The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (2024)

Welcome! This guide will give newcomers (aka. fresh wolfbait) an overview of mechanics, tasks and tips to start out in Vintage Story, but may even let experienced players find out the odd thing here and there that they did not know themselves.

How to use this guide

Info boxes like this one will appear throughout this guide. Click to open / close them.

The navigation to the left and any light blue links will bring you to their relevant section. Light pink links are to sections which have not been written yet. Links to external sites look like that.

You already know that you can use your browser's back button to return to the previous page, but the same applies to links that move you elsewhere on the same page. So you can click on a topic that interests you, and then return to exactly where you were before in this guide by going back.

When you encounter an item with a green link like this

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (1)chest

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, you can hover over or click it to see its recipe, for convenience. Feel free to try it out right now! But even if they're just shown like this The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (11)stick, keep in mind you can always use the ingame handbook to find out more.

I hope this will prove to be useful to you!
~ copygirl 💚


You might already be familiar with games such as Minecraft, and the controls in Vintage Story are very similar, so it's likely you'll feel right at home. I would still recommend you glance over this section, since you do have a few more ways to interact with the game. This is just a quick overview of the most important controls and you can have a look at a more extensive list in the Controls settings.




Break1 / Attack
Place2 / Interact
Scroll through hotbar slots
0-9Select hotbar slots 1 to 10
QDrop held item3
GSit down4
XSwitch offhand item5
FSelect tool mode (for voxel crafting)
Changing hotbar keybindings

Personally, I like to keep my last 4 hotbar slots easily accessible on the keys ZXCV (or Y if you're on QWERTZ). This requires moving some keybindings however, so I put "Switch offhand item" on F, and "Open/close character inventory" on I.


EscOpen/close escape menu1
HOpen/close handbook
EOpen/close inventory2
COpen/close character inventory
MOpen/close map dialog3
F6Show/hide minimap
F4Show/hide all HUD elements
F12Take and save a screenshot4
Missing HUD elements

Some players might find themselves lacking an important HUD element, such as the minimap (F6), coordinates and facing (V), block/entity info (B) and block/entity interaction help (N). This may be due to having pressed one of those keys by accident. If you are prone to doing that, I may recommend changing the keybinding to something you won't accidentally press, such as Ctrl+\. Note that you can also enable and disable these in the Interface settings.

Immersive Mouse Mode and the Alt key

In the Interface settings, the game also offers an "Immersive Mouse Mode" option. Turning this on will prevent most ingame dialogs from taking away your first-person camera control, and block dialogs will appear floating above the blocks they belong to. Now you can move items between containers with the crosshair! To access your inventory, you will have to hold Alt to unlock the mouse cursor.

But even without Immersive Mouse Mode, the Alt key might still have its uses. It essentially inverts whether your mouse cursor is grabbed by the game. You can use it to rearrange your hotbar without opening your inventory, as well as turn your camera around even if you have any number of dialogs open, for example to access a chest that is hiding behind you.

Your First Day

Here is everything you might want to know for your first day(s) in Vintage Story.

When first starting the game in a fresh world, you'll be greeted by a dialog telling you about the handbook and a starter guide on the official wiki - which you won't need because you have this one - as well as the character creation dialog.

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The first thing you will do after joining a world is customizing your skin and character class. If you accidentally close this dialog without clicking "Confirm", it will reappear after rejoining.

When you're playing the game for the first time, it is recommended you pick the Commoner class, especially if you're not sure what to go with. You start with a set of clothes matching your class, though you can discover more as you play.

Opening your character dialog (C) ingame allows you to look at and switch out your clothing and equipped armor. Additionally, you will see a "Stats" dialog which tells you information about yourself, and an "Environment" dialog that shows you the date, time, temperature and frequency of rainfall.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (14) The nutrition bars will fill up as you eat foods in those categories. You will find that cooked meals are an especially good way to fill multiple at once. This is important because you can raise your maximum health from 15 health points (by default) to a total of 27.5 when all 5 categories are full.

Health and satiety displayed here are also visible above the hotbar as the red and green bars to the left and right, respectively. If you're curious what the cog in the center does, go and read up on the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (16)Temporal Stability mechanic in the handbook. The additional stats are affected by the armor you wear, and notably, carrying an item in your offhand raises your hunger rate by 25%.

Death, respawning and setting your spawn

Remember the location you first start in a fresh world, because it's where you will be reappearing whenever you die. That is, until you get a rare item drop called The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (17)temporal gear, which you use by holding until it disappears, setting your new spawn point.

Beware that, with the default world settings, you will drop your items on the ground, which you have only some amount of time to retrieve before they disappear. There are no automatic death waypoints.1 However, you can the minimap to create a waypoint on your death screen.

Beware of the wolves! 🐺

Even if the game tells you that you have a number of days before monsters appear, you still have to watch out for the aggressive wildlife. The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (18)Wolves and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (19)hyenas will hunt you down if you happen to get to close to them. If you hear howling, or even just the sound of a puppy barking, be very careful, and ready to run!

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (20)Male bighorn sheep - those with the large curvy horns - also don't like it when you get into their personal space, but fortunately they don't persue you unless provoked.


Before you jump right into the game, you should definitely be aware of the ingame handbook, which can be opened by pressing H. You can also hover over an item in your hotbar, inventory or any container and press H to directly jump to its page, or Sneak+H to do the same for blocks in the world.

The handbook allows you to read information about certain mechanics (such as smithing), how to create an item and what it can be used for. Navigate it using the search, or click on icons and links to move around and use the back button to go to where you were previously.

In addition to this handbook, you can also use the already mentioned Vintage Story Wiki for more in-depth information about certain topics beyond what this guide can cover.


The following list shows some important resources you will want to be looking out for early on.

Waypoint everything

Especially when starting out, and you don't have the inventory space or place to call home, you might not be able to take everything useful or interesting with you. So be sure to set down waypoints by opening the map with M and pressing on it.

If you prefer, you can also use a command to create a waypoint exactly where you stand. Simply type /waypoint add [color] [name] into the chat (T). You can edit and delete any waypoint you've placed by pressing on an existing marker.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (22) When harvested with a knife, drops a piece of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (24)dry grass. Can be made into The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (25)hay

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and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (33)cob

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, used to create a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (44)firestarter and firepit.1
Sticks The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (46) Sometimes found laying about, you can also get them from breaking The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (47)leaves, in particular branchy ones. They're used to create tools, a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (48)firestarter, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (49)torches, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (50)ladders

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, and may be used as fuel for the firepit.
Rocks The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (60) Certain stones can be used to craft tool heads: The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (61)Granite, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (62)andesite, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (63)basalt and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (64)peridotite. Other rock types, such as The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (65)sandstone pictured here, are too soft. Can be thrown at enemies for minor damage.
Flint The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (66) A bit more rare than stones, but found anywhere in the world. Slightly better material to make tool heads from, and unlike stones also The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (67)arrow heads.
Obsidian The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (68) Found only in areas where the top layer of rock is The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (69)basalt. It's the best non-metal material for tools. Below patches of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (70)obsidian stones, you may find The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (71)obsidian rock underground.
Copper The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (72) Will yield 1 to 3 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (73)copper nuggets.2 Consider holding off on collecting them, due to your initially limited inventory space. Either way, be sure to create a waypoint where you find them, because there is a surface deposit of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (74)copper ore hiding below!
Cattail The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (75) Found near water, cooper's reed will yield The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (76)cattail.3 Use a knife, or you'll destroy the plant. Harvesting it a second time drops a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (78)root to replant or cook. Used for The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (79)hand baskets

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to expand your inventory and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (86)baskets

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to store things at home.
Horsetail The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (96) This special flower generally found in forests allows you to create The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (97)horsetail poultices

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early on, which heals 2 hitpoints. Also rarely spawns on empty The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (101)farmland.
Clay The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (102) Is used to form pottery and molds, important for cooking, preservation and moving into the copper age. There's also a much rarer varient called The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (106)fire clay which is used in the process to create your first iron.
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (108) This dark and especially rare soil is the best block to till into The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (109)farmland to grow your crops on the quickest, so keep a lookout for it. Just be aware that, once tilled, it can't be picked up anymore.4


It's time to make your first tools! To do so, you need to hold at least 2 of any knappable material (The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (111)Flint, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (112)granite, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (113)andesite, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (114)basalt, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (115)peridotite or The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (116)obsidian) in your hand, then Sneak+ on the ground. Using flint, you will begin knapping right away. With stones, you have to "place" a second one against the first.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (117) A dialog will show up, letting you chose what you want to make. You may want to start with a pair of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (118)knives, and eventually you'll also need an The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (119)axe. You might want to consider a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (120)spear or two to hunt or defend yourself, but inventory space is precious right now.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (121) Next, a flat grid of voxels will appear on the ground, some highlighted with an orange outline. While holding another item of the same (or any knappable) material, knap away voxels either by holding down or clicking at your own pace, until no highlighted voxel remains. You can break away voxels by disconnecting them from the main work piece.

Consider sitting down using G to get closer to the crafting surface. Once you're done and received your tool head (here, 2 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (122)knife blades) slap it into the 3x3 crafting grid in your inventory (E) with a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (123)stick below to receive your finished tool.

Voxelcrafting using mouse cursor

You might feel more comfortable working on these voxel flavored crafting recipes if your camera wasn't constantly moving around. To do this, open any dialog or hold Alt to unlock the mouse.

Inventory Expansion

Especially once you have a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (124)knife, you can look around bodies of water for cooper's reed, which will give you The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (125)cattail. Just 10 of these can be crafted into a single

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (126)hand basket

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1, and 40 is enough to fill all of the bag slots you can see to the right of your hotbar. Each hand basket adds 3 slots to your previously non-existant inventory.

Dropped bags contain their items

Each of the slots in your inventory corresponds to one of the bags you have equipped. You might notice this when you pick up an item and it goes into your inventory: The actual bag it ends up in shakes briefly. When a non-empty bag is dropped on the ground, it can only be picked up when there's a free bag slot next to your hotbar.

Keep this in mind when you frantically run to to collect your items after a death, or want to collect the items a friend (or foe) has dropped, or you might unknowingly leave something behind.

Food Gathering

The next worry you might have is your dwindling food bar. Thankfully, there are a number of options when it comes to gathering food:

and  Grain
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (154)

Fully grown crops will drop The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (155)vegetables or raw The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (156)grain for you to eat. To check their growth stage, look at the block/entity info HUD (toggled with B). However, they also drop a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (157)seed bag, which is valuable and you shouldn't leave it behind, but it takes up equally valuable inventory space, and requires farmland to plant.

I personally find The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (159)flax to be one of the few crops worth grabbing, as its The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (160)fibers are valuable. For anything else, just create a waypoint for later.

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Berries The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (162) These bushes can be harvested for The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (163)berries by holding down . Unlike crops, you can easily replant them by just placing them back down, making them a great first food source to relocate to your base.
Shrooms The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (164) The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (165)Field mushroom, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (166)bolete and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (167)fly agaric are found in humid forests. Can you guess which one is poisonous? When harvested with a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (168)knife, they regrow after a few days. Unfortunately, mushrooms in newly discovered areas start out "harvested".
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (169) The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (170)Hares, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (171)chickens, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (172)raccoons and the predatory The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (173)foxes are scared of you (most of the time). But they are also very quick on their little feet and don't give a lot of meat. Throw The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (174)spears from afar and aim well for success.
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (175) The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (176)Bighorn sheep and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (177)boars have a good amount of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (178)redmeat on them, but they also don't like it when you poke them. Make sure you're at least somewhat prepared if you want to take them on.
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (179) Once you're not scared of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (180)wolves and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (181)hyenas anymore, you can hunt them for their The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (182)bushmeat for a change. Either keep your distance by throwing The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (183)spears, or charge them with a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (184)longblade and ideally some armor.
Cattail The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (185) This plant again? Yes, the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (186)cattail root can be cooked in a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (187)firepit and eaten, in case you're running out of options. They're not really renewable, though.
On wild crop growth

Crops that are not (almost) fully grown do not always drop a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (188)seed for you to replant. Therefore you might think it's common sense to leave these plants alone until they slowly grow up on their own. However, know that unlike crops that have been planted on farmland, wild crop growth only occurs in the areas that are loaded around players - and also very slowly.

Therefore, you might want to consider to just pick up crops regardless and deal with the chance of no seeds dropping when you go on long exploration trips. One interesting workaround is to till the land underneath the crop to get it to grow at normal speed (even when you're far away). If you do this, keep in mind that The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (190)hares might then find an interest in them.

Shelter & Fire

With sunlight being limited, and night approaching, you might want to look into creating a safe spot for yourself. Here are some materials / methods you can use:

  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (191)Dig a 2 blocks deep trench, so nothing besides a leaping wolf can get to you.
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (192)Soil can be found anywhere, so why not build with it?
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (193)Packed Dirt

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    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (200)6

    , The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (201)Arid Packed Dirt

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    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (208)6

    , The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (209)Cob

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    and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (220)Strewn Straw

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    are some alternatives.
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (228)Hay

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    is made from The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (236)dry grass and quick to break. Works well to close up entrances.
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (237)Logs you chop down are perfect to look like load-bearing pillars!
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (239)Cobblestone

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    can be crafted if you have lots of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (250)stones and some The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (251)clay.
  • Speaking of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (252)cobblestone, with some luck you can find and spruce up a ruin.
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (253)Light

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    and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (263)dark mudbrick

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    is made with any The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (272)sand and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (273)low fertility soil, specifically.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (274) Once you've made yourself reasonably comfortable, it's time to make a fire! First place a piece of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (275)dry grass followed by 4

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (276)firewood

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on the ground using Sneak+. This creates a basic, unlit The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (280)firepit, which you now have to start using a

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (281)firestarter

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- again hold Sneak+ until it succeeds. When the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (286)firepit starts burning its temperature will start to rise, and will continue burning as long as you provide it with fuel.

Next, use some of those excess The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (287)sticks you've gathered and turn them into The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (288)torches by just placing them in the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (289)firepit. Torches can start fires even better than the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (290)firestarter, so you can throw the latter away. In your inventory they last forever, but keep in mind that when placed, they burn out after 3 days, or simply go out when it's raining, if not covered by a block.

You may create some

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (291)baskets

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(8 slots) to store those goodies you find, or The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (301)vessels (12 slots) which are made by clay forming - a good way to spend your night. Of course, if you don't like the darkness, 5 hours can also be skipped by making a

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (303)hay bed

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and sleeping in it.

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Once you've gotten yourself settled down a little better, here's a number of things you can learn about while you work towards getting your first copper tools, some of which you might want to apply sooner rather than later.

Clay Forming & Pottery

Clay can be found in areas of the world that are somewhat humid. The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (310)Fire clay is about 5 times as rare as The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (311)blue clay, the former being used to build a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (312)bloomery to start into the iron age.

To begin clay forming, hold Sneak+ while holding either type of clay - for most recipes, it does not matter which one you use. Now you can select one of the recipes.

  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (314)Vessels
    Clay Forming

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    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (316)

    are quite useful for storage and food preservation.
  • If you want to start cooking, make a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (317)cooking pot
    Clay Forming

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    and some The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (322)bowls
    Clay Forming

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  • To go into the copper age, start with a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (328)crucible
    Clay Forming

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    , The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (333)pickaxe
    Clay Forming

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    and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (336)hammer
    Clay Forming

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    Later, you will need an The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (339)anvil
    Clay Forming

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    and at least 2 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (342)ingot
    Clay Forming

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    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (346)2

    molds. This takes 59 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (347)clay total.
  • The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (348) Now you will, similar to knapping, find yourself with a voxel grid, except this time you'll (mostly) be adding voxels rather than removing them, building the chosen item layer by layer. Remove orange voxels with and add them to where you see green outlines with .

    You start with 25 voxels worth of clay and when you run out, a piece of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (350)clay will be consumed from your hotbar to give you 25 more voxels to work with.

    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (351) When you press F you can switch the tool mode from 1x1 to 2x2, 3x3 and duplicate layer. This is especially useful once you've finished a layer and the next one is the same. You can then use the duplicate layer mode to easily and quickly fill in the same voxels as the previous layer.

    Get closer to the ground by sitting (G), and enjoy the company of your friends, who can help you work on the same recipe. When you're all done, either the items will pop off the ground or you have to pick them up. Burn the unfinished pottery and molds in the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (352)firepit to finish them.

    Cost of clay forming recipes

    The game does not display the usual cost for crafting clay items in the handbook, therefore I will provide you with this information in the following table here.

    Crafting result1x / CostQty. / Cost
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (353)Ingot Mold3 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (354)2x5 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (355)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (356)Bowl1 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (357)4x4 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (358)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (359)Claypot4 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (360)4x24 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (361)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (362)Crock2 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (363)4x14 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (364)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (365)Crucible2 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (366)4x13 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (367)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (368)Flowerpot4 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (369)4x23 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (370)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (371)Shingle12x4 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (372)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (373)Planter28 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (374)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (375)Storage Vessel35 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (376)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (377)Watering Can20 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (378)
    Crafting result (molds)1x / Cost
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (379)Anvil28 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (380)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (381)Axe11 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (382)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (383)Hammer12 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (384)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (385)Helvehammer5 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (386)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (387)Hoe12 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (388)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (389)Lamellae8 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (390)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (391)Longblade12 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (392)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (393)Pickaxe12 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (394)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (395)Prospecting Pick13 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (396)
    The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (397)Shovel11 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (398)

    Due to starting out with 64 voxels for a single piece of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (399)clay, and only getting 25 more when you run out, the crafting cost can vary a lot when making multiple items at once using the batch recipes. While most batch recipes are more expensive, it is worth pointing out that 4 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (400)bowls cost the same as when made separately, and making 2 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (401)ingot molds is even a single The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (402)clay cheaper.

    Voxelcrafting using mouse cursor

    You might feel more comfortable working on these voxel flavored crafting recipes if your camera wasn't constantly moving around. To do this, open any dialog or hold Alt to unlock the mouse.

Charcoal Pit

An important resource going into the copper age will be The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (404)charcoal. It is one of the few fuels that burns hot enough to melt down The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (405)copper nuggets in a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (406)crucible, so you can pour it into The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (407)molds. This takes a lot of

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (408)firewood

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (409)

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (410)

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (411)4

and some time. I recommend to do this sooner rather than later, so you can get right into smelting that copper when you have enough of it.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (412) To turn firewood into The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (413)charcoal, you need to create a structure called a charcoal pit. This can be as small as a single block or as large as 13x13x13, surrounded by solid, non-flammable blocks such as The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (414)soil, filled entirely with The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (415)firewood piles.

To begin the charring process, a firepit needs to be placed on top of one of the firewood piles, lit with a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (417)torch, and then covered up. If you hear a burning sound, get in there and save as much wood as you can! However, if done correctly, you will see smoke particles being emitted from the entire structure, and it'll be done in 18 in-game hours for you to The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (418)dig out. Each of the piles of 32 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (419)firewood will turn into 6 The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (420)charcoal on average.

Farming & Husbandry

Planting Bushes

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (421) The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (422)Blueberry, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (423)cranberry as well as The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (424)black, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (425)red and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (426)white currant bushes can be found in groups in many places. They're the most carefree food source that's also incredibly easy to relocate. Currant bushes can be stacked up to 2 blocks high.

They take about 4½ days to flower, another 4½ to ripen, and then you have 16 days to harvest them before they start to go bare on their own. Bushes are currently not affected by the climate or The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (427)soil type. Be aware that friendly neighborhood The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (428)raccoons will happily harvest berries from ripe bushes for you... and eat them.

Farming Crops

Soil Fertility
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (429)Low25
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (430)Medium50
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (431)Compost165
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (432)Terra Preta280
Nutrients Speed
> 530%
≤ 510%
Fertilizer N P K
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (433)Bonemeal 3300
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (434)Saltpeter 13044
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (435)Potash 0066
Crop Stages Days Nutrients
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (436)Rye 95.040 N
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (437)Spelt 94.440
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (438)Turnip 53.030
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (439)Cabbage4 126.540
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (440)Onion 73.635 P
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (441)Parsnip 86.020
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (442)Pumpkin4,5 83.530
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (443)Flax 94.250 K
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (444)Rice 104.250
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (445)Carrot 74.040
The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (446)Soybean 115.435

Different types of The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (447)soil can be tilled using a The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (448)hoe. Higher quality soil results in more fertile The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (449)farmland, which also determines the natural maximum amount of nutrients. For example, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (450)Terra Preta will till into a farmland block with 80 nutrients for each nutrient type.

Each crop requires wet farmland and one of 3 nutrients (N, P or K) to grow. The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (451)Water can hydrate up to 3 blocks away from it.3 The crop's growth speed depends on how many nutrients of its required type are available in the ground. For example, when the nutrient levels are at N=65, P=45, K=15, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (452)turnips will grow at 100% speed, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (453)onions at 90% and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (454)carrots at 30%.

Thus, you need to do crop rotation: When you harvest a crop, plant one that requires a different nutrient (ideally the highest), or leave the farmland bare. The block/entity info HUD (B) shows you the current nutrient levels.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (455)Farmland slowly regains its nutrients, as long as a fully grown crop isn't currently residing on it. Another way to increase nutrients, is to use fertilizers, which will slowly release nutrients into a single farmland block over time, up to a maximum of 100.

Another function of bare The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (456)farmland is that it grows tall grass and, quite a bit more rarely, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (457)horsetail as well.

You will have to build trenches, walls or The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (458)fences around your crops, or else The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (459)hares will snack on them. Thankfully, they will drop the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (460)seeds for you to recover, as long as you don't let them despawn.

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (461)

Farming Trees

Chopping down large trees takes a lot of time. The more The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (462)logs and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (463)leaves will be broken once the breaking process finishes, the longer it takes to chop.1 Fortunately, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (464)axes will only take damage for each log broken.

If you want to gather more The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (465)saplings, clear out the The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (466)leaves away from trees before cutting them down, especially branchy ones.2 Whether you just use your hand, or some The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (467)shears to speed up the process, you will gain significantly more saplings (and The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (468)sticks) this way.

Once planted, The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (469)saplings take 6½ days on average to grow into their respective tree.


Animal Husbandry

Cooking Meals

Food Preservation

The Definite Guide to Vintage Story (2024)


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