Literates, Main workers by nine industrial categories, Marginal workers and Non-workers. In 1991 Census, there is, a departure from the traditional way of presentation of data. Keeping in view the requirement of the data users, basically those who are involved with the preparation and execution of development plans, the village-wise data have been aggregated at C.D. block level for Part A volume as wcll in 1991 as against tahsiV village level presentation at previous censuses. Thus C.D. block is the main unit of presentation of data in 1991 Census, Hence, there may be some difficulty in comparing tahsil level information presented for 1981 Census with that of 1991, specially in those cases where C.D. block boundaries are not co-terminus with tahsil boundary.

SCOPE OF VILLAGE DIRECTORY The village directory as the title connotes presents information pertaining to rural areas of the district at C.D. block / village level as against traditional pattern of presenting villages-wise information at tahsil level in previous Census. For each C.D. block a list of villages serialised by HindilEnglish alphabetical order alongwith their location code numbers of 1991 and 1981 censuses has been presented. The rationale of giving 1991 location code alongwith 1981 location code is to facilitate the identification ofviIlage for matching information collected at each Census. XXXJI"

The villages which have been wholly merged in Municipal Boards, Town Areas or Cantonments have not been included in the list. In case of partly merged villages, the remaining rural part of the villages has been treated as independent revenue village and the data have been presented for such villages in the Village Directory. However, the villages treated as an outgrowth of an Urban Agglomeration or town are listed in the Village directory but no data are presented against the name of these villages in the Village Directory. The fact that a village is an outgrowth of town is indicated against the name of such village. All these villages are listed in the Primary Census Abstract (rural) without presenting their data for providing cross references, Uninhabited or de-populated villages are listed but only area of the village and land use pattern is given. A note against such a village indicates the state of its being depopulated or uninhabited. The village directory brings out some basic information about a village. These data can broadly be classified into the following categories :- I. Population and households Col.4 2. Amenities Cols. 5 to 10 3. Other infrastructural facilities etc. Cols. 11 to 13 4. Total area of the village land use pattern Cols.3 and 14-18

1. POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLD The population of each village as on sun-rise of March 1991, enumerated at the 1991 Census is given in column a10ngwith number Ofhouseholds in brackets.

2. AMENITIES If an amenity is available within the village, the kind of amenity available is indicated by the code(s) prescribed by the office of the Registrar General, India. If not available dash (-) is indicated and the distance is indicated in ranges. For this purpose three ranges of distance have been formed for presentation of data. These are: (a) below 5 kms. indicated by (-5), (b) 5-10 kms. indicated by (5-10) and (c) 10 kms. and above indicated by (10+).

SCOPE OF TOWN DIRECTORY .1 '. The Town Directory covers all the towns in a dis?,ict. The towns are arranged by English alphabetical order. The data are presented in seven statements serially numbered 1 to IVA, V and VI.

The following mode of listing oftowns has been foll?wed :-

(i) All the towns having statutory status which I are not part of an Urban Agglomeration are listed once in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns. (ii) All the towns which are part of an Urban ~~lomeration and enjoy independent status of a statutory town are listed twice in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns as well as under the main to~ of an Urban Agglomeration. However, the data are presented separately only once under the main UA. In alphabetical arrangement a note is given against such towns that they are part of such and such Urban agglomeration. xx xlii'

(iii) The outgrowth(s) of a tewn which de net qualify themselves fer being treated as independent tewn are net listed in the main body .of the Directery. Against name/mimes .of the tDwn having eutgrewth(s) an asterisk (*) has been placed te indicate that the tewn has eutgrowth(s). (iv) Census towns ar.e alse listed in the body .of Directory. These are the tewns which de net enjoy statutery status but are declared tewns fDr the purpDse .of populatien census.

Tewn Directories .of the districts give an accDunt .of status and growth history .of tDwnS, locatiDn and physical aspects .of the t.owns. Municipal finances during 1988-89, civic and other amenities upto 1989 (as well in netified slums), medical, educational, recreatiqmil and cultural facilities by year 1989 and trade cemmerce, industry and banking activities in year 1989. In this way populatien and growth rates .of tewns from 1901 to 1991, density in 1991, sex-ratios during 1971, 1981 and 1991 censuses, rainfall and temperature .of the towns, receipts and expenditure in the tewns of the district, road length, system .of sewerage, number .of latrines, method .of disposal .of night sDiI, w*r supply positiDn and electrificatiDn, number .of telephone connections, number Qf hospitals, colleges, cinemas etc. and number .of banks as well as cemmodities of imports and exports are enumerated vividly in various statements relating t.o the to~ di~ectories .of the districts. X xx j v


The codes used for depicting amenities are t;xplained in the following paras:-

(1) Educational Amenities (CoL5) The type of educational institutions located within the villages is represented by the following codes, the number of each of such an institution is given within brackets:-

Primary or Elementary School, Nursery School, Kindergarten, Pre-basic, pre-primary, Junior basic. P Senior Basic School, Junior High School, Middle School M Matriculation or Secondary, High School H Higher Secondary, Intermediate College, Pre-university. PUC College, (Graduate level and above) C Industrial School I Training School TR Adult Literacy Class ICentre AC Other Educational Institutions 0

(II) Medical Amenities (Col. 6) The availability of medical facilities within the village is indicated by the following codes. The number of institutions located within the village(s) or serving practitioners is given within brackets :- Hosptial H Maternity & Child Welfare Centre MCW Maternity Home MH Child Welfare Centre CWC Primary Health Centre PHC Health Centre HC Primary Health Sub Centre PHS Dispensary D xxxv

Family Planning Centre FPC T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Registered Private Practitioner RP Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP Community Health Worker CHW Community Health Guide CHG . Others 0

(III) Drinking Water (Col.7) The sources of potable drinking water supply available within the village are denoted by the following codes:- Tap water T Well water W Tank water TK Tube-well water TW Hand Pump HP

River water , R Fountain F Canal C Lake L Spring S Nallah N Others 0 Infonnation not available NA

(IV) Post and Telegraph (Col. 8) The post and telegraph facilities available within the villages are indicated by the following codes :- 'rost Office PO . Post & Telegraph Office PTO Telegraph Office TO Telephone Connection Phone xxxvi

(V) Day or days of the market I hat (CoI.9) . If a weekly or bi-weekly market is held within the village, the name of day or days on which it is held is indicated. The days are indicated by abbreviations viz. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. If a market is held fortnightly or monthly in a remote village, the fact is clearly brought out by indicating monthly I fortnightly.

(VI) Communication (Col. 10) If a bus stop or railway station is located within the village or is served by navigable water range, the following codes have been used to indicate the kind of facilities available within the villages: - Bus Stop BS Railway Station RS Navigable water ways NW

(VII) Approach to the village (Col. II) The approach to the villages is represented by the following codes:-

Pucca Road PR Kachcha Road KR Navigable River NR Foot Path FP Navigable Canal NC Navigable water way (including river, canal, lake water NW

(VIII) Nearest town (Col. 12) The name of the nearest town to a village is indicated and the distance is given in Kilometres within bracket. (IX) Power Supply (Col. 13) The following codes are used for the power supply available within the village:- Electricity for domestic purpose ED Electricity for Agriculture EAG Electricity for other like industrial, commercial etc. EO Electricity for all purpose listed above EA X'IX vii

(X) Land use Data Area of the village (Col.3) The area of the village is based on village records. Land use classification: The standard classification of land use data is given below :- 1. Forest 2. Not available for cultivation 2.1 Land put to non-agricultural uses. 2.2 Barren and uncultivable lands 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow lands 3.1 Pennanent pastures and other grazing lands. 3.2 Land under miscellaneous tree crops and groves not included in the net area sown. 3.3 Culturable Waste. 4. Fallow-lands 4.1 Current fallows 4.2 Other fallows 5. Net area sown There is a departure from the standard classification in presen~ation of land used in village directory. However, both classifications are identifiable with each other as given below:- Village Directory Standard classification (with SI. No. of category) 1. Forest (Col. 14) Forest (I) 2. Irrigated by sources (Co1.l5) Net area sown plus 3. Unirrigated (Col. 16) Fallow-lands (4.1 + 4.2) 4. Culturable waste (Col. 17) 1. Permanent pastures and other grazing lands (3.1) 2. Land under miscellaneous crops etc. (3.2) 3. Culturable waste (3.3) 5. Area not available for cultivation I. Land put to non agricultural uses (2.1) (Co1.18) 2. Barren and uncultivable lands (2.2) xxxv/ii'

Irrigation by sources The sources of net irrigated area are represented by the following code:- Government Canal GC Well (without electricity) W Private Canal PC Well (with electricity) WE Tube-well (without electricity) TW Tube-well (with electricity) TWE Tank TK River R Lake L Waterfall WF Others 0 Total T

EXPLANATION OF THE CODES USED IN THE TOWN DIRECTORY The important concepts used in the Town Directory are discussed in the following paras:­ Class of Town (Statement 1 co1.2) The towns are classified into the following six groups by population size criterion :. Population Class 1,00,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II 20,000-49,999 III 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 V Below 5,000 VI XX x; 'I

Civic Administration (Statement 1 col.2) The civic administration status of a town is indicated by codes explained below: - Municipal Corporation ICorporation M.Corp. Municipal Board M.B. Cantonment Board / Cantonment C.B. Notified. Area Committee NAC. Town Area Committee T.C. Census. Town C.T.

Name of CD Block (Statement I-Col.S) To locate the census town in the appropriate C.D. Block the name ofC.D. Block is given. Road Length (Statement IV Co1.6) The total road length within each town is given by the following codes :- IPucca Road IPR ~achcha Road KR

System of Sewerage Idrainage (Statement IV and IV A Col.7) The system of sewerage I dminage are represented by the following codes:- Sewer' S Open Surface Drains OSD Box Surface Drains BSD Sylk Drains SD Cesspool Method CD Pit System Pt. The systems In order of Importance, one follOWIng the other, are mdicated in codes. XL

Method of disposal of Night Soil Statement IV and IV-A (col.n & 12)

The various methods of disposal of night soil are indicated by the following codes :- , '

Head Loads 'I " HL Baskets '" B Wheel barrows WB , Septic Tank Latrines ST Sewerage , S

Two methods, out of the prevailing methods, have been indicated in codes in order of their importance. Protected water supply (Statement IV. Cots. 12 and 13) The following codes are used for indicating protected water supply system/sources. (A) Sources of water supply (col.12) Tube weill Hand Pump TW Tap Water T Well Water W Tank Water TK

(B) System of Storage (coI.13) Overhead Tank OHT Service Reservoir SR River infiltration gallery RG Bore well pumping system BWP Pressure Tank PT

Fire Fighting SelVice (Statement IV col. 14) 'Yes' is recorded if fire fighting services are available within the town, In case these are not available within the town the name of the nearest place if in the same district or name of nearest district if outside the district where fire fighting services are available is indicated. XL f

Medical Facilities (Statement V col. 4 and 5) The following codes are used for presenting medical facilities:- Hospital H Dispensary D Family Planning Centre FPC Health Centre! Primary health centre! Primary health sub HC centre! Primary health unit etc. T.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Others 0

To cover various system of medicine, the following procedure has been adopted :- Ayurvedic A hom*oeopathic ' HOM Unani . . U If none of the above codes IS given, an allopathiC system of medlcme IS mdlcated . The system of medici~e practised and number of institutions are indicated within parenthesis appended to the code representing the type of medical institutions. For example code H(A-l,2), D(Hom.2,U-l) exhibit that there are three hospitals, one Ayurvedic and 2 Allopathic and D (Hom. 2,U-l) represents that, there are two hom*oeopathic and one Unani,dispensaries. The information on number of beds in each institution is provided in co1.5. I Educational Facilities (Statement V Col.6 and 9) , (i) The following codes 'are used for depicting Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges imparting education of degree level and above:- Arts only A Science only S Commerce only C Arts and Science only AS Arts and Commerce only AC Arts, Science,and Commerce only ASC Law L University U Others 0 xLii

(ii) Recognised Shorthand, Typewriting and other vocational training institutions (Satement V Col. 10) These are represented by the following codes :- Shorthand SH Typewriting TYPE Shorthand & Typewriting SH.TYPE Others 0

(iii) Higher SecondarylIntennediatrJPUClJunior College IevellSecondary Matriculation, Junior Secondary and Middle School & Primary School (Statement V.Col 11-14) Schools upto class V are treated as Primary School. Upto Class VIII these are treated as Junior Secondary or Middle School. Schools upto Class X are considered as Matriculation or Secondary or High School. Schools or Colleges upto class XI or XII are put in the group of Higher SeconclarylIntermediate !Pre-University/ Junior College etc. Composite schools like middle schools with Primary classes, or secondary school with middle classes, are also included in the number of primary and middle schools respectively. For illustration, there are two primary schools and one middle school with primary classes the number of primary schools are given as three and that of middle school as one even though there are only three educational institution. So also in case of secondary or higher secondary schools. If there are more than on educational institutions, the number is indicated within bracket. If an educational facility is not available within the town, name of the nearest place within the district or name of the district if outside the district where such a facility available is indicated. The distance from the town of such a place is given in Kms. within brackets.

Recreational and cultural facilities Public Libraries including Reading Rooms (Statement V. Col. 2) The following codes are used :- Public Libraries I~ I. Reading Room . ANALYTICAL NOTE


The early history of the district is based on traditions and legendary allusions of Shiva Purana which relate Hardoi with the Thathera king of Hiranya Kashyap who called himself the God. It is popularly believect'that the district was named after him as 'Haridrohi' or anti God. Legends have it, Hiranya Kashyap, ruled from Hardoi was opposed by his son Prahalad and was killed later on by Narsimha Bhagwan. Many historical events attach political importance to the district. Mahmood Ghaznavi is said to have invaded it in 1019 A.D. and the great Chausa war between Humayun and Shershah was fought near Bilgram in 1539. Hardoi formed part of Subah of Avadh under the Mughals, which was ruled by Avadh dynasty of Nawab and formed border with the territory of Rohillas. In 1773 a brigade of British troop was stationed near Bilgnun which was shifted to Kanpur. Later till 1849, Hardoi remained as most lawless tracts in the then Avadh province. The district was annexed to the British empire in 1856 along with the rest of the Avadh province and a district was formed with its headquarters at Mallawan. After a year (1857), the first war of independence broke out, plunging the whole area in the state of anarchy. In 1858, the district headquarter was shifted to Hardoi from Mallawan and retain its position to date.


Hardoi, the western district of Lucknow division in Uttar Pradesh lies between 26° 53' to 27° 47' north latitude and 79° 41' to 80° 49' east longitude. It is bounded in the north by Shahjahanpur and Lakhimpur Kheri, in south by Lucknow and Unnao, in the east by river Gomti separating it from Sitapur district - and in the west by Kanpur and farrukhabad district where river Ganga forms part of the boundary. The length (from northwest to southeast) and width (east to west) of the district measures to 125 and 74 kms. respectively. Covering an area of 5986 sq. kms. The district occupies almost central position in the state with quadrilateral shape.

Topography and Climate

Lying between the river Ganga and Gomti, the district is a level plain with unimportant elevations and depressions. Its height above the sea-level varies from 460' to 475'. Along the Ganga there is a strip of damp alluvium. The remaining part of the district lies in uplands containing sandy ridges both on the east and the west and sinks a little towards the centre. River Ram-Ganga traversing on the west is joined by the Garra quite near to its confluence with the Ganga. River Sai flows through the central depressions while Gomti, forming the eastern boundary is marked by rolling hills, undulating plains, sandy compositions and small ravines. Central depression is noted by Jhils and swamps. Scattered patches of us7ar (alkaline soil) are visible throughout the district. The characteristics put the district into three topographic divisions the low land (tarai), the upland (banger) and central level plains. The low land made up of low lying areas are surrounded by the Ganga, Ramganga, Garra and many rivulets and streams. Most of these lands are prone to inundation during rainy season. Made up of alluvium deposited by these rivers, these lands are fertile. Northern part of the district is higher in elevation and tract is known as Banger (upland) and is drained by the river Sai that passes through the middle of the tract. The central plain stretches from the valley of the river Sai to the middle of the district. The Ganga, Ramganga, Garra, Sendha, Sukheta, Sai and Gomti are the main rivers of the district. River Ganga flows along the south-western border. Its bed is extremely wide channel shifting from one side to another. Annual inundation usually covers low lying area along the bank damaging the Kharif crops. It leaves mostly sandy deposits. River Ramganga, Chief tributary of he Ganga, Kalyani, Karwa etc., create a sea of water during the years of heavy rainfall. Alluvium deposits laid down by the above, add much fertility to the soil of the area. The Sandha flowing along western border separates Hardoi form Farrukhabad district. It passes through an alluvium tract liable to submergence during rains. It does not lend itself for irrigation because of its deep bed. Garra is also known as Deoha a tributary of Ramganga, enters the district in the north of Shahabad. It is a good source of irrigation and leaves rich deposits during rains. Sukheta, is the chief tributary of Garra covering about 130 kms. distance, it joins Garra near Sandi town. The Sai river known as 'Bhainsata' in its upper course, enters the district in extreme north. It flows in an irregular tortuous manner form north to south down the centre of the district. Further, it turns south east along Sandila tahsil border and enter Unnao district near Zahidpur village. The valley of sai is shallow in its upper reaches and while proceeding towards south the same becomes deeper and well defined. The stream is sluggish and at places of considerable depth even during dry season. Gomti river enters the district in the north form Kheri district. Fed by numerous nallahs and small tributaries it flows from north-west of south-east direction. The river having deep and well defined bed, is less useful for irrigation. Its bordering bank has little alluvium and is fringed by barren sandy hills.

Hardoi, with a uniform topography and lithology, presents a hom*ogeneous character of soil with little variation in their composition. Main soils of the district are sandy or bhur; loamy or Banger; clayey or Khadar and alkaline or user. Sandy soil is predominantly fond adjacent to the river bank. Lacking in lime contents, it is less water retentive and nutrient. It covers nearly one fifth of the area. Loam usually occurs in plain areas beyond flood limits known as banger land. Locally it is called domatldoras. It is a combination of sand and clay and is porous with alkaline accumulation with sufficient water. Over two third. of the total area of the district is covered by loarns. Frequent patches as well as a few strips of clay exist in the district, especially over loamy areas. Low lands of imp,eded drainages are the favourite its sites for clay. This soil roughly covers 10 per cent area of Hardoi district. Being found in and around the water bodies, this soil has ~·.~ery h.igh water holding capacity. It is also ca!!ed Chika! Mathya/dhakhar. Most infertile patches of alkaline/usar soil are scattered throughout the district. It covers very small area of the district, yet its spread like leprosy in soil proves highly detrimental for survival of crops.

The district enjoys a pleasant and healthy monsoonal climate with three usual seasons, namely summer rainy and winter. Generally temperature range from 15° C (winter'S) to 40° C (summers's). Annual rainfall in the district averages upto 116 cms. May and June are the wannest months wh~le December and January the coldest ones. Highest rainfall occurs during the month of July and August.

Flora and Fauna

Dhak, Babul, Khajur, bel, neem, pipal, shisham, bamboos as well as some thorny bushes, creepers, climbers etc. are the major vegetable species oithe district. Some fruit trees liked mango, guava, jack fruit etc. are also found. High banks of rivers, especially these of Sai and Gomti have some well marked forest area in the district, though the same have largely been removed so as to add more Jand in agriculture.

Hardoi contining meagre forests hardly hllrs ~y wild life. Wolves, Jackal, foxes etc. are found along river bank studded with shrubs and munj jungles. Few varieties of rabbits are also visible at places. Domestic:animals of the district include cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, ponies, donkeys, pigs etc.

2 3

Places of Interest

Hiranya Kashyap-k~-Qila and prahl ad Ghat in Hardoi town on Sandi road, Sandilya Rishi Ashram In Sandila town, Diler Khan-ka- Maqbara in Shahabad town, Beru temple in Beru village, 15 kms. away from Balamau junction, Akbar-Ki-Jama Masjid in Gopamau"Ruiya Qila near Madhoganj town, Hatya - haran Tirth on Hardoi-Kothwan-Atrauli road, Brahma vart near Sandi town, Sidhashram Dhodia on Hardoi-Pihani road ar~ the places of tourist attraction and are being well developed as tourist centres of the district. ' ,

Administration Units'

Hardoi town is the seat of administration of the district. The district comprises of 4 tahsils, namely,. Sai?abad, Hardoi, Bilgram and Sandila. For implementation of development programmers the district is further divided into 19 community development blocks. Harcll;li is the largest tahsil in terms of area. The total area of the district is 5986 sq. kms.

The following table presents distribution of the hierarchy of administration.

Table 1 Administration Units

SI. Name of Tahsill Area in sq. Number of No. Development Block km. Nyaya Gram Revenue villages Panchayats Sabhas Total I Inhabited I Towns 1 2,: 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Shahabad 1370 49 385 562 529 3 Bharkhani 416 14 114 172 158 1 , Shahabad 309 13 101 151 139 l' Tondarpur 308 11 83 114 110 - Pilani 337 11 87 125 122 1 2 Hardoi 1630 51 389 492 471 2 Bawan 348 11 88 134 123 - Hariyawan 287 10 67 92 88 1 Tadiyawan 309 10 75 88 86 - Sursa 323 10 74 83 81 1

3 4

Ahrori 365 10 85 96 93 - 3 Bilgram 1593 47 370 522 469 5 Harpalpur "318 10 75 101 95 - Saudi '312 9 68 96 , , 89 1 Bilgram 367 11 91 133 115 1 Madhoganj ,289 10 76 100 98 2 Malawan 307 7 60 82 72 1 4 Sandila 1432 44 339 416 414 3 Kothawan 301 8 62 86 86 1 Kachchauna 254 8 43 46 46 1 Behader 264 10 81 90 90 - Sandila 317 9 77 97 95 1 Bharawan 296 9 76 97 97 - District. 5986 191 1483 1983 1883 13

* Including Urban area.

There are in all 1983 revenue villages in the district, of which 1883 villages are inhabited. There are 191 Gram Nayay Panchyats with 1483 Gram Sabhas. There are 13 towns in the district.



The district is served by a net work of roads as well as that for rail tracks Mughal sarai- Saharanpur Broad gauge and Balamau - Kanpur and Balamau -Sitapur sections serve this district. The railway lines run to total length of 190 kms. in the district. No national highway passes through the district. Bilgram - Panwari, a state highway links Hardoi with Sitapur in north west and also provides direct approach to Unnao which on wards joins the industrial town of Kanpur. Lucknow palia is another state highway that provides east- west linkage with Lucknow and Shahjahanpur. The state highway runs to a total length of 335 kms. in the district. Major district roads accounts for 1168 kms. and other district 850 kms. Besides, many kacha link roads have been constructed under the Government scheme food for work.

4 s

Both tahsils and district headquarters are well served by roads. Both private and Government roadways ply in the district. Inter and trucks. Bullock carts and ponies are important sources of transportation in rural areas.

The district receives hydroelectric supply from Lucknow- Sandila, Hardoi 132 kv. lines and Shahjahanpur Shahabad-Hardoi 66kv. lines. Transmission of power within the district is done through three 66/11kv. Lines and seven 33/11kv. Lines. The lion share of the electricity consumed goes to irrigation and water supply. The industrial uses claim one third of the total consumption.

Both surface and sub-surface is tapped for irrigation purpose. Surface water is available through perennial and seasonal water sources as those of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds etc. Canal is an important source of irrigation. Wells and tubewells and hand pumps etc. are the main sources of ground rater supply. Reservoir stratum of surface water in Hardoi district is of fine sand or sand with Bageri. The largest source of irrigation is tubewells accounting for a little over half of the net area irrigated. Canals constitute the second largest source of irrigation. Enough emphasis is laid on development of minor irrigation project land development and commercial bank loans to the farmers for boring ad purchasing of pumping sets. Subsidiary is granted by Government on such loans.

Agriculture and Allied Sector

The economy of the district is primarily and dominantly agricultural. Mainly two harvests, Kharif and Rabi are done. The third crop Zaid does not occupy a place of importance as the area sown accounts for a major proportion of the total cropped area. The most important crop of the district is wheat which is cultivated in 2.321akh hactares accounting for 42 per cent of the total area under food grains and 16 per cent of the total cropped area. Paddy followed by pulses (11%), maize 10%, Tilhan 5%, Jowar 4%, sugar cane 4% and other with 7%.

The improved agricultufal practices are making their impact, farmers are being provided improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insectisides and improved agricultural implements through development Blocks and other Government agencies. Researches are being conducted regularly by the Government for improving the multiple cropping. The farmers are being ducated in improved agricultural practices through mass communication media ad through extension methods. Fertilizers are supplied through cooperative outlets, agricultural industrial corporation, agricultural departments, private dealers etc. Plant protection units at the block level are doing their best to check the crops 'from decay. Improved agricultural implements e.g. ploughs, tractors, seed, drills, 'hand hoes, dibless etc. are being supplied to farmers by Government agencies as well as by private dealers. The district soil conservation unit was set up in 1971-72 which has been talking up soil conservation and Usar reclamation. The Regional Soil Testing Laboratory U.P. Hardoi has been assisting in soil testing and demonstration. The problem of water logging is also being tadkled by raising the level of land and creating the Raj Bahas. The erosion of soil is being checked through Plantation and counter bounding.

The agriculture continues to be carried on largely on traditional lines on account of the constraints imposed by small operational holdings and poor operational capacity of farmers. As per agricultural Census 1985-86 the average size of operational holding was 30694f hectares held land less than one hectare each. Those who held one to two hectares 81290. Those who held land two to three hectare were 28691, to five hactares Were 17817 and those who held land 5 and more hactares are 7403. In this way there are 44 2143 holder cultivating 418134 hactares of land. ' 1

5 Animal husbandry plays an important role in the rural economy of the district. It provides draught power for cultivation and transportation of goods. The animal husbandry product help in supplementing income of the farmers besides serving as nourishing food. As per livestock Cen;ms of 1988, there were 18.01 lakh heads of livestock in the district, out of which the largest population was that of cows and buffaloes which numbered 10.36 lakh heads followed by goats (3.15 lakhs), sheep (4.49 lakhs). Be&ides, there were .36 lakh horses and ponies .63 lakh pigs were also enumerated. Efforts are made to take care of health of livestock and to improve their breed through 41 veterinary hospitals, 17 insemination centres and 71 animal servicing centres.

Fish farming is being developed in the district. Finger lings and fish food are being provided by the government agency. Of the total area 612 hectares has been taken up for fish culture. A fisheries project unit was started by the Government in 95 gram sabhas and 150.66 hectares was provided for this purpose as fish is largely produced for local consumption. About one fourth of the total production is exported to big cities.

Mining, Quarrying and Industry

The main minerals found are grit, ret, salt, petre, which are of little importance. Lack of minerals, inadequate power supply, under developed transport network, scarcity of technical and skilled labours etc. have been main constraints in the industrial development of district. However, on the basis of local resources and demand, the government has set up a district industrial unit at Hardoi on 1st July I979with a view to develop infrastructural base by providing material machines, loans, 'know how' of marketing facilities etc. and by exploring and tapping the potentials of local artisan for the development of village and cottage industries.

Handloom weaving has its traditional moving in the district, Sandila, Bansgaon, Mallawan, Sandi, pilani, Shahabad, Bilgram and Hardoi are the main centres. Main hand loom products are dhoti, garha and chadar. The weavers receive financial assistance through banks. The district possesses good prospects of developm~nt of handicrafts. All India Handicaraft Board has sanctioned four chikan and four carpet training Centres in the district, Sandila, Pilani, Shahabad and Bawan block headquarters have been chosen as industrial development centres. The availability of groundnut is in abundance in the district and adjoining district has given rise to the Hardoi Cooprative Vanaspati Mills Ltd in 1975. This scheme was further revised with enhanced investment by the National Cooperative Development Corporation. New Delhi and the State Government and the district cooperative society. '

The Laxmi Sugar and Oil Mills Ltd, is the oldest large scale industrial unit being run in the district as private serctor enterprise since 1935. Supply of sugar cane comes form adjoining areas ofSitapur district.


The availability of amenities with in easy reach reflects on the infrastructural development of he area. The availability of some of the selected facilities have been discussed for rural and urban areas separately as relevant to each of them. Certain important aspects of urban areas such as population, growth, finances, import­ export and manufacturing activities etc. have also been discussed.

6 Table 2 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities . '. Sl. Community No. of Number with percentage)ofvillages having one or more of the following amenities No. development ihllabited Education I Medical Drinking Post & Market! Icommunicationj Approach by I Power block villages water I telegraph I hat puccaroad supply 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Bharkhani 158 104(65.82) 157(99.37) 158(100.00) 21(13.29) 5(3.16) 10(6.33) 39(24.68) 52(32.91) 2 Shahabad 139 81(58.27) 139(100.00) 139(100.00) 17(12.23) 8(5.76) 15(10.79) 34(24.46) 74(53.24) 3 Tondarpur 110 69(62.73) 110(100.00) 110(100.00) 17( 15.45) 22.(20.00) 9(8.18) 38(34.55) 46(41.82) 4 Pihani 122 82(67.21) 122(100.00) 122(100.00) 18(14.75) 20(16.39) 27(22.13) 37(30.33) 48(39.34) 5 Bawan 123 88(71.54) 123(100.00) 123(100.00) 19(15.45) 21(17.07) 24(19.51) 54(43.90) 37(30.08) 6 Hariyawan 88 60(68.18) 88(100.00) 88(100.00) 13(14.77) 15(17.05) 15(17.05) 27(30.68) 26(29.55) 7 Tadiyawan 86 72(83.72) 86(100.00) 86(100.00) 15(17.44) 18(20.93) 18(20.93) 29(33.72) 37(43.02) 8 Sursa 81 70(86.42) 81(100.00) 81(100.00) 18(22.22) 17(20.99) 21(25.93) 33(40.74) 21(25.93) 9 Ahrori 93 77(82.80) 93(100.00) 93(100.00) 23(24.73) 21(22.58) 14(15.05) 28(30.11) 28(30.11) 10 Harpalpur 95 68(71.58) 95(100.00) 95(100.00) 16(16.84) 15(15.79) 8(8.42) 27(28.42) 38(40.00) 11 Sandi 89 61(68.54) 89(100.00) 89(100.00) 12(13.48) 5(5.62) 22(24.72) 13(14.61) 41(46.07) 12 Bilgram ll5 82(71.30) 115(100.00) 115(100.00) 11(9.57) 11(9.57) 44(38.26) 48(41.74) 30(26.09) 13 Madhoganj 98 75(76.53) 98(100.00) 98(100.00) 13(13.27) 9(9.18) 18(18.37) 43(43.88) 44(44.90) 14 Mallawan 72 56(77.78) 72(100.00) 72(100.00) 13(18.06) 10(13.89) 5(6.94) 29(40.28) 32(44.44) 15 Kothwan 86 59(68.60) 86(100.00) 86(100.00) 16(18.60) 15(17.44) 11(12.79) 34(39.53) 16(18.60) 16 Kachhauna 46 42(91.30) 46(100.00) 46(100.00) 14(30.43) 8(17.39) 14(30.43) 24(52.17) 19(41.30) 17 Behadar 90 62(68.89) 90(100.00) 90(100.00) 17(18.89) 25(27.78) 11(2.22) 22(24.44) 29(32.22) 18 Sandila 95 64(67.37) 95(100.00) 95(100.00) 16(16.84) 15(15.79) 26(27.37) 39(41.05) 34(35.79) 19 Bharawan 97 65f67.01) 97(100.00) 97(100.00) 16(16.49) 19(19.59) 23(23.71) 26(26.80) 20(20.62) District 1883 1337(71.00) 1882(99.95) 1883(99.95) 305(16.20) 279(14.82) 335(17.79) 624(33.14) 672(35.69)

It can be seen from the above table that 71.00 per cent of the inhabited villages of the district have one or more educational institutions. The kachhauna development block is most extensively covered with educational facilities as the highest proportion of 91.30 per cent of the villages of this block posses educational institution. It is followed by Sursa development block with 86.42 per cent. Shahabad is the least covered development block with 58.27 per cent of its villages having educational facilities. The medical facilities are available in 99.95 per cent of the villages of the district. The proportion of villages having medical facilities varies between 100.00 per cent and 99.37 per cent. The Bharkhani development block has 99.37 per cent medical facilities and the rest of the development blocks have 100.00 per cent medical facilities.

Postal facilities can be had within the villages in 16.20 per cent of the villages of the district. The proportion of villages covered by these facilities is the highest in Kachhauna development block where 30.43 per cent of its villages have postal facilities. It is followed by Ahrori development block with 24.73 per cent postal facilities. The least covered development block by postal facilities is Bilgarm block with 9.57 per cent of its villages having postal facilities. Markets are held in 14.82

7 per cent of the villages of the district. Villages of the Bhadar development block are the most extensively covered by market facilities as these constitutes 27.78 % of the total villages. Bharkhani development block with 3.16 per cent of its villages having market facilities is the least covered. Shahabad 5.76 per cent and Sandi 5.62 per cent are nearly equally placed. The villages which have the communication heads either a Railway station or a Bus stop constitute 17//9 per cent of the villages of the district, 38.26 per cent villages of the Bilgram development block have a railway station or a bus stop facility or both. The coverage by"communication facilities is least in Bharkhani development block where only 6.33 per cent of the villages have communication facilities. The villages that are approachable by pucca road make 33.14 per cent of thc total number of villages in the district. Kachhauna development block is the best placed in approachability by pucca road as 52.17 per cent of its villages are connected by pucca road. The least approachable development block is sandi where the villages connected by pucca road make the least proportion of 14.61 per cent of the villages of the block. The villages having power supply account for 35.69 per cent of the villages of the district. The highest coverage of electrification is in the development block Shahabad with 53.24 per cent of the villages of this block are electrified. The least electrified development block is Kothwan with only 18.60 per cent of the villages of this block have electrification facilities.

The following table presents proportion of rural population served by various amenities.

Table 3 Pr~po.rtion of rural popUlation served by different amenities

,P. , Sl. Community Population Proportion of rural population served by the amenity of No. development of inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communication Approach Power , ' block villages water telegraph hat bypucca supply ,

I road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Bharkhani 136079 83.13 99.88 100.00 27.24 8.99 11.01 28.97 43.16

2 Shahabad 126219 76.91 100.00 100.00 22.12 13.32 15.27 , , 31.63 61.92 3 Tondarpur 120191 85.29· 100.00 100.00 36.81 40.96 10.70 49.84 60.34 4 Pihani 135590 89.07 ' 100.00 100.00 32.68 36.04 30.72 37.47 61.04 5 Bawan 150381 91.37 100.00 100.00 41.45 34.26 39.86 65.36 54.98 6 Hariyawan 118237 89.14 100.00 100.00 36.76 36.48 24.98 45.33 53.86 7 Tadiyawan 126568 92.08 100.00 100.00 33.01 29.39 25.30 43.63 58.80 8 Sursa 146207 94.16 100.00 100.00 37.82 31.11 22.54 42.03 38.81 9 Ahrori 158370 91.76 100.00 100.00 41.36 37.57 21.43 41.19 28.46 10 Harpalpur 116100 91.87 100.00 100.00 37.70 33.47 19.60 40.04 49.94 11 Sandi 111724 86.35 100.00 100.00 29.03 13.73 26.88 22.12 48.94 12 Bilgram 136296 85.52 100.00 100.00 23.10 15.79 41.29 49.01 32.68

8 9

13 Madhoganj 127545 90.38 100.00 100.00 30.55 25.55 21.14 48.96 41.62 14 Mallawan 90307 92.34 100.00 100.00 36.44 22.76 10.77 58.08 55.54 15 Kothwan 123746 90.63 100.00 100.00 45.74 37.82 30.82 59.93 33.27 16 Kachhauna 110155 98.12 100.00 100.00 53.89 31.34 39.05 51.90 54.10 17 Behadar 126800 86.51 100.00 100.00 37.47 45.11 20.16 36.71 38.66 18 Sandila 134662 85.90 100.00 100.00 36.63 30.08 33.08 50.12 47.10 19 Bharawan 129294 85.13 100.00 100.00 39.70 ,33.10 39.72 41.07 42.60 District 2424471 88.67 99.99 100.00 35.80 29.48 25.80 44.35 47.18

88.67 per cent of the total rural population of 2424471 of inhabited villages in the C.D. blocks have one or more educational institutions. The coverage of rural population by educational facilities varies between 90.38 per cent and 98.12 per cent in Madhoganj, Kothwan, Bawan, Ahrori, Harpalaur, Tadiyawan MaIIawan and Kachhauna C.D. Blocks. The highest proportion of 98.12 per cent is observed in Kachhauna and the least proportion of 76.91 per cent is observed in Shahabad C.D. Blocks having educational in~titutions. Medical facilities are available to 99.99 per cent of the rural popul~tion with in the villages. All the C.D. Blocks of Hardoi district avail 100.00 per cent medical facilities within the village except Bharkhani C.D. block where 99.88, per cent avail the medical facilities within the villages. The drinking water facility is avai1able in all the C.D block cent per cent. Postal facilities are available to 3'5.80 per cent rural population within the villages. The postal facility is available to the highest 53.89 per cent of the rural population of Kachhauna C.D. Block and le~i in Shahabad C.D. Block where only 22.12 per cent of the rural population have this facility. The persons living in villages where markets are held account for 29.4'8 per cent of the rural population of the district. The rural population of Behadar C.D. block is most extensively covered by thes,e facilities with 45.11 per cent of its ,hlral population living in villages having market facilities. The rural population of Bharkhani C.D. block on the other hand is least covered with only 8.99 per cent of its population living in villages having market facilities. The facility of a railway station or a bus stop are available with in the village to 25.80 per cent of rural population.:These facilities are observed in Bawan C.D. Block with 39.86 per cent followed by Kachhauna C.D. block with 39.05 per cent and the minimum 10.70 per cent in Tondarpur C.D. block. The population living in villages connected by pucca road acCount for 44.35 per cent of the rural population of the district.The largest proportion of 65.36 per cent of rural population is found living in the villages connected by pucea road in Bawan C.D, Block. The least coverage of population of22.12 per cent-is observed in Sandi C.D. block. About 47.18 per cent of the rural population live in villages having power supply. The largest proportion of 61.92 per cent of th«< rural population is found living in the villages having power supply in Shahabad C.D. block against the minimum of 28.46 per cent in Ahrori C.D. Block.

The table given below presents distribution of villages not having amenities by distance range from the places of their availability.

9 ID

Table 4 Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, arranged by distance ranges form the places where these are available

SI. Villages not having I No. Of villaaes where the amenity is not available and available at distance of No. ) the amenity of I 0-5 kms. I 5-10 kms. 1 10+kms. I Total(Cols.3-5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Education 544 2 0 546 2 Medical 1 0 0 1 3 Post & Telegraph 1400 160 18 1578 4 Market/hat 1345 221 38 1604 5 Communications 1005 400 143 1548

All 546 villages except 2 not having educational institutions are placed within 5 kIns. distance from the place of availability of educational facilities. The 2 villages where this amenity is not available is available at a distance of 5-lO kms. from the village. There is only I village in the entire district Hardoi where medical facility is not available in the village. The medical facility to this lone village is available within 5 kms. distance from the place of availability. Postal facilities are not available in 1578 villages. These facilities can be had in 1400 villages within the distance of 5 kIns. in 160 villages within the distance of 5-10 kms. and in 18 villages at the distance of 10 kms and beyond. MarketlHat are not held in 1604 villages. These facilities are available to the inhabitants of 1345 villages within the distance of 5 kms. to those of 221 villages with in the distance of 5-10 kms. and to those of 38 villages at the distance of 10 kms. and beyond. There are 1548 villages not ha~ing a railway station or bus stop. As many as 1005 villages are placed within the distance of 5 kms, 400 villages within the distance of 5-10 kms and 143 villages at the distance of 10 kms. and beyond from the availability of communication facilities. The above table excludes forest villages.

The following table presents distribution of villages by amenities and by distance range form the nearest town.

Table 5 Distribution of villages according to the distance from nearest town and availability of different amenities

Distance range No. of No. (with percentage) of village having the amenity of from the nearest inhabited Education I Medical Drinking Post & Market! 1Communication I Approach by I Power town (in kms.) villages I Water I Telegraph T hat puccaroad supply 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0-5 301 208(69.10) 300(99.67) 30 I) 100.00) 34(11.30) 17(5.65) 77(25.58) 143(47.51) 176(58.47) 6-15 887 642(72.38) 888(100.00) 887( 100.00) 154(17.36) 139(15.67) 180(20.29) 301(33.93) 331(37.32) 16-50 693 485(69.99) 693(100.00) 693(100.00) 117(16.88) 123(17.75) 78(11.26) 180(25.97) 164(23.67) 51+ 2 2(100.00) 2(100.00) 2(100.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(50.00) Unspecified ------Total 1883 1337(71.00) 1882(100.00) 1883(100.00) 305(16.20) 279(14.82) 335(17.79) 624(33.14) 672(35.69)

10 II

As many as 301 villages are situated in the distance range of 0-5 kms. form the nearest town. These account for 15.9 percent of the total number of inhabited villages in the district. The villages numbering 887 situated at a distance of 6-14 kms. from the nearest town make the highest number. There are 2 villages also which are situated at a distance of 51 kms. and beyond form the nearest town.

The fonowi,~g table gives distribution of villages by amenities and by population range.

Table 6 Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available

Population No of No.(with percentage) of village havin2 the amenity of range inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communication Approach by Power villages in Water Telegraph hat pucca road supply each range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0499 453 118(26.05) 452(99.78) 453(100.00) 7(1.55) 6(1.32) 43(9.49) 87(19.21) 82(18.10) 500-1999 1076 868(80.67) 1076(100.00) 1076(100.00) 94(8.74) 114(10.59) 178(16.54) 345(32.06) 394(36.62) 2000-4999 318 315(99.06) 318(100.00) 318(100.00) 169(53.14) 130(40.88) 95(29.87) 168(52.83) 170(53.46) 5000+ 36 36(100.00) 36(100.00) 36(100.00) 35(97.22) 29(80.56) 19(52.78) 24(66.67) 26(72.22) Total 1883 1337(71.00) 1882(99.95) 1883l100.00) 305{16.20) 279{14.82) 335(17.79) 624(33.14) 672(35.69)

The above table reveals that majority of the villages numbering 1076 fall in the population range of 500-1999. The population range of 0-499 persons nets the second largest number of 453 villages. These two ranges make 81.2 percent of the total number of inhabited villages of the district. There are 318 villages fall in the population range of 2000-4999. There are 36 villages which have a population size of 5000 and above. The table clearly indicates that higher the population size of the villages, the greater is the coverage by various amenities.

Table 7 Distribution of villages according to land use

SI. I Community development I No. of inhabited villages Total area IPercentage of cultivable area to total IPercentage of irrigated area to total cultivable area No. block I area 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Bharkhani 158 41392.00 82.21 64.70 2 Shahabad 139 32526.18 76.19 77.33 3 Tondarpur 110 30284.00 71.42 82.49 4 Pihani 122 33489.00 77.77 64.87 5 Bawan 123 35756.00 75.21 71.98 6 Hariyawan 88 28741.00 66.91 71.20

11 I~

7 Tadiyawan 86 31367.00 78.96 67.51 8 Sursa 81 31756.00 72.17 65.12 9 Ahrori 93 37094.00 79.62 68.17 10 Harpalpur 95 32032.00 72.08 59.03 11 Sandi 89 30293.00 73.91 6f.79 12 Bilgram 115 35080.00 85.88 66.66 13 Madhoganj 98 30502.00 77.53 73.04 14 Mallawan 72 21779.00 62.05 63.87 15 Kothwan 86 30129.00 78.13 44.32 16 Kachhauna 46 25129.00 70.90 57.06 17 Bchadar 27217.00 67.SO 72.02 18 Sandila 95 30173.00 66.02 70.03 19 Bharawall 97 29951.00 67.31 50.21 District 1883 594690.19 74.39 66.03

Cultivable area = Irrigated + Un irrigated area

The above table shows that the total area of the district 74.39 percent is cultivable out of which 66.03 percent is irrigated. The most extensively cultivable Development Block is Bilgram with 85.88 percent of its area cultivable. The least cultivable development Block is Mallawan with 62.05 percent of its area cultivable. The proportion of irrigated area in the total cultivable area varies between the maximum of 82.49 percent in Tondarpur Development Block and the minimum of 44.32 percent in Kothwan Development Block.

The table given below presents per capita receipt and expenditure in towns of the district.

Table 8 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns

Sl. Class, name & civic status of Per capita (in Rs.) No. the town Receipt Expenditure Total Receipt Receipt from Total General Expenditure on public . Public Expenditure Other through, all other expenditure administration health & conveniences works on public aspects taxes etc sources institutions I 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 V Beniganj T.A. 32.95 2.79 " 30.16 27.84 8.23 11.52 6.95 - 1.14 2 III Bilgram M.B. 105.92 31.33 74.59 105.87 22.81 6.29 71.68 - 5.09

12 13

3 IV Goparnau T.A. 24.67 3.41 21.26 22.58 10.96 0.86 9.12 1.64 4 II Hardoi M.B. 78.74 38.13 40.61 78.39 13.71 40.61 19.71 4.36 5 IV Kachhauna Patseni T.A. 21.30 5.52 15.78 6.54 2.41 1.45 2.68 6 V Kursath T.A. 43.45 2.07 41.38 10.44 9.09 0.14 0.47 0.74 7 V Madhoganj T.A. 91.64 17.49 74.15 90.78 30.65 22.96 14.04 9.69 13.44 8 III Mallawan M.B. 40.57 13.98 26.59 40.49 2.85 15.53 9.36 1.94 10.81 9 IV Pali T.A. 75.90 45.28 30.62 47.09 12.44 7.08 13.52 1.60 12.45 10 III Pihani M.B. 64.15 22.85 41.30 50.25 28.38 0.08 13.29 8.50 11, IV Sandi M.B. 55.40 21.22 34.18 68.40 40.42 13.62 9.65 4.71 12 III Sandila M.B. 79.47 29.20 50.27 64.94 4.84 1.06 1.60 5.80 51.64 13 II Shahabad M.B. 51.68 20.72 30.96 44.55 3.06 19.39 6.58 15.52 District 65.65 25.91 39.74 60.18 12.85 18.20 14.92 1.18 13.03

The highest per capita receipt of Rs.I05.92 has been returned by Bilgram M.B. followed by Madhoganj T.A (Rs.91.64), Sandila (Rs.79.47), Hardoi M.B. (Rs.78.74), Pali T.A (Rs.75.90), The lowest receipt of Rs.21.30 is observed in Kachhauna Patseni T.A. The highest per capita receipt through taxes etc Rs.45.28 is observed is Pali T.A. while the lowest per capita receipt through taxes etc. is seen is Kursath T.A. (Rs.2.07). Per capita receipt form all other sources exceeds receipts through taxes etc. in all the towns except Pali T.A. The highest per capita expenditure of Rs.105.87 is observed in Bilgram M.B. followed by Madhoganj T.A. (Rs.90.78), Hardoi M.B. (Rs.78.39), Sandi M.B (Rs.68.40) and Sandila M.B. (64.94). The lowest per capita expenditure of Rs.6.54 is observed in Kachhauna Patserni T.A. preceded by Kursath T.A.(Rs.10.44) and Gopam~u T.A. (Rs.22.58).

The following table presents ration of schools per 10,000 of urban population ofthe district.

Table 9 Schools per ten thousand of population in towns

SI. I Class, name & civic I Number per ten thousand population No. status of the town I Higher Secondary/Inter/PUC/ Junior ColleQe T Secondary/ Matriculation I Junior Secondary/ Middle I Primary 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 V Beniganj T.A. 1.35 1.35 2.71 2.71 2 III Bilgram M.B. 0.48 1.45 1.93 5.79 3 IV Gopamau T.A. - - 1.95 1.95 4 II Hardoi M.B. 0.90 1.02 0.79 2.48 5 IV Kachhauna Patseni T.A. 0.97 0.97 0.97 1.95 6 V Kursath l.A. - 1.95 3.90 5.85 7 V Madhoganj T.A. 1.15 1.15 2.29 2.29

13 Iy

8 III Maliawan M.B. 0.74 0.74 1.11 2.23 9 IV Pali T.A. 1.63 1.63 1.63,' 4.89 10 III Pihani M.B. 0.95 0.48 0.95· 4.28 11 IV Sandi M.B. 1.06 0.53 1.56' . 6.86 12 III Sandila M.B. 0.78 0.78 1.30 3.11 13 II Shahabad M.B. 0.75 0.37 1.12 5.40 District 0.84 0.84 1.27 3.72

A ratio of 3.72 primary schools per 10,000 of urban population is obtained in the district. The highest ratio of 6.86 primary schools is obselVed in Sandi M.B. against the lowest 1.95 in Gopamau town and Kachchauna patseni T.A. There are 1.27 junior secondary/middle schools per 10,000 of urban population of the district. The ratio ranges between the maximum of 3.90 junior secondary schools in Kursath T.A. and the minimum of 0.79 in Hardoi M.B. The ratio of school of matriculation standard works out to 0.84 for the urban areas of the district ranging between the maximum of 1.95 schools in Kursath T.A. and thc minimum of 0.37 in Shahabad M.B. A ratio of 0.84 Inter collegc per 10,000 urban populati9n is obtained in thc district. The highest ratio of 1.63 Inter collagcs is obsclVcd in Pali T.A. against the minimum of 0.48 in Bilgram. T.A.. There are no schools of matriculation standard in Gopamau T.A. and no Inter mediate college in Gopamau T.A. and Kursath T.A. ./ '. The table given below presents ratio of beds per thousand of urban population in medical institutions of each town.

Table 10 Number of beds in medical institutions per thousand population in towns

SI. Class, name & civic status 'of:the town Number of beds in medical institution per 1,000 population No I I 1 2 , 3 1 V Beniganj T.A. - .. 2 III Bilgram M.B. 0.48 3 IV Gopamau T.A. 0.29 4 II Hardoi M.B. 3.17 5 IV Kachhauna Patseni T.A. 0.49 6 V Kursath T.A. 3.71 7 V Madhoganj T.A. 0.46 8 III Maliawan M.B. 0.85 9 IV Pali T.A. 0.33 10 III Pihani M.B. 0.38 11 IV Sandi M.B. 0.21 12 III Sandila M.B. 1.24 13 II Shahabad M.B. 0.30 District 1.32

14 There are 1.32 beds in medical institutions per thousand of urban population of the district. The ratio of beds ranges between the maximum of 3.71 beds in Kursath T.A. and the minimum of 0.21 in Sandi M.B.

The following table presents proportion of slum population in class I and class II towns of the district.

Table 11 Proportion of slum population in towns.

SI. No. I Class name & civic status of the town I Proportion of slum population to total population of the town I Density in slums (per sq.km.) 1 2 3 4 1 II Hardoi M.B. 23.63 17030 2 II Shahabad M.B. 18.64 5000

There is no class I town in Hardoi district but two class II towns Hardoi and Shahabad. The proportion of slum population to total population of the Hordoi town is 23.63 percent and the density in slum (per sq.lan) is 17030. The proportion of slum population to total population of the Shahabad town is 18.64 and the density in slum (per sq. Ian) is 5000 in Shahabad town.

The table given below presents most important commodities manufactured imported into and exported from the town of the district.

Table 12 Most important commodities manufactured, exported, and imported in towns

Most important commodity SI. I Class, name & civic status of the town I No. I Manufactured I Exported I Imported 1 2 3 4 5 1 V Beniganj T.A. Food Grains Guavas Beathan Paddy 2 III Bilgram M.B. Cloth Potatoes Earthen pots 3 IV Gopamau T.A. Kerosene Oil Tobacco Gur 4 II Hardoi M.B. Cloth Sugar Sugar 5 IV Kachhauna Patseni T.A. Fertilizer . Rice Wooden furniture 6 V Kursath T.A. , . Fertilizer VVheat - 7 V Madhoganj TA Gur Groundnut Oil Groundnut Oil 8 III Mallawan M.B. Cotton Vegetables Handloom 9 IVPaliT.A. Cloth Grollndnut Woollen Carpets 10 III Pihani M.B. Cloth •Gur • I Pulses 11 IV Saudi M,B. Cloth Mangoes Bidi 12 III Sandila M.B, Cloth Handloom. Cloth Handloom Cloth 13 II Shahabad M,B. Cloth Agricultural Implements Carpets

15 /6

The commodities manufactured are woolen carpets, carpets earthen pots, wooden furniture, pulses, bidi, Handloom clothe, gur, sugar, groundnut oil and paddy. The most important commodities exported from the towns of the district are guavas, potatoes, tobacco, sugar, rice, wheat, groundnut oil, vegetables gur, mangoes, handloom, clothes and agricultural implements. The most important commodities imported are cloth, kerosene oil, fertilizers, cotton and food grains.


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C.D. Block :- Bharkhani Tahsll Shahabad

Lakhnaur 893.00 3177 P 12) ,Mil) PHSll) ,CHW(l) W,HP PO -1-5) -1-5) 1522 )

Sahsoga 227.00 887 P 11) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -1-5) 11411

Kamalpur 938.00 2781 P 12) PHS 11) , CHW 11) 1'1, HP PO -1-5) -15-10; 1454)

Hullapur 101. 00 ------U N - I N H A 8 I TED -----_---- l\\3I1'fIl\" --_----_--

Pateora 274.00 1457 P II) PHS 11) , CHW 11 ) W,HP -1-5) -110+ ) - (5-10; 1214 )

Bhabhar Keshopur 0 369.00 1275 p 11), H 11) CHWll) W,HP - (-5) - (10+) -(5-10) (208)

Ahukhana 0 68.00 ------U N - I N H A BIT E D ------fR3I1'fIl\" ------

Baruara r; 505.00 1930 P 11) CHWll) W,HP PO -110+ ) -15-10) 1328)

Kurarl J 289.00 1069 P (1) SMP (1 ) , CHW (1 ) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) - (5-10) (178)

10 Malkpur 0 551. 00 2367 PllI,Mll) MWC (1) ,CHWIl) W,HP PO, PHONE -110+ ) -1>10 ) (453)

11 Ghaso ,- 374.00 986 . P (1) PHS (1) , CHW (1 ) W,HP -1-5) - (5-10: -15-10) 1137)

12 GHdharpur G 154.00 804 PIli CHWll) W,HP -1-5) -15-10: -15-10) (127)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ______~_~~ ______~_~~~j351~ __ _


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

~'I!l"6:- ..mmr ~:- ~ KR SHAHABAD ED 15.00 GC(216.00),TW(211.00) 265.00 114.00 40.00 ~ 24 TWE(22.00),TK(10.00)

PR SHAHABAD EAG TW(130.00),TWE(14.00) 48.00 18.00 17.00

83.00 GC(112.00),TW(453.00) 100.00 126.00 64.00 3 PR JALALABAD ED ~ 14

1. 00 TW(66.00) 25.00 4.00 5.00 PR JALALABAD ~ 14

PR JAIJ\lABAD 1.00 GC(3.00) ,TW(100.00) 100.00 46.00 24.00 ~ 12

KR JALALBAD TW(235.00) 73.00 40.00 21. 00 ~~ 14

KR ,)l\l)\IJlBI\1) 11'1(33.00) 33.00 0.00 2.00 14 ~

KR JALALABAD EAG 15.00 GC(I.00),TW(173.00) 242.00 30.00 35.00 'iQJ1RT 12 TWE(9.00),T(183.00)

KR JALALABAD EAG TWE(139.00) 96.00 39.00 15.00 18 ¥W

KR JALALABAD EAG TW(204.00),TWEI210.00) 40.00 61.00 36.00 10 14 T(414.00) ~

KR JALALBAD EAG 12.00 TWI99.00),TWE(49.00) 166.00 30.00 18.00 mrr 11 14 T (148.00)

KR JALALABAD SAG 9.00 TWE(112.00) 7.00 15.00 11.00 12 14 ~ 10

13 JUJ harpur 176.00 411 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-51 -(S-lO) - (5-101 (64 )

14 Ubri Khera 222.00 844 P (1) CKWIl) W,HP - (-SI - (-5) - (-S) ( 169)

15 Naibasti 818.00 2622 P (l) CKW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-S) ( 436)

16 Pachdeora 722.00 2885 P(l) ,M(l) PHS(l),CHW(l),O(l) W,HP PO, PHONE' - (5-10) BS (478)

17 Arntara 442.00 2096 P (1) PHS(11 ,RP(ll ,CHW(l) W,HP PO - (-5) -(5-10) (263)

18 Pakra 200.00 632 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-51 - (-S) - (-5) (123)

19 Udaipur 84.00 452 .'-(-5) CHWIlI W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -I-S) (60)

20 Sultanpur 610.00 1435 P(l) ,Mil) MWC(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS (221 )

21 Anangpur 402.00 2108 Pill ,M(l) PKC(l) ,PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP PO MON, THU BS (305)

22 Murtaza Nagar 402.00 917 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (146)

23 Jalalpur 274.00 1187 P (l) CHW(11 W,HP - (-51 - (-5) - (-5) ( 181)

24 Manpara 345.00 736 -(-5) CKW(I) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (114)

25 Dariyabad 106.00 99 - (-5) CHW(l) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS (16)

26 Gautia 53.00 290 - (-5) CHW(l) W,TW -(-51 - (-5) BS (47 )

27 Chakrachha 79.00 575 P (1) CHW(l) W,TW -(-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (97)

28 Buiya 94.00 124 - (-5) CHW(l) W,TW - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) ( 15)

29 Jamalpur 52.00 538 -(-5) CRWlll W,HP - 1-5) - (5-10) -15-10) ( 93)

30 Lalpur 67.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------KR JALALP.BAD EAG 3.00 TWE(99.00) 37.00 26.00 11. 00 13 15 ~

KR PALl EP.G W(5.00) ,TWE(108.00) 93.00 19.00 6.00 -mr~ 14 24 TK(l.OO)

KR PALL [DLY GC(350.00) 290.00 96.00 82.00 ~ 15 19

PR PALl 1.00 TW(439.00) 178.00 56.00 48.00 ~ 16 24

KR PALl GC(90.00),TW(74.00) 198.00 46.00 34. DO 3lltl(!ffi 17 19

KR PALl TW(34.00) ,0(44 .00) A2.00 30.00 \0.00 'l'W 18 17

KR PALl EAG TWE(45.00) 27.00 7.00 5.00 19 18 ~

GC(210.00),TW(110.00) 160.00 105.00 25.00 20 PR PALl ~ 14

PR PALl EAG 5.00 GC(159.00),TWE(30.00) 180.00 0.00 28.00 21 15 ~

PR PALLY EAG W(I.00) ,TW(121.00) 9:'.00 98.00 15.00 ~::rn 22 16 TWE(75.00)

FP PALl EAG W(I.00),TW(100.00) 103.00 29.00 16.00 23 17 TWE(25.00) ~

FP PALL TW{59.00),O(102.00) 68.00 106.00 10.00 'lR'lRT 24 14

PR PALL GC(36.00),TW(15.00) 43.00 3.00 9.00 ~ 25 13

PR PALL TW(31.00) S.OO 9':00 5.00 ~ 26 13

FP 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~ 27 0

FP PALL EAG TW(20.00),TWE(14.00) 46.00 10.00 4.00 1'oiWIr 28

KR PALL EAG TW(30.00),TWE(S.00) 6.00 4.00 4.00 29 15 ~

KR PALL 0(45.00) 18.00 2.00 2.00 30 13 ~ .;.,..L ------10 ------31 Naya CaGi. 89.00 203 - (-5) CHW (1: W,HP -: -"i) -(-5) -(-5) (36)

32 Chandpur .:22.00 158 P (1) CHW(l ) W,HP - (-',) -(10+) -(>10) (127)

33 Nag1a Husa:n 162.00 679 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -15-10) -110+) -15-10) (123 )

34 Kundl 369.00 1286 PI 1) ,Mil) CHW(1) W,HP -15-10) -15-10) -15-10) (253)

35 Nasa 208.00 470 PI 1) CHW(l) W, HP -15-10) -15-10) -(5-10) (89)

36 Pipanya 137.00 774 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-l0) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 166)

37 Kapoorpur ::03.00 101 P (1) PHSI1),CHW(1) W, HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (114)

-(5-10) 38 Khenya 181. 00 904 P (I) PHS (1), CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) (148)

39 Narbha 193.00 830 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (153)

40 Chandrampur 158.00 525 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (75)

41 Baampur 329.00 1234 P (1) ,M (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1209)

42 Umaria Kalan 84.00 256 P (1) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (31 )

43 Khwajgipur 272.00 1379 P( 1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) (243)

44 Mundramau 274.00 1123 P (1) CHW(l) W, HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (194 )

45 Randhirpur C 159.00 546 P(l) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (84 )

Rudrapur C 42.00 ------UN - I N H A B I T E D ------46 "'~

47 Rupapur 68.00 33 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (4 )

48 Kaharko1a L..; 349.00 1090 P (l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 182)

------~ Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

------~ KR PALl TW(62.00) 7.00 15.00 5.00 'fIiMiq 31 12

KR PALl E:AG TWE(4.00),0(126.00) 82.00 B.OO 2.00 32 15 ~

KR SRAHABAD EAG W(lB.OO),TWE(llB.OO) 0.00 3.00 B.OO "'l'K'!T[iR 33 15 TK(15.00)

PR SRAHABAD EAG WE(28.00),TWE(141.00) 67.00 18.00 67.00 34 7 TK(14 .00) ,0(34.00) ~

KR SRAHABAD 8.00 TWI53.00),TKI7.00) 111. DO 10.00 16.00 ;om 35 8 013.00)

KR SHAHABAD 1. 00 TW(45.00),0(7.00) 72.00 4.00 8.00 ~ 36 8

KR SHAHABAD lIDO W(12.00),TW(67.00) 63.00 42.00 8.00 37 8 0110.00) 'fiTFF

KR SRAHABAD 1.00 W(30.00),O(88.00) 25.00 21.00 16.00 ~ 38 8

KR PALl TW( 65.00) 45.00 13.00 70.00 ::r\'1T 39 12

KR PALl TW(7l.00) 43.00 3.00 4l. 00 ~ 40

KR PALl TW(160.00) ,0(6.00) 49.00 74.00 40.00 41 10 ~

KR PALl TW(35.00) 28.00 5.00 16.00 ~«>ffi 42

KI' l'lIl.l ·rW(174.00) 89.00 9.00 0.00 43 5 ~

KR PALl E:AG GC(2.00) ,W(l.OO) 104.00 26.00 27.00 44 6 WE(21.00),TW(82.00) ~ TKI 11. DO)

KR PALl TWI82.00) 49.00 20.00 8.00 ~ 45

KR PALl 8.00 TW(9.00) 12.00 8.00 5.00 46 6 ~

FP PALl TW(28.00),TK(5.00) 31.00 0.00 4.00 47 ~

FP PALl 4.00 W(13.00) ,TW(39.00) 198.00 21.00 36.00 48 TK(38.00) ~ oJ..y ------10 ------_------49 Babarpur 3:27.00 2592 P (2) PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (417 )

50 Chanduapur 75.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------1rt3lf

51 Menghpur 140.00 73 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) (14)

52 Hunseypur 48.00 ------U N - I N H P. B I T E 0 _------"'3lf

53 Sarai Saif 195.00 1 -(5-10) P HC (1 ) , CHW fl ) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (1 )

54 Bhagwantpur 79.00 29 -(-5) CHW(l) HP -(-5) - (-5) . - (-5) (5)

55 Sakrauh 167.00 414 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (5-10) (56)

56 Naglapattu 422.00 562 P (1) CHW (1) w, HP -(-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (103)

57 Rarnapur 261. 00 988 P (1) CHW (1) W, HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 189)

58 Kunwarpur 81. 00 535 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5)- -(-5) -(-5) ( 811

59 Bharkhanl 1067.00 3929 P(2) ,M(2) PHC ( 1) , PHS (1) ,caw ( I) W,HP PO,PHONE TUE,SAT 'BS (580)

-, 60 Pachralya 279.00 547 ./ - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (85)

61 Hasnapur 335.00 1378 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP PO - (5-10) - (5-10) (219)

62 Bilsari Malik 130.00 207 P (11 PHC(l),PHS(l),CHW(l) W - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (40)

63 Malikapur 241. 00 937 P( 1) CHW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) - (5-10) (151)

64 Paintpur 349.00 1008 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (180)

65 Binaika Mafl 254.00 208 P( 11 CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (36)

66 Deoniapur Balbhadra 144.00 339 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 62)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 1'0 If; 17 18 ------~------FP PALl GC(84.00),TW(80.00: 131.00 8.00 21. 00 "iOO'¥ 49

KR PALl GC(45.00),TW(15.00) 11.00 50 2.00 2.00 ~3lT'F

KR PALl GCI68.00),TWI18.00) 41. 00 5.00 8.00 ~ 51

KR PALl 24.00 TWI20.00) 4.00 0.00 ~ 52

PR PALl ED TWI64.00),O(1.00) B6.00 31. 00 13.00 mT'lWl; 53

KR PALl TW(40.00) 33.00 0.00 6.00 ~ 54

PR PALl GC(40.00),TW(19.00) 80.00 17 .o'd 11.00 ~ 55 10

PR 84 ;'00 PALl GC(130.00),TW(68.00) 117.00 23.00 '!T1<'!T '«l 56 10

KR PALl GC(90.00),TW(40.00) 60.00 22.00 28.00 57 10 TK(21.00) WlI'l'

KR PALl GC(40.00),TW(19.00) 13.00 0.00 " 9.00 58 11 ¥<'F

PR PALl ED GCI400.00),TW(156.00) 334.00 103.00 74.00 'WS'ft 59 10

KR PALl TWII00.00),TWE(121.00) 41.00 4.00 13.00 ~ 60

KR PALl GC(170.00),TW(100.00) 31. 00 0.00 34.00 61 12 ~

KR PALl GC(40.00),TW(16.00) 43.00 11.00 5.00 f.IMmT~ 62 10 TK(15.00)

KR PALl TW(130.00) 68.00 9.00 34.00 63 10 ~

KR PALl TW(185.00) 66.00 69.00 29.00 ~ 64

KR PALl GC(120.00),TW(50.00) 75.00 6.00 3.00 r.r-ml!T'!ft 65

KR PALl GC(60.00),TW(38.00) 36.00 4.00 6.00 ~0Ii'!"Il\ 66


67 Sandl Kh~ ra 111.I)U 1<;1 . - (-') I CIIW (1) W,HP - (-s) - (-'J) -(-5) (25)

68 Bhahpur Sapha 653.00 816 P (1) CHW(l) HP -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-10) (134)

69 Dwar Nag la 143.00 335 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-51 -(5-10) - (>10) [58)

70 Dhanu Nagla 143.00 524 -(-5) CHW( 1) W,H? -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (81)

71 Dhani Nagla 213.00 712 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP PO -(5-10) - (5-10) (125 )

72 8ahrampur 142.00 431 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP PO - (5-10) - (5-10) (61 I

73 Serhamau 152.00 525 PIli CHW(l) W,KP -(-':0) -(1j-10) (77 )

74 Newada 134.00 403 P (I) CHW(11 W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(>10) (63)

75 Sahuapur 201.00 509 P (I) CHW (l I W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(>10) ( 68)

76 Bilsar Helan 284.00 1134 P (1) CHW (I) W,HP - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) (205 )

77 Bilsar Harsen 399.00 759 -(-5) C!lW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) - (5-10) (106 )

78 Naseerpur 139.00 426 - (-51 CHW(ll W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (82)

79 Bihyapur 126.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

80 Bisauli 345.00 513 P (1) CHW(11 W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (88)

81 Bhan Nagla 474.00 1488 P (1) ,M( 1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (268)

82 Ismailpur 187.00 679 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (131 )

83 Hathaura 567.00 1648 P (1) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP - [-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (267)

84 Atariya 200.00 305 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 56)

Census Directorat'~, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

PR PALL TWI276.00) 46.00 85.00 4.00 -mr~ 67 3

68 KR PALL 35.00 TW(298.00) 180.00 llO.OO 30.00 ~wm ,fP 22

KR PALL TW(1l3.00) 21. 00 1. 00 8.00 -;.m'l"'Ti'!! 69 ,fP 20

KR PALI TWI94.00) 20.00 17.00 12.00 "!IT'l'l"'Ti'!! 70 , FP 20

KR PAL I TW 1124.00) 41.00 31. 00 17 .00 >

TWlll9.00) 14.00 2.00 7.00 72 KR PAL I ~ 20

KR PALl TW(76.00) 46.00 19.00 11.00 ~ 73 17

FP PALL 1.00 TW(33.00),TWEI36.00) 42.00 11. 00 ll.OO *00 74 15

20.00 10.00 10.00 75 KR PALL TWII00.00),TWE(61.00) ~3ll'J< 17

FP PALL 6.00 TWI144.00) 10:.00 16.00 16.00 f.wrn< f;M::r 76 15

FP PALL TW(144.0Q),TWEI70.00) 154.00 15.00 16.00 f.wrn

KR P)\LI C\ll.OO) ~l.DO Hi.OO 5.1l1l ~ 1\1 1f;

KR PI'.LI TWI51.00),TWE(4.00) 19.00 50.00 2.00 79 17 ~

PR PALl GC(6.00) ,TW(176.00) 144.00 8.00 4.00 ~ 80 18 TWE(7.00)

KR PALl 30.00 GC(106.00),TW(86.00) 213.00 2.00 37.00 '!R"Il"R'IT 81 15

KR AALHA GANJ 2.00 GCI45.00),TW(93.00) 14.00 15.00 18.00 82 8 ~

KR AALHAGANJ 59.00 GCI196.00),W(4.00) 129.00 86.00 33.00 m 83 8 TWI60.00)

KR PALI 2.00 GCI71.00),W(7.00) 54.00 11.00 9.00 ~ 84 13 TWI46.00)

------~-~------~- ~~,'3'i'I't~ 10 ------_------_------_------_-_------_._------85 Daghela :_U.OO 1465 P [1) CHW [I) W, HP -[-5) -[5-10) -[5-10) (267)

86 Baragaon 233.00 294 P (1) CHW [11 W,HP -[-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (38)

87 Thariya 108.00 593 P (1) CHW (11 W,HP - [-5 I -[5-10) -[5-10) (77 )

88 Ra]uapur 224.00 428 P (1), M(1) CHW (11 W,HP -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-101 (95)

89 Mahmoodpur 162.00 598 P(I), M(1) CHW(I) W,HP -(-5) -[5-101 -(5-101 (99)

90 Tera 188.00 498 -(-SI CHW (1) W,HP -(S-10) -(-51 - (-5) (81)

91 Nag1a Bhainsl 192.00 B2B P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - [-5 I -[-51 -[-5) (138)

92 Fangahana 395.00 1669 P (1 I CHW (1) W,HP -(-51 -{-51 - (-5) (293)

93 Aliyapur 104.00 413 -(-51 CHW (11 W,HP -(-SI -[-5) - (-5) (75)

94 Sehti 210.00 975 P [I) ,M (11 CHW (1) W,HP -(-51 -(-5) - (-5) (178 )

95 Jeora 499.00 1367 -(-5) CHW (11 W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (199)

96 Oeoniyapur Sarsai 91.00 ------UN - r N HAS I T E D ------~~ ------

97 Semar Jha1a 398.00 1718 P(lI ,M(l) CHW [ll W,HP -[-S) -(-5) - (-5) (282)

98 Dhaura1iya 94.00 158 P (1) - (-5) W,HP -(-51 - (-5) - (-5) (31)

99 Ga]lyapur 44.00 303 -(-5) CHW (ll W,HP -(-SI -(-S) - (-S) (61)

100 Adampur 44.00 348 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -[-51 -(-5) - (-5) (73)

101 Nlzampur 285.00 1739 P(1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-51 -(-5) - (-5) (312)

102 Pali Dehat 225.00 ------tJ N - I N H AS I T E D ------~~ ------

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh II 1: 13 14 15 16 17 16 ------,------_------~------KR P!l.LI 2.00 TW(132.00) 62.00 42.00 25.00 ~ 85 13

KR PALI 6.00 TW(61.00) 111.00 43.00 12.00 qsrrjjq 86 15

KR PALI GC(30.00),TW(10.00) 57.00 5.00 6.00 'lWrr 87

KR PALl 3.00 GC(7.00),0(166.00) 19.00 14.00 15.00 88 ~31f1F

KR PALl 3.00 GC(50.00) ,TW(S4.00) 28.00 14.00 13.00 89 13 ~ /. KR PALl GC(4.00),TW(101.00) 46.00 23.00 14.00 mr 90 12

KR PALl 1. 00 GC(10.00),TW(128.00) 19.00 18.DO 16.00 'fTlffi 'Ri\ 91 10

KR PALl 6.00 GC(10.00) ,W(lS.00) 159.00 33.00 27.00 ~ 92 12 TW(145.00)

KR PALl W(2.00) ,TW(38.00) 24.00 36.00 4.00 ~ 93 11

KR PALl W(8.00),TW(126.00) 15.00 43.00 18.00 m\ 94 11

O(C08.00) qt~ .00 tt b.OO :'4.00 95 KH PI\Ll J.OO ~ 6

KR PALl W(30.00),0(12.00) 35.00 10.00 4.00 ~Q 96

KR PALl EAG 12.00 GC(9.00),TW(215.00) 90.00 41.00 25.00 WRW<'iT 97 10 TWE(5.00),0(1.00)

KR PALl TW(42.00) 46.00 3.00 3.00 ~ 98 5

KR PAL I W(2.00),TW(17.00) 18.00 3.00 4.00 99 , FP ~

KR PALl W(2.00) ,TW(lS.00) 19.00 5.00 3.00 100 , FP ~

KR PALI EAG GC(13.00),TW(199.00) 33.00 15.00 22.00 101 2 TK (3 .00) ~

KR PALl W(10.00),TWE(92.00) 70.00 3.00 50.00 '1f<'ft~ 102 ------_.------30 3 5 10

103 Ahmacpur ~l.OQ no -1-5) CHW (l) W,HP - (-5) -1-5) -(-5) [ 55)

104 RaJarampur 77.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------it<~ ------_---

105 Mahpur 148.00 257 -(-5) CHW (I) W, HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) [ 45)

106 Khankalapur 97 .00 601 P(ll ,Mil) CHW (I) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (90)

107 Jahanpur 124.00 90 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) [15 )

108 Akhri 70.00 156 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (23)

109 Munder 666.00 3012 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW (I) W,HP PO WED, SAT -(5-10) [517)

110 Kaus,ya 125.00 335 -[-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) [56)

111 Sarsal 352.00 1089 P (I) CHW(l) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(>10) (199)

112 T~mirpur 214.00 795 P (1) CHW(l) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-51 (l39)

113 Saidapur 131.00 570 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 95)

114 Markara 199.00 421 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) - (>10) (77)

115 Amirta 332.00 886 P (ll CHW(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) [ 161)

116 Rahtaura 292.00 1108 P (ll CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (222)

117 KhwajgiplJr 50.00 224 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (38)

118 Dharampur 171.00 301 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (51 )

119 Kishanpur 134.00 ------U N - I N f{ A 8 I T E D ------it<~ _------

120 Ratanpur 110.00 716 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 126)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh - ._------11 12 13 15 16 17 ------~------36.00 7.00 103 KR ~ALl TW{35.00) 3.00 ~

23.00 20.00 6.00 104 PR ~ALl GC{11.00),TW{17.00) ~ 2

105 PR ~ALl GC(lt .00) ,TW(100.00) 21.00 2.00 8.00 '1WF 2

34.00 12.00 7.00 106 PR PALl TW\44.00) ~ 3

34.00 21. 00 4.00 107 PR PALl TW(65.00) ~ 3

KR PALl 18.00 W(4.00),TW{43.00) 0.00 3.00 2.00 3l13it 108

PR PALl ED,EAG 106.00 GC{7.00),W{9.00) 80.00 89.00 40.00 109 6 TW(325.00),TWE(9.00) TK(1.00) *' PR PALl ED,EAG 4.00 GC(6.00),TWE(70.00) 19.00 14.00 12.00 ~ 110 10

KR PALl ED,EAG 7.00 W{4.00),TWE(291.00) 4.00 14.00 32.00 mm 111 , FP 12

PR,KR PALl EAG TWE(185.00) 0.00 17.00 12.00 ~ 112 11

PR PALl ED,EAG 1. 00 1'1(1:00) ,TWE(85.00) 24.00 10.00 10.00 ~ 113 9

114 PR PALl ED,EAG 2.00 GC(2.00) ,1'1(1.00) 0.00 23.0,0 13.00 ~ 11 TWI150.00),TWE(8.00)

KR PAll EAG 2.00 TWE (l09. 00) 167.00 38,.00 16.00 31flmrr 115 ,FP 8

KR PALl EAG TWE(43.00) 230.00 7.00 12.00 ~ 116 ,FP 10

FP PALl TW(27.00) 9.00 9.00 5.00 117 2 ~

PR,KR PALI TW (80 .00) 56.00 16.00 19.00 118 3 ~

KR PAL I TW(68.00) 34.00 30.00 2.00 ~ 119

GC(80.00),TWE(26.00) 45.00 5.00 14.00 120 PR PALI EAG,EA ~ ,FP ------~------10 ------121 GarhUapuf : :)1. 00 ------U N - I 'I H .'. B I " E D ------1r<1ll

122 Ramapur Lac i07.00 344 -(-0) CHW (I) W, HP - ( -5) -(-5) -(-5) (57)

123 Ramdaspur 'l2 . 00 374 -(-0) CH'III \) W,HP -(-5) -1-5\ -1-5) (55)

124 Mohamdapur 59.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------1r<1ll

125 Khan Jahanpur 97.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------1r<1ll

126 Asmadna :40.00 799 -1-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) THU, SUN -(5-10) (153)

127 Daulatpur :36.00 422 P (1) PHC(l), PHS(l) ,CHW(1) W,HP pO -r':,-10) -(o-iQ) (78 )

128 Sharapur i8l.00 998 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1177 )

129 Sahjanpur :27.00 1335 p(2) ,11(21 PHS ( 1) , CHW (11 W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (231)

130 Nand Khera 272.00 875 P (1) CHW (I) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-101 (HI)

131 Baseliya 246.00 704 P (I) CHW (I) W,HP -(-51 -(5-10) -(5-101 (148)

132 Gaura Udaipur 253.00 930 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-101 (181) l33 Kahrai Naktaura 363.00 1205 P(1) PHS (1) ,CHW III W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (204)

134 Raipur 183.00 634 PIl) C!!W (li W,HP -(5-10) -(5-101 -15-10) (89)

135 Kankapur Ubanya 449.00 1557 P (1) CJlWlli W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (244)

136 Kanhari 254 . 00 1018 P (1) C!!W (1) W,HP -(-5) ~(5-10) -(>10) (166 )

137 Sahauddinpur 155.00 687 -(-5) CHW( 1) W,HP - (-5) - (10+) -(-5) (110)

138 Kaitha 397.00 572 P 11) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (104)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 KR PALl TW(14.00) 83.00 3.00 4.00 1f'£3lJ1F 121

122 FP PALl 1.00 TW(10.00) 65.00 29.00 2.00 "UI!1'l' <'ffi'T

TW(15.00) 12.00 34.00 11. 00 123 FP PALl ~

TW(27.00) 15.00 12.00 5.00 124 FP PALl ~

FP PALl TW(42.00),O(2.00) 48.00 3.00 2.00 1NR~ 125

PR PALl ED,EAG 5.00 TWE(27.00) 48.00 50.00 10.00 3W1M 126

PR PALl ED, EAG 4.00 TW(80.00),TWE(29.00) 12.00 5.00 6.00 ~ 127 5

FP PALl TW(102.00) 26.00 44.00 9.00 ~ 128

:.. 27.00 13.00 129 PR PALl ED,EAG GC(100.00),TWE(71.00) 16.00 ~

PR PALl ED,EAG 2.00 GC(130.00) ,TWE(68.00) 28.00 29.00 15.00 'R~ 130

PR,KR PALI ED, EAG 2.00 GC(100.00),TWE(41.00) 60.00 29.00 14.00 ~ 131

PR PAL I TW(134.00) 102.00 3.00 14 .00 'l'm~ 132

KH ALLAc;N;J EIJ TW(167.00) 105.00 54.00 37.00 ~~ 133 8

KR PALI ED TW(99.00) 67.00 3.00 14 .00 134 10

KR PALI ED 2.00 TW(317.00),TK(2.00) 74.00 35.00 19.00 ~~ 135 15

PR PALI TW(1l4.00) 94.00 22.00 24.00 'Rlit 136 14

PR PALl ED TW(41.00) 71.00 36.00 7.00 137 14 ~

KR PAL I ED 66.00 TW(135.00) 134.00 48.00 14.00 ~ 138 14

------;;r::{l11JRT~."3'\i{J$r ------~-~------1 10 ------_------_------_------~------139 PandeypLJr n7.00 1290 P [1) ,Mil) PHS 11) , CHW (1) W, HP -I-__'!, " -15-10) -1-5) 1204)

140 Ubariya Kalan 359.00 881 P 11) CHW (1) W, HP -1-5) -15-10) - (-5) ( 129)

141 Rajpur Labheya 207.00 512 P11) ,M(1) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -[10+ ) -(5-10) 178)

142 Chakautl Khu rd ::>22 .00 668 P [ 1) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (111)

143 Chakauti Kalan 250.00 542 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(5-10) - (5-10) (84 )

144 Ubariya Khurd 234.00 303 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) - (-5) (52 )

145 Khetauli 183.00 749 P (1) CHW [I) W, HP ?O -1-5) BS (139)

146 Nizampur Saida 51.00 239 -(-5) CHW [I) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) BS 144)

147 Rampura Kharnarlya 195.00 1324 PIli CHW [1) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) (205)

148 Madnapur 384.00 1223 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (208)

149 Chaura Rai 292.00 1329 P11) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -(5-10) -[5-10) (238) .,

150 Singhapur 206.00 440 P (1) CHW [I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) In)

151 Jaitpur 101. 00 417 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) -(-5) (78)

152 Semariya ;:; 270.00 1023 P (1) CHW il) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) ( 163)

153 Khandaua Mirzapur 241.00 499 P il) CHW( 1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -[-5) (90)

154 Gaur Khera 244. 00 590 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 105)

155 Sawaizpur 520.00 2385 Pill ,M(l) ,H(l) PHS 11) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP PO TUE,SAT 85 1318)

156 Silwari ,),7.00 1190 P(l) CIIW (1) W,HP - (-0) -(-5) -(-5) (200)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ;:,.) ------11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------KR PALl ED 8.00 TWI90.00) 3:.00 142.00 6.00 139 16 ~

PR PALl ED 2.00 TWI238.00) 85.00 18.00 16.00 ~

KR PALl ED TWI141.00) 51. 00 5.00 10.00 Wl'F~ 141 15

KR PAL I ED TWI138.00) 53.00 18.00 13.00 ~~ 142 18

FP PALI ED TWI204.00),TK(I.00) 29.00 13.00 3.00 ~'I><'fi 143 20

KR PALl 2.00 TW(147.00) 75.00 0·00 10.00 ~~ 144 13

PR PALL 2.00 TWI104.00) 67.00 d.oO 10.00 mrrm 145 15

KR PALL TW(32.00) 14 .00 0.00 5.00 ~-oo 146 16

KR PALl 5.00 TW(99.00) 68.00 0'.00, 23.00 WI'l'T~ 147 13

23.00 148 KR PALI TW(192.00) 169.00 0.00 ~ 14

" " KR PALI T'II (126 .001 147 .00 0.00 19.00 ~Wl 149 10

KR PALr 3.00 T'III114.00) 76.00 0.00 13.00 ~ 150 10

KR PAL I T'II (52 .00) 39.00 0.00 10.00 151 10 ~

KR PALL 1.00 TWI175.00) 83.00 0.00 11.00 Wfur 152 18

KR SHAHHABAD TW (118.00) 104.00 0.00 19.00 mt3lT~ 153 30

PR PALl 1.00 TW(188.001 34.00 0.00 21.00 >iR~ 154 16

PR PALl ED,EO TW(211.00),TK(5S.00) 186.00 0.00 68.00 155 16 ~

PR PALl ED,EO TW (212.00) 28.00 0.00 17.00 fuM

159 Pahunchna Kh~ra 35.00 195 Pll) CHWI1) W,HP -(5-10) -15-10) -15-10) ( 29)

160 Lakhmapur llO .00 1179 P (1) PHSll) ,CHW 11) W,HP - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (205)

161 Haran Kuda 116.00 396 P 11) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (75)

162 Gurdharu 187.00 346 - (-5) CHW(ll W,HP -15-10) -[5-10) -[5-10) (58)

163 Sa1honi 373.00 1540 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (261)

164 Dahirapur 234.00 641 -(-5) CHW(l) w, HP -(-0) -(-51 - (-5) ( 120)

165 Sarai Ragho 300.00 1658 PIl) ,Mil) CHW II) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) 1271)

166 Nag1a Pahladpur 198.00 210 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) - (>10) ( 45)

167 Udharna Pur ~82.00 859 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS ( ISO)

168 Bhalla Mau 426.00 1155 P (1) PHS (1), CHW 11),011) W,HP PO -(5-10) -15-10) (220)

169 Kankapur La1 40.00 493 - (-5) CHW(I) W,HP -1-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (18)

170 Binaika Akbarpur 52.00 742 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (123)

171 Menhdiyarpur 89.00 123 - (-5) CHW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10) (23)

172 Baroura 220.00 1012 P 11) CHW(l) W,HP -15-10) -1-5) -(5-10) (168)

------. Total : 41392.00 136079 P(109) ,M(21) MCW(2) , PHC (5) 22721 H(2) PHS (23), RP 11) SMP (1), CHW (157) 0(2)

Census Directorat~, Uttar Pradesh 11 l" 13 14 15 17 18 ------KR PALl TW{227.00} 60.00 0.00 45.00 ~ 157 12

KR PALl TWI36.00) 20.00 5.00 10.00 ~f

KR PALI TWI21.00) 43.00 0.00 21. 00 ~~ 159

28.00 0.00 26.00 160 KR PALl TWIS6.00) ~

57.00 0.00 151 KR PALl TWI58.00) 1. 00 m~ 7

KR PALI GC(87.00),TW(3.00) 84.00 5.00 8.00 152 :, ~

KR PALl TWI189.00) 143.00 4.00 37.00 ~ '153

KR PALI 221.00 0.00 13.00 ~ 154

KR PALl TWI50.00) 194.00 37.00 19.00 mrr-UEll 165

KR PALl TW 1109.00) 7:.00 0.00 17.00 :rrffi~ 156 11

10.00 15.00 157 KR PALl TW(ll7.00} 139.00 ~ 13

KR PALl ED 1:IN 1252.00} 128.00 16.00 30.00 ~m> 168 13

KR PALl TW (21. 00 I 14. DO 2.00 3.00 159 14 ~

KR PALl TWI15.00) 7.00 0.00 30.00 ~~ 170 14

KR PALl TW(B3.00) 1. 00 1. 00 4.00 171 14 ~

KR PALl TW (54.00) 139.00 2.00 25.00 ~ 172 15

585.00 GC(3563.00),W(180.00) 12007.00 3886.00 2876.00

1I1Il""Ii ~;;r.J 'lII'rnmi - r1'll!tlR" ,llfUIllhhr '1

~ 1I1Il"'liT"W! 1I1Il"'liT¥'f 'liM~ ~ .m'liT1!RT m'31R lir.m'1m:1lif mm-~ mt atr'IiM tr1~ =1 *~ii mm ;;rMl!11T' Location Name of Village Total ar:ea Total popu- Educational Medical Dr:inking Water Fast and Day(s) of Corrununications Code of the village lation and (Potable) Telegraph market/hat, (Bus stop, No. (in hectares) number of if any Ra~lway station, households Water way)

2 5 10

C.D. Block :- Shahabad Tahsil Shahabad 173 Fatteypur Viran o 40.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

174 Akhtiyarpur 0 42.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

175 Harrai 0 304.00 2089 P(2) ,M{l) MWCIl) ,PHC(l) ,PHS{l} W,HP PO WED, SAT -H) (358) NH{l) ,CHW{l)

176 Ghurha 0 95·00 729 Pill CHW{l) W,HP -H) - (-5) - (-5) ( 131)

177 Aghapur 0 161. 00 1206 Pill CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - [-5) - [-5) (177)

178 Sardar Nagar 153.00 362 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS " (52 )

179 Jatpura CJ 129.00 764 P (I) CHW(l} W, HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (117)

180 Gauriya 0 148.00 371 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) BSRS (73)

181 Hasnapur 0 199.00 917 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) 1130)

182 Banpur 0 172.00 659 P (I) CHWIl) W, HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (126)

183 Kachoora 0 111. 00 631 P (11 CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) 1106)

184 Aigawan [) 224.00 1988 P (l) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) w, HP -H) - (-5) RS (318 )

Census DHectorate, Uttar PradeSh liT'!~ VILLAGE DIRECTORl "mm LAND USE

oqfq m Land Use (w.ITq_'lflrin'[lf

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

~~:- ~ ~:- ~ KR SHJI.HABAD GCI7.00),TWI7.00) 21. 00 0.00 5.00 ~cm 113 10

SHJlJ1ABAD 10.00 2.00 174 KR 1.00 GCI26.00) 3.00 ~ 9

PR SHAHABAD ED GC(113.00),TW(80.00) 60.00 10.00 31.00 m 115 10 T,KIIQ.OO)

KR SHAHABAD 9.00 GCI26.00) ,TWI14.00) 32.00 3.00 8.00 '¥Of 176 7 . TKI3.00)

KR SHAHABAD 5.00 GCI40.00) ,TW(63.00) 29.00 12.00 12.00 3lJl11'l{ 177 8

PR SHAHABAD ED 4.00 TWI100.00) 25.00 9.00 15.00

SHAHARAD ED 2.00 TW'(7a.00) 22.00 15.00 12.00 179 KR ~ 8

PR SHAHABAD 1.00 GCI21.·00) ,TW{72.00) 24.00 2.00 22.00 niftzrr 180 9

KR SHAHABAD GCI86.00) ,TW(68.00) 28.00 6.00 11.00 181 12 ml'f

KR SHAHABAD 2.00 GCI16.00),TW(125.00) 17.00 8.00 4.00 182 10 ~

KR SHAHABAD GC146. 00), TW 132 .00) 16.00 3.00 14.00 183 7 ~

KR SHAHABAD ED 3.00 rw{146.00) 11. 00 36.00 28.00 l(rrqi 184 10 10 ------. 185 Nabipur 76.00 766 - (-5) CEW(l) W,S - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (137 )

186 Nagla Shag 75.00 344 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-51 (68 I

187 Garheypur 214.00 771 P (1) CHWIl) N, HP - (-51 - (-5 I -(-51 ( 125)

188 Naseerpur 112~OO 176 - (-51 CHW(11 W,HP -(-51 -(-51 - I-51 (301

189 Udhranpur 631. 00 3621 P(2) ,M(31 MWC I 1 I , PHC (1 I , PHS (1 I W,HP PO, PHONE THU, SUN BS (5751 CHWl11

190 Behta Kola 103.00 464 -(-51 CHWlll W, HP - (-51 -(-51 - [-51 (741

191 Purwa Pipariya 189.00 1226 -(-5) CHW(11 W HP' - (-5) - (-51 - I-51 (211) "

192 Parial C 298.00 957 P (1) PHS 111 , CHW ( 1 I W~HP - [-51 -(-51 -(-51 (155)

- 193 Puranpur 93.00 UN I N H A B I T E D ------.n-~ I ------

194 Kala Gara - 233.00 1228 P (11 CHWlll W"HP I -I-51 - (-51 - (-51 ( 1861

195 Umariya Dhani 69.00 308 -(-51 CHWlll W,HP" - IS-IOI -(5-10) -(S-lOI (67 I "

196 Firozpur Khurd 146.00 825 P (1) CHWl11 W,HP' -15-101 -(5-10) -(5-10) (l381

197 Hiroli Kutub Nagar - 255.00 1290 P (1) CHW \1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (228)

198 Chiraiyan U 127.00 ------UN - I N H A B I T E D ------.n-311'IF; ------

199 Khulkipur U 36.00 131 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-51 - (-51 1201

200 Chak Pihanl C 86.d,D ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------.n-~ ------

201 Joglpur , ,rJ 143. 00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------.n-~ ------

202 Birauri 343.00 1579 Pili ,Mill CHW(11 W,HP -(-51 -(5-101 -(5-101 (2331

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 13 14 t5 16 17 ------~------~------KR SHJl.llN;)lD TWI57.00) 9.00 3.00 7.00 ~ 185

KR SHJI.HABAD 1.00 GC(4.00),TWI50.00) 4.00 4.00 12.00 'l'1MT'lT'T 186 6

KR SHAHfl.BI'.D 2.00 TWIS8.00) 20.00 92.00 42.00 187 9 ~

KR SHAHABAD 6.00 TW134.001 16.00 34.00 22.00 188 7 ~

PR SHAHABAD ED,EAG,EO TWEI295.00) 40.00 184.00 112.00 189 6 EA ~

KR SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 TWEI43.00) 15.00 21.00 23.00 ~'IMT 190 7

KR SHAHABAD EAG,EO 2.00 TWE 1119.00) 32.00 12.00 24.00 ~fq1fur 191 1

PR, KR SHAHABAD EAG TWEI155.00) 75.00 39.00 29.00 'IR'IFI 192 8

PR SHAHABAD 1. 00 TWI56.00) 22.00 5.00 9.00 193 9 ~

PR SHAHABAD EAG TWE 1136.00) 45.00 35.00 17 .00 1Ii1<'ITl!IST 194 10

PR SHAHABAD EAG TWEI30.00) 6.00 20.00 13.00 ~>Rt 195 10

KR SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 TWE I 92.00) 29.00 13.00 11.00 196 5 ~~

KR SHAHABAD EAG TWE (112 .00) 31.00 29.00 23.00 197 5 W~

KR SHAHABAD TKI89.00) 30.00 4.00 4.00 ~ 19B 5

KR SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 TWEI32.00) 2.00 1.00 0.00 199 4 ~

KR SHAHABAD TWI64.00) 18.00 0.00 4.00 ~~ 200 5

KR SHAHABAD TW I 68.00) 9.00 1.00 65.00 201 7 ~

KR SHAHABAD ED,EAG 1.00 TWI173.00),TWE(73.00) 26.00 39.00 31.00 ~ 202 8

------~---- 10 ------203 Narhai 326.00 1662 P (I) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (282)

204 Jhothupur 383.00 1828 P(2) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (321)

205 Newada ~j 37.00 522 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (73)

206 Basat Nagar _:J 620.00 2553 1'(1) ,Mil) MWC(1),PHS(1),CHWl1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (425)

207 Bhadasi J 170.00 1007 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (188)

208 Baburhai 119.00 376 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (53)

209 Manikapur Bamiyari 1 261.00 929 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -15-10) -(5-10) ( 148)

210 Bhoora ~ 177.00 397 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) (67)

211 Naya Gaon 107.00 334 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) (51)

212 Shahabad Dehat 1483.00 1516 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) - (-5) (281 )

213 Karmullapur 94.00 ------U N - I N H A B I TED ------>tt3lFi!lG ------

214 Mishrl.pur 113.00 635 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -15-10) -(5-10) - (-5) ( 92)

;;:1:- tJ4g1a Ga:v2sh 2r.;f).GO 1053 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) - (-5) (187)

216 Daulatpur Gangadas '- 72.00 542 P(l) PHS (1) ,CHW (l) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 86)

217 Sikandarpur Kallu 0 330.00 1279 P(l) ,M(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) BSRS (239)

218 Anjhi Station U 549.18 274 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP PO,TO -1-5) BSRS 163 )

219 Naurozpur J '2~9.00 421 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS ( 82)

220 Kakrahai ~ 56.00 ------UN - I N H A B I TED ------>tt~ ------

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh \..f~ ------~ 14 15 16 17 :'8 11 i._ '~ 13 ------_--- TW 150.00) ,TWE 190.00) 54.00 104.00 ::.00 ~ 203 KR SP,.'lJL~8;:'.C' ED, £i\G 6.00

1l.00 82.00 4~.OO 204 KR SH;'SA3P.[! ED,EAG 4.00 W(57.00),TW(131.00) W'W TWE (54 .00)

15.00 3.00 8.00 205 PR SHAI!ABAD TW(11.00) m 7

61. 00 58.00 'fImRTR 206 PR SHAHAI:lAO ED,EAG W(2.00) ,TW(343.00) 60.00 6 TWE(96.00)

8.00 15.00 207 PR SH1\HABAD ED,EAG,EA 2.00 TWEI139.00),TKll.00) 5.00 ~ 3

2.00 6.00 208 KR SHAHABAD ED,EAG TW(90.00),TWE(10.00) 10.00 ~ 7 TK(1.00)

16.00 13.00 209 PR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 TW(180.00),TWE(6.00) 44.00 ~~ 6 210 13.00 10.00 9.00 KR SHAHABAD ED 1.00 TW(144.00) ~ 3

211 27.00 0.00 4.00 'I'Wfiq KR SHAHABAD 2.00 R(74.00) : 212 117.00 95.00 ~~ PR,KR SHAHABAD ED 6.00 GC(125.00),TW(420.00) 371. 00 TWE (339.00)

13.00 1.00 1.00 213 KR SHAHABAD TW(79.DO) ~ 3

7.00 15.00 11.00 214 KR SHAHABAD ED 8.00 GC(36.00),TW(36.00) 1l:r~ 6

71.00 11.00 26.00 215 KR SHAHABAD ED 3.00 GC(41.00),TW(113.00) :rR'IT..mr 3 TK(1.00)

216 10.00 6.00 8.00 KR SHAHABAD IW 3.00 TW(45.00) ~-.mm 4

37.00 20.00 29.00 217 PR SHAHABAD ED 11.00 TW(198.00),TWE(35.00) ~~ 3

0.00 0.00 549.18 218 PR SHAHABAD ED aimmr-r 3

42.00 9.00 25.00 219 PR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 GC(31.00),TWI55.00) ~ 5 TWE(75.00)

0.00 5.00 220 PR SHAHABAD GC(20.00),TW(19.00) 10.00 ~ 5 TK(2.00)

------~------1/ I, ______~J ______'______~ ______," 10 ------221 Daryapur Bi kku 198.00 1110 P (1) CH'I'I (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) (178) ,. 222 Nagla Kallu 285.00 885 Pill CHW(l) " W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (139)

223 Mithnapur 92.00 936 Pill CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 153)

224 Hathelia 74 .00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------>R3'!fOITG' ------

225 Sharma ~ 362.00 2040 P(lI,M(l) CHW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) RS (310)

226 Fattepur Shlvgulam 63 .. bo 418 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (67 )

227 Jharsa Kesari ~ "93.00 398 Pill CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) ( 65)

228 Pachtaur ~ 116.00 4 -(-5) CHW (11 W - (-5) -(10+) -(>10) (3)

229 Jharsa Alampur [' 118.00 586 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (110)

230 Pasigavan 125.00 759 - (-5) CHW(l) W - (-5) -1-5) -(-5) ( 119)

231 Miyanpur - 150.00 806 Pil) PHS ( 1) , CHW 11) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (141)

232 Husalnapur Dhauka1 14 6.00 453 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 80)

233 Saadat Nagar 261.00 2170 P(2) ,Mil) ,H(l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) 1349)

234 Mainpur 0 68.00 ------UN - I N H A B I T E D ------>R3'!fOITG' ------

235 Behra Rasoo1pur CJ 147.00 869 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -1-5) - (-5) (162)

., 236 Paneora Ballia ,. 402.00 1361 P (2) CHW (1) W, HP - (-5) -1-5) - (-5) (233)

237 Asgarpur 0 146.00 874 P(l) ,M(l) PHS (l) , CHW III W,HP PO,TO TUE,SUN BS (165)

238 Sharah 0 252.00 444 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (83)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh II 1= 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------~------.] :f}~.rl:':, l=f1 :J PR ED 3.00 TWI140.GOJ 29.00 15.00 11.00 ~~ 221

PR SHFI.H;.BP..D ED,EAG,EO 8.00 TW(103.00) ,TWE( 12.00) 42.00 41.00 19.00 'I"R'!T~ 222

KR SH.'IHABP.ll ED 5.00 GC(16.00),TW(So.00) 3.00 7.00 11.00 223 7 ~

KR 3HAIlA[JP.D 3.00 TW(44.00) 18.00 6.00 3.00 224 7 ~

KR SHAHABAD 13.00 GC(43.00),W(4.00) 22.00 39.00 38.00 ~ 225 8 '1:1'1(203.00)

KR SHAHABAD 3.00, Ge( 42.00) 8.00 6.00 4.00 226 10 ~~

'I KR SHAHABAD 1. 80 GC (68.00), TW (1.00) 8.00 6.00 9.00 227 10 mtllm

KR SHAHABAD GC(74.00) 20.00 7.00 15.00 ~ 228 12

KR SHAHABAD 5.ob : GC(29.00) ,TW(47.00) 19.00 7.00 11. 00 mtll~ 229 9

KR SHAHABAD 4.00 .X!,(91.00) 7.00 10.00 13.00 qfuT]qT 230 10

PR SHAHABAD ED 1.00, WI~.OO),TWI102.00) ]8.00 15.00 12.00 231 9 .~

KR SHAHABAD 5.00 GC(53.00),TW(15.00) 11.00 31.00 31. 00 ~~ 232 12

PR SHAHABAD ED 4.00 GC(150.00) 48.00 21. 00 38.00 .

PR SHAHABAD 4.00 GC(29.00) 25.00 7.00 3.00 .~ 234 10

KR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 GC(98.00) 23.00 14.00 10.00 235 10 ~~

PR,KR SHAHABAD 4.00 GC(296.00) 44.00 16.00 42.00 1l'

PR SRAHABAO 4.00 GC(58.00) ,TW(17.00) 11.00 21. 00 35.00 237 14 ~

PR SRAHABAO 17.00 GC(81.00) 59.00 49.00 46.00 ~ 238 13 2 10 ------~------c39 Garhi Chand Khan 41. 00 968 P II) CHH(1) W,HP -15-10) -(S-lO) -IS-lO) (170)

240 Mupur Gannu 186.00 356 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 66)

241 Kakar Ghata 142.00 1560 P(1) CWC(l),PHSIl),CHW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS (263)

242 Bllhari 196.00 864 P (2) CHW(l) W,HP - 1-5) -15-10) 8S (142)

----_--_-_ 243 MangaliganJ 67.00 U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------_ >ttaJ1'l1G ------

244 Nagla Lothu 285.00 1465 P II) CWC(1),PHSI1),CHW(1) W,HP PO -15-10) -(5-10) 124 0)

245 Rampur Hirdai .. 130.00 1104 P(l) ,M(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (176)

-, 246 Mangiawan 43].00 1835 P (1) CHW(l) W"HP -15-10) -15-10) -15-10) (290)

247 Hunseypur Lukrnan U 263.00 1300 -(5-10) CHW 11) W,HP -(5-10) -15-10) BS (228)

248 Khwajgipur C 112.00 455 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (84)

249 Kodra Saraiya ~~ 306.00 1422 P II) CHW II) W,HP PO - (10+) -15-10) (274)

250 Sahora 183.00 904 P (11 CHW II) , ,W, HP -(-5) - (-5) BS (164 )


251 Lalpur 154.00 657 -(-5) CEW 11) ~,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (101) I

252 Manglipur 0 215.00 913 -(-5) CHW 11) W"IlP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (152)

253 Tader 0 315.00 1340 P (1) CHW 11) , W',I1P -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (228) I,

254 Kuiyan C 122.00 534 p (1) CHW 11) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (95)

255 Ghurhai J 111. 00 181 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (37)

256 Agampur :J 551. 00 1714 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW II) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) - (-5) (329)

------Census D1rectorate, Uttar Pradesh 1.0 11 13 14 15 17 ------~------_------PR :; H.~ .'1."\.B,::I.~~, D ED 1. 00 T',1(9.00) ,Ti/;::l:.OO: 5.00 f,.OO ".00 rr.ft~13T :'39

PR ,; H!-'.h.n. rp..D EAG TWEllOO.OO) S4. 00 16.00 1".llO 240 5 ~1Jll

PR SHAHABi'.D ED TWIl3.00) 30.00 16.00 23 .00 ~"I:RJ 241

PR SHAHABAD 1. 00 TWlllO.OO) 4:.00 20.00 23.00 ~ 242 6

PR SHAHABAD TWI40.00) 23.00 0.00 4.00 ~ 243

PR SHAHABAD EAG 1. 00 TWI135.00),TWEI40.00) 51.00 35.00 23.00 ~~ 244 5

KR SHAHABAD EO 2.00 TWI28.00) 7B .00 5.00 1l.00 'U"'l'l'fm 245 10

KR S!L\HABAD 1. 00 TWI269.00) 100.00 24.00 39.00 IJ1lr>:rrqT 246 10

PR SHAHABAD ED 5.00 TWI16l.00),TWE(8.00) 13.00 21.00 20.00 !l

FP SHAHABAD EAG TWEI71.00) 26.00 2.00 13.00 248 10 ~

KR SAHAHABAD EAG 2.00 TWE 117 6 • 00 I 62.00 34.00 32.00 mu~ 249 12

PR SHAHABAD EAG TWI118.00),TWE(9.001 37.00 5.00 14.00 ~ 250 3

KR SHAHABAO TWI100.00) 18.00 26.00 10.00 251 3 <'TTi'I'F

KR SHAHABAO TWI180.00) 28.00 3.00 4.00 252 3 ~

KR SHAHABAO EAG 2.00 TWI205.00),TWEI35.00) 15.00 36.00 22.00

KR SHAHABAD TW177.001 24.00 11.00 10.00 254 5 ~

KR SHAHABAO TWI70.00) 22.00 11.00 8.00 255 7 ~

KR SHAHABAD ED, EAG WI25.00),RI351.00) 92.00 61.00 22.00 256 6 awfI11F ------~------S ------10 257 Perhatha 276.00 888 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP ( 120) -(-51 -(S-:C) - (5-10)

258 Daulatiapur 187.00 794 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP ( 126) -1-5) -(-51 - (-5)

259 Flrozpur Kalan 108.00 313 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP 169) -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

260 Kauharia 103.00 259 -(-5) CHW( 1) W, HP (39) -(-5) -1-')) -(-5)

261 Sarai Kama1uddinpuc "' 145.00 635 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP 194 ) -(-5) -(-5) BS

262 Kilkili ::i 112.00 710 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP (114) -(-51 -(0-10) -(5-10)

263 Pherwa iJ 192.00 415 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP (72) - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

264 Hardaspur 0 159.00 426 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP (75) -15-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

265 Bari 0 118.00 610 P (1) CHW III W,HP (1181 -1-5) -(5-101 -(5-101

266 Hajipur 58.00 380 -1-5) CHWlll W,HP - (-5) 172) -(5-101 -(5-101

267 Ganuapur 194.00 377 -(5-101 CHW (1) W,HP - (5-101 (58) -15-101 -(5-10)

268 S~ngulapur 99.00 799 P(ll PHS (1) ,CHW (11 W,HP PO (1531 - (-5) - (-5)

269 Rahi 151.00 201 -(-5) CHW(ll W, HP (29) - (-51 -(10+1 - (-5)

270 Surapur 0 133.00 611 -(-51 CHW(l) W,HP (112) -(-5) - (10+) -1-5)

271 Gauhania c:: 159.00 509 -(-51 CHW(l) W,HP (72) -(-5) -(-51 - (-5)

272 Gahora J 378.00 1574 P(l) CHW(ll W,HP (2731 -15-10) -(5-101 -(-5)

273 Gujide~ 143.00 1335 P (11 CHWl11 W, HP (264 ) -(-51 -(-5) -(-51

274 Damgarha CJ 84.00 79 -15-101 CHWl11 ",HP (141 -(-51 -1-5) -(5-10)

Census------~------Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------11 13 14 15 16 17 19 ------~ ------257 KR 3·iAJ-Jl·.ij,C.O EAG 1.00 TWE(170.00) 4 b. 00 38.00 21. 00 ~

:58 KR .2il-f;\H.l1g/iD 1. 00 TW(1:6.00),T'N~[17.00) : 1. 00 12.00 10.00 ~

259 KR S".AHABP.D TW(61.001 15.00 24. 00 8.00 ~q;l'Ii

1.00 260 KR SH.~H."8AD TW(69.00),TWE(7.001 6.00 14 .00 ~ 4

13.00 261 ~R SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 W(12.001,TWE(96.001 15.00 8.00 ~~ 3

5.00 262 KR S~.AHABAD 1.00 TW(36.00),TWEI4.001 48.00 18.00 ~ 10

263 KR SII,iHABAD 1.00 TW I 122.00 I, TWE (11. 00) 40.00 9.00 9.00 m 10

264 KR SHAP.ABAD 1.00 TWI1l8.00) ,TWE(9.001 8.00 13.00 10.00 ~ 120

265 KR SHAHABAD 1.00 TW(48.00) .TWE(8.00) 35.00 16.00 10.00 ~ 10

266 KR SHAHABAD 1.00 TWll0.00),TWE(9.001 15.00 9.00 14.00 ~ 10

29.00 261 KR SHAHAHBAD 4. DO TW(38.00),TWE[29.00) 50.00 44.00 lJ1~ 10

268 KR SHAHABAD W(15.00),TW(38.001 29.00 7.00 10.00 ~ 12

269 KR SHAHABAD 2.00 T.W (83. 00 1 ,TWE [9. 00) 33.00 13.00 11. 00 m 11

11.00 210 KR SHAHABAD 1. 00 TW(5.00),TWE(107.DO) 6.00 3.00 ~ 11

10.00 211 FP SHAHABAD EAG ". TW[103.00) ,TWE(10.00) 14.00 22.00 ~ 4

25.00 272 KR SHAHABAD EAG TW(231.00),TWE(28.00) 83.00 11.00 TJOlu 5

213 KR SHAHABAD ED, EAG W(17.00),TW(66.00) 16. 00 4.00 22.00 ~ 10 .'WE(lS .00)

274 KR SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 ';'W~ (37 .00) 32.00 6.00 8.00 ~ 8

------~------~------10 ------275 Pareli 042.00 2776 P 121 ,M( 11 PHC(II,PHS(II,CHW(ll ",HP PO MON"RI 8S (~72)

276 Piproli 178.00 53 -\-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -1-'0) -1-5) \9 )

277 Paharpur 68.00 386 -\-5) CHW(1 ) W, HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) 151 )

278 Atarjl 580.00 1690 P 11) CHW(ll W,HP - (-51 -(-5) -(-5) (237)

279 Gopalpur 113.00 791 P (1) CHW(11 '1'1, HP - (-5) -(-51 -(-5) (124)

280 Gutka Mau 268.00 935 P 11) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) 11571

281 Khempur 0 142.00 346 -1-5) CHW(l) . W, HP - (-5) - (-51 -(-5) (54 )

282 Narsiya Mau 398.00 972 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (148)

283 Sikandarpur NarkatraL! 639.00 2034 P(1) ,M(l) PHS (11 ,CHW (1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (329)

284 Abdullapur 132.00 755 P (1) CHW (11 W,flP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 11431

285 Sidhau1i 263.00 750 - (-5) CHW(1) W,HP -1-5) -15-10) -15-10) (1391

286 Jasmai Kharona ,340.00 1040 P(1 ) CHWll) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 1611

287 Ch"ndupur Kha~rai 681. 00 1646 Pili PHS 11) , CHW 11) W,HP - (-5) WED, SAT -(>10) (281)

288 Dariyapur Balbhadra C 176.00 758 Pill PflS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) - (-5) (104)

289 Jamalpur J 118.00 378 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -I-51 -(5-10) (72)

290 Rasoolpur 0 134.00 394 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-51 -(5-10) (61 )

291 Kachheliya 0 270.00 2144 P(2) PHS 11 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP - (-5) TUE,SAT -{-5) (347)

292 Kewalpur 0 133.00 604 -(-5) CflW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (71)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 5"1 ------~--~------11 13 14 15 Ii) 17 ------,r-~~------PR S H.'':'"ij,\D SD,Ei'.G TW(265.00)'TWE(20c.IJO) =3.00 18.00 3-1.00

KR SHAHABI'.D EAG 1.00, TW(96.00),TWE(44.00) 26.00 3.00 8.00 f'ltn'tffi 276 8

KR P!I.LI EAG 1. 00 .TWE (48. DO) 15.00 0.00 4.00 '1'm'F 277

KR PALl ED,EAG T.W(195.00) 188.00 168.00 29.00 3ffi'ifr 278

KR PALl EAG 1. 00 TWE (63. 00) 37.00 3.00 9.00 ~ 279

KR PALl ED, EAG 1. 00 TWE(99.00) 65.00 61.00 42.00 'Jl'IiT 1j3; 280

KR PAL: EAG TW(72.00),TWE(3.00) 50.00 10.00 7.00 ~ 281 3

KR PALl ED,EAG 22.00 TWE(l83.00) 59.00 118.00 16.00 ~1j3; 282

KR SHAHABAD 1. 00 TW(373.00),TWE(48.00) 83.00 97.00 37.00 ~~ 283 10

19.00 8.00 284 KR SHAHABAD TW(87.00) 18.00 ~ 8

KR SHAHABAD TW(17S.00) 60.00 13.00 12.00 fuM 285 10

KR SHAHABAD EAG 41.00 TWE(189.00) 44.00 39.00 27.00 ~~ 286 10

KR SSHAHABAD ED,EAG 41. 00 TWE(337.00),TK(8.00) 36.00 244.00 15.00 ~~ 287 14

PR PALl ED,EAG TWE(108.00) 53.00 7.00 8.00 ~'if<'I\W; 288

22.00 9.00 289 KR SHAHABAD EAG TWE (50.00) 37.00 ~ 16

KR PAL I EAG W(6.00),TW(45.00) 52.00 13.00 7.00 290 TWE (11. 00) ~

KR PALl ED,EAG 4.00 TW(148.00),TWE(25.00) 61.00 14.00 18.00 ~ 291 5

KR PALl 3.00 W(42.00) ,TW(48.00) 11.00 8.00 21.00 ~ 292 10

293 Khanupur 338.00 1962 -I-51 CHW III W,HP - (-51 -:-5) -15-10) (357 I

294 Baijoopur 132.00 926 P Il) CHW (1) W, HP PO -(5-10) (135)

295 Ali Hajipur 86.00 463 -(-S) CHW (I) W,HP -1-5) -I-51 -(5-101 (59)

296 Shankarpur J 293.00 694 P (1) ,M(l) CHW (I) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(S-lOI (106)

297 Muhamdapur 186.00 286 -(-S) CHW Il} W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(5-10) (50)

298 Palthua IJ 211.00 561 -(-5) CHW (I) W, HP -(-S) -(-5) -(5-10) (84 )

299 Fattepur 1-:: 41.00 151 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-S) -I-51 -(-5) (251

300 Khanigawan Khurd 30S.00 573 Pili CHW (1) W,HP PO -(S-lOI -(5-101 (99)

J01 Biruapur 197.00 311 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -I-o) -1>10) (Sl )

302 Khanigawan Kalan 133.00 613 - (-5) CHW 11) W,HP -(-5) -(S-lO) - (>101 (1101

303 Dariyapur 14S.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

304 Barkhera 176.00 283 - (-51 CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(5-101 -(>10) (461

305 Nagla Khanpur 189.00 1036 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -1-5} -(>10) (191 I

306 Dhehapur 140.00 625 P(l) PHS (1) ,CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (>10) (S?I

307 Bihgawan 213.00 1026 P (l) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(>10) (1461

308 Shahpur 202.00 1258 P(l} ,M(l) CHW 11) ,W,HP PO -(5-10) -(>10) (200 )

J09 Nau Nagla o 425 - (-5) CHW (11 W,KP -(-5) -15-10) -(>10) (701

310 Chiarai 272 .00 629 P(l) caw III -(-5) -(S-10) -(>10) (llSI

------~------~ Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ~.$ ------_------" 13 14 15 U-~ 17 = ------.~------_------KR 2r-:;.,H.~,E3l,] TW(87.0C; ,TK(SO.:~C; 13:.00 ~5.00 .00 293 ~ :._) R(34.00:

KR ?l.I..LI ED 1. 00 TW(63.00) 56.00 3.00 9.00 ~ 294

KR PALl 1. 00 TW(49.00) 30.00 4.00 2.00 .m-iT~ 295

KR PAU ED,EAG W(6.00),TW(91.00) 32.00 63.00 18.00 296 TWE(83.00) ~

KR SHAHABAD TWI80.0o) 35.00 63.00 8.00 297 7 ~

KR SHAHABAD EAG TW(9J.00),TWE(6.00) 94.00 6.00 12.00 ~3lT 298 H

KR SHAHABAD EAG TWE(27.00) S.OO ?OO ~.00 '/'YJ 13 ~

KR SHAHABAD EAG TWE(202.00) 44.00 15.00 44.00 ~~ 300 16

KR SHAHABAD 2.00 TW(106.00),TK(2.00) 13.00 32.00 12.00 f.R;~ 301 20

KR SHAHABAD 7.00 TWI86.00) 11.00 14 .00 15.00 ~'Ii\'1i 302 15

10.00 303 KR SHAHABAD 11.00 TW(90.00) 8.00 26.00 ~ 15

KR SHAHABAD 21.00 W(37.00),TW(49.00) 4.00 58.00 7.00 ~ 304 15

KR SHAHABAD EAG TWII04.00) ,TWEI21.00) 11.00 43.00 10.00 ;;m;rr~ 305 18

KR SHAHABAD 3.00 W(3.00),TW(58.00) 39.00 32.00 5.00 306 20 ~

KR SHAHABAD ED 9.00 TWI118.00) 28.00 36.00 22.00 ~ 307 18

KR SHAHABAD EAG 18.00 TW(102.00),TWE(29.00) 13.00 22.00 18.00 308 20 ~

KR SHAHBAD 6.00 TW (118.00) 56.00 14.00 13.00 ;ao;"I'l<'IT 309 18

KR !!ARDOr 22.00 TW(110.00),TK(61.00) 8.00 55.00 16.00 ~ 310 30 S 10 ------311 Iseypur 91. 00 147 -(-S) CHW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -[5-10} - (>10) (33 )

312 Da1el Nagar 546.00 1931 P (1) PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) - (>10) (360)

313 Rampur Hamza 4.82.00 1322 P (1) CHW( 11 W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (>10) (222)

314 Nasauli Gopal ,456.00 2467 P(l) ,M(l) CHW(l) W,HP PO rUE,SAT -(5-10) (417)

315 Gulraha I] 66.00 343 - (-5) CHW(ll W,HP -(-S) -(-S) -(5-10) (S2)

316 Raipur C 141. 00 661 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-51 -(-5) -(S-10) (119)

317 Nasauli Damar 0 587.00 2320 P (I) PHS (1) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) ( 402)

318 E'adnapur 141. 00 606 P (I) CHW(l) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(5-10) (98)

319 Sakrauli 442.00 1757 P (1) ,M(l) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (311)

320 Boata Mau L 271. 00 1193 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP PO WED, SUN -(-S) (195)

321 Bakaura IJ 200.00 594 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (87)

322 Asalapur 173.00 931 P (I) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 126)

323 Naga Mau 171. 00 343 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(>10) ( 64)

Total : 32526.18 126219 P (89), M (17) MCW(31,CWC(2) 21120 H(l) PHC(31,PHS(22) NH (1), CHW (139) ss 11 13 14 15 17 IS

KR S;ARCOI :20.00 TW(23.00) 10.00 34.00 4. 00 311 ~\ I) #W

PR Sr;AHA8;"S EAG 11.00 TWE(290.00) 126.00 74.00 ~3.00 ~:rrr 312 lfi

PR S"A?DOl B.OO TW(253.00),TK[10.00) 93.00 69.00 3S.00 313 27

KR PAL! TW(69.00) ,TWE(83.00) 78.00 117.00 109.00 :nif<;ft~ 314

KR PAL! TW(40.00) 21. 00 0.00 5.00 315 8 ~

KR PIILI TW(1l5.00) 14.00 4.00 8.00 tflI"I{ 316

KR PALL 1.00 W(10.00),TW(391.00) 133.00 18.00 34.00 ~~ 317

7.00 318 KR PALL W(7.00) , TW (45.00) 28.00 54.00 ~

KR PALL TW(36.00),TWE(161.00) 178.00 25.00 42.00 ~ 319 " "

KR PALL W(7.00),TW(145.00) 50.00 26.00 43.00 320 10 ~

KR PALL TWI).43.00) 31. 00 6.00 20.00 ~ 321 12

W(18.00),TW(36.00) 46.00 13.00 60.00 322 KR Pl'.Ll ~ 13

KR PALL W(7~.OO),TW(9.00) 66.00 6.00 14 .00 .~ 323 14

------_------~------lITtr: 484.00 GC(1675.00),W(346.00) 5617 .00 3848.00 3403.18 TW(11022.00),TWE(5395.00) TK(267.00),R(459.00) 1991 ;;r.:;tTORT 1991 CENSUS ;;r;r~trci AMENITIES AND

Di~rict Name : Hardoi =Jt~;;f'!~ - r..m:=Jtmcrm~'!iiihit-hr(-)l'J"ITR~'iIl<:"=.H"rrr;:ft<:ft'l(~ ~h,nfp!Jtnir'l(s!ni"irr~-5l'fi-.:ft .. 5-1Ol'fi.-.:ft. trci 100l'fi.m. "1h'tmIlPHlfuImkl Amen1ties Available - [If not ava1lable with1n the village, a dash (-) has been shown 10 the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is avallab18 has been given.]

"i'itiIim" =

C.D. Block Tondarpur Tahsil :- Shahabad

324 Karsua Grant 521. 00 1333 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(>10 ) (239)

32S Lona 342.00 1308 P (1) CWC(l) ,PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (5-10) - (>10) ( 170)

326 Kanhrapur 67.00 258 P (ll CHW (ll W, HP - (-S) - (S-10) -(>10) (39)

327 Chaina 4S7.00 1362 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(>10) (279)

328 Nagana 270.00 1349 - (-5) CHW(1) W,HP - (-5) ,-(-5) - (>10) (227)

329 Keechi Khera 303.00 1018 P (1) CHW(ll W,HP - (S-10) -(S-10) - (> 101 (175)

330 Alam Nagar 911.00 2827 P(2) ,M(l) PHC (1) , PHS (1 \ W,HP PO THU,SUN - (>10\ (500)

331 Bhogipur Grant 274.00 1231 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (>10) (228 )

332 Saharua 287.00 897 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1) W,HP - (-S) -(-S) - (5-10) (177)

333 Para o 723.00 1872 P( 1) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP PO, PHONE WED, SUN - (S-10) ( 309)

334 Karawan [] 1019.00 3486 P (3) ,M(2) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW (11 ,0 (1 ) W,HP - (-5) WED,SAT - (5-10) ( 609)

33S Pistia 126. DO 756 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-S) - (>10) (110)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh Wl~ VILLAGE DIRE:T:JF'- >ffit!T'irrr 51 LAND USE

>ffit!T'irrr Land Use (~'lf'!

Wli'% ~~ 'B 'l fufiKr *",>ffit ~lIf:I l!l'T (Fo.111. ii) (lTrwcmr '31ICR ..&;0) Approach Nearest TDwn Power Forest Irrigated Unu:rigated Culturable Area not Name of Village Location to village and dlstance supply (by source I waste ( includlOg avallable code I in Km8.1 gaucher and for No. groves I cultivatlon

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

fqq;rn~:- ~ ~:- ~ KR SHA.l-lA3P.J GC(300.00) 10. CO 178.00 33.00

KR SHAHA9AD TW(154.001 57.00 91. 00 40.00 MRr 325 25

326 KR SHAl!ABF.D TW(SO.OOI 6. 00 7.00 1.00 ~ 25

KR SHAHABJl.D GC(198.00),TWI90.00) 20.00 106.00 43.00 iRr 327 25

PR SH.~HABAO 2.00 GCI20.001.TWI=03.00) 17.00 24.00 4.00 'l'1W:rr 328 27

KR SHAHABF.D EAG TWE 1151. 00) 24.00 109.00 19.00 ~~ 329 25

PR SHAHABl\O EAG GC I 4 7 4.00 I ,TW I 1 02.00) 10.00 180.00 82.00 3lf<'fl1'I'R 330 25 TWEI39.00),TKI24.00)

KR SH]l.HJl.Bl\O 2.00 GCIIOS.OO) ,TWI6S.00) 27.00 26.00 46.00 ~lR 331 25

KR SHAHABAD 1.00 GC1190.001 9.00 54.00 33.00 ~JlT 332 14

KR PIHAMNI ED 7.00 GC(221.00) ,TWIlOS.OO) 65.00 285.00 40.00 '1m 333 10

PR PIHANI ED,EAG 20.00 GC(136.00),TWE(323.00) 119.00 350.00 71.00 iIi\fi.rt 334 9

KR PIHANI GC (59. 00) ,TW (23.00) 18.00 11. 00 IS.00 ~ 335 13 -- ._------_._------10 ------336 I?arsai 665.00 2566 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - 1-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1412)

337 Kapoorpur 33.00 231 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (34 )

338 Gaoria I '~ 161.00 974 P (11 CHW( 1) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (199 )

339 Gaurawa 1_; 156.00 763 -(-5) CHWI1) W,HP -(-5) -I-S) -15-10) 1121 )

340 Banjaria ",~ 266.00 458 Pill CHW (1) W,HP PO WED,SUN -(>10) 188)

341 Basbherwa Rawat [] 83.00 398 -(-5) CHW (1) W, HP -(-5) -(-S) -(>10) ( 65)

342 Basbheria J 142.00 731 P(l) PHS(1) ,CHW(1) W,HP -(-S) -1-5) -1>10) (129)

343 Setha J 413.00 1385 Pill CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) )(ON,FRI -(5-10) ( 268)

344 Semrawan 353.00 1472 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) TUE,SAT -(S-10) (205)

34S Kumharua J 157.00 493 - (-5) CHW(1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(>10) (89)

346 Kusuma S14.00 2043 P(2) ,Mil) CHW(1) W,HP PO MON,FRI -15-10) (392)

347 Manjhila 1435.00 4615 P(4) ,M 12) H( 1) , PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP PO THU,SUN -(5-10) (763) 0(1)

348 Sarai RaneY:. 4 4 ~ _ 'JQ 1896 P (1) P%(l) ,CHW(1) W,HP -(-5) - i -5) - (>10) (207 )

349 Jamura ,) 945.00 5071 P(2) ,M(2) CWC (1) , PHS (l) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO THU,SUN -(>10) 1881 )

350 Palia Kot CJ 245.00 758 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(5-10) (116)

351 Palia Deo Salempur [J 324.00 1098 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) WED,SUN -(>10) 1199)

3S2 Jamalpur [] 118.00 637 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (97 )

353 Fattepur Gazi 746.00 2719 P(2) CWC ( 1) , PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP PO -(-5) -(5-10) (S04 )

------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 I: 13 14 15 16 17 18

KR E-':::H;.n:: 11.00 GC (230 .00: ,TW (135.00) 25.00 ~27.00 37.00 336 IC mi

KR rIriANI GC (20 .00) 3.00 2.00 8.00 337 10 ~

KR PIHJlJH 1.00 GC(111.00),TW(10.00) 15.00 10.00 14.00 rfIWlr 338 9

KR PI HAN I GC(52.00) ,TW{41.00) 12.00 38.00 13.00 339 8 a

KR SHAHABAD 1.00 GC(137.00) 10.00 89.00 29.00 ~ 340 22

KR SflAH1\8AD 1.00 GC(66.00) 6.00 4.00 6.00 ~

KR SHAHABAD GC(102.00) 12.00 12.00 16.00 ~ 342 22

KR SHAHABAD 6.00 GC(130.00),TW(142.00) 34.00 68.00 31. 00 i!or 343 20 TK(2.00)

PR SHAHABAD GC(232.00),TW(28.00) 22.00 30.00 41.00 t)Imqr 344 19

KR SHAHABAD GC(110.00),TW(5.00) 9.00 13.00 20.00 345 16 ~3l1

PR SHAHABAD 1.00 GC(222.00),TW(130.00) 35.00 82.00 44.00 346 16 ~

PR,KR SHAHABAD ED 5.00 GC (863.00) 84.00 349.00 134.00 ~ 347 15

KR SEAHABAD ED 3.00 GC (58.00), TW (144.00) 153.00 59.00 24.00 ~~ 348 15

PR SHAHABAD ED GC(327.00),TW(56.00) 327.00 185.00 50.00 349 15 ~

KR SHAHABAD 6.00 TW(154.00) 20.00 53.00 12.00 'IfM

KR SHAHABAD EAG 1.00 W(1.00),TW(218.001 25.00 53.00 25.00 ~~~ 351 15 TWE (1. 001

PR SllAHABAD 1.00 GC(3.001,TW(64.00) 35.00 7.00 8.00 352 II ~

PR SHAHABAD ED,EAG , GC(20.00) ,TWE(401.00) 160.00 103.00 62.00 353 11 ~lJlViT . , ' . ------~~~~------10 ------~--.~~~------354 Ulnapur 276.00 367 - (-5) :::HW(l) W,H~ - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (64 )

355 Terhwa Chaturpur 168.00 488 - (-5) CHW (1) , W, H~ -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (79 )

356 Turnurki 550.00 5062 P(2) ,M 12) PHS(l),CHW(l) ,,,W: H~ PO TIIU -(5-10) (926)

357 Haidarpur 72 .00 842 P (1) CHW(l) ,W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (135)

358 Khumaripur 23'1.00 660 Pill ,Mil) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -15-10) (113)

359 Halbatpur 0 108.00 456 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (81)

360 Raiqawan Il 265.00 1625 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (264)

361 Barela _j -193.00 526 PO) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(>10) (laO)

362 Burhanpur r 274.00 992 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) ( 166)

363 Pedhwan 283.00 1401 Pill ,M(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) - (5-10) (236)

364 Sara~ Pengu 111.00 395 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) (60)

365 Fattepur Gayand 636.00 2417 P(Z) ,M(Z) PHC (1), PHS il) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (408 )

366 Hathipur 115.00 684 P(l) CHW (1) W, HP -(-5) - (10+) -(5-10) ( 121)

367 Kathma [J Z67.00 1056 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 181')

368 Baharma Hashimpur C 242.00 590 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 100)

369 Rebha Muradpur ,D 111.00 789 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW il ) W,HP -(-5) - (5-10) - (-5) (161)

370 Loni iJ 279.00 1576 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -1-5) (303)

371 Nagla Bhagwan 228.00 780 Pill ,Mil) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (97 )

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 61 ------r------______~--_------11 ._ 13 14 15 :t 17 1'3 ------_. KR :;:-:_~..;.;.!3.:-•. :: EAG 11.00 TW (44.00: , Trl'lE; (4 .00) ~~.OO [gO. 00 22.00 354 :j ~

PR ;;1.• .1,;0. [3,:',0 EAG GC(3.00) ,TWE(ll".OO) lc.OO 22.00 13.00 355 18 ~~

KR Sr.~;r:.;9AD ED 5.00 GC(6.00),rW(372.00) 54. 00 37.00 73.00 356 10 rK(3.00) P

KR SH.;;'H..~5AD 5.00 'GC(20.00),TW(:'0.00) 6.00 12.00 8.00 357 1:- TK (1. 00) ~

" KR SHSHABAD 1. 00 "'GC(75.00) ,TW(102.00) 25.00 13.00 21. 00 358 13 ~

KR SIlAHABAD 2.00 GC(77.00) 12.00 6.00 11. 00 359 14 ~

KR SPAHABAD ED 2.00 GC(77.00),TW(110.00) 34.00 23.00 19.00 (lIfTfCIT 360 15

PR,KR SHAHABAD ED 1. 00 GCt32.00),TW(106.00) 23.00 18.00 13.00 ~ 361 16

PR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 'GY(142.00) ,TW(50.00) 44.00 17.00 19.00 362 11 ~

PR SHAHABAD ED GC(160.00),TW(45.00) 23.00 20.00 35.00 ~ 363 11

KR SHAHABAD GC(36.00),TW(52.00) 13.00 1. 00 9.00 ml"f~ 364 13

PR Si'.AHABAD ED,EAG 13.00 GC(54.00),TW(407.00) 27.00 24.00 45.00 ~~ 365 9 TWE(66.00)

PR SHAHABAD ED 1. 00 GC(9.00),TW(78.00) 11.00 4.00 12.00 366 12 ~

PR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 GC(15.00),TW(150.00) 47.00 36.00 17.00 "IiOIlT 367 6

PR SHAHABAD ED,EAG TW(186.00),TWE(7.00) 18.00 14.00 17.00 368 7 ~~

PR SHAHABAD ED,EAG TWE (61.00) 21.00 13.00 16.00 OO~ 369

PR SHP.HABAD ED,EAG TW(187.00),TWE(13.00) 33.00 20.00 26.00 <'Il::ft 370 7

PR SHAHABAD ED,EAG 2.00 TW(50.00),TWE(102.00) 43.00 13.00 18.00 :pr;:rr '1l1ilR 371 6 2 10 ------372 Anjhi 655.00 2017 P (3) ,M(2) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO -(-5) BSRS (336)

373 Milkia . 4 8.00 227 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(S-10) - (-5) (44 )

374 Ratanpur 159.00 257 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 48)

375 Andaua 178.00 1194 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (211)

376 Reori 247 .00 549 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (99)

377 Dighia 209.00 600 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '" (113)

378 Jalalpur iJ 135.00 354 -(-5) CHW(l) w, HP -(5-10) -(-5) - (-5) (80)

379 Husalnapur Diwani 110.00 438 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) - (-5) (89)

380 Singoha 4 be. 00 2325 P 12) PIIS(l) ,CIIWI1) W,IlP -1-:» - (-5) -1-5) (379)

381 Dharampur ·166.00 545 - (-5) CHW(l) , W, HP -(-5) - (-5) -1-5) (117)

382 Chathia Dhanwar 1338.00 4474 P(3) ,M(2) ,H(l) PHS(l),CHW(l),O(l) W,HP PO THU BS (738)

3~3 Auderi 90.00 702 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (112)

384 Antora 275.00 744 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) THU,SAT 8S (146)

385 Newada Chathiya 0 205.00 841 P (I) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) 8S (162)

386 Ba

387 Kuiyan 11 212.00 352 -(-5) CHW(l) 'W, HP -(5-10) -(-5) - (-5) (70)

388 Ayari 0 298.00 1745 P(l) ,M(l) H(l),PHC(l) ,PHS(l) W,HP -(5-10) TUE,FRI 8S (334) CHW(l) I'

389 Urli 0 146.00 494 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) - (-5) (88)

------Census Directorate, Uttar Pcadesh . b3 ------11 15 11') 17 ------_ .. _------noj .00 372 PR Sh.,'r-:.").~.t;'.D ED,EAG 7.00 TWE 1391.00) 111. ~O 5:::.00 amft

KR SH.~:-';"5;>.C TW(3B.00) 4.00 1. 00 0.00 ~ 373

374 KR SH.:~Hl\8P.D £AG 1. 00 TWE 1102.00) ,TK 13.00) 28.00 15.00 10.00 «R'F 10

KR SHp.HI'.BAD £D GC (78 .00), TW 132.00) 34.00 17 .00 17 .00 ..mm 375 14

KR SHAHABAD GC{170.00) 11.00 60.00 6.00 tm 376 14

KR SHAHABAD GC{45.00),TWII00.00) 23.00 30.00 11.00 fuftI

378 PR SfL".i'.il.aAD TW{56.00) 33.00 36.00 10.00 ~ 16

379 PR ASHAHABAO TWI48.00),TK(2.00) 24.00 28.00 8.00 ~~ 16

380 KR S!'.AHA8AD GC(235.00),TW(60.00) 42.00 82.00 43.00 ~ 13

381 KR SP.AHABAD 3.00 GC (6.00), TW( 97 .00) 24.00 22.00 12.00 ~ 10 TK(2.00)

382 PR SHAHABAD ED 18.00 GC(808.00),TW(66.00) 75.00 254.00 114.00 ~"l'm{ 11 TK(3.00)

383 KR SHAHABAD ED 2.00 TW(25.00} 25.00 31.00 7.00 ~ 13

PR PI HAN I GC(67.00},TW(44.00) 49.00 101.00 14.00 3inffi 384 13

PR PI HAN I 3.00 GC(2.00),TW(113.00) 31.00 42.00 12.00 385 11 TK(2.00) ~-

KR PIHANI 1.00 GC{40.00),TW{23.00) 5.00 5.00 5.00 ~ 386 10

KR PIHANI 4.00 GC(161.00),TWI10.00) 5.00 20.00 12.00 wr 387 10

KR PI HAN I 4.00 GC(103.00) ,W{4.00) 41. 00 45.00 21. 00 31lIR1 388 10 TWI63.00),TK(17.00)

KR PI HAN I GC{32.00),TW{30.00) 44.00 34.00 6.00 3«'ft 389 17

------~~------3 10 ------390 Kaiml 199.00 1067 P (1) CHW(ll W,HP PO t-!ON, FRI -(5-10) [188)

391 Dhakia 200.00 671 -(-5) CHW[l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) [140)

392 Chak Dhakia 59.00 292 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) [47)

393 Tara Gaon 256.00 936 P (1) CIlW (1) W,HP -(5-10) THU,S[JN -(5-10) (188)

394 Karaundi ,~ 14 9.00 212 - (-5) CHW(ll W,HP -(-51 -(-5) -(5-10) [39)

395 Teor 169.00 421 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (59)

396 Shekhapur iJ 75.00 341 -(-5) CHW(ll W,HP -(-51 -(-5) -(5-10) (64 )

397 Pilapur J 105.00 359 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-51 - (-5) -(5-10) [67)

398 Nag1a Nanhoo u 85.00 403 P(l) CHW(ll W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (77)

399 Shiroman Nagar 39A.OO 2416 P(2) ,M(3) PIIS(II,D(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP PO THU,SUN -(5-10) (449)

400 Daud Nagar 80.00 39 - (-5) ClIW(I) W,HP - (-5) -(-Sf -(5-10) (9)

401 Husainpur Karmayan 102.00 1463 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (236)

402 Humayunpur 166.00 649 P [1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -[-5) -(5-10) (119)

403 Alavalpur ~J 73.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------>tt3l1il1"G ------

404 Surjipur c: 284.00 2130 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (395)

405 Bakar Nagar 135.00 4 -[-5) CHW(l) HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (4 )

406 Rupapur 228.00 419 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(>10) ( 66)

407 Jasrathpur 221. 00 980 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(>10) (148)

Census Di'rectorate, Uttar Pradesn II 13 14 1') i 1

------~------KR ?~ r-:.:1ti: 3.00 GC(6.00),W~~. :<.00 30. ,10 .00 ~ 390 17 TW(71.00),TK(J.

KR ?liAlH 2.00 TW(61.00),TKI14.CO) 17.00 96.00 10.00 ~ 391 11

KR rI~ANI TW(24.00) 6.00 27.00 2.00 ~~ 392 17

KR PIHJllH 2.00 PC(197.00),TW(i.00) 12.00 27.00 11.00 om7liq 393 18

KR PIHANI GC(13.00),TW(18.0D) 31. 00 79.00 8.00 .,00 394 17

PR SHAHABI\D EAG 3.00 TW(113.00),TWE(15.00) 16.00 6.00 16.00 Rm 395 B

396 KR SHAHABAD EAG TW(34.00),TWE(24.00) 5.00 7.00 5.00 ~

KR KSHAHABAO EAG 2.00 TWI46.00),TWEIIO.OO) 30.00 8.00 9.00 ~ 397 8

KR SHAHABAD ED TWI39.00) 13.00 24.00 9.00 'lTTffi~ 398 8

PR 3HAIlABAD ED, EAG TWE(211.00) ,TK(48.00) 67.00 49.00 c3.00 fmilA'''I''R 399 8

PR SHAHABAD TW(49.00) 15.00 10.00 6.00 ~ 400 8

KR SHAHABAD ED TW(66.00),TK(6.00) 9.00 14.00 7.00 .~~ 401 9

KR SHAHABAD ED,EAG TWE(100.00) ,TK(11.00) 41.00 3.00 11.00 402 9 ~

KR SHAHABAD TW(50.00) 10.00 5.00 8.00 403 11 ~

KR SHAHABAD EAG 6.00 TW(i.OO) ,TWE(202.00) 21.00 31.00 17.00 404 14 ~

KR SHAHA8AD TW(84.00J,TK(22.00) 9.00 13.00 7.00 ~ 405 10

KR SHAHABAD 2.00 ·tW(104.00),TK(25.00) 55.00 29.00 13.00 406 11 ~

KR SHAHABAD 1.00 TW (135.00) 27.00 52.00 6.00 407 14 ~ 2 3 10 ------~------408 Bhadevna 481. 00 1661 ~ (1 I C~C(ll,101 (3031

409 Bhadevni 116. DO 436 -I-51 CHW 111 W,HP -(-51 -(-5) -(5-101 (731

410 Rasoolpur 67.00 232 -1-5) CHW (11 W,HP -(-5) -I-51 -(5-10) (28 )

------U - 0 ------411 Dharampur 48 :00 N I N H A B I T E "'~ ------

412 Amirta n 82 .. 00 775 P 11) CHW(ll ,W,HP -(5-10) -{-51 - (>10) (121)

413 Fai zullapur cJ 165.00 294 - (-5) CHW (1 I W,RE' -(5-10) - (-51 - (>10) (42)

414 Baraunia J 111. 00 369 -1-5) CHW(l) ,\;,H~ -(-5) -(-51 BS (601

415 Kapoorpur Bahoran C 126.00 515 Pili CHW 111 W,HP -(-5) - (-5) BS ( 97)

'. /' 416 Todarpur Cl 433.00 2541 P12) ,M(3) ,HIl) ~HC{ll,PHSI1I,CHW(2) W,HP ~o -{5-101 -(-51 (4 4 9) PUe(11

417 Kothila Saraiya 248.00 1266 ~ 11 I,M (1') PHS 111 ,CHW 111 W,H~ -(5-10) -I-51 -{-51 ( 216)

418 Bari l39.od 828 P (1) CHW{ll W,HP -(5-10) 'fHU,SAT -(-5) (148)

419 Bakshipur 155.00 690 Pll) CHW 111 W,HP -1-5) - {-51 -(-5) {1341

420 SaidplJr 390d}0 1458 P {ll CHW{ll W,HP -(-5) -(-51 BS (250)

421 Sikandarpur Bazar J 530:00 2687 P (4 I,M (I) CHW{l) W,H~ -(-5) MaN, E"RI -(-51 (453)

422 Umrauli' ,'] 473.00 2331 p{31,M(2) PHS {I I ,CHW 11 I W,HP po MaN, FRI -(5-10) (398)

423 Pothwa 0 164.00 451 P {II CHW {1 I W,HP - (-5) - (-51 -(5-10) (8S1

424 Kankohri 0 53.00 ------U N - I N H A B r TED ------"'~

425 Lalpur 0 65.00 218 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) - (5-10) (34 )

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh b') ------~------_------11 12 13 U 15 16 17 1>3 ------_------PR :: H..:'_]~ .n_3:'_D W,EriG ~.oq T~(244.00),TWE(23.00) I1l.00 36.00 :.?'3.00 <$AT 408 TK(37.00)

KR Sii.'crl3riD ,TW,(79.00) ,TWEI3.00) 19.00 4.00 ;1.00 $;It 409 17

KR SBAEP.3riD 'rW(43.00) 20.00 1. 00 3.00 410 16 ~

KR SHAHABAD TW(20.00),TWE(8.00) 15.00 2.00 l.00 411 15 T,K(2.00) ~

KR SHAHABAD TW(SI.00),TK(11.00) 6.00 5.00 9.00 31fimrr 412 14

KR SP.AP.ABASD W(19.00) ,TW(35.00) 67.00 15.00 18.00 '.~ 413 14 TWE (7 .00) ,TK(4. 00)

KR SHAHrlBAD 6.00 TW(67.00) 17.00 11.00 :0.00 'R'tf;:rlrr 414 10

PR SHAfI.A3AED ED GC(56.00),TW(9.00) 15.00 13 .00 33.00 ~~ 415 10

PR SHAHABAD ED l. 00 GC(213.00),TW(24.00) 26.00 87.00 81.00 ~ 416 14 TK(1.00)

PR SHAHBAD ED 6.00 GC(2.00) ,TW(l43.00) 35.00 24.00 30.00 'Iitfu<.;rr-.rt

PR Slli'.HABAD 2.00 GC(4.00) ,TW(31.00) 33.00 17.00 23.00 ifTit 418 14 TWE(25.00),TK(4.00)

KR Slli'.Hl'.BAD GC(77 .00) ,TWI2.00) 33.00 23.00 20.00 419 13 ~

PR SHAHABAD ED 3.00 GC(167.00),TW(41.00) 74 .00 58.00 46.00 420 13 TK(l.OO) ~

KR SHAHABAD GC(139.00),TW(50.00) 85.00 14 7.00 80.00 ~~ 421 15 L(29.00)

PR SHAHABAD ED 10.00 GC(249.00),TW(3.00) 27.00 138.00 46.00 ~ 422 18

KR Slli'.HABAD GC(42.00),TW(18.00) 27.00 58.00 19.00 'lTocu 423 16

KR SHAHABAD TW(15.00) 7.00 25.00 6.00 ~ 424 16

KR SHAHBAD TW(13.00) 10.00 36.00 6.00 425 16 """"F 2 10

------_------~~~--- 426 Peera Mahua 304.00 947 P (1 I cwe ( 1 I , CHW ( 1 I WI HP PO WS[J -(-51 (H51

427 Beehat 107.00 790 -(-51 C"W (" I W,HP - (-5 I - (-51 - (-51 (1301

428 Nevada Satan 64.00 107 -(-51 CHW (1 I 1'1, HP -(-51 - (-51 - (5-101 (221

429 Mohiuddlnpur 185.00 980 P (2) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) - (-5) (188)

430 Madanpur 27.00 -- ... ------U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------"'311CIF;' ------

431 Raipur 4b.00 306 -(-5) CHW (II 1'1, HP - (-51 -(-51 -(-51 (50)

432 Salempur 80.00 903 P 11) CHW (II W,HP - (-51 - (-5) - HI (128)

433 Kamalpur 330.00 1064 Pill CHW (11 W,HP - (-51 -(-51 -(-5) (1831

434 Deomalpur 70.00 111 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (20)

435 Masfana 172.00 777 P( 11 CHW (II W,HP -(-5) -(-51 -(5-10) ( 146)

436 Binnha 88.00 448 - (-5) CHW (1 I W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (68 )

437 Kapoorpur Shahzade 57.00 197 -I-51 CHW(11 W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (43)

Total : 30284.00 120191 P(93) ,M(30) H(21,CWC(5) 20938 H ( 2) , PUC ( 1 ) PHC(41,PHS(23) D( 1), CHW (110) 0(31 13 14 :'6 17 ------_------KR .:; ~.:.:j.::.3.:·J ~D,E.'\G :'W : S8 • ~ 0: , ~'~Jr: : J . CG, 97.00 133.00 13.00 1l'm ll'[3lT 426 --

KR .3:';.:1h).3';: 12.00 GC(32.00) ITW{ll.OO) 16.00 22.00 12.00

KR S f:}':·.HI~ 9~.D GC(39.00) 13.00 7.00 5.00 mW<'R 428 l~

PR SHAHABI'.D ED GC(106.001,TW(19.00) 12.00 37.00 11.00 429 1'0 ~

?R SHAHABAD GC(11.00},TW(I.00} 4.00 8.00 3.00 430 15 ~

KR 8111111111l1lJ) GC(15.00},TW(2.00) 2.00 10.00 11. 00 431 10 ~

KR SHAHABAD GC(35.00) ,W(lS.QO) 5.00 10.00 1 f,. 00 432 15 ~

PR SHAHABAD ED 1.00 GeI8.00) ,TW(142.00) 53.00 87.00 39.00 433 18 CIiI!Tl'f1F

KR SEAHABAD GC(21.00),TW(6.00) 11.00 20.00 8.00 434 17 TK(4.00) ~

KR SHAHABAD ED GC(15.00),TW(25.00) 34.00 83.00 12.00 ~ 435 16 TK(3.00)

KR SHAHABAD GC(32.00),TK(4.00) 29.00 14.00 9.00 ~ 436 ,FP 16

KR SHAHABAD TW(19.00),TWE(9.00) 20.00 6.00 3.00 lliW~ 437 16

~: 226.00 GC(8121.00),PC(197.00) 3787.00 5864.00 2566.00 W(43.00),TW(6765.00) TWE(2419.00),TK(267.00) L(29.00) 1991~ 1991 CENSUS iO ;;r.;WMifllCi AMENITIES AND District Name : Hardoi ------_ ------_ ------_ ------_ ------1lT'fil~;;r.;~ - r,*1lT'film...r~::nffknT~(-)M'IlI"t<);~1lT'f~f-;rrr::ft,m .. 5-IOf.m.llCi 100f.m. 'fihrr=~iI~'1'ftkl Amenities Available - [If not available withln the village, a dash (-) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10· Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is available has been given. J

~ 1lT'f'IiT'ITI! 1lT'f'IiT¥f 0iM~ ~ tfr-i'IiT'II'ft Si1IiaiK ;n;;m-Im: 'liT mm-~ ..m-::i. llCi~ :1 (tfr-i..nr.r) 'tM 'If<;

C.D. Block Pihani [ Tahsil Shahabad

438 Sakara 0 219.00 719 P (1) CHWll) W,HP - (5-10) - (-5) - (-5) (Ill)

439 Rari 0 324.00 971 P (1) CHW (1) W - (-5) TUE, f"RI - (-5) 1187)

440 Bandraha 'C 470.00 2776 P11) CHW(l) W,HP PO WED, SAT -1-5 ) (5031

441 Kunwarpur Baghela CJ 279.00 1005 P(l) CHW(ll W,HP - (-5) - (-5) 8S (164 )

442 Saravar 464.00, 1590 P(ll ,M(l)' CHW(l) W,HP PHONE - (-5) -(-5) (2841

443 Mahmoodpur Khurd 88.00 262 - (-5) CHW(l) Ii,HP - (5-10) -1-5) - (-5) ( 43)

444 Sahijana 452.00 l866 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -15-10) ( 343)

445 Santraha 0 246.DO 751 P(l) MWC ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (5-10) ( 138)

446 Korigawan 0 514.00 2182 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) WED,SAT -(5-10) (434 ) " 447 Baherma C 100.00 441 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (70)

448 Jal.alpur 0 117.00 280 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) ( 48)

449 Del Pandarwa 0 165.00 741 P(l) CHW(l) W, HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (125 )

------_ .. ------_ .. ------_.. ------_ .. -_ .. ------_ .. ------Census Directorate, Ut tar Pradesh w:r~ VILLAGE DIRECTOR I , 'lfi:r"lllinT 7/ LAND USE

fur;;f W = .;mrli ------~------'lfi:r"lllinT Land Use (~ • .,f...~tl?J'" -=

w:roq:; ~l ~~ -.r.n-'lfi:r ~~ m;i. (f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 ------_. ,I "


KR SHAHABAD GC(~0.00),TW(156.00) 18.00 15.00 22.00 'ffit 439 ,FP 24 TK (1.3 .00)

PR,KR SHAHJAHANPUR ED,EAG ,TI'/(163.00) ,TWE(l36.00) 113.00 2.00 54.00 ~ 440 30 TK(2.00)

PR,KR SHAHJAHANPUR GC(82.00),TW(80.00) 70.00 4.00 43.00 ~~ 441 35

KR SHAHJAHANPUR ED,EAG TWE(140.00),TK(12.00) 125.00 154.00 33.00 ,WllR 442 , FI? 35

KR S HAHJAHAN PUR TW(29.00),TWE(11.00) 16.00 22.00 7.00 443 , FI? 31 0(3.00) ~~

KR SHAHJAHANPUR ED, EAG TW(140.00),TWE(12.00) 125.00 108.00 67.00 ~ 444 , FP 35

KR PIHANI ED,EAG 27.00 GC(75.00),TWE(34.00) 20.00 36.00 44.00 ~ 445 , FP 20 0·(10.00)

KR SHAJAHANPUR ED,EAG TW(135.00),TWEI50.00) 71.00 86.00 164.00 ~ 446 , FP 36 0(8.00)

KR JANGBAHADURGANJ GC(50.00),TW(13.00) 17.00 2.75 17.25 ~ 447 2

KR PIHANI GC(19.00),TW(28.00) 54.00 7.48 8.52 448 22 ~

PR PIHANI GC(11.00) ,TW(52.00) 49.00 19.30 33.70 ~¢mr 449 22 2 10 ------_------450 Mahmoodpur Bhagat 140.00 458 -(-5) CHW (1: W,HP - (-5) -(-:..) -1-5) (92 )

451 Harlharpur: 89.00 481 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (82 )

452 Saidapur 150.00 373 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -1-5) - (-5) (61 )

453 Jarauna 362.00 1570 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-s) BS (292)

454 Kunwarpur Baseet 334.00 1214 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP PO WED,SUN BS 1215)

455 Raigai 596.00 2708 P (2), M(1) MHC (1) ,CWC (1) , PHC (1) W,HP PO,TO MON,FRI - (-5) (502) PHS (1) ,NH (1) ,CHW (1)

456 Bari 688.00 1185 P (1) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (212)

457 Abdulla Nagar 1058.00 4573 p(2) ,Mil) ,H(l) PHS (1), CHW (1) W,'HP PO,TO TUE,THU BS (884 ) PUC(l) SAT

458 Ambari 233.00 1409 P (1) CHW(l) W;HP TO -(-5) BS (226)

459 Dhamapur 183.00 750 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -15-10) - (-5) -1-5) 1106)

460 Deomalpur 26g.00 676 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) (129)

401 Hannpasigawan 174. 00 1045 P (1) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) ,W,HP - (-5) MON,THU BS (200)

462 Mahrnoodpur Saraiyan ~ 476.00 3184 P (1) CHW (1) ,w" ~P - (-5) WED -(-5) (544)

I 463 Pipri IJ 83.00 437 P (1) CHW (1) W, HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (73)

464 Bhethua C' 101.00 687 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (171)

465 Jahani Khera '1 176.00 313 P (1), M(1) PHS (1), CHW (1) '. W/HP PO DI\ILY RS (59)

466 Darra iJ 209.00 835 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS (127 )

467 Sindauriya 69.00 429 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (59)

Census Dlrectorate, Uttar Pradesh /3 ------

11 ~ - 13 14 15 lti 17 ------_------_------\IJ KR J;:'lIGBAH.J..:;: RG.:l... GC(88.CC) ,T',J(12.J8: 13.00 11. 56 1 .44 ~"f1lR 450

PR E.i!:Hr>.NI ED GC(70.00) 5.00 0.50 13 .5U 451 16 ~

PR PlHANl GC173.00J ,TW(20.00) 25.00 10.35 21. 65 452 20 ~

PR PIIII\NI GC(263.00J 42.01) 11. 42 4!J.513 ~ 453 16

PR PlHANI ED GC(217 .OOJ 50.00 21.85 45.15 454 14 ¥WornTG

KR PI HAN I ED GC(380.00),TW(26.00J 163.00 5.67 21. 33 ~ 455 17

KR i? ~ tlA..'J l GCI15.00),TWII08.00) 111.00 115.10 304.90 .m 456 16 TWE(32.00),TK(2.00)

57.48 29.52 457 PR,KR PIKANl ED,EAG 1.00 GC(400.00J,WE(2.00) 200.00 ~ 12 TWI316.00J,TWE(48.00J TK(4.00)

PR PIHANI ED,EAG GC(100.00),TWEI38.00) 30.00 39.00 26.00 ~ 458 1S

KR PI HAN I TW(89.00) 40.00 36.00 18.00 459 15 lW!T'i<

PR rfllilNf TW(RO.IlO) 1~7.00 32.00 30.00 ~ 460 l~

PR PIHANI 1.00 GC(69.00),TWI36.00) 35.00 28.00 15.00 ~ 461 18

KR PI HAN I ED,EAG GC(170.00J,TWEI163.00) 62.00 40.00 41.00 ~;Wu 462 16

KR PI HAN I GC(70.00) 4.00 9.00 0.00 fi:l'Rl 463 16

KR PI HAN I GCI60.00J,TWI23.00) 8.00 6.00 4.00 464 16 ~

PR SHAHJAHANPUR ED,EAG 1.00 TWE(38.00) 45.00 62.00 30.00 ~~ 465 21

PR PlHANI GC (47 .00), TW112. 00) 91.00 43.00 14 .00 ;mr 466 14 0(2.00)

KR PlHANI GC(10.00),TWI15.00J 27.00 11.00 6.00 fOOft

468 Manikapur 179.00 894 ~ (1) ,M I 1) PHS(l),CHW(l),O(l) W,HP PO TUE, s.;;,r BS ( 156)

469 ~aharpur 21.00 155 - 1-5) CHWll) W,HP -(-S) - (-5) - (-5) (28 )

470 Hajipur 53.00 387 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-S) -(-S) -(-5) (81)

471 Salernpur 59.00 585 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-S) -(-S) -(-5) (103)

472 Bul

473 Mooseypur [J 67.00 48 -(-S) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-S) (5)

474 Anjana [] 82.00 296 -(-S) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -15-10) -(S-10) (S6)

415 ~eerpur 122.00 909 Pill PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W, HP -[-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 141)

476 Babakkarpur [J 51. 00 193 -(-5) CHW (l) W, HP - (-5) -[5-10) -(5-10) (24 )

411 Shahpur Shukul 55.00 341 - I-S) CHW I l) W, HP - (-5) -15-10) -(S-10) [68)

418 Bharona 160.00 64S P [1) CHW (l) W,HP - (-5) -IS-10) -(S-10) ( 100)

117.00 2112 P (2) CflW I 1) w, HP -(-5) -1-5) - (-5) (360)

4~0 Jajupara 238.00 1561 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (307)

481 Muridpur [I 249.00 U N - I N H A BIT E D ------

482 Usrnanpur [] 224.00 769 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (143)

483 Darngarha II 142.00 8S4 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (161)

484 Baddapur [] 130.00 636 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-S) - (-5) (114 )

485 Saadat Nagar 512.00 2726 P(l) ,M(l) MWC(l),MHC(l),CWC(l) W,HP PO MON,WED BS ( 438) PHCll),PHS(l),CHW(l) FRI 0(1)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 12 13 14 15 1n 17 18 ------~------KR PI:-L::"~lI SD 2.00 GC{I:".OO) 23.00 12.00 13.00 468 16 ~

KR ~I!-i:;..~a GC(ZZ,OO) 1.00 1. 00 3,00 469 15 ~

KR PIHANI GC(34.00) 11.00 3.00 5.00 470 IS ~

KR PIHNII GC(50.00) 6.00 3.00 0.00 .~ 471 15

KR P[Hl\tr[ TWI32.DD),O(3.00) 65.00 40.00 9.00 472 ~ 1"

KR PI HAN I TW 17 . 00) , TWE 12 .00) 27.00 16.00 11.00 473 16 O{4.00) W

KR PI HAN I GC,142. 00) 10.00 4.87 25.13 ~ 474 17

KR PlHANI GCI93.00) 10.00 2.S0 16.S0 ~ 475 14

476 rP PI HAN I "'GC{45.00) 1.00 0.16 4.S4 ~ IS

8.99 477 KR PlHANI GC(30.00),TW{3.00) 12.00 1. 01 ~Wffi 15

KR I?IJ-r.ANI t;;C{llS.OO) 16.00 26.40 2.60 478 15 •

KR PIHANI GC(257.00),TW{16.00) 76.00 60.00 8.00 479 13 ,~.31T

'GC;{7(].00) 480 PR PlHANI ED 113.00 36.S0 lS.50 ~ 11

PR PIHANI TWI25.00) 184.65 29.35 10.00 481 11 ~

KR PIHANI GCI!41.00) ,TWI9.00) 40.00 16.00 18.00 482 11 ~

KR PlHANI GC(78.00),TW(17.00) 45.00 0.00 0.00 ~ 483 13 TKI2.00)

KR PlHANI EAG GCI48.00),TW(21.00) 40.00 8.00 8.00 484 10 TWEl3,OO),TK(2.00) ~

PR PI HAN I ED GCI81.00),TWI116.00) 214.00 21.27 19.73

487 Gauria 134.00 460 P (1) ,I'.C (1) CHW (I) 'W, HP -(-5) -(-5) BS ( 77)

488 Kaimpur 109.00 579 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 105)

489 Dateonapur 105.00 593 P(l) ,M(l) ,ACIl) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (102)

490 Nari Khera ,1,79.00 895 PIl) ,AC(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) BS ( 150)

491 Newada 166.00 558 P(l) ,AC(l) CHW(l) "W, HP -(-5) - (-5) BS (105) : , 492 Rabha [1 1046.00 5369 Pill ,M(l) ,AC(l) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1) W,TK,TW PO,TO mI, SUN BS (1055) HP,R

493 Sarehjoo [J 511.00 2404 P(l) ,ACIl) CHW(l) W, TK, TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) (445) HP,R

494 Mahelia Khera C< 144.00 838 -(-5) CHW(l) " N~TK,TW -(-5) - (-5) BS (143) HP,R

495 Bazid Nagar 849.00 3109 P (1) ,M ( 1) , AC ( i) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,TK,TW -(-5) - (-5) BS (531) HP,R,C

496 Mahmood Bagh 140,00 134 - (-5) CHW(l) W, TK, TW -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (30) HP,R

497 Khizar Nagar ' 66.00 482 PIl ) CHW(l ) W,Hl? - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (93)

498 Magrapur 16~.00 708 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (104)

499 Rasoolpur L' 923.00 2875 P(2) MWC (1) ,CHW ( 1) , a (11 W,HP PO TUE,SAT -(-5) (514)

500 Bahadur Nagar C 189.00 854 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 138)

501 Kotra LJ 245.00 1252 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (247)

502 Bhiria II 122.00 471 PIl) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (98)

503 Amtalia 0 46.00 109 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (21)

------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 17

11 13 14 1~ 16 17 1~ ------~-~--'------KR P IH •.:llJ L GC(36.00) ,T'f/(eS.GO) 1"7.00 6.81 .11,j_9 'RT~ 486 '" TK.tl2.00)

PR !lAEuor ED GC(f,I,.GO) j(J.OO 6.46 "/ . S I~ 487 30 ~

KR SHE,HJF.HMIPIJR 'GC('17.60) ,0(20.00) 24.00 30.00 17.40 488 36 ~

KR 3HAHJAHI'.NPIJR GC(68.00) 26.00 9.33 l. 67 '~ 489 36

f'R HAP, DO I GCI149.00) 20.00 ~.55 4.45 'llit~ 490 36

PR HARDOI GC(35.00),TWI40.00) 78.00 8.19 4.81 491 35 m

KR HAHDOI ED,EAG GCI221.00),TW(142.00) 44~.00 3.59 1 jF) .11 ~ 4 ';~ 35 TWE(35.00)

KR HARDOI ED,EAG GC(i2.50) ,TW~(13·I.OO) L~'I . Oll 0.64 bj.do mq 493 35

PR HARDOI GC(48.00) ,TW(12.00) 69.00 0.64 11.36 Ilfu

PH 'lAHDOI ED,EAG GC (92.94) ,TW(332 .00) 310.00 2.00 80.81 ~'i"R 495 3D TWE(31.25)

KR HAHDOI W(1.00) ,TW(16.00) 32.00 20.34 24.66 ~iIfTT 496 28 TWE(46.00)

KR PlHANI GC(35.88),TWI17.80) 10.29 1.21 0.00 ~ 497 7 TKI0.82)

KR PIHANI GC(110.32),TW(30.25) 10.39 6.72 10.32 498 7 'l1Rl'F

KR PlHANI 0.95 GCI11.7B),WE(25.49) 489.88 305.37 86.81 499 ,FP 14 TK(2.72) ~

KR PIHANI TW(120.00),TWE(28.00) 22.20 10.80 8.00 500 13 ~

KR PlHANI GC(7.85) ,TW(21.55) 120.00 0.62 94.98 ~ 501 7

KR PIHANI GCI76.17) 32.44 2.32 11. 07 ~ 502 7

KR PIHANI GC(IG.50) ,TW(l.lO) 19.11 3.00 6.29 ~ 503 I 3 10 ------_-----_------_------_------_------504 Rajuapur 373.00 1515 P{l) ,M{l) PHS(l) ,CHWIl) W,HP PO, PHONE TUE,SAT -(-5) (274 )

505 Lahar Khera 60.00 442 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (82)

506 Hindu Nagar Chirahul~ 408.00 1096 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (201)

507 Kulhawar 131. 00 418 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (77)

508 Urdahiya 90.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D -_------'" 3ll'ITG

509 Dahelia 404.00 3812 P(l ) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) 1'1, HP PO WED,SAT -(-5) (653)

510 Kangaiya [j 33.00 196 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) BS (17 )

511 Pataun Misra U SO.OO 357 - (-5) CHW Il) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (59)

512 Barkheria [j 92.00 411 P (11 CHW(ll W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (64 )

513 Chathia Buzurg J 124.00 425 P(ll CHW(ll W,HP -(-51 -(-51 -(-5) (104 )

514 Pandarwa 329.00 3110 P(ll ,M(ll ,H(l) PHS (l) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO WED,SAT BS (516 ) AC(l)

515 Kursanda 173.00 614 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) " (102)

t,l t, :~h;Jhp'Jt :;'Ji'j'J '; J I . r;() 1 S03 P (1) eHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (270)

517 Nipan~a 0 146.00 742 PIl) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1 ) W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (121)

518 Kunwarpur Prithivi Ne 41.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------'" 3ll'ITG

519 Nardhira L! 276.00 1267 PIl) CHW (11 W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (227 )

520 Harrai Pipri [' 280.00 588 P Il) ,AC (1) CHW (11 W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (107 )

521 Ismailpur II 61. 00 226 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-1-()) ( 42)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------it, n H 11 1', 1 ~ 1", ------_._------504 TN(:' .05), TL'J( 1n-,]. 1:) :3)-<.3' 1 '1.:0 ~ :. 10 KR P ll!.~ ~ ~ . ~3lPF

505 '';IJ.f)() 1).00 I. ilO KR PI J!f\,'J I r~A(, 'fW (15.00) , 'I'Wf, ( 10. I)[J) ~

506 40.00 76.27 22.25 KR PIHANI EAG 3.48 TW(152.00},TWE(114.0D) ~"'I'R~ 12

507 85.51 J.75 8.12 KR prHANI GC ( 18 . 12) , TW ( 15 . ,O) ~ 7 508 33.25 2.20 8.65 ~ KR PIHJl.NI GC(30.40},TW(15.50} 7

108,76 2.76 90.22 Gfuzrr 509 KR PIHANI ED,EAG GC(l47 ,40) ,WE (O.26) 6 TWE(54.60} tjl0 11. 77 0.00 j .64 ~ PH H.;"COI GC(3.90} ,TW(15.69} 30 511 25.94 8.00 4.25 tffiRftrm KR HARDOI GC(6.30},TW(35.51} 32 512 45.34 3.43 0.00 ~ KR HARDOr TW (43.23) 33 513 48.00 15.00 7.70 "

17.40 13.00 13.60 ~ 511 KR PIHANI GCnoz.OO} 5

18.32 1. 75 2.68 .::~~"l1"f 518 KR PI HAN I GC(7 .80) ,TW(lO.45} 5

30.00 66.75 72.25 ;ffiIm 519 PR PIHANI ED GC(85.00),TW(22.00} 5

49.56 12.88 60.96 520 PR PlHANI GC(148.70),TW(6.20) mm TK(1.70}

521 10.00 5.50 2.50 PEl. PI HAN I EAG GC(29.00),TWE(14.00} ~ 8 ------______• ______~ ______M

" 1 10 _____ ~ ______~---- ______M 522 Nizampur 131. 00 371 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (70)

523 Aintha Khera '148.00 416 -(-5) CHW(l) ~,HP -(5-10) -(5-:0) -(5-10) ( 68)

I' 524 Itara 1088.00 3053 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) ( 486)

525 Patras 175.00 828 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW ( 1) W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (124)

526 Sahora :_J 128.00 202 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (39)

527 Bijgawan 464.00 1811 P (1) ,M (1) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW (1 ) W,HP PO TUE,SUN - (5-10) (310)

528 Rasoolapur 383.00 869 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (113)

529 Tavakkalpur J 34,7.00 1680 P (1) CHW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (301)

530 Jamuhi 266.00 1334 P (1) CHW(l) 1'1, HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (237)

531 Rampur Kora U 661. 00 1982 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (377)

532 Ahemi 'J 447.00 1589 P (2) ,M (2) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) WED, SAT BS (315)

533 Simaur 453.00 1616 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) BS (281 )

~34 E-anddra 1'1,.00 651 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (125)'

535 Hasnapur Grant 0 27.00 105 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (20)

536 Samthari 191. 00 1015 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (123)

537 Chandeli 0 688. 00 2519 P(l) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO MON,THU -(-5) (428)

538 Machheta [1 97.00 361 - (-5) CHW(I) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (53)

539 Sarora Q 79.00 315 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (49)

Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 9) ------~------_----- 11 :"2 13 14 15 16 17 13 ------_------~------PR P'::r.:-:.:'.N1 El'.G GC(19.00),TW(36.00) 34.00 6.39 3.61 ,'~ 522 TWE(32.0Q)

523 KR p IH;~< 1 TW(62.00),TWE(1.00) 31.00 ]0.00 23.00 itor~ TK (1. 00)

KR PIHANI ED,EAG 4.00 TW(229.00),TWE(38o.00) 186.00 144.00 105.00 ~ 524 3 TK (40.00)

KR PIHl\NI GC~60.00),TW(35.00) 24.00 ]5.45 20.55 1f<'Rrn 525 7 of PlHANJ 0.20 GC(80.00),TW(5.00) 12.00 11.71 19.09 m;1u 526 13

KR PIHANI ED '(;Ct250.00) ,TW(l23.00) 17 .00 4.00 0.00 fu;;rrrqT 527 12 TWE(50.00),TK(20.00)

OP PInANI El\G GC(12.00),TW[88.00) 143.00 15.36 8. "~ ~ S28 11 TWE,(13.00) ,TK(3.00)

';.00 529 KR PIHANI EAG GC(57.00) ,TW(46.00) 175.00 2.00 ~ 8 ' T7dI; ( 60 .00)

KR PIHANI EAG TW i1,08. 00) ,TWE (28.00) 74.00 0.24 55.76 ~ 530 4

KR PIHANI 73.23' GC(iS6.15) 300.00 38.00 63.62 W!'F~ 531 , FP 12

PR,KR PIHMI ED,EAG GC(72.00) ,TW(12o.o0) 116.00 27.00 52.00 ~ 532 9 TWE [60.00)

PR,KR PlHANI 38.71 GC(118.00),WE(70.61) 145.72 40.00 8.86 fuJ:ltt 533 4 TW(2B.B9),TK(2.21)

KR PIHANI GC(13.37) ,TW(50. 78) 60.50 1. 65 52.70 ~ 534 , FP 6

KR PIHANI TW(13. DO) 5.00 7.00 2.00 ~lR 535 , FP 10

KR PlHANI EAG TWE[59.22) 54.68 60.00 17.10 ~ 536 , FP 7

KR PlHANI ED,EAG GC(108.00),TWE(SO.00) 220.00 113.00 167.00 ~ 537 ,FP 8

KR PlHANI TW(51.00i 30.17 6.83 9.00 IRfflr 538 9

KR PIHANI W(O.02),TW(28.14) 20.18 16.00 9.48 t$r 539 8 TWE[4.14) ,TK(1.04)

------_. 3 10 ------_. 540 Sujauli 61.00 132 -(-5) CHVI III W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (22)

541 Amirta Chauki 289.00 1338 P (1) CHW il) W, HP -(-5) -(-5 ) -(-5) (248)

542 Barhaiya Khera 82.00 237 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 59)

543 Pihani Dehat 891.00 677 -(-5) CHVI (ll W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (124)

544 Lodhna Khera 60.00 299 - (-5) CHW (1) HP,C -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (56)

545 Santarha 161.00 473 - (-5) PHS (1) ,CHW(I) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (98 )

546 Chhataiya ." 213.00 1048 P (1) PHS{l) ,CHW(I) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (163)

547 Karim Nagar 764.00 3153 P (1) PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (457)

548 Jalalpur 85.00 359 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (69 )

549 Hariharpur 79.00 425 -(-5) CHWll) W,HP -1-5) - 1-5) -(-5) (80)

550 Kuiyan 'J 164.00 1067 P (1) PHS 11), CHW 11) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) BS (188)

551 IJmarsenda 588.00 2654 P (I), Mil) PHS 11) ,CHW 11) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 1432)

552 IJchaul '::05.00 l422 P (1) CllW 11) W,HP PO -1-5) -(-5) (242)

553 Fatteypur [! 115.00 413 -(-5) CHW (1) W', HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) ( 71)

554 Mansoor Nagar ." 925.00 3678 P(2) ,M(2) PHC (I) , PHS (1) ,CHW ( 1') ,W, HP PO TUE, SAT -(-5) (646)

555 Para 0 62.00 198 -(-5) CHW (I) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (30)

556 Barkhera Grant U 59.00 251 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP" - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (31 )

557 Arua C 735.00 2637 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS (479)

------_------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 1..>'-" ------:1 .. :-' ~ -! :'5 .l..r, l ., ------_------KR PIY..[\.J1T Trlf(3:.12) lE.1D i1. 00 ..__.~S

PH rU\ffliI EI\r.; l. b 7 UC(J·1.','I) , W(O.lJ) f :. : J >!.DO ." 3ll1lmT 'Gl

PR PI HAt II EAG GC(10.00),TW(27.00) 12.00 1. 00 ::'.00 ~~ 542 TWE(30.00)

KR PlUMlI 19.54 GCI407.00) ,TW(20.00) 43.cl 24.00 :::4.25 fIm;ft~ 543 1 TWE(353.00)

KR PIHANI GC(49.00) 8.00 1. 00 :2.00 ~~ 544 3

KR PlHAtII EAG GCI5.00),TWE(60.00) 20.18 43 .00 27.82 ,li

KR PIHANl GCI70.00),TW(30.00) SO.OO 23.00 :0.01] ~ 546 " PR PlHANI ED,EAG GC(300.00),TW(83.00) 168.00 ~9.00 04.00 ~ 547 4 TWE(100.00)

KR PIHANI EAG TW(1.37) ,TWE(S1.35) 11.00 17.23 4.05 548 5 ~

PR PlHANI EAG TW (40.04) ,TWE (9.92) 17.00 7.12 4.92 549 6 ~

550 PR PlHANI ED TW(94.S0) 39.00 20.00 10.S0 ~ 5

KR PlHANI ED 7.83 GC(157.00),W(1.00) 124.00 126.00 160.17 ~ 551 8 TW(lO.OOI,TK(2.00)

PR PlHANI EAG TWE(100.00),O(109.51) 90.00 82.48 123.01 ~ 552 10

KR Pr::1[Bl:[&:[A TWE(30.00),O(21.38) 18.55 27.16 17.91 553 11 ~

PR PlHANI ED,EAG,EO TWE(300.00) ,0(190.00) 170.00 142.20 122.80 ~"'I'T{ 554 11

KR PlHANI EAG TWE(10.56),OI10.28) 31. 7 6 6.63 2.77 1lRT 555 10

KR PlHANI TWE(10.00),O(lS.76) 25.24 7.00 1. 00 omiuJR: 556 11

PR PlHANI EAG 31.59 TWE(300.00),OI67.32) 265.00 33.85 37.24 3Ri3!T 557 11 VI

5 10

558 Bhiti Newada 2'0,G.00 1093 P (1) CHW(l) 1'1, HP -(-5) - : -5) -(-5) (198)

559 Puraila '109.00 544 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (90 )

560 Bilhari 158.00 731 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS ( 133)

561 Nedura 278.00 1447 P(l) CHW(l) W, HP -(5-10) - (-5) -(-5) (250)

562 Bela Kapoorpur :: 412.00 1561 P (1) PHS ( 1) ,CHW ( 1) W, HP (10+ ) -(10+) - (-5) (283)

Total ; 33489.00 135590 P(88) ,M(17) MCW(3) ,MH(2) 23926 H (2) , PUC (1) cwe (2), PHC (3) AC(9) PHS (26), NH (1) CHW (122),0 (3) ------13 lS 17 11 ------8').00 21. 57 1~.J9 558 KR F:::;':/''.lII.. TWE(20.0D),C:bJ.~J: ..nm:'rmGr =-1

14.79 12.54 9.80 559 KR P?J:b:'.il: TWE:(.O.87) ,TK(3.00) 'fr<'rr 0(28.00)

17.97 560 PR PIE;'}II TWE(55.26),O(36. 15) 38.63 9.99 ~ ~

15.16 561 KR PI Hi'.NI TWE(BB.64),O(88.00) 50.20 36.00 ~ 8

107.00 562 KR P1HANI 4.27 Ge(88.aO) ,W(3.00) 100.00 98.73 ~~ 11 TK(3.00) ,0(8.00)

------~--~------217.47 GCI7427.0S),W(6.20) 9149.13 3394.92 3832.27 mer: WE(98.36),TW(45 79.02) TWEI3932.60),TK(163.c4) 0(688.B4)




Q (

, (

G ...... _ 1991~ 1991 CENSUS ;;r;r~uci AMENITIES AND District Name : Hardoi

lI1l[1f~OR~ - r>ril:ll1X!,f"llfmrr~;riT~m-hr(-)l'I'1f.'t"i<;~ll1X!*f;;rcr.ftmQ1'*"mii , ~f

  • ~ ll1X!'IiT'!1l1 ~


    C.D. Block :- Bawan Tahsil Hardoi

    Saurangpur o 550.00 610 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) 8S ( 108)

    SahlJana [) 250. 00 336 P(ll ,Mil) PHS 11 ) , CHW ( 1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) as (76)

    Chandarsipur o 600.00 670 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (ll6)

    Mahreypur 308.00 ll05 P (1) CHWIl) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) ( 195)

    Deopur 97.00 334 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (58)

    Virslnghpur 181. 00 540 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (107 )

    Gadanpur 50.00 ------U N - I N H A 8 I T E D ------"r<~ -_------

    Nagara 19.00 -_------U N - I N H A 8 I T E D ------"r<~ -----_----

    Mahirnapur o 77.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------"r<~ ------

    10 Nayagaon 148.00 ------U N - I N H A 8 I T E 0 ------"r<~ ------

    II Auhadpur La1a 8hup '" 130.00 165 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (5-10) - (5-10) - (-5) (28 )

    12 Jilgaon 201. 00 666 Pill ,M(l) CHW (1) W,HP' - (-5) MON,FRI 8S 193)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 1lTl!~ 'IlLLAGE D!R£CT8!<, 'Ilfq-lI'iTrr LAND USE

    'Ilfq-lI'iTrr Land Use (~'ft1i!;~ -~~~~ffi~f4(-q~i!;GT (l.e. area under dlfferent type of land use in hectares rounded upto two decimal places)


  • 1 LmT "ij;;rr'llfq- ~~ llT'T (l';;.-.ft.iiJ (~Wlf 31l"RE) Approach Nearest Town Power Forest Irrigated Unirngated Culturab1e Area not Name of Village Locat.lon to village and dIstance supply (by source) waste (including available code (lnKms.) gaucher and for No. groves) cultivation
  • 11 13 14 15 16 17 18

    ~~:- q'Jq.[ ~:- ~ PR SANDI TW(60.00) ,0(454.00) 22 .00 9.00 5.00 ~ 27

    PR SANDI ED TW (97.00) ,0 (c. 00) JO.OO 114.00 7.00 ~ ~S

    PR SANDI TW(116.00),O(447.00) 13 .00 7.00 17 .00 27 ~

    PR BARDor TW(110.00),O(3.00) 132.00 43.00 20.00 26 ~

    PR HARDor TW(33.00) 46.00 6.00 12.00 ~ :C4

    PR,KR HARDOr TW(S8.00) 78.00 33.00 12.00 24 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(20.00) 26.00 2.00 2.00 '1G'I'l< 24

    KR HARDOr TW(14.001 3.00 0.00 2.00 "!'1U 23

    KR HARDor TW(46.00) 23.00 2.00 6.00 23 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(6S.00) ,0(2.00) 72.00 3.00 3.00 "I'!T>iior 10 25

    KR SANDI TW(95.00),O(9.00) 8.00 12.00 6.00 _Fm'II'l'I 11 25

    PR SANDI ED TW(108.00) 40.00 40.00 13.00 ~ 12 24 ------3 10 ------BS 13 Shekhpur 166.00 793 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) (108 )

    W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) 14 Sariya ~araspur 169.00 272 - (-5) CHW(l) (44 )

    -(-5) 15 Rampur Lalji 181. 00 587 P (1) CHW (1) W, HP - (-5) -(-5) (88 )

    -(-5) 16 Dharampur ,l 45.00 261 P(1) ~HS Il) , CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) ( 38)

    BS 17 Barsohiya o 496.00 2736 P(Z) ,Mil) PHS (1) ,CHW (l) W,HP PO WED,SAT ( 481)

    -(-5) -(-5) 18 Sanepur 285.00 550 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) (87)

    CHW(l) W, HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 19 ~emapur o 67.00 271 - (-5) (51 )

    CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 20 ~akari 563.00 1571 P(l) ,Mil) (259)

    -(-5) -(-5) 21 Mattipur o 168.00 841 P(Z) ,MIl) CHW 11) W,HP - (-5) ( 176)

    W,HP -1-5) TUE,SAT -(-5) 22 Bajpur Naktaura 367.00 1647 P( 1) CHW(l) 1237 )

    -(-5) - (-5) 23 Dularpur 1450.00 1661 pel) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) 1237)

    24 Pakha lU.OO U N - I N HAW r T E U ------

    - (-5) 25 Paara 98.00 50 P (1) CHWI1) W,HP PO -(-5) (8 )

    -(5-10) 26 Barwan Ahatmali 41.00 2998 ~(2) ,Mil) PHC(l),PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP PO MON,FRI (525) 0(1)

    27 Rampur Chhaiya o 185.00 1070 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) - 1-5) -(5-10) (169)

    28 Rampur Adhaikan 41.00 213 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (25)

    29 Manimau 82.00 531 P(Z) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (87)

    30 Iqbalpur iJ 99.00 63 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -1-5) - (-5) ( 12)

    ------~------~------_. Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11 13 14 l5 16 17 PR S •.:l..N ED TWI>15.00),O[1.0O) 34.00 30.00 [f,.00 ~ 13 ~3

    KR SANDI TWI78.00) ,011.00) 63.00 22.00 5.00

    KR S)'..NJI TWI99.00) ,0(2.00) 54.00 20.00 6.00 ~~" 15 25

    KR SANDI TW(20.00) 18.00 4.00 3.00 16 26 ~

    PR SANDI ED TW(252.00),O(17.00) 121.00 81.00 2S.00 ~ 17 22

    KR SANDI TW(133.00),0(7.00) 80.00 43.00 22.00 18 ?,r) ~

    KR SANDI TW(29.00) 27.00 4.00 7.00 19 26 ~

    KR SANDI TW(201.00),O(11.00) 242.00 81.00 28.00 m 20 26

    KR HARDOI TW(22.00) 116.00 16.00 14.00 ~ 21 25

    KR HARDOr TW(69.00),0(28.00) 166.00 68.00 36.00 ~~ 22 22

    KR HARDOI TW(121S.00),O(90.00) 58.00 72.00 15.00 ,'~ 23 25

    KR HARDOr TW(5.00) 60.00 S1.00 1. 00 'l11lIT 24 25

    KR HARDOr TW(46.00),0(2.00) 35.00 6.00 9.00 'iU 25 25

    KR HARDOr 0(1,.00) 12.00 10.00 18.00 iROR~ 26 27

    KR HARDOr TW(90.00),O(26.00) 29.00 20.00 20.00 ~~ 27 29 " "

    KR HARDOr TW'(26.00) 10.00 1.00 4.00 W!'F~ 28 29

    KR HARDOI , 1:W(45.00) 19.00 4.00 14.00 ~ 29 30

    I 12.00 13.00 30 KR HARDor TW(SO.OO) ,0(9.00) 15.00 ~ 23

    " , ------~------10 ------31 Mlrjapur 10c.00 18 -(-5) CBW(l) W,HP - (-5) - -5) - (-5) (5)

    32 Baghauri 106.00 394 P (1) CHWI1) W,HP - 1-5) -(-5) - 1-5) (71)

    33 Baghauramal 200.00 969 -(-5) CHW I 1) w, HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (162 )

    34 Dauli 88.00 513 P (1), Mil) MWC(1),PHSI1),CHWl1) W,HP -(-5) SAT -(-5) (85)

    35 Garhiya Dilla ,~ 42.00 195 -(-5) CHW II) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (32)

    36 Majhigawan 37.00 280 Pili CHWI1) W,HP -(-5) MON,FRI - (>101 137)

    37 Koliya ,~ 161.00 628 PI l} CHW I 1) W,HP -(-51 MaN, FRI -(5-10) (96)

    38 Mirkapur 67.00 641 P (I) CHWI11 W,HP -1-5) - I -5) -IS-101 (102)

    39 Govindpur IJ 45.00 350 -(-5) CHWIlI " W,HP -(-5) - I-51 -(5-10) ( 47) .. : I

    40 Karanpur 89.00 434 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (70)

    41 Garhiya Jhabbu 29.00 416 - (-51 CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (721

    I' 42 Gangauli 520.00 886 POI CHW(l) W,HP -(-51 -(-51 -(-5) ( 159)

    43 Ituariya 104.00 294 P (l) CHW(l) W, HP - (-51 - (-51 - (-51 (44 I

    44 Kallan Sarai J 69.00 195 - (-51 CHW (ll W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - I-51 (42)

    45 Dudhiya 0 169.00 524 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-51 - (-51 -(-51 11141

    46 Dabhe1iya 11 ~ 95 . 00 399 P (1) CHW(I) W, HP - (-51 - (-51 -(5-10) (90)

    47 Aeja CJ 625.00 2344 P{l) PHS (11 ,CHW ( 1 ) W,HP -(-51 -1-5) -(5-10) (450)

    48 Auhadpur Sakra LJ 294.00 1666 P(l),M(l) CHWl1) W,HP - I-51 FRI -(5-10) (2811

    ------~------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ql ______------7------.------11 14 15 16 17 KR H?F.DO: 'TW(19.00) 21.00 60.00 .00 ~ 31 _ J

    Kl'. HI'.!' III I TW ("(J.OO) ,O( \'J.fJlJ) \3.0U lD.DO 8.0U

    KR H!',RDOI TW(90.00),OI16.00) 32.00 32.00 30.00 ~ 33 22

    KR HAHDU 1 TW(38.00),O(9.00) 7.00 22.00 12,00 34 00 ~

    KR HARDOr 0110.00) 7.00 20.00 ').00 35 ;1-1 ~~

    KR HARDor 0(4 '.00) 7.00 18.00 8,00 ~ 36 23

    KR HA,,~'C; TW(21.00) ,O( 1.00) 32.00 86.00 15.00 ~ 37 23

    KR HA;l,CO' TW(32.00) ,0(13.00) 16.00 3.00 3.00 ~ 38 ~5

    KR HARDor °(19.00) 15.00 7.00 4.00 ~ 39 =3

    KR HARDOr TW(50.00),0(6.00) 10.00 10.00 13.00

    KR HARDor 0(9.00) 9.00 7.00 4.00 -rrWrr~ 41 23

    KR HARDOr TW(231.00),0(31.00) 81. 00 156.00 21. 00 ~ 42 20

    KR HARDOr TW(74.00) B.OO 5.00 17.00 ~ 43 17

    KR HARDOr TW(35.00) ,0(2.00) 11.00 11. 00 10.00 ~tRf!< 44 17

    KR HARDOr TW(90.00),0(4.00) 49.00 12.00 14.00 45 16 ~

    KR HARDO! TW(Bl.00),0(7.00) 35.00 34.00 8.00 ~ 46 25

    KR HARDOr TW(480.00),0[34.00) 57.00 25.00 29.00 ~ 47 25

    KR HARDOr TW(192.00) ,0[5.00) 52.00 10.00 35.00 ~Wli

    50 Andhiyar 81.00 ------U N - r N H A B I T E D ------it<"lT'IlG ------

    51 Baijana 299.00 383 P 11 I CHW 111 W,HP -(5-101 -{S-101 -15-101 (531

    52 Lagwahi 132.00 545 -(-5) CHW{ 1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (88)

    53 Lonar 451. 00 2333 P(21 PHC (1 I , PHS (1) , CHW (11 W,HP PO TUE, SAT BS {4271 0(11

    54 Lakhwa 61.00 308 - (-51 CHW (11 W,HP - (-51 -(-51 -(-5) (58)

    55 Purauri 224.00 1232 P(l) ,M(1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -{-51 BS (188 )

    56 Chandsaura 133.00 6 -(-5) CHW (1) HP - (-s) -(-5) -(-5) ( 1)

    57 Kaden 143.00 44 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (8) {"

    58 Rampur Jatauli 182.00 293 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(>10) (40)

    59 Nevada 305.00 698 P (11 CHW( 11 W,HP -(-51 -(-51 -(-5) (134 )

    60 Gajhathan ·56.00 405 - (-5) CHW (I) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (61) i,[ :::lakra ,1uU.UU jjjj ~(") ,Mil) PHSll),CHW{l) W,HP PO -15-10) -(5-10) 1603)

    62 Manpur !, 72 9.00 3623 P(2) ,Mil) PHS ( 1) , CHW (1 ) W,HP PO WED, SAT -(>10) ( 645)

    63 Mansoorpur 38.00 288 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (48 )

    64 Gadaipur 0 539.00 1929 P(2) ,M(l) PHS 111 , CHW ( 1) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (2761

    65 Jatauli iJ 181.00 788 P(l) CHW (1) iW,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (1301

    66 Mubarakpur :J 78.00 ------U N - I N H A 8 I T E D ------~"lT'IlG ------

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~~------11 13 14 16 ------~------~------KR El.l.R:::CI T11{7:::.'lQ) ,G:f:..;)C; 2>:.00 =.00 :. 5 _ :).] ~ 49

    KR ;{!·.R[:CI TW (40.00) ,C (3.00 I 14.00 19.00 5.00 50 22 ~

    PR,KR !!/\Hr,O[ TW(1F,H.OIJ),U(8.00) "1.00 72.00 ·11.00 51 ),0 ~

    PR,KR H!I.RDOI TW(Q7.00),0(l5.00) 18.00 4.00 8.00 52 20 ~

    PR HARDOr TWI74.00),O(33.00) 173.00 41.00 130. DO 53 20 <'iRR

    PR,KR HARDOI TW(19.00),0(26.00) 10.00 1. 00 5.00 54 20 <'Il9ciT

    PR r,]\i\::'O: T"tI(:r;l.r)()) ,~)(//.r;GJ : ~ • (J [j I J i~ • [j (J ,'J.',I, 19 'i~iT "

    KR HARDOr TW(B2.00),O(10.00) 12.00 18.00 11.00 ~ 56 1"

    PR HARDOr EAG THE (31.00) lS.00 70.00 24.00 ~ 57 ~7

    PR,KR HARDOr tW(99.00) 23.00 42.00 18.00 58 19 Wl'F~

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG TWE(87.00),OI3.00) 54.00 134.00 27.00 59 15 ~

    PR,J(R JHARDOr tW(13.00) 22.00 12.00 9.00 60 15 ~

    PR,KR HJI.RDOr EAG TWE(22.00),O(6.00) 23.00 41.00 8.00 61 18 ~

    PR,J(R HARDOr ED,EAG TIE(389.00),0(12.00) 159.00 85.00 84.00 62 22 lWI'F

    KR HARDOr TIIl5.00) 9.00 12.00 2.00 63 20 ~

    ~R,KR HARDOr TWI212.00),0(10.00) 74.00 198.00 45.00 64 25 ~

    KR HARDOr tW(138.00),0(12.00) 3.00 19.00 9.00 65 20 ~

    KR HARDor W(40.00) ,0(5.00) 17.00 9.00 7.00 66 20 ~

    ------~------,------_------5 10 ------67 Bheekhpur ,334.0U 1276 !' (1) Cl!W(l) W" H? -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (212)

    68 Du1arpur '200.00 875 Pill CHW(I) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (166 )

    69 Achauli 55.00 99 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-'») -(5-10) (20)

    70 Hasanpur 1 129.00 587 I'll) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (118)

    71 Moosepur ~ 251.00 1584 P 11) CHW(l) "W, HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (226)

    72 Balehra 416.00 1547 1'11) PHS (1) ,CHW 11) ;W"HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) (249)

    73 Behta Goku1 [J 900.00 4594 P (3) ,M(2) PHS(l),CHW(I),O(I) W,.HP PO -(-5) BSRS (723)

    74 Kunvarpur 194.00 732 -(-5) CHW (1) vI', HP - (-5) -1-5) -1-5) (129)

    75 Behta Dheera c_, 487.00 2533 P (I) ,Mil) CHW(l) iiI,HP PO MON,I"RI BS (434 )

    76 Maganpur J 173.00 711 P (I) CHW{I) W,HP -(-5) - I-51 -I-51 (107)

    77 Khalifapur Masti 151. 00 806 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP -{-51 -I-51 -(-5) (166 )

    78 Udhranpur 115.00 1555 P (1) PHS (I) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-51 - (-5) (258)

    79 Sikandarpur 11'9.00 577 P (1) CHW {II W,HP - (-5) - {-51 -(-5) ( 97)

    80 Sahijana 1-: cco.oo 808 P (1), M(1) CIIW(l) W,III' -(-',) - (- ',) - 1-5) (130)

    81 Sakaha [] 528.00 2572 P(l) ,M(l) ,0(1) PHC (11 , PHS (11 ,CHW (11 W,HP PO -{-51 -(-5) (4001

    82 Gaidhara II 176.00 533 - (-5) CHW(ll W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - 1-5) (97)

    83 PalLa J 106.00 374 -(-51 CHW(11 W,HP -(-5) - (-51 -(-5) (48)

    84 Koilaha 0 255.00 852 Pill CHW(11 W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (147)

    ------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~~--'~------11 13 14 15 io 17 ------67 PR : '\,r.;LCI Ei\G TWE(15~.')O),()f~.OO) :':LCjO 100.00 ' l. DO ~ 1')

    17.00 68 PR I-L1.~JC:;: EAG T~E(121.00),0(20.00) 30.00 12.00 ¥'R'l' 19

    KR -i?RDO! ,:rw 130.00) ,0(2,00) 8.00 5,00 10.00 ~ 69 19

    70 KR 'lJI.RDOr TWI90.00),0(5.00) 8,00 10,00 16.00 '~ is

    71 KR ClARDOr TW[120.00),O(4.00) 79.00 27.00 21.00 ~ 20

    72 PR,KR OIARDor TW(101.00),0(17.00) 198.00 46.00 54.00 'f<'Irn 18

    73 PR c.ARDOr ED,EAG TW(4S1.00),O(20.00) 248.00 86.00 95.00 ®~ 19

    44 .00 14.00 9.00 74 KR ~AR:CI TW(120.CO),017.00) ~ :'0

    75 PR PARDO! ED,EAG TWEI301.00),OI12.00) 77.00 31.00 66.00 ®tfm :0

    76 KR Hl'.RDOr EAG TWE(B1.00) ,0(4.00) 51.00 19.00 1B.00 "I'R'l' 20

    77 PR H}\RDOr TW(69.00),0(7.00) 32.00 25.00 1B.00 ~>!«ft :21

    18.00 78 PR 'IARDor TW(41.00),O(IS.00) 26.00 IS.00 ~ :'3

    79 PR HARDOr TW(39.00),OI3.00) 59.00 10.00 8.00 ~ 20

    19.00 80 KR ~ARDOI TW(89.00),0110.00) 59.00 43.00 ~ 19

    48.00 81 PR ~ARDOr ED,EAG TWE(240.00),O(24.00) 166.00 50.00 ~ 17

    82 KR HARDOr TW(64.00),OI10.00) 81.00 9.00 12.00 >hm 18

    83 KR ~ARDOI TW(S3.00),O(B.00) 16.00 18.00 11.00 ~ 15

    84 KR HARDor TW(108.00),O(11.00) 107.00 13.00 16.00 ~ 16

    ------~------I - 10 ------_------_. 85 Rampur Raholiya 249.00 1079 P (1) CEW(e) W,HP -(-5) -: -~) -(-5) (174 )

    86 Badruddinpur 186.00 S14 -(-S) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (90)

    87 Bajehara 245.00 889 0(1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (154)

    88 Barkheriya 13.00 ---_------U N - I N H A B I T E 0 ------iR:~ ------_-

    89 Nayagaon 141. 00 819 P(l) CHW(I) w, HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (135)

    90 Barkhera 133.00 1272 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) (216)

    91 Bavnapur 262.00 901 P (1) CHW(l) W,fjP PO -(-S) -(-5) (159)

    92 Araila 46.00 ------U N - r N H A B I T E 0 ------iR:~ ------

    93 Husenpur Sahara 263.00 1543 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-S) (277)

    94 Sakatpur J 228.00 1194 P (1) ,M(l), PHS ( 1) ,CHW ( 1 ) W,HP PO TUE, FRI -(5-10) (203)

    95 Majhreta S87.00 2436 P(2) CHW(l) .W"HP -(-5) -(-5) - (S-10) (447)

    96 Udaypur 11~.OO 564 -(-5) CHW (1) W;HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (89)

    97 Bakura 19S.00 ------UN - I N H A B T E 0 ------iR:"~ ------I'

    98 Etariya 105.00 S25 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-S) -(S-10) -(S-10) (82 )

    99 Barela 0 159.00 517 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) (80)

    100 Mujahidpur Q 262.00 1355 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (218)

    101 Kamalpur L] 206.00 425 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (76)

    102 Teriya 0 1:.64.00 1057 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (184)

    Census Di~ectarate, Uttar Pradesh 11 13 14 is 16 17 l~ ------~------7------'7. KR H?_KC0:L EAG TtiS ( i::: 6 . 00; j C ~ ~f • C() ; ::.00 65.00 OJ

    KR IInRDOI TW(lll.OO),O(li.OO) 14.00 30.00 :4.00 86 11 ~

    KR ilJ\RDOI T't/IBO.OO) 57.00 59.00 '19.0D ~ 87 11

    KR HARuOI TWI9.00) 3.00 0.00 1. 00 ~ 88 11

    KR HARDOI TWI51.00),0119.00) 65.00 3.00 3.00 "IlIl'iiq 89 10

    KR HARDOI TWI88.00) ,017.00) 18.00 6.00 14.00 .mr 90 10

    lO.(j(J 91 KR HARDOI TWI45.00),OI14.00) 76.00 117.00 ~ 10

    KR HARDOI TWI30.00),OI1.00) 6.00 7.00 2.00 92 10 •

    PR HARDOI TW(157.00),OI10.00) 8.00 44.00 44.00 93 10 "-mm

    11. 00 94 PR HARDOI ED,EAG TWEI148.00),OI22.00) 22.00 25.00 ~ 10

    PR HARDOI ED,EAG TWEI186.00),OI40.00) 231.00 68.00 62.00 ~ 95 9

    KR HARDOI TW(52.00),0114.00) 31.00 8.00 10.00 96 16 ~

    KR HARDOr TWI84.00) ,0111.00) 47.00 30.00 23.00 97 16 ~

    KR HARDOr TWI68.00) ,015.00) 18.00 7.00 7.00 ~ 98 16

    KR HARDOr TW(59.00),0115.00) 54.00 23.00 8.00 ;fu:rr 99 16

    KR HARDOI ED,EAG TWEI88.00),O(30.00) 96.00 20.00 28.00 100 11 ~

    KR HARDOI TW(107.00),O(17.00) 30.00 39.00 13.00 101 15 ~

    PR HARDOr EAG TWEI81.00),OI11.00) 38.00 22.00 12.00 i!fuIr 102 14 ------2 10 ------103 Jagdishpur 293.00 1137 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW (1) 1'1, HP -[-5) rrl~il,SU:-I BS (223)

    104 Sabirpur 154.00 551 -(-5) CtlW (1) W,HP - (-5) -[-5) -(-5) ( 96)

    105 Nizampur 239.00 618 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 130)

    106 Samudahar 103.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------/t"{-31lCfIl!; ------

    107 Bawan ---- 991. 00 9098 P(3) ,M(2) ,H(ll PHC (1) , PHS (1) ,CHW (11 W,HP PO MON,THU BS (1530)

    108 Darveshpur 122.00 312 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (54 )

    109 Bisku1a 195.00 948 P (1) CHW( 1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 179)

    110 Bhithari 715.00 3129 P (1) CHW( 1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS (608)

    111 Allipur 275.00 1154 PIl) ,M(l) CHW (1) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(>10) [187)

    112 Pusaura 102.00 282 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) - (5-10) [49)

    113 Gu1amau 511.00 2370 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS [437)

    114 Phool Behta 201. 00 1603 P (1) PHSI1) ,CHW(ll HP,C - (-5) - (-5) BS 1280)

    ::5 Kaurha :232 _00 fi239 P(2) ,1'112) ?HS III , CHW 11) W,HP PO TUE,FRI BSRS 11052)

    116 Kakrahi 415.00 14 76 Pil ) CHWll) W,HP -1-5) WED, SAT as [289)

    117 Mendua ::; 277.00 1265 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) as 1216)

    118 Mirgawan 130.00 249 P (11 CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) as 10)

    119 Khumaripur 211.00 640 P (11 CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -(-5) -(5-10) (95)

    120 Amirta 73.00 266 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) -1-5) -(5-10) (40)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------90 11 13 14 15 cfi 17 1 ,~ ~ ------_------PR i'.;\.~ Lf) t W,r-:AG TWE(1~3.00J,O(:h.OOJ 71. DO 12.00 31.UO ~' 103

    KR EAR eo: EAG TWE(51.00) ,0(17.00) 46.00 27.00 13.00 104 lJ ~

    PR HARGOr TW(69.00),O(29.00) 53.00 75.00 13.00 105 16 ~

    PR HARDor TW(40.00I,O(4.00) 27.00 31. 00 1. 00 106 15 ~

    PR HARDor ED,EAG,EA TWE(610.00I,O(58.00) 84.00 95.00 144.00 'Ilq.:[ 107 10

    KR HARDor TW (80.001,0(10.00) 1. 00 B.OO 23.00 lOB 8 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(81.00),0(9.00) 29.00 59.00 17.00 109 7 ~

    PR HARDor TW(361.00),O(28.00) 89.00 174.00 63.00 Nom 110

    KR HARDOr TW(160.00),O(lJ.001 53.00 31.00 18.00 111 13 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(58.001,0(4.00) 28.00 4.00 8.00 112 10 ~

    110.00 113 KR JHARDOI TW(198.00),O(2J.001 114.00 66.00 ~ 10


    PR HARDOr ED, EAG TWE(601,00),O(64.00) 299.00 168.00 160.00 ~ 115 8



    KR HARDOr TW(80.00) 26.00 10.00 14 .00 fiI

    PR HARDOr TW(121.00),0(2.00) 51. 00 26.00 11. 00 119 9 .~

    PR FARDOI TW (45.00) 11. 00 11.00 6.00 31flmrr 120 8


    1:1 Kashipur 2:3.00 182 b P12) ~H3 ( I) ,CHI-Ill) ,0 (1) W,HP -15-10) '/'JEJ,3f-.T -(5-10) (336)

    122 Bannai 188.00 999 011) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) - (-5) (178)

    123 Sathra 148.00 560 P (1) CHW (1) W, HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) (108)

    , 124 Koriya 1745.00 3704 p(2) ,M(l) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( I) ,W, HP PTO -(-5) BS (644)

    125 Behta Sadhai 677.00 3464 P 13) ,M(l) PHS (1) ,CHW(l) W, HP PO - (5-10) - (5-10) (690)

    126 Behti 639.00 2450 p(2) CHW(I) T, W,HP - (-5) -1-5) -(-5) (445)

    127 Tatyura J 785.00 4007 p(2) ,M(l) PHS (11 , CHW {11 W,HP PTO -(-51 BS (722)

    128 Marmarpur 83.00 455 - (-5) CHW(l) "i'/,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) (80)

    " 129 Aneg Behta 219.00 1974 P (1) CHW{l) ,W, HP -(-5) - (-5) BS (326)

    130 Naya Gaon Habibpur 447.00 2488 P{l) ,M(l) CHW{l) W,TW,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (-5) "' (460)

    131 Rara L 634.00 2647 P (1) PHS (I) , CHW (I) T,W,TW PO eRI BS (437) HP

    132 Maholty.;.: Sheopar S41. 00 5160 P(21,M(21 PHS (1), CHW (1) T,W,TW PO THU BS (822) HP

    133 Harsinghpur 139.00 628 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (127)

    134 Bharigawan D 570.00 2323 P 11) H (1) , PHC (1) ,CHW ( 1) T,w,HP -(-5) THU -(5-10) (363)

    ------~------_------Total : 35756.00 150381 p(107) ,M(29) H (I) ,MCW( 1) 25824 H (1) ,0(3) PHC (5) ,PHS (28) CHW(123),O(4)

    ------~------10/ 13 14 15 lE 17 18 ------_------PR ,~.·\~DO = TW(121.00) ,0(1';.00) 41. 00 69.00 31).OC ~ 121 "

    KR Hf\K~C[ T~(91.00) ,O(4.0G) 17.00 61.00 10.0U 'Ai 122 l~

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG . TttlE (27 .00) 21.00 93.00 17.00 trim 123 7

    PR HARDOr ED,EAG,EO 'l'WE'(290.00) ,0(1040.00) 178.00 110.00 127.00 ~ 124 3

    PR HARDOl ED TW(255.00) ,0(31.00) 37.00 262.00 92.00 ~~ 125 5

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG TWE(295.00),OI19.00) 127.00 120.00 78.00 ,~ 126 4

    PR HARDO~ ED,EAG TWE(214.00),0170.00) 286.00 154.00 61.00 ffi"iRr 127 3

    ~2.00 4.00 5.00 128 PR Hi>'R~or TW (41. 00) ,0 (11.00) ~ 4

    PR,KR JHARDOI ED, EAG TWE(81.00),O(16.00) 46.00 42.00 34.00 3f.lrr~ 129 1

    PR,KR HARDOr ED,EAG TWE(193.00),O(30.00) 131. 00 52.00 41.00 'IlITriior~ 130 3

    PR,KR HARDOr ED,EAG TWE(217.00),0(31.00) 142.00 201.00 43.00 mT 131 5

    PR,KR HARDOr ED, EAG, EO TWE(211.00),O(20.00} 172.00 68.00 70.00 ~fffi1n< 132 1

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG TWE(84.00),O(10.00) 22.00 12.00 11. 00 133 3 ~

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG TWE(269.00),O(40.00} 52.00 138.00 71. 00 '1ftTiqr 134 8

    ~: 0.00 W(40.00},TW(10020.00) 7536.00 5570.00 3294.00 TWE(5743.00),O(3553.00) 1991 0f.!TI1JRI 1<;91 CENSUS ;;r.rmawrmi AMENITIES AND

    District Name : Hardoi

    1IfIIll~;;r.r~ - r

    ~ mtllliT'IlI1 ~ tft;!lIiT1IA'r Sf

    C.D. Block :- Hariyawan Tahsil Hardoi

    135 Kheriya 164. 00 1159 Pili ,Mil) PHS 11) , CHW III W,HP - I-51 THU,SUN BSRS 11791

    136 Modipur 242.00 986 - 1-5) CHWlll W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -I-51 " 1152)

    137 Atbaha 90. 00 176 - 1-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - [-5) 1321

    138 Rohai 52.00 662 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -15-10) - (5-10 I (1l0)

    139 Pipari 907.00 3438 P (2) CHW(l) W,HP - (5-10) -(5-10) as (615)

    140 Tolwa Antdanpur 1012.00 5148 P (41 ,Mil) PHS (ll , CHW ( : ) W,HP PO TUE, SAT BS (833)

    :4: K~_ IIJari Gr::.nt 41.0C :44 - (-5: CHW II) W',!i? -(-5) - (-5) BS (26)

    142 Atwa Asigaon CJ 784.00 2988 P (ll PHS (l) ,CHW I 11 W,HP -15-10) MON, THU BS (5251

    143 Labhi [J 95.00 398 -1-5 ) CHWI1) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) - (-5) (69)

    144 Bijgawan r:: 535.00 2149 P (1) PHS 11) ,CHW(l) W,HP PO - (-5) -(-51 (377)

    145 Shakurabad C' 69.00 182 - 1-5) CHW II) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -15-10) (30)

    146 Sadhinava CJ 632.00 2291 P( I) ,M (1) CHWll) W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (394 )

    ------_------_ ------:-',------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh --~------

    , c' , , 11fq~ Land.U~c .. , . {31'

    1lJ.Yf(f'!> ~~ ~'lit OR ~ ~

    KR ~.ARDOr 3,00 TW (4 9 ,00 I, Tt< (11.00 I 3&,00 110.00 31.00 136 18 ~

    KR HARDor LOO TWI16.00) 22.00 43.00 8.00 137 16 ~

    KR JHilJWOI 1.00 TW(20,001,TK(I,001 12.00 13.00 5.00 138 16 ~

    PR HARDO~ GCI339,00I,TWI49.00) 117.00 289.00 93_00 fimT 139 16 TWE(7,OO) ,TKIl3,OO)

    PR HARDor ED GCI297.00),TWI98,00) 147,00 331.00 111.00 140 16 TK128.001 ~~

    PR HARDor GC 122 • 00) , Tii 17 , 00) 10.00 4.00 4.00 141 15 ~lF.IG

    PR HARDOI ED,EAG GCI145,00),WE(10,00) 233.00 136,00 ' /2,00 ~~ 142 14 TW(173.00),TKI15.00)

    KR HARDOI TWI19.00) ,TK(4,00) 37.00 22.00 13_00 . <'IMI 143 26

    PR HARDO! gO,EAG 2,00 TWII01.00),TWE(83,00) 111. 00 166,00 48,00 ~ 144 27 TKI24.00)

    PR HARDOI 7,00 TWI19,00),TWEll1.00) 7.00 20.00 5.00 145 28 ~

    PR HARDOI EO TW(278,00) ,TKIZ.OO) 8Z.00 222,00 48,00 146 29 ~

    --~------~~,~~·:'l ------~~------2 3 7 10 ______------___ -1_- ~~ ______----____

    147 Khajuha 4~.OO 64 -(-5) em.) 111 W,HP - (-5) -15-10) -(5-10) (12 )

    148 Lodhaura 41. 00 104 - (-5) CHW (1) ,W, HP - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (21)

    149 Mavaiya 962.00 3717 P(2) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) (617)

    150 Seva 256.00 994 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -1-5) (156)

    151 Kurseli 1869;00 HOb Pill ,Mil) H( 1) , PIIC il) ,CIIW ill W,IIP PO MON,WED - (-5) (1208) FRI,SUN

    152 Marai iJ 719:00 1947 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (344)

    153 Akbarpur ~ 65.00 462 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 66)

    154 Jatuli 0 234. 00 396 - (-5) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (75)

    155 Gadaipur r:: 62.00 401 -(-5) CHW 11) W,HP -1-5) -(-5) BS (57)

    156 Lohkanpur [] 214.00 400 Pill ,M(l) ,H(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-51 BS ( 63)

    157 Hariyawan C 309.00 2384 P(2) ,M(,3) ,H(l) PHC(1),PHS(2),CHW(1) W,HP PO WED,SUN BS 1412) 0(1)

    158 Korigawan 130. 00 592 -1-5) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) 1129)

    159 Madrawan 426.00 1807 P(l) PHS (11 ,CHW (1 ) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (332 )

    160 Biram Khera 0 45.00 352 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(-5) (67)

    161 Deoriya Prasidh NagaO 110.00 569 P(l) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) (114)

    162 Shah pur Binora 0 601.00 2443 Pill ,M(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (497 )

    163 Kapurpur Chaudhi 0 153.00 667 PIl) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1109)

    164 Ahmadi [j 284.00 951 Pil) ,M(ll CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) (167 )

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ------~------11 13 14 15 17 ------~------.------~------::'. .(}O 147 KR -- l"ri\ l3 .;)()j J'r~\t! ,(j(); 12.CO 11.(JO ~ ~ 7

    148 KR ~?KDO : 1.00 1'1'1(19.00) 13 .00 2.00 6.00 ~ 20

    149 :-

    KR HADRDOI EAG TWI31.00/,TWE(50.00/ 63.00 80.00 27.00

    PR H}\RDOr ED,EAG,EO TW(431.00),TWE(302.00) 473.00 201. 00 460.00 ~ 151 15 0(2.00)

    152 KR H/\RDor 94.00 TW(97.00),TWE(91.00) 148.00 230.00 59.00 ~ 10

    153 KR HARDor ED 2.00 'I Tw.(20.00), TWE 17 .00) 22.00 S.OO 6.00 ~ 13

    154 PR HARDOr 2.00 TWI49.00) 48.00 115.00 20.00 12 • 155 PR HARDor TWi38.00) 9_00 8.00 7.00 ~ 13

    156 PR HARDOr 4 _00 ' TW(63.00),TWEI31.00) 72.00 24.00 20.00 ~ 12

    157 PR HARDOr ED,EAG,EO ].00 Twl'1,10.00) ,TWEI39.00) 51. 00 61.00 45.00 ~ 1:

    158 KR HARDOI ED TW(82.00),TWE(7.00) 10.00 20.00 11. DO .~ 14

    159 KB. HARDOr ED 2.00 TWI228.00),TWEI38.00) 51.00 67.00 40.00 .~ 15

    160 KR HARDOr ED TW(29.00),TKll.00) 4.00 5.00 6.00 ~ 16

    161 KR JHARDOI GC(06.00) 7.00 29.00 18.00 ~ IIfu;j: 'Ill{ 16

    162 KR HARDOr GC(21S.00) ,TW(4.00) 96.00 178.00 104.00 ~~ 16 TK(4.00)

    163 KR HARDOr GC(SO.OO) 26.00 27.00 20.00 "'W-.Mt 17

    164 £

    ------VRTJ1lRr~. O1RllW 2 10 ------~------165 Utara 61:.00 :510 P(2),MIl) PHS (1) , CHW (1) '11, riP - (5-1D) ~r;E, S?T -[-51 (399)

    166 Kaimpur 191 . 00 856 P (1) CHW 11) W,H? -15-10) - (-5) -(-5) (177 )

    167 Hlnguapur 133.00 761 P (1) PHS (1) ,CflW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 139)

    168 Murwan 24:1.00 1201 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) FR[ -(5-10) (225)

    169 Baheda 109.00 463 - (-5) CIIW 11) W,HP -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) (101 )

    170 Jafarpur C' 133.00 535 P (1) CHWll) W,HP -15-10) - (-5) -(5-10) (98)

    171 Achhuapur 115.00 823 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(5-10) (150)

    172 Majhigawan Amarnath _, 95.00 353 - (-5) CHW( 1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) ( 68)

    173 Bhadeura ~ 5~6.00 2913 P (2) PHS ( 1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO MON,WED -(5-10) (539) SAT

    174 Alawalpur 2"17.00 720 P (1) CflW(l) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) - (5-10) (128)

    175 Teni ·630.00 2663 P(2),M(1) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO THU,SUN -(5-10) (477 )

    176 P;;!ldhai 701.()O 993 P (1) CHW (1) .' W, HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (186) c77 Nayagaon Navab 49.00 303 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (61)

    178 Daulatpur J 367.00 1666 P (1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) 1'1, HP -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) (352)

    I' 179 Sarkhna 0 146.00 507 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -1-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 92)

    180 Mahlnudpur Baijnath J 168.00 307 -(-5) CHW( 1) W, HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) ( 66)

    181 Jala1pur LJ 88.00 714 -(-5) CHW( 1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (154 )

    182 Thamarwa 0 140.00 1398 P (2) ,M (1) , PUC (1) CHW(l) W, HP PO WED,SAT - (-5) (267)

    ------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh'.. '. , I) I

    ------~------11 13 I, lr) lr) I',' l'l ------EO PR H.'RDCI GC (133.00) ,W ( 1. 00) 166.00 203.00 10".00 ~ 165 ~5 'T'.-I(3.00) ,TK(4.00)

    KR DIP.KeOl 0.37 W(2.38) ,TW(15.20) 53.88 31.73 47.10 166 :6 TWE(15.92),TK(30.42) ~

    KR HARDO! GC(69.00) 30.00 19.00 10.00 167 16 fu'l3Ji1F

    KR HARDcr GC(135.00) 19.00 47.00 48.00 168 2'> ~

    KR HARDOr GC(36.00) 4.00 55.00 14.00 169 25 ~

    KR HARDO! 2.00 GC(104.00) 5.00 13.00 9.00 170 25 ~

    KR EARDor 1.00 GC(68.00) 20.00 6.00 20.00 171 24 ~3ll'l'

    KR HARDO! GC(49.00).TW(2.00) 22.00 6.00 16.00 ~~ 172

    KR HARDOr ED 35.00 GC(281.00),TW(115.00) 30.00 72.00 33.00 ~ 173 20

    KR HARDOr 2.00 GC(73.00).TW(12.00) 40.00 73.00 17.00 174 20 ~

    KR HARDOr ED,EAG 1.00 GC(293.00),TWE(117.00) 96.00 67.00 56.00 ~ 175 22

    KR HARDOr 1.00 GC (114.00) 44.00 27.00 17.00 176 30 ~

    KR HARDOr GC(30.00) 4.00 11. 00 4.00 "I"lI1'liq~ 177 28

    KR HARDOr 3.11 GC(209. 01), TW (49.01) 33.11 18.64 54.12 178 28 ~

    KR HARDOr GC(97.00).TW(3.00) 19.33 12.57 12.10 lm9-IT 179 25 TWE(2.00)

    KR HARDOr GC (102.88) 30.77 23.48 10.87 180 24 ~~

    PR HARDOr 0.25 GC(59.80) 14.46 0.03 13.46 181 2S ~

    PR HARDOr 4.46 GC(74.70) 31.73 5.30 23.81 182 24 ~

    ------~------IU& ------_------2 6 10 ------183 Blgha Rampur 84.00 375 - (-5) CHW(I) W,HP -(-:;) - (-s) -(-5) (67)

    184 Padn 417.00 2529 P (1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W, HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (485)

    185 Muradpur 199.00 1069 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS (170)

    186 Majhiya 976.00 5339 P ( 3) ,M ( 1) , PUC ( I) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W, HP PO TUE,SAT BS (831)

    187 Lehna 359.00 2009 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) ( 318)

    188 Hillapur 101.00 280 - (-5) CHW(I) W,HP -15-10) -(-5) -(-5) (57)

    189 Bakhariya ; 190.00 2222 P(2) ,M(I) PHC(I),PHS(l),CHW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) BS (313)

    190 Tandauna 337.00 2009 P( 11 CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) - (-5) -(-5) (318)

    191 Raniyamau 119.00 909 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) - (-5) BS (113)

    192 Kathethiya 202.00 1057 P (1) CHW(I) W,HP -1-5 ) THU,SUN BS (154)

    193 Katarpur 154.00 347 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - ,5-10} -(-5) -(-5) (50)

    194 Kathiqi3r~ 4%.00 1771 P (1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W,HP (10+) -(5-10) -(-5) (JJ6 )

    195 Man':'pur 288.00 755 P(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 1125)

    196 Aliyapur 91.00 599 Pill CHW (11 W, HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 94)

    197 Boorha Gaon 559.00 3352 P(2) ,M(l) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W, HP PO TUE -(-5) 1566)

    198 DhOviya 509.00 1786 P (1) PHS ( 1 I ,CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (275)

    199 Barmahaula 164.00 1116 P 11) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -(-5) (210)

    200 Dulhapur 249.00 1511 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) (264 )

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh IV I

    ------~------11 L: 13 14 15 16 17 19 2 ------183 KR P.A~~OI GC(6J.03: '1.:3 S.77 5. ell ~ : )

    KR HARDOI GC(240.98),TK(7.00) 42.52 70.51 55.99 ~ 184 20

    185 PR HARDOI 7.76 GC(3.17),TW(90.83) 41.31 19.81 16.08 ~ 18 TWE(17.12),TK(2.42)

    PR PIIlANI ED,EAG GC(284.00),TWE(379.00) 206.00 4.00 101.00 ~ 186 3 TK(Z.OO)

    KR PIHANI GC(143.00),TW(112.00) 48.00 13.00 39.00 ~ 187 4 TK(4.00)

    KR PIHANI 2.00 GC(2J.00),TW(10.00) 20.00 34.00 12.00 ~ 188 6

    PR PIHANI ED GC(50.00),TW(71.00) 31.00 17 .00 21.00 ~ 189 5

    KR PIHANI 13.83 GC(232.00),TW(19.3S) 43.35 2.02 21.00 "dRr 190 8 TK(S.4S)

    PR PlHANI 4.01 GCI68.00) 30.71 4.28 12.00 ~ 191 7

    PR PIHANI GC(100.00),TW(34.00) 9.00 43.00 16.00 '.~ 192 10

    KR PI HAN I GC(SZ.OO),TW(30.00) 15.00 47.00 10.00 'li'GR'F 193 9

    KR PlHANI GC(173.00) 127.00 148.00 48.00

    KR PI HAN I GC(127.00) 26.00 130.00 5.00 ~ 195 13

    KR PI HAN I ED 1. 00 ,GC(33.00),TW(20.00) 20.00 9.00 8.00 ~ 196 4

    PR PI HAN I ED,EAG ,.. GC(424.00) ,TWE(7.00) 56.00 28.00 44.00 ~ 197 4

    PR PIHANI ED,EAG GC(263.00),TWE(52.00) 103.00 62.00 29.00 ~ 198 5

    I KR PIHANI ED 1.00 '~C (38.00) 43.00 74.00 8.00 ~ 199 4

    200 KR PIHANI GC,188.00),TW(30.00) 9.00 5.00 17.00 ~ 5

    ------I/V 7 10 ------~------_------_------:'01 Kha teli 2~9.00 21'92 ~(l) ,M(l) CHW: 1) I1,H? PC ."lON, E"RI -15-10) : 4 05)

    202 Akohara 1~5.00 603 P (1) CHW 11) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -1>10) 1116 )

    :'03 Purwa Hafeezuddin i08.00 1036 P (1) CrtWll) W,HP -(5-10) -1-5) -1-5) 1203 )

    204 Jare1i '672.00 3381 P(3) ,Mil) PHS 11) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO -(-5) -15-10) (617)

    205 ,Bagocha 338.00 1614 P(1 ) CHW (1) ,14, HP - (5-10) -(-5) -(-5) (302 )

    206 Kallyani 253.00 1137 p(l) CHW (lJ W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (204 )

    207 Bajehra 289.00 1548 P(2) ,M(l) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (235)

    " 20e Sirsa 609.00 1731 P(2) CHW(l) 'ii, HP PO WED,SUN -(5-10) (274)

    209 Tandor .:; 290.00 1984 P (lJ CHW(l) ,0(1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) (361 )

    210 Aharpur 66.00 210 -(-5) CHW II) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (38)

    211 Sarlyan 307.00 518 P (1) PHS III , CHW 11) W,HP -15-10) -15-10) -(5-10) (96)

    212 B'3fk03tPUf 1fj7.00 211 -(-5) CHW III W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (H)

    2:3 Gopamau IGramin) . 86o.GO --_------U N - I N H A B I T S D ------"'~

    214 Dariyabad 238.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------"'~

    215 Rahimpur 436.00 1285 P(l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (251)

    216 Kachnari lJ 423.00 486 - (-5) CHW (1) W, HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (94 )

    217 Bajidnagar 76.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------"'~

    218 Lalpur MurtuzabukhshG 73.00 289 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (51)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 1/1 ~------71-~------,,' 11 J.~ 13 14 15 - 16 17 1.9 ------~,~------KR FIIIP11: ED, EAG GC (126.00), TWE (2~. 00) <'0.00 13.00 33.00 ,_mft :01 0 1,U TK(2.00)

    KR E'IHANI 1.00 . TW(83.00) ,TK(4.00) 68.00 12.00 17.00 ~ :202 l~

    KR CPIHANI GC(138.00) 42.00 16.00 12.00 203 6 'l"IT~

    KR PIHANI ED, EAG GC;·( 52 8.00) , TWE (5.00) 59.00 44.00 36.00 .-.ffi;ft 204 6

    KR PI HAN I GC(209.00) ,TW(lB.OO) 62.00 25.00 16.00 'fllim 205 8 TK(8.00)

    KR PIHANr GC(llO.OO) ,TW(90.00) 12.00 28.00 13.00 ~ 206 10

    KR ?IilANI TW(122.00) 91. 00 56.00 20.00 ~ 2C7 10

    KR PIHANI 1.00 GC(62.00),TW(108.00) 206.00 17 6.00 49.00 f

    PR HARDOT ED,SAG GC(127.00),TWE(4S.00) 26.00 61. 00 15.00 1W< 209 'OJ 1'1\( 1 ".110)

    3,00 5,00 210 KR HARDOr TW(Sl.OO) 7.00 ~ 27

    KR HARDor TW(29,00) ,TK(7 .00) 181. 00 61. 00 29.00 m 211 29

    42,00 74.00 8.00 212 KR HARDOI TW(38.00) ~ 28

    KR HARDOI 37.00 GC(lS.OO) ,TW(454.00) 93.00 110.00 114.00 ~('!f1l'I'tur) 213 28 TWE(37.00),TK(5.00)

    KR HARDOI TW(6.00) 156.00 75.00 1.00 ~ 214 26

    KR HARDor TW(16.00) 178.00 208.00 34.00 215 25 ~

    PR PIHANI TW(13.00) ,TK(Z.OO) 52.00 340.00 16.00 ~ 216 19

    KR PIHANr TW(16.00) 24.00 36.00 0.00 ~ 217 20

    12.00 9.00 218 KR HARDOr GC{28.00),TK(3.00) 21.00 'M'IM"F~ :29 2 10

    219 Shahzad Nagar 76.00 103 -(-5) CHW(l) iI,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ( 19)

    220 Fabrabad 201.00 493 P (11 CHii (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (801

    221 Peng 444.00 2486 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (418 )

    222 Agaulapur 329.00 1067 !?(l), M (1) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) ( 199)

    223 Kushalpur 147 . 00 ------U N - I N H A 8 I TED ------"'~

    224 8abupur 367.00 595 P (1) !?HS (1), CHW (1) W,HI? -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (105)

    225 Gajadharpur 'J 223.00 270 P (1) CHW (1) W,HI? -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (47)

    226 Arwapur IJ 307.00 1208 -(-5) CHW(l) W,HP ( 10+) -(10+) -(>10) (243)

    Total : 28741.00 118237 !?(78),M(201 H(lI,PHC(3) 20612 H (2) , PUC (21 PHS(25),CHW(88) 0(2) 1/3 11 Ie 13 14 15 16 17

    PR dN\DOI Gell.CO) ,T~1113.0Q) 26.00 :3.00 13.00 219 :3 ~

    KR HARDOr GCI42.00),TKI4.00) 46.00 92.00 17.00 ~ 220 2B

    PR Hl\RDOI ED GCI308.00) 42.00 48.00 46.00 Ti'l 221 22

    KR HARDor GC(173.00),TW(8.00) 77.00 55.00 16.00 222 25 ~

    KR HARDor 57.00 90.00 0.00 223 26 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(33.00) ,TK(5.00) 68.00 229.00 32.00 224 30 ~

    KR HARDOr TW(38.00) 125.00 55.00 5.00 225 35 ~

    KR HARDOT TW(93.00),TWF,(7.00) 171i.00 67.00 R.OO 1Tf'.IT'{< 726 -1fl 'I'K (".(HI)

    242.79 GC(7673.57),W(3.38) 5538.40 6216.14 3051. 00 WE(10.OO),TW(3892.39) TWEI1870.04) ,TKI241.29) 0(2.00) 1991 "RT1URI 1991 CENSUS OR 1lfumir troi AMENITIES AND DistrJ.ct Name : Hardoi "!IT'!if~"RtIfumi! -rllR"!IT'!i!"llfum~'lii~ffimr(-)1'I11T"r-in~"!IT'!"itf;;rn:frm"Q1~ ~h.m~ntr"Q1rn=~-5 n.;.tft .. 5-10n.;.tft. troi IO+n.;.tft. iIft~'llfUr>iilh'\ll'fttl Amenities Available - [If not available within the village, a dash (-) has been shown In the co~,jmn and next to it, in brackets, the dIstance In broad ranges viz. -5 KIns., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of :.he nearest place where the facillty is available has been given.]

    ~ m'l,,"'IP1 m'l""¥1 q;(Of~ ~ ~ ~""ttr.fr 6IO>JiR: ;;n;;m-/m:'liT -mm-O!I'.I(>IT ..m;j. troillftOJir ~ (~

    2 10

    C.D. Block Tadlyawan Tahsil Hardol

    227 Ahrapur -..J 203.00 216 - (-5) CHW(l) TW,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS ( 48)

    228 Bargawan 356.00 1449 Pill PHS (1) ,CHW (1) T,TW,HP - (-5) MON,FRI 8S ( 281)

    229 Patkuwan 451. 00 187: P (1) 0(1) ,CHW(l) T,W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) [ 352) HP

    230 Danialgan] 299.00 1455 P (1) 0(1) ,CHW [1) T,W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) [254) HP

    -I/(H f'l) ~~l\ p,~~ nl Pur.J Aah

    232 JlfJ 1 F);'. 00 'J3', P [1 I CIIW[l I T, W, HP - [-5) - (-5) -1-5) (1')')1 nJ Nanhey 6W.00 2238 P(l) CHW(l) T,W,TW - (5-10) - [5-10) -(-5) [ 438) HP

    234 Shi vri 206.00 1058 Pill PHS (1) , CHW [ I) T,W,HP - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) [ 194)

    235 Lilwal 622.00 2554 Pill CHW [I) T,W',HP PO -(5-10) - (5-10) (490)

    236 Tarl 160.00 505 - [-5) CHW[l) T,W,HP - (-5) -(5-10) - [5-10) ( 98) c37 Odra 225.00 660 P(l) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) - [5-10) - [5-10) [ 115)

    238 Garhi 241.00 1317 P (1) PHS [1) ,CHW( I) T,W, HP - (-5) -[5-10) -(5-10) [ 259)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh lIT'I~ VILLAGE DIRECTOR'! IlfliIl'iItr liS LAND USE

    ______w ______~_~------______~~ ______---______• ,' , Illl!_ Land Use (~'1fxit'f'l'li -'f'l'Ii~~=~t~~(ii~t~ (i.e. area under different type of land use ln hectares rounded upto two decimal places)


    11 12 13 14 15 16 18

    ~~:- ~ ~:- rnii 6.00 227 KR HARDOr TW,(153. 00) 24.00 20.00 ~ 11

    PR ".~,RDOI ED,EAG TWE{234.00) 62.00 34.00 26.0U

    KR HARDor ED,EAG TWE (187 .00) 116.00 74.00 74.00 ~31T 229

    KR !'J1.RDor EAG TWE (187 .00) 86.00 6.00 20.00 ~ 230 8

    418.00 218.00 91. 00 231 PR HARDOr EAG TWE (236.00) ~

    KR HARDOr EAG TWE (87 .00) 47.00 13.00 15.00 ,,"31) 232 8

    KR IiARDOI EAG TWE (350.00) 171. 00 50.00 89.00 ~ 233 13

    PR,KR HARDOr TW{181.00) 22.00 3.00 0.00 fffiit 234 11

    PR,KR HARDOr EAG, EO TW(188.00),TWE(250.00) 85.00 99.00 0.00 ~ 235 10

    PR,KR HARDor TW(68.00) 80.00 12.00 0.00 nit 236 9

    PR,KR JHARDOr TW{84.00) 75.00 66.00 0.00 ~ 237 14

    PR,KR HARDO! EAG TWE(137.00) 79.00 25.00 0.00 238 8 rrtr I/O

    5 10 ------_------_. Z39 Japra 679.00 2316 P (1) CHW(I) T,W,HP - (-5) -(-5: -(-5) (403 )

    240 Harri 231.00 1392 P (1) ,M (1) MWC (1) ,CHW (1) T,W,HP PTC 'NE;),3F.T BS (219)

    241 Sikanderpur 313.00 1787 P (1) CHW(I) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (302)

    242 Alisabad 409.00 1572 P (1) MWC (l) , CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) BS (267)

    243 Barauli 314.00 1518 P (1) PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(S-10) -(5-10) (280)

    244 Jignlya Khurd 175.00 911 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 170)

    245 Jigniya Kalan 296.00 756 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) (127)

    246 Rawal 334.00 1743 P(l) MWC(1),PHS(1),CHW(1) T,W,HP -(5-10) TUE,FRI BS (305)

    247 Bahorwa 27 8.00 1640 P(ll,MIl) CHW(1) W,HP PC WED,SUN -(5-10) (267)

    248 Ayari 404.00 1519 P(l) MWC(l), PHS(l) ,CHW(l) T,W,HP -(-5) MCN -(-5) (215 )

    249 Lalpur Bhaisari 384.00 1170 P(l) ,M(l) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (223 )

    LOU Muh2tffimadpu! ~:~_~~O(J 14 (j4 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) (313)

    251 Adampur 357.00 1772 - (-5) PHS(l),CHW(l) . W, HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) 1356)

    252 Salnchamau 1'33.00 676 P 11) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) 1123)

    253 Purwa Deoriya J 326.00 1187 P(1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -15-10) -(5-10) 1256)

    254 Ali Nagar 0 613.00 1703 P( 1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) - (-5) (282)

    255 Shahpur Mugul 0 237.00 569 Pll) ,Mil) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) 1112)

    256 f*ckha C 473.00 2309 P 11) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -1-5) -(-5) 1443)

    ______~_~_J ______Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh II) ------11 13 14 16 17 ------PR,KR P_'-.7-:l): TWE (::>3~. 80: ~lO.CO 180.00 :J .U()

    PR,KR H.':.?":JCI ED GC I 151. 00) 31. DC 14.00 35.00 240 :1 -m

    PR HA"DO~ ED GCI130.00),TWI50.00) 100.00 25.00 B.OO ~ 241 . IS KR ~.ARDOI GC(c89.00) 18.00 85.00 17.00 242 15 ~

    KR HARDOI ED GCI200.00) 100.00 8.00 6.00 243 15 arffiofr

    KR HARDOI ED GC(85.00) 65.00 16.00 9.00 244 19 ~~

    KR JHARDOr ED GCl100.00) ,TWI65.00) 96.00 20.00 15.00 245 15 ~'li<'Ii

    KR HARDOI ED,EAG GC(180.00),TW(25.00) 48.00 1.00 25.01) <1

    KR HARDO! GCI80.00),TWI45.00) 78.00 55.00 20.00 247 :':0 ~

    KR HARDOr ED, EAG GC(115.00),TW(100.00) 50.00 4.00 35.00 248 25 TWE(lOO.OO) 31'l1it

    KR HARDor GC(120.00),TWI50.00) 182.00 7.00 25.00 249 10 <'IR'I'F .wr

    KR HARDOr GC(50.00),TW(30.00) 52.00 4.00 14.00 250 16 TWEI70.00) ,TK(3.00) ~

    KR HARDOI 3.00 GC(276.00) 48.00 1. 00 29.00 251 20 ~

    KR HARDOr GC(96.00) 20.00 1. 00 16.00 252 20 ~

    KR HARDOI GC(80.00),TW(120.00) 68.00 21. 00 29.00 253 25 TK(8.00) ~~

    KR HARD01 TW(349.00) 213.00 0.00 51.00 .. '~ 254 27

    KR HARDOI GC(141.00) 41.00 1.00 54.00 255 25 ~'i'Ff

    KR HARDOI GC(203.00) 208.00 11. 00 51.00 256 16 ~

    ------lit>' ------~------10

    ______~-- ______L ______

    257 Teliyam 128.00 478 - (-5) Ci-iW (l) W, HP -1-5) - (-5) -1-5) 1831

    258 Hariharpur 414.00 2722 PI21.M(2),HI1) PHS II) ,RP (1) • CHW In, /W, HP PO WED. SAT -15-10) 14951 0(1)

    259 Nevada 215.00 788 -I-51 CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -1-5) (1441

    260 Gauradanda 453.00 1829 P 11) CHW II) W,HP -1-5) -1-5) -1-5) 1335)

    261 Sainti ,282.00 1408 P ill CHW 11) W,HP -I-51 -1-5) -(-51 (282)

    262 Tandiyawan 565.00 3544 P(l).M(l),~I1) PHCI1),PHS(2),CHW(1) W.HP PO TUE,FRI BS 1686) 0(1)

    263 Kherwa Oalauli := Z78.00 1071 -(-51 CHW(l) W,HP -(-51 MON -(-5) (203)

    264 Nibuai 195.00 1206 P (1) CHW(ll W,HP - (5-10) -(-5) -(5-101 (254 )

    265 Dhear Maholiya :::J 129.00 727 P (2) ,M(ll RPI1I,CHWI1) T,W,HP PO -1-5) RS (1441

    266 Nagheta 109.00 ------_--_ U N - I N, H A a I T E D _------_ -,tt~ _-_--_----

    267 Behta Chand 146.00 1528 P 12), Mil) RP (l) ,CHW III T,W -I-51 - (-5) as 1309)

    268 Nana kgan) Grant 31~.1l1l 1236 P 12) ,M ( 1) • puc 11 ) H(21 , PHS 11) • CHW 11) T,W PO -1-5) as (821)

    269 Ramnagar 140.00 916 P 11) CHW(l) W,HP -1-5) -15-101 - (5-10) 1144)

    270 Bahar 1131. 00 5660 P(3) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) (8721

    211 Asa U 809.00 3283 l'12) CHW il) W,HI' -1-5) -15-10) -(5-10) (541 )

    272 Murliganj CJ 89.00 330 -1-5) MWC(l) ,PHSI1),CaW(11 W,HI' -15-10) -15-101 BS (59)

    273 Haripur Grant 1-: 175.00 397 P (11 ,M 111 CHWl11 W,HI' -(5-101 - (-5) -(5-101 (71)

    274 Parsani C 254.00 625 Pili CHWI1) W,HP - (-5) MON,THU - (-5) (115)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 11'1 ------~------17 11 :i. _~ 13 14 15 10 ------;'0.00 10.00 .~ 257 KR ~·')·.ELO_:: GC(41.00; 1.00 '" .14.00 258 PR h,'.R DO I ED, EAG GC(100.00),T~"(98.00, l1i5. CO 7. 00 ~ 16

    12.00 259 KR fl!\RDO! 12.00 TW(H5.01J) ~O.OO b.OO ~ D

    260 PR fL'\RDOI ED GC(267.00) 68.00 74.00 43.00 'lffi~ 14

    37.00 261 KR HARDOr ED GC(173.00) 61. 00 11.00 "Ml 16

    262 PR HADRDOr ED 'I GC(3H.OO) 97.00 42.00 80.00 iRs

    n.O[) ;>6J PR HARDO! G<;(193.00) 41.00 17.00 m~ 15

    23.00 8.00 31.00 264 KR f'.ARDO~ TW(133.00) ~3llt 17

    ?b.OO 265 PR lIi\RDOl ED 1.00 '.1';1(39.00) 7.00 6.00 fW;r{~ :

    46.41 266 KR p.Jl.RDOr 'l'W(18.00) 1.48 43.11 'fI1c:r 2

    67.00 267 PR HARDOr EA TW{44.12) 15.08 19.80 ~'IiG 2

    135.00 268 PR HARDOr EA W(11.00) ,TW[223.00) 135.00 314. 00 ~= 3 TWE(1l6.00)

    17.02 269 KR HARDOI EA 11. 07 TW(77.03) 18.71 16.17 "U'RTR 5

    107.06 270 PR HARDOr EA GC[5.89) ,TW(S96.97) 204.05 167.55 ~ 4 TWE(46.80),TK(2.68)

    153.90 271 KR HARDOr EAG TWE (373.40) 129.90 151. 80 31m! 5

    18.40 272 PR p.ARDOr W(l.20) ,TW(S.60) 30.40 32.40 ~ 6 TWE (1. 00)

    2.80 29.20 19.00 273 KR HARDOr EAG 100.80 TW (20.80), TWE (2.40) ~= 6

    17.20 274 PR P.ARDDOI EAG 89.20 W(13.20),TW(15.60) 32.80 50.20 mFft 9 TWE(35.00),TK(0.80)

    ------~------_ ,.,Lv ------_------10 ------_------_------_------275 Sandila 530.01J 3329 P (1), M(2) i?HJ ( 1 j , CHW (1) T,W,HP PO MOri,FRI - (-5) (596)

    276 Narainpur Grant 239.00 930 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP - (-5 I -(-5) - (-5) (190)

    277 Pala 283.00 1363 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(-51 -(-5) BS (262)

    278 Unouti :88.00 1470 P (1) D( 1) , CfIW ( 1) T,W,HP - (-'j I - (-5) BS (279)

    279 Itoli 17 9.00 649 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(-5) MON, FRI BS (133)

    280 Sikrohan 802.00 2169 P(l) MWC(l),PHS{l),CHW(ll T,W,HP PO,TO WED,SAT BS (356)

    281 Bharayal 1212.00 4384 P (31 ,M{ 1) MWC(l),PHS(l),CHW(l) T,W,HP PO,TO THU,SUN BS (B72)

    282 Saripur Chhachheta 'C 242.00 995 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-l0) (201)

    283 Dadwani r 254.00 542 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) - (-5) BS (120)

    284 Bargadiya c: 105.00 413 P (1) PHS (1), CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (82 )

    285 Kala Aam 2~O.00 1005 P {I) PHC (1) , CHW (1) T,W,HP PC, TO TUE, SAT BS ( 178)

    286 Kakllmau ')38.00 1541 P (1) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (245)

    287 ,Jaqrauli ,360.00 1082 P (1) CHW {1) r,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) (197)

    288 Sardapur 94.00 588 P (1) PHS (1) ,CHW{l) t,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) (112)

    289 Sakhin 8 493.00 2007 P (1) ,M{l) PHS (1), CHW (l) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (3BO)

    290 Ramuapur 90.00 514 P (1) CHW{ 1) T,W,HP - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (94 )

    I' 291 Bojhwa 0 141. 00 B2B P(l) CHW (l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) ( 177)

    292 Sagrapur ;j 202.00 1106 P (1) CHW{l) W,H? -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (207)

    ------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh PI ------11 1'3 1'1 1'; 1;, 17 , ------_--_------_------KR 1l;.RuOI ED,EAG 7.a7 GC(128.00). r'rJE(~~O.l.l) ,::7.00 6.03 6(L SI j -.fu;rr 275 , FP .L:::::

    ", KR HA",;(Jr 8.91 'l"tlIP1.:'bl :' 1 ./" 14.80 '" ~JR: 276 , FP llJ

    PR Hl'.RDor EA 28.39 TW(144.281 79.36 30.97 0.00 1ffi'IT 277 10

    PR HARDOr EAG 8.11 TWE I 171 .74 I 67.53 16.64 .'3.98 ~ 278 10

    PR HARDor EAG 7.72 TWE(80.79) 48.77 41. 72 0.00 ~ 279 9

    PR HARDOr ED,LAG GCI388.00),TWEI1OO.00) 49.00 194.00 71. 00 ~ 280 10

    PR HARDOI SD 181.33 GC 1288 .09) 236,84 69.05 37 r,. f,rj ''ISI"'lM 281 10

    KR HARDor TWI178.00) 53.00 5.00 1i.0O ~mm 282 10

    PR HARDOr TWI112.00] 63.00 25.00 54.00 ~ 283 10

    KR DHARDOI TW165.00] 30.00 5.00 5.00 ~ 284 18

    PR HARDOr TW(l52.00] 35.00 9.00 14.00 7.fiR'IT 31J11 285 10

    GC(291.00) 24.00 65.00 286 - KR HARDOr 49.00 109.00 ~ 10

    KR HARDOr GC(261.00) 32.00 32.00 35.00 ~ 287 10

    9.00 288 KR HARDOr TW (72.00) 8.00 5.00 ~ 10

    PR HARDOr ED,EAG GCl111.00],TWEll00.001 178.00 12.00 92.00 mf1g:; 289 10

    KR HARDOr TW155.00] 24.00 3.00 8.00 290 10 "lJll1F

    KR HARDOr TW156.00] 48.00 9.00 28.00 ~ 291 18

    KR HARDOr GCI133.00] 32.00 23.00 14.00 292 , E'P 20 WlU'l< ------!~------10

    293 Thokkhala '.' 209.00 2646 -i-5) CH'I'I (1) W,HP - (-5) - 1,-:)) -(5-10) (SOD)

    294 Bhaunsari 529.00 2620 P (2) ,M(l) PHC (1), PHS (1) ,CHW(l) W,HP PO - (-5) -(5-10) (499)

    295 Kherwa Mahmoodpur 58.00 _------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------TR 31'T

    296 Gulariha 196.00 958 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(>10) (187 )

    297 Navrangpur 94.00 384 - (-5) CHW (l \ W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(>10) (81)

    298 Bharaon 257.00 1585 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (264)

    299 Gursanda 446.00 2664 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) MON,FRI -(-5) (453)

    300 Sekhora r:: 908.00 1704 p(l) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (338)

    301 Barra Sarai 558.00 1523 p (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (302)

    302 Masinha '-' 97.00 100 -(5-10) CHN (1) W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (16)

    303 Amethiya 329.00 993 P (1) CHW I 1) W,HP -(5-10) -15-10) -15-10) 1187 )

    304 Sihona 290.00 1868 p(l) CWCI1) ,PHS(l) ,CHWI1) W,HP -~5-10) - (5-10) -15-10) 1420)

    305 Kotr~ 723.00 2142 p (1) CWCl1),PHS(1),RP(1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (429) CHW (1)

    306 Deviya Fatteypur 446.00 1410 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) (291)

    307 Karanpur 288.00 668 p (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (135)

    308 Jayrajpur 625.00 2092 p(2) ,M(l) CWC(l),PHS(l),CHW(l) W,HP PO,TO MON,FRI -(5-10) (404)

    309 Bhaunta Kamalpur 319.00 1493 P (1) RP(2) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) WED,SUN -(5-10) (268)

    310 Semrauli 361.00 689 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) ( 139)

    ------Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh ______.. ______l~ ______11 13 14 10 17

    KR rrr.[<.CC: GCI539.00) 175.00 50.00 .00 ~ 293 1.7 "

    PR ~P.RDGI EAG GC 11 TI.OO:, TWE 1laC. OO} B6.CO 19.00 4" . 00 294 22 m

    KR HARDor TW128.00} 19.00 9.00 2.00 .mr~ 295 23

    KR HARDor GCI139.00) 42.00 1.00 14.00 '¢m 296 ,F~ 24

    KR HARDOr GC164.00} ~::.OO 1.00 7.00 297 , FP 25 ~

    KR HARDor GCI123.00) 109.00 2.00 23.00 " 'W'I' 298 , FP 23

    41.00 299 KR HARDOr GCI306.00) 83.00 16.00 ~ 23

    KR JHAADOI TW 1429. 00) 348.00 104.00 27.00 mim' 300 ,FP 30

    KR JHAADOI TWI200.00) 267.00 35.00 56.00 .mtm'i 301 ,FP 30

    KR HARDOr ,TWIZ4.00) 69.00 2.00 2.00 ~ 302 30

    'I KR HARDOr 7W(l92.00) 101.00 11.00 25.00 ~ 303 30

    FP HARDOr , GCI215.00) 46.00 1.00 28.00 fut:T;rr 304 25

    KR HARDOr GCI426.00) 241.00 11.00 45.00 q;)w 305 25

    KR BENlGANJ Tw 1232. 25} 185.12 14.00 14.63 WlT~ 306 , FP 15

    23.00 307 KR BENlGANJ ,TW 1).72.00) 63.00 30.00 ~ , FP 15

    KR BElGANJ ED TW1256.68} 286.00 35.00 47.32 ~ 308 15

    KR BENlGANJ TWI2lS.00) 80.00 1.00 23.00 309 15 ~~

    KR BENIGANJ ,TwI186.65} 159.00 3.00 12.35 W:!M 310 15 10

    311 Kuanmau 86.00 141 -(5-~O) CHW:l) W,HP -(5-10; -(5-10) -(5-10) (24 )

    312 Baruar :59.00 669 -(5-10) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-1:J) -(5-10) (134)

    313 Jiglniya 138.00 329 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (78)

    314 Saadeepur 117.00 232 -(-5) CHW I 1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (57)

    ------7------Total : 31367.00 126568 P(84) ,M(18) H (2), Mew (7) 23507 H (2) , PUC (1) cwe (3), PHC (3) PHS(24),D(3) RP(6) ,CHW(86) 0(2)

    ------~------_. 11 13 14 L 17

    KR 5E:nC:;'_'J,} T"riI54.CC: =5.00 1.00 6.JO ~3lfl'I3> 311 ,FP .,

    KR BSNIGA:J.J TW[134.00) 106.00 4.00 13.00 ORR 312 , FP 15

    KR BStlIGA~IJ TWI44.00) 89.00 1.00 4.00 ~3lT 313 , FP 10

    KR E)l.RDOI T't/ISO.aO) 20.00 30.00 17.00 314 34 ~


    10 --_ ------,------_------_------_------

    C.D. Block :- Sursa T~hsp Hardoi

    315 Hardo1 (Gramin) 878.00 9062 P (2) CHW(I) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (1488 )

    316 Raje~ur 12 131.00 330 ~ (11 CHW(ll W,HP - (-51 - (-5) - (-51 ( 56)

    317 Tans Khera :::; 70.00 873 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (140 )

    318 Barbatpur 48.00 355 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (54 )

    319 Marhiya 48.00 316 P (1) CHW(I) W,HP -(5~10) - (5-10) BS (53)

    320 Sikandarpur CJ 165.,00 468 - (-5) CHW(I) W, HP - (-5) - (-5) BS IBo)

    321 Nanamau 38.00 ----_----- U N - I N H A BIT E 0 ----_----- ~311'fIG ------

    322 Aseulee '1 381.00 1525 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) - (5-10) - (-5) (250 )

    323 Fardapur _j 64.00 1063 p(1) ,M{l) PHS (1) ,CHW (l) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) as (185 )

    324 Kasrawan 0 682; 00 3003 P (2) PHS ( 1 ) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS ( 537)

    325 Bahloli f] 195.00 744 P (11 CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ( 169)

    326 Sariyan U 150.00 928 - (-5) ~HS (II ,CHW (I) W,HP - (5-10) - (5-10) - (-5) ( 172)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh JI1l<~ VILLAGE DIREC,CR, 'lftfw:lm 1:27 LJl.ND USE

    'lftf m Land Use (~'lft1i1;'!'f

  • 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    mrn 1lI"6 :- wm

    KR HARDOI GC(21.36],TW(40.02) 1. 62 40.81 11.07 316 2 TK(10.00) ,0(6.12) ~

    KR HARDOI GC(2.93),TW(16.76) 18.00 25.11 6.00 ~ 317 2 TK(1.20)

    8.95 0.56 5.03 318 KR HARDOI TW(31.46) ,TK(2.00) ~ 2

    KR HARDOI ED GC(3.00),TW(25.40) 14.46 1.14 0.00 ~ 319 6 TK(4.00)

    KR HARDOr 9.86 GC(52.00) ,TW(41.05) 50.95 0.30 0.00 320 4 TK (10.84) ~

    KR HARDOI TW(9.00) 13.00 15.00 1.00 ~ 321 6

    KR HARDOI ED W(2.01) ,TW(200.60) 170.00 1.15 1.00 ~ 322 8 0(5.64)

    HARDOr ED TW(33.68) 6.00 10.10 14.22 323 PR ~ 6

    PR HARDOr EAG GC(101.08],TW(175.80) 209.33 40.14 62.16 ~ 324 4 TWE(92.85),TK(0.64] , PR,KR HARDOI : TW(81. 75) 66.73 29.88 16.64 ~ 325 4

    PR,KR HARDOr .T)'I(99.19) 23.50 16.98 10.33 ~ 326 6

    ------~------~ ------~------5 10 ------~~------327 Ghosar 279.00 1::56 P (1) CH\i1 (l) W,HP -(-0) - \ -5) -(-5) (225)

    328 Akhnapur '135.00 680 P (1) CHWI1) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) 1123 )

    329 Shahabuddinpur ' '646. DO 3054 P12) PliS (1) ,CflW (1) ,W,IIP -(5-10) -(-5) BS (532)

    330 Madhopur 180.00 1301 -(-5) CHW (1) 'W,HP -(-5) TUE,SAT -(-5) (213)

    331 Kauthahya ,j 168.00 1087 P(2) CHW(l) W, HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) ( 179)

    :-1 332 Gurra 27.00 ------U N - I N H A B I T E D ------m~ ------

    333 Sathra ::; 518.00 2185 P(3) ,Mil) PHS (1) ,CHW(l) " W,HP PTO,PHONE - (-5) -(-5) (431)

    334 Gharnoiya 'C 66.00 451 P(l) CHW (li W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (81)

    335 Peng 368.00 2133 P (1) PHS(l) ,CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (414 )

    336 Sarra 591. 00 2718 P (1) CHW (1) W, HP -1-5) -(-5) -(-5) (455)

    337 Joora i08.00 2925 P (2) CHW (1) T,W,TK -1-5) - (-5) -(-5) (506) TW,HP

    338 Bhadalcha 363.00 4212 P(3),M(1),H(l) PHC(l) ,PHS(l),D(l) T,W,HP PO,PHONE -(-5) - (-5) (743 ) PUC(l) CHW(l)

    , 339 Deoriya 128.00 861 P (1) CHW(l) T,W,TK -I-51 -(-5) - (-5) (136) HP

    340 Dho1iya 0 256.00 1796 P (1) CHW(l) T,W,TK -(-5) TUE,SAT -(-5) (316) HP

    341 Bausra !J 462. 00 1537 P(l) PHS (1), CHW{l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (293)

    342 Maliharnau LI 153.00 731 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP PO -(-5) BS (123)

    343 Odra Nevliya c; 470.00 2222 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) (458 )

    344 Meuna Maheshpur J 274.00 1304 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) 1236)

    ------Census Dlrectorate, Uttar Pradesh 1.2.9 ------11 1: 13 14 is 16 17 l8 ------'i ------PR,KR t{[--.RGO~ SAG ,,·.TWE (93.0S) 68.00 91.00 :7.00 >imR 327

    nj\RDO: ED GCI40.CO),TW(:I.~0) 10.00 328 KR 40.00 15.00 ~ TKl,l.OO)

    PR W;i{UOI GCI148.00),WI33.5h) 179.32 54.45 0.00 329 6 TWII57.00),TWEI50.00) ~ TK(23.67) KR HARDOI ED,EAG,EO Gt·140. 00) ,w 13.00) 48.00 7.00 16.00 330 9 TWsI60.00),TKI6.00) ~

    PR HAP, DO I 'GCI47.00) ,TwI80.15) 31. 55 5.20 0.00 ~ 331 6 TKI4.10)

    KR HARDOr TWI16.00) 9.00 2.00 0.00 ']

    KR HARDOI ED 6.02 GCI138.55) ,WIO.O?) 208.37 8.10 F,1.4?

    KR SANDI GCI6.84) ,WIO.49) 43.63 1. 53 10.87 .~ 334 9 TWI2.27),TKIO.37)

    KR SANDI ED 2.37 GCI86.58),Wll.85) 167.80 6.57 47.39 q". 335 11 TWI48.45) ,TKI6.99)

    KR H.n.RDOI 2.55 GC,1190.00) ,WI2.09) 20.66 40.40 20.30

    KR HARDOI GCI180.00) ,TWI170.00) 78.00 210.00 55.00 "iU 337 , E'P II TKII0.00),OI5.00)

    PR Hl'.RDOr ED,EAG,EO GCI70.00),W[7.00) 95.00 28.00 30.00 ~ 338 9 TWE[120.00),TKI13.00)

    KR HARDOr GCI25.16),TWI60.78) 32.38 2.91 6.77 ~ 339 , FP 8

    KR GHARDOr GC188. 74) ,W[79.00) 27.72 39.45 21. 09 ~ 340 ,E'P 10

    KR HARDOI 43.99 GCI135.04) ,WI40.14) 133.94 53.97 54.66 ~ 341 , FP 13 TKIO.26)

    PR HARDOr ED,EAG,EO GCI40.99),WI20.50) 13.85 26.92 16.24 ~ 342 12 EA TWEI14.00),TKI20.50)

    KR HARDOr 16.19 GCI54.31),W[262.68) 88.93 14.04 33.85 ~~ 343 , FP 13

    KR HARDOr 0.49 GCI32.20),TWI8S.00) 120.80 10.14 21.87 ..mr~ 344 13 TWEI3.50) 3 10

    345 Lalpur 576.00 3758 P(3) ,M(l) ,H(l) PHS (l: , RP (1) , CHW ( I) W,HP PO TIJt:, FRI 85 (688)

    346 Singhua Mau 340.00 1682 P Il) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 8S (269)

    347 Kon.,ra 201.00 603 - (-5) CH'N(l) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) BSRS (110)

    348 Abdulpur 168.00 482 P (2) CHW 11) W,HP - (-5) -(-5) 8S (81)

    349 Maina Mau 430.00 2752 P (3) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (431)

    350 Bardua 278.00 1552 - (-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) (270)

    351 Pachkohra 331. 00 1865 P (2), M(l) CHW (1) W, HP PO WED,SUN BS (304)

    352 Keharmau 150.00 993 P (1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) T,W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (172)

    353 Seharmau 44.00 110 - (-5) CHW (1) T,W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS (20)

    354 Khajurahra 2125.00 11235 P(4) ,Mil) ,H(l) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W,HP PO MON, FRI -(-5) ( 1959)

    3~5 Nevada 1')6.00 tl',o - (-0) CHW 11) W,HP - (- 5) - (-5) -(5-10) (127)

    356 Sursa 257.00 1429 P(2) ,M(l) ,HIl) PHC(l),PHSll),CHW(l) W,HP PO MON,THU -(5-10) (289) PUC (1)

    357 Turteepur 788,00 2654 PIl) ,Mil) ,H(lI CHW (11 'W, HP PO TUE,SAT -(5-10) (485 )

    358 Umrapur 541. 00 2342 PIl) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (341)

    359 Sarsaiya CJ 227.00 1558 P (I) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (272)

    360 Bahraiya iJ 270.00 908 P (1) CHW (1) 'w, HP -(-5) TUE -(5-10) ( 157)

    361 Sugwan 0 568.00 2471 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP PTO,PHONE - (-5) BS ( 418) ','

    362 Rampur := 100.00 433 P(2) CHW (1) i)l,HP - (-5) - (-5) BS (78)

    ------~--~------~ Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh /3) ------If, ,7 C" 11 1J 14 15 ------3·1 S ------~ ':£ j. '-( ~ ~1 . :' f; C').37 H."'I].{[{; , ~~t'G, CO, SA 5.£)4 GC ( 3 ~ .0 (): , ;'1 ; :; • ;: ~ ~ PI< 1 I ,~ TW(lJH,':/f:J: In',!' (:_\1 ,' TK{lO.S~i 346 : 15.10 1. 40 38.00 ffiqal[tl3; KI'. Hl.J

    347 61.90 63.50 35.85 PR HI'_'

    53.00 S.OO 48.00 348 KI'. HARDOr GCI15.20),TWI5.701 ~ l~ TWE (41.101

    147.23 26.52 29.15 ~ 349 KR HJlRDOI GCI80.00),TW(145.00) 17 TKI2.10)

    20.25 36.77 350 KR HARDor GCI16.00),TWI124.00) 52.91 ~a:rr 18 TKI28.07) 351 35.75 14 .07 57.08 ~ PR HJI.RDOr ED,EO 2.16 GC(111.69) ,TW(86.221 15 TWE(18.92),TK(S.II) 352 40.57 9.82 21.80 ~ KR HJI.ROor TW(75.81),TK(I.001 16 RIl.OO) 353 WI0.39),TW(26.86) 11.22 1. 53 3.07 ~ KR HARDCr ltl TK(0.93) 354 345.14 50.41 157.52 KR HAiWOI EA 38.01 GC(949.21) ,TW(355.291 ~ 17 TWE (216.34 1 , TK ( 12 • 7 5 ) 010.33) 355 26.60 34.37 5.12 m PR HARDOI TWE(89.91) 17

    29.68 24.31 28.53 356 PR HARDOI EA 0.53 GC(12.00),TW(151.00) ~ 15 0(10.95) 357 GC(58.37 ),TW(271.59) 155.73 190.23 57.00 KR HARDOI EA 36.04 ~ 17 TK(8.69),O(10.35) 358 89.83 115.50 72.44 KR HARDOr 73.15 W(12.50),TW(120.50) ~ 19 TK(57.0S) 359 4.03 12.22 35.00 ~ KR HA.'\OOI 49.79 GCI25.86),W(I.01) 18 TWI94.99),TK(4.10)

    32.60 34.85 17.17 360 KR HARDOr 20,47 TW(S5.91),TWE(109.00) 19 •

    109.14 135.93 51.00 361 PR,KR SANDI ED,EAG 27.30 GC(171.28) ,W(0.991 '.'lf1'Ii 8 TWE(62.S8),TK(9.48)

    29.02 15.14 7.16 362 PR HARDOI 5.22 W(26.87),TWE(16.38) ~ 17 TK(O.21)

    ------, t,)"------5 10 ------_- 363 Husiyapur 561.00 1961 P (1) CHW 11; W,HP -(-5) -{-5; BS (364 )

    364 Kamraul~ 249.00 1008 P (1) PHS ( 1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(5-l0) -15-CO) -(-5) (179)

    365 Bhitha 124.00 403 P (I) CHW{ 1) W,HP -(-5) - (5-10) -(-5) (72)

    366 Mohkampur 1.24.00 444 -(-5) CHW(I) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) (86)

    367 Fatiyapur 670.00 2536 P (2) ,M(l) PHC (1) , PHS (1) ,RP (1) W,HP PHONE ~UE,FRI BS (431 ) CHW(l) ,0(1) SUN

    368 Virahimpur 248.00 1086 -(-5) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) - (-5) BS (178)

    ~~ PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 369 Lalaulee '" 159.00 629 P (1) (98)

    370 Mona 612.00 2246 P (1) CHW (I) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS (392)

    371 Andhari 693.00 1752 P (I) PHC{I),PHS(I),D(1) W,HP PO - (5-10) -(5-10) (320) CHW Il)

    372 Tundwal 706.00 2698 P (1) CHW{I) W,HP PTO -(-5) -(-5) (48~)

    373 Dalelpur 4c,.00 1390 P (1) CIIW(l) W, HP -(-0) - ("-10) -(5-10) (229)

    374 Dahigawan 219.00 925 Pill ,M(1) PHS (I ) , CHW ( 1 ) W,HP -(-5) WED,SUN -(5-10) (170)

    375 Tikari 270.00 1481 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) - (5-10) (247)

    376 Dhenni Tusaura ~ 378.00 949 P(l) CHi'll 1) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (153)

    377 DahU Salukpur .-; 376.00 2054 P (1) CliW (l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) (381)

    378 Aincha Mau 450.00 1244 P(2) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) (216 )

    379 Mayoni 814.00 3381 P (2) PHS(I),CHW(l),O(l) W,HP PO -(-5) -(5-10) (581)

    380 Bhataura 138.00 474 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) - (-5) - (5-10) (10)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh IJ.J ------_--_- 11 13 14 lS :!.6 17 13 2 ------_--- PR,KR H!l.KDOI 120.05 GCI71.00}/TW(1!3.00) 113.77 62.02 S6.~4 ~ 363 ,-fi TWE(2Q.9~) ,TK(~.OO)

    PR, KR HF,RDO! 4(;.12 GC(6·1.34) ,1'1(1.41) 5S.32 15.:;9 33.00 ~ 364 14 TW(30.97) ,0(2.55)

    KR HARDor GC(17.00),TW(30.00) 15.37 46.63 15.00 '1'ror 365 17

    PR HARDOr 14.56 1'1(18.63) ,TW(12.64) 57.~3 4.18 13.35 ~ 366 16 TWE(2.46) ,TK(O.35)

    PR HARDOI SAG 175.64 GC(85.60),TWE(15.39) 70.47 37.04 285.86 ~ 367 16

    PR BILGRAM GC(25.53) 121.21 87.98 13.28 ~ 368 9

    PR BILGRAM ' TW 120.65) 88.69 39.19 10.47 ~ 369 5

    KR BILGRAM ... GC(15.04) ,1'1'1(70.10) 386.40 92.91 4" • 5~

    KR BILGRAM Gt(126.29),TW(89.37) BO.88 307.26 82.24 Ji1ro 371 11 TK (6.96)

    I 372 KR HARDOr 120.85 ~C(188.48),TW(29.63) 201. 28 32.92 132.61 ~ 22 TK11.23)

    PR HARDOI 49.27 dClfi7.09) ,110.45) 77.66 99.46 119.24 ~ 373 23 TI().0.44) ,TKI3.39)

    PR HARDOr GCI67.34),TW(24.34) 99.09 11. 70 16.17 ~ 374 22 TKI0.36)

    E'R lIAR DO I 45.66 GC(24.38) ,TW(98.33) 36.75 32.34 16.40 m 375 16 TWE(6.27),TK(9.87)

    KR HARDOr 16.42 GCI76.40) ,TW(64.87) 69.34 84.87 43.77 .flr-ft~ 376 17 TK (22.33)

    KR HARDOr 63.80' GC(95.54),110.01) 76.42 95.88 41. 26 .Wo~ 377 24 TW(1.97) ,TKI1.12)

    E'R MADHOGANJ GCI174.34) 2.64 192.00 81. 02 ~1f3; 378 4

    KR HARDOI GC(70.50) ,TW(190.40) 174.12 106.38 85.50 "1Rt 379 25 TWE(162.00),TKI25.10)

    KR HARDOr TW(46.00),TWE(23.27) 43.26 18.32 7.15 ~ 380 25

    ------_. ';;f:I1TIlRT~.~l$r ' ..... , ------_---- 2 10 ------381 Kairmar 176.00 531 Pll) CC!'. I 1) W,H? -IS-lO) wED,SAT -15-10) (92)

    382 Marsa 90 i. 00 2461 P(2) PHS 11) , CHI, I 1) W,HP -15-10) -lo-lU) -15-10) 1401 )

    383 Arangapur 346.00 1659 Pill ,M(l) CHW (1) W,HP - (5-10) -(S-lO) -(5-10) 1284 1

    384 Hathiyai 157.00 813 P (1) PHC (1) , CHW (1) W,HP -(S-10) -(5-10) -(-5) (162)

    385 Hardha ~ 217.00 1468 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (5-10) - (-5) -(-5) (272)

    386 Bha:wanipur ~j 132.00 63 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP -(5-10) - (-5) -(-5) (13)

    387 Gangapur ~ '333.00 1108 P (1) CHW(l) W,HP - (5-10) -(S-10) -(-5) (21S)

    388 Mahura Kalan 365.00 1520 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW ( I) W,HP -(-S) - (-5) - (5-10) (268 )

    389 Odra Pach1ai 0 1062.00 3S05 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP PTO MON,THU -(5-10) (610)

    390 Sautera ,~ , 927.00 3987 P(2) PHS (1) , CHW (1) W,HP PTO -(-5) -(5-10) (729)

    391 Beckapur tdll_()O .~ 91 'J I'(e) ,M II) I'll" (1), CIIW( 1) W,HP -(-~) '!'lJl.',Flll -(5-10) (50S)

    392 Achhra Mau 298.00 1207 P (1) PHS(1) ,CHW(I) I W, HP PO,TO MON,TUE -15-10) (200)

    393 Pahnutera 658.00 3461 P(2) ,M(l) PHS(l),CHW(l),O(l)' , W,HP PO MON,THU BS (581)

    394 Bannapur G 683.00 2170 P(l) ,M(l) PHCIl) ,CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) WED,SUN -(-S) (404 ) I'

    395 Bhelawau 0 324.00 1650 P(2) CHW(l) W,HP -(5-10) -(-S) -(-5) (266)

    396 Matua t_; 269.00 966 P (1) PHS ( 1) , CHW (1 ) W,HP -(5-10) - (-S) - (-5) (166)

    397 Sahoriya Bujurg C; 858.00 3293 P(2) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP -15-10) TIJE,FRI -(5-10) (493)

    ------~------~------Total : 31·756.00 146207 P(99) ,M(14) PHC(6),PHS(26) 25439 H(5), PUe(2) D(2),RP(2) CHW(Sl) ,0(3)

    ------Censlls Directorate, Uttar Pradesh J3S------_------_------11 13 14 15 l_6 17 H ------KR HI~i: [IU [ C;C (~J ,!_II,) , TW ( /1. d I: -}/.U"j c I. III II. :" ~ 381 ,FP :5 IJ'K 12.60)

    PR HARDOI 1. 96 GC(292.98) ,W(O.17) ,)9.65 271.77 97.86 'ltm 382 ;:1 TWE 137 . 40) ,TK 1~. 21)

    KR HARDO! CC(40.00),TW(64.90) 123.43 50.:::0 34.77 ~ 383 30 TK(~0.50),O(2.20)

    KR HAlmO! GC ( 34 . 13 ) , TW 1:29 . ~,' ) i 5.24 8.39 8.r ~ 384 21 TK(1.00)

    385 KR HARDO! GCI28.15) ,TW(50.49) 104.54 9.64 20.18 ~ 21 TK(4.00)

    KR HARDOI GC(29.41) ,TW(23.39) 70.30 2.50 4.15 386 21 TK(2.25) ~

    KR HA.".DOI GC(48.35),TW(B8.56) 135.60 40.14 18.10 7ilJ11f 387 21 TK(2.25)

    PR HAEDOI 49.73 CiC \ 1~:'.• :)R) h .l)i1 ~JO .. 3J If,.:'I, ,"~

    KR HARDO! 24.24 GCI443.27),TW(32.1c) 290.86 203.67 65.13 .JOOr~ 389 3'0 TK I:. -11)

    KR HARDOI 114.39 GC(235.70),TW(66.00) 2S9.60 31. 62 156.68

    KR MADHOGANJ 30.54 GC(46.42) ,W(4.00) 113.85 37.36 178.00 391 10 TWI219.91),TK(3.92) ~

    KR HARDOr 15.66 GCI98.71),TW(56.06) 68.41 19.61 36.03 ~ 392 3S TK(J.52)

    FR,KR MADHOGANC" 87.09 GCI212.80),WIO.20) 303.50 34.58 3.75 ~ 393 10 TWI6.08) ,TK(10.00)

    PR CKACHHONA 101.12 GC(52.28),WIO.04) 190.69 20.60 55.28 'RT'F 394 , FP 14 TW(238.71),TWE(24.28)

    PR KACHHONA ED TW(92.15),TWE(26.22) 143.91 20.89 30.06 ~ 395 12 0(10.771

    PR LKACHHONA 8.35 TW(127.48),TWE(14.42) 91.80 5.00 21. 95 "'Rl31T 396 , FP 15

    KR MADHOGANJ 13.01 GC(196.85),W(0.26) 230.55 169.85 52.97 ~~ 397 13 rwl146.21),TWE(30.57) TK(O.13) ,R(17.601

    ------~------1438.24 GCI6275.85),WI522.83) 7995.37 4056.40 3338.80 'llPT: TW(6013.61),TWE(1589.36) TKI449.58),R(18.60) 0(54.41) 19910f:!lTTlr-IT 13~ 1991 CENSUS ;;r.!~mi AMENITIES AND

    District Name : Hardoi ------~------~------1m! *I ;;r.! ~ - r~ 1m! ii "I!fum ~"'Iii ~ i9T .,rn (- ) MTTr.f ~ 'iIre" 1m! 'it f;r;;.i\ m"Q7 I hl~ <:iT m?: em-"Q7 nllI'

    ~ JIllI'liT'IT'! '1T.'1'1i1~ ~3iR t)

    2 10 ------_------__ ----~_~------_------

    C.O. Block Ahrorl j Tahsil Hardol ~

    398 Neer IJ 1460.00 5019 P (3),M(1) PHS (1) , CHW (1) ,0 (l) W,HP PO MON, TUE 8S (937 ) THU, SAT

    399 Mahuaipun 483.00 2069 P (2) PHS (I), CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) WED, SUN - (-5) (344 )

    400 Madara 830.00 3081 P [1) PHC [1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO - (-5) - (-5) [593)

    401 Naya Gaon MubarakpurS 328.00 1824 P[l) ,M(1) CWC ( I) , PHS ( I) , CHW [ I) W,HP PO MON,THU BS [320)

    402 Khetuai 483.00 2872 P [2) RP(l) ,CHW[I) W,HP - [-5) - (-5) BS [488)

    403 Pihlniy" 136.00 379 P [3) CHW [I) W,HP - [-5) - (-5) - [-5) [f,~ )

    4 04 Bingfil Ganj 84.00 ------_- U N - I N H A BIT E 0 ------fR311'IIl1 ------

    405 Atwa Katain o 905.00.. 3782 P (l),M(l) PHS (1) ,CHW (1) W,HP PO WED,FRI - (-5) (653)

    406 Sohasa 462.00· 1413 P (2) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - [-5) - (-5) (237 )

    407 Kharda Khera J 788.00 3509 P (1) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) WED - [-5) (594 )

    408 Ghoora U 141. 00 691 P(1) ,AC[l) CHW(l) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -[5-10) (120)

    409 Bhurdiya n 272 .00 664 P (2) CHW (1) W,HP - (-5) - (-5) -1-5) ( 103)

    Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh 1Im~ ,{[U,,1,(;!; r)[Fr,~'l'(JI' I Ii>! wirrr 137 LAND USE


    ~1Ilirrr Land Usc (3l'IIil!.,I',,

  • District Census Handbook, Hardoi, Part-XIIA, Series-25, Uttar Pradesh (2024)


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    Name: Aracelis Kilback

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